USDA Study Shows Alkaline Foods Prevent Muscle and Bone Loss

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, May 30, 2008

Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins,
alkaline minerals, fiber that are key to good health.
Now, a newly released study by Agricultural Research
Service (ARS)-funded scientists suggests alkaline
plant foods also may help preserve muscle mass and
bone density in older men and women.

The study was led by physician and nutrition specialist
Bess Dawson-Hughes at the Jean Mayer USDA Human
Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University
in Boston, Mass.

The typical American diet is rich highly acidic in
protein, cereal grains and other acid-producing foods.
In general, such acidic diets generate dietary amounts
of acid each day. With aging, a mild but slowly
increasing metabolic "acidosis" develops, according
to the researchers.

Acidosis appears to trigger a muscle-wasting response.
So the researchers looked at links between measures
of lean body mass and diets relatively high in
alkaline potassium-rich, alkaline-residue producing
fruits and vegetables. Such diets could help neutralize
acidosis. Foods can be considered alkaline or acidic
based on the residues they produce in the body, rather
than whether they are alkaline or acidic themselves.
For example, acidic grapefruits, lemons and limes are
metabolized to alkaline residues because of their high
alkaline potassium bicarbonate content.

The researchers conducted a cross-sectional analysis on
a subset of nearly 400 male and female volunteers aged
65 or older who had completed a three-year
osteoporosis intervention trial. The volunteers'
physical activity, height and weight, and percentage
of lean body mass were measured at the start of the
study and at three years. Their urinary potassium
was measured at the start of the study, and their
dietary data was collected at 18 months.

Based on regression models, volunteers whose diets
were rich in alkaline buffers such as potassium could
expect to have 3.6 more pounds of lean tissue mass
than volunteers with half the higher potassium intake.
That almost offsets the 4.4 pounds of lean tissue that
is typically lost in a decade in healthy men and women
aged 65 and above, according to authors. The study was
published in the March issue of the American Journal
of Clinical Nutrition.

Sarcopenia, or loss of muscle mass, can lead to falls
due to weakened leg muscles. The authors encourage
future studies that look into the effects of increasing
overall intake of foods that metabolize to alkaline
residues on muscle mass and functionality.

ARS is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief
scientific research agency.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist
at The pH Miracle Living Center, "a diet high in
protein and/or dairy is a diet high in lactic, uric
and nitric acid when not properly eliminated through
urination, perspiration or defecation will breakdown
connective tissue, muscle tissue and bone. If you
want to maintain or build muscle and bone mass then
get off the acidic animal protein, diary and high
sugar fruits that will eventually break your body
down. Acids are the cause of aging and the best
anti-aging advice is to eat and/or drink 12
servings of alkaline fruits and vegetables every

Dr. Young as tested 100's of foods to determine
their acid/alkaline benefits after digestion.
You can find this list of foods that are alkaline
to heal and build the body and foods that are
acidic that ferment and break down the body by
reading The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle for Diabetes,
The pH Miracle for Weight Loss or you can go to:

Dr. Young has developed a 28 to 1 concentration of
alkaline fruits and vegetables to meet and exceed
the daily USDA requirments. To learn more go to:
More aboutUSDA Study Shows Alkaline Foods Prevent Muscle and Bone Loss

Dr. Robert O. Youngs' Cancer Research Validated by British Scientific Study

Posted by luputtenan2 on Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"A new MRI technique using sodium bicarbonate could
detect a cancerous condition before tumor formation
or tissue degeneration. This experimental alkalizing
test measures tissue acidity and could gauge if
medical or natural treatments are actually working,"
according to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist
at the pH Miracle Living Center.

A new imaging technique that relies on naturally
occurring baking soda or sodium bicarbonate
in the body could help pinpoint a cancerous condition
earlier and quickly gauge if treatments are working,
British researchers said on Wednesday.

The non-invasive method uses magnetic resonance
imaging to measure changes in alkaline pH -- or acidity --
in tissue that is often the hallmark of a cancerous
condition and other conditions such as heart dis-ease
and strokes, said Kevin Brindle of the University of
Cambridge, who led the study.

Currently there are no safe ways to measure tissue pH
levels in humans but doing so is important because
tumors, for example, are far more acidic than surrounding

According to Dr. Young, "the urine pH is a simple and
an inexpensive way to determine the acid/alkaline pH
of the body tissues. When the morning urine pH is
below 7.2 this indicates tissue acidosis and a
potential for a cancerous condition in the body

"You are imaging not just tissue structure but tissue
function," said Brindle, whose study is published in
the journal Nature. "We wanted to measure tissue pH,
which is a surrogate for dis-ease."

"Disease is the expression of an over-acidic body."
states Dr. Young

The researchers injected mice with a tagged form of
sodium bicarbonate -- an alkali more commonly seen in
baking soda -- that occurs naturally in the body and
balances acidity of the body, Brindle said.

They used MRI to see how much of the tagged sodium
bicarbonate was converted into carbon dioxide within
the tumor. In more acidic tumors, more bicarbonate
is converted into carbon dioxide.

"The body tissues use sodium bicarbonate as a primary
buffer to maintain the natural alkaline design of the
tissues and to prevent degeneration of that specific
tissue," states Dr. Young.

The researchers measured pH levels using an emerging
technique called dynamic nuclear polarization that
boosts MRI sensitivity more than 10,000 times.

The method developed by GE's GE Healthcare unit
involves cooling down molecules to near absolute zero
and then warming them up quickly -- a process that
keeps them polarized and easier to detect as an

"MRI can pick up on the abnormal acidic pH levels found
in cancerous tissues and it is possible that this could
be used to pinpoint where the disease is present and
when it is responding to treatment," Brindle said.

The next step is testing the technique in humans in
early stage clinical trials expected to start in 2009,
he added in a telephone interview.

According Dr. Young, "hyper-alkalization of the body
tissues with sodium bicarbonate is the safest and most
effective and natural way of reversing ANY cancerous

To learn more about hyper-alklization of the body
tissues and preventing or reversing a cancerous
condition listen to The pH Miracle for Cancer.

The pH Miracle for Cancer by Dr. Robert O. Young
More aboutDr. Robert O. Youngs' Cancer Research Validated by British Scientific Study

The Scientific Method vs. The Empirical Method

Posted by luputtenan2 on Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The scientific method, is like all methods of
evaluation. It based upon empirical evidence,
that is based upon the anecdotal reports of
the investigator. The report is done using a
series of controls, and hopefully replicated
prior to publication. With some luck, other
researchers will be able to duplicate the
results. This is the method chosen by the
Medical profession for evaluation of their

The great majority of treatments rendered by
the Medical profession that do not utilize
medications are not "scientifically " proven.
One of these methods of treatments is surgery.
Yes, people have been cut on, and repaired for
thousands of years all without the need for a
"scientific evaluation" and true scientific

The natural health care professions, like Dr.
Robert O. Young do not have billions of dollars
each year to do research. They have adopted a
different method of proof that works, and has
a history of reliability that goes back millennial.

The natural health care professionals primarily
utilize anecdotal reports based upon empirical
evidence of the investigator. No controls are
generally utilized. The basis of a report to
their profession is outcome based. The investigator
utilizes a certain treatment they have developed
that has consistently delivered a specific result
in practical application. The report is published,
and other members of the profession then utilize
the method and evaluate it to it's effectiveness.
If effective, it becomes generally accepted, and
becomes part of the curriculum of their profession.

There isn't a single person alive on this planet
today, that does not owe their existence to the
healing ability of someone that utilized a non-
scientific method to heal a direct relative of
theirs somewhere in the distant past.

The scientific method has immense value, but the
costs involved in it's usage are enormous. The
problem with the scientific method is that it is
used as a selective standard. It's lack is applied
to the Natural Health Care professional as a
bludgeon in an attempt to tear them down and
destroy them. Meanwhile the wielder of the
bludgeon blithely ignores that the Medical
profession basis much of it's treatment on the
same evaluation process as the Natural Health
Care professions.

This whole argument is about limiting competition.
If the powers that be don't like the fact the Natural
Health Care profession do not utilize the scientific
method, they should fund our research adequately.

The natural health care profession provides 25% of
the health care in the US. So why not spend 25% of
the NIH budget on Natural Health Care research?

That would only be 6 Billion dollars.... a year.

In the meantime, we continue to have excellent
results using the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet
to help thousands of folks around the world
improve the quality and quantity of life -
regardless of the condition of health!

Bottom line people are interested in the
result not the research.

To learn more about the science and work of
Dr. Robert and Shelley Young go to:

Dr. Youngs' personal facebook:

Shelley Youngs' personal facebook:

The pH Miracle Fan Club:

To receive daily newsletters go to:
More aboutThe Scientific Method vs. The Empirical Method

Call for End to UNAIDS by British Medical Journal

Posted by luputtenan2

"Why a UN agency for HIV and not for acidic
symptoms of pneumonia or diabetes, which both
conditions of dis-ease or acidity kill more people?
UNAIDS mandate is wrong and harmful," states
Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist
from the pH Miracle Living Center.

Writing in the May 2008 British Medical Journal,
health management expert Roger England asserts
that the joint United Nations program on HIV and
AIDS should be "closed down rapidly." England is
chairman of Health Systems Workshop, an independent
advisory group on health management in poor countries.
According to England, UNAIDS should be disbanded as
its mandate is wrong and harmful.

Launched in 1996, UNAIDS is based in Switzerland
and works in more than 80 countries worldwide
against the alleged spread of HIV and AIDS.
Writing in the May 2008 issue of the British Medical
Journal (BMJ), England says the UNAIDS agency was
set up on the argument that AIDS and its impact are
exceptional and need more attention, effort and
funding than all other health threats faced by
the world today.

England says AIDS is a major problem in southern
Africa, but it is not a global catastrophe. He
also asserts that language from a top UNAIDS
official that describes AIDS as one of the make-
or-break forces of this century potential threat
to the survival and well-being of people worldwide,
is sensationalist.

Worldwide, he states, the number of deaths from
HIV each year is about the same as that among
children aged under five years in India.

England argues that far too much is spent on HIV
relative to other needs and that this is damaging
health systems. HIV causes 3.7% of global mortality
but receives 25% international healthcare aid and
a big chunk of domestic expenditure.

HIV exceptionalism is dead, he says, and the writing
is on the wall for UNAIDS.

Why a UN agency for AIDS and not for pneumonia or
diabetes, which both kill more people?

UNAIDS should be closed down rapidly, not because
it has performed badly given its mandate, but
because its mandate is wrong and harmful. Its
technical functions should be refitted into
[the World Health Organization], to be
balanced with those for other diseases.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
scientist from the pH Miracle Living Center,
"AIDS is a consequence of lifestyle and dietary
choice and is not caused by HIV or any other
virus. Metabolic and dietary acids are the
sole cause of all sickness and dis-ease
including AIDS. The best treatment for AIDS
is simply and alkaline lifestyle and diet.
It works!"

To learn more about the cause and cure for AIDS
read, Sick and Tired and A Second Thought About
Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis by
Dr. Robert O. Young.

More aboutCall for End to UNAIDS by British Medical Journal

One Sickness, One Dis-ease and One Treatment!

Posted by luputtenan2 on Monday, May 26, 2008

Chronic acidic illnesses of all kinds are now
appearing in astronomical rates. A recent
comprehensive review found that neurological
disorders have been grossly underestimated and
that neurodegenerative dis-eases are reaching
frightening proportions among both our youth
and older populations.

Stage four inflammatory acidosis dis-eases (lupus,
rheumatoid arthritis, etc.), certain stage seven
degenerative acidosis including all cancerous
conditions (leukemia, multiple myeloma, and lymphoma)
and a number of stage one and two acidosis including
endocrine-related disorders, chronic fatigue, and
PMS have all exploded in recent years. So, what
gives? The majority of “savants” have concluded that
most of these problems have an environmental cause,
which means we are doing this to ourselves.

The big question is, what environmental acidic
toxins are responsible? The evidence indicates that
a wide assortment of lifestyle and dietary acids
acting together in an additive or synergistic way
cause these quasi-epidemics.

There is general agreement that a drastic change
in our lifestyles and diets over the decades, with
heavy doses of acidic junk foods and other acidic
foods with poor nutritional content, also contributes
heavily to our problems. One of the major changes has
been a huge increase in the acid MSG, which is acidifying
to the brain, in our diets. MSG raises the amount of
the amino acid glutamate in the brain, which in high
levels, can cause the fermentation and death of
nerve cells.

Since many people try to avoid MSG (monosodium glutamate),
food manufacturers have disguised its presence. We
frequently see MSG hiding behind such innocent-
sounding names as hydrolyzed protein, vegetable
protein, soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate,
whey protein, and natural flavoring, spices, enzymes,
autolyzed yeast extract, stock, broth and carrageenan,
which are all acidifying to the blood and tissues.

It is important to realize that when humans eat a
meal containing acidic MSG, their blood levels of
potentially acidic glutamate rise 19 times to as
much as 50 times higher than normal. This is
sufficient to ferment and rot your brain.

For more information on MSG and its devastating effects
on the body, read Sick and Tired by Dr. Robert and
Shelley Young.

Combined with the excessive use of acidic vaccines,
which also triggers fermentation within the brain,
dietary acids can have devastating effects on brain
function. This is especially true if the vaccine
contains mercury, such as the acidic flu vaccine.
For more information on the dangers of acidic
vaccines, read A Second Thought Concerning Viruses,
Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis, by Dr. Robert
Young, found at the end of the Sick and Tired book.

Americans eat a tremendous amount of the acid sugar,
especially in sweetened drinks and colas, which is
also acidic to the brain. A 12-ounce cola contains
9 tablespoons of sugar and has a pH of 2.5 with an
ORP of +450 mV, which is 10,000 times more acidifying
to the blood and tissues then purified water. Since
1974 cola consumption has doubled, even among the
elderly. Diet colas are not a solution either — the
acid aspartame found in many diet drinks is a powerful
brain acid and accumulates in the brain as the
acid formaldehyde.

Foods that are highly acidic and a risk factor for
dis-ease are corn, peanuts, peanut oil, soy sauce,
vinegar, all animal proteins, all dairy products, all
sugar including natural sugar and carbohydrates like
bread and pastas are also known to significantly
interfere with brain function. They can also lead to
a number of health challenges, such as insomnia,
anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive behavior,
anger, aggressiveness, suicide, and criminal behavior.

For more information on our book, Sick and Tired,
Reclaim Your Inner Terrain, and to learn more about
the one sickness, one disease and one treatment go to:

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, "there
is only one sickness and one dis-ease and that
is the over-acidification of the blood then
tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating
and thinking. And if there is only one sickness
and one dis-ease then there is only one treatment!
The one treatment is to maintain the alkaline
design of the body with an alkaline lifestyle and
diet. It is truly that simple."
More aboutOne Sickness, One Dis-ease and One Treatment!

The Symptoms Of Diabetes

Posted by luputtenan2

One of the first steps you can take to prevent getting diabetes is to know when you are at risk for developing it. Of course then the next step is to be able to recognize the symptoms of diabetes. Type II Diabetes is a very serious disease that will have health effects for the rest of your life; however, if you catch it early, it can be treated with exercise and by changing your eating habits. In order to detect it early, you need to know the symptoms you are looking for.
There are many factors that can put you at high risk for diabetes, including age, genetics, obesity, and even ethnicity. Also your shape has something to do with it, with apple shaped people more likely to end up with diabetes, as well as high blood pressure and cholesterol. Also, a history of gestational diabetes can also raise the risk for women, or even having a baby that was more than 9 pounds when born. If you have any of these risk factors, then it is important that you are tested on a regular basis.
Since diabetes symptoms often are very near to other problems or the signs of aging, many times they are often overlooked. Many people can actually live with diabetes for many years and never even know it. However, diabetes that is left untreated can lead to some severe complications, such as nerve damage, kidney failure, heart disease, and even loss of vision.
One of the main symptoms of diabetes is excessive thirst. This occurs because the body has to get rid of the excess sugar through the urine, since the brain thinks that the blood needs to be diluted. Also, increased urination is another symptom, since this is how the body has to get rid of all the extra sugar. Overeating can be a symptom as well, since the increase of insulin can make you feel hungry. Also, since there is more blood sugar, often cuts don't heal as they should, since the white blood cells cannot carry out their anti-infection and healing functions as usual. Many people who deal with diabetes also feel fatigued or lethargic, since their body is not getting the fuel needed from glucose. Instead their body metabolizes fat cells instead, which takes more energy, making them feel tired. Weight loss can also be a symptom of this type of diabetes.
Many people suffer from other symptoms of diabetes as well. Some may include altered mental states, dry mouth, and even blurry vision. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms yourself, it is important that you have your blood sugar checked out by your physician. Detecting this problem early can help you avoid having long term complications if you have a good treatment plan that you follow carefully.
By Nicholas Hurd
Nick Hurd writes about aging and baby boomer generation and how to not only cope with the changes, but live a very healthy and active life. Information for baby boomers and beyond. More information is available about diabetes and diabetics.
You'll also find other health related information like Hearing Aids for those of us over 50 and not hearing as well as we once did.
Copyright 2008 Nicholas Hurd all rights reserved
More aboutThe Symptoms Of Diabetes

Acids Are The Cause of Overweight and Underweight

Posted by luputtenan2 on Sunday, May 25, 2008

We all know that multiple trips to the acidic buffet
for fatty acidic fried foods and sugary acidic
deserts will pile on the pounds of protection. But
no matter how carefully you watch your diet, stealth
saboteurs may be making it difficult for you to
shed extra pounds of acids. Several of the most
common diet saboteurs you may not suspect -- and how
to counteract them -- are:

1. Lack of Sleep. Recent research has shown that a
lack of sleep stresses your body physiologically and
causes the body to store the acids into fat more.
Counteract by getting eight hours of restful sleep
each night.

2. Stress. Stress throws the body into survival mode
where metabolism slows and the body stores fuel. In
addition, it dumps metabolic acids into your system,
such as cortisol and other hormones, which tend to
cause weight gain in the abdomen. Fight stress by
exercising, deep breathing and relaxation techniques.

3. Medications. Many prescription drugs are acidic,
including some used to treat depression, migraine,
blood pressure, and diabetes can cause weight gains
as drastic as ten pounds a month! Other acidic
medications, such as steroids and oral contraceptives,
can also cause weight gain as the body uses fat as
a buffer for acidic drugs. If you've had weight gain
with no change in lifestyle, check your medication
and talk to your doctor. You may want to consider
a more alkaline lifestyle and diet.

4. Lack of Alkaline Hydration. The body needs water
and the right kind of water to flush acidic waste
products from diet and metabolism. If the body
is not receiving adequate alkaline hydration acids
cannot be eliminated and are therefore stored into
the fatty acids. The body will also retain fat from
the diet to store excess acids from lifestyle and
diet not being eliminated because of a lack of
alkaline water consumption. You may want to
consider increasing your alkaline water consumption
to 1 liter per 30 pounds of weight to begin
detoxing the body of excess acidity.

To learn more about losing dietary and metabolic
acids retained by the fat of the body or in the
connective tissues causing obesity and symptoms
of fibromyalgia dread The pH Miracle for Weight
Loss by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
scientist from the pH Miracle Living Center
states, "fat is not the problem with over or
underweight - it is the acidic waste products
from our lifestyle and diet. The body retains
fat to park excess acids away from the organs
that sustain life. Therefore, the retention of
fat on the body is a natural protection mechanism
to sustain and preserve life. If one is overweight
or underweight then the treatment is simple - get
off the acidic lifestyle and diet and the body
will naturally and easily lose all the excess
weight or start gaining healthy weight. It is
important to remember that the only cause of
excess weight or underweight is an acidic
lifestyle and diet."
More aboutAcids Are The Cause of Overweight and Underweight

Mom Was Right - Eat Your Green Vegetables and Fruits

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, May 23, 2008

Everyone knows green vegetables and fruits are good
for you, having the ability to stave off everything
from heart dis-ease to diabetes to a cancerous condition.
But the way they’re prepared — or not prepared — has a
bearing on how many vital electrical nutrients can
actually be used by our bodies. And there’s always
the problem, of course, of getting them down our gullets
in the first place. Here’s the skinny on how to prepare
them and consume them, and perhaps persuade our loved
ones, including children, to eat them, too.

Cooked or Raw: The popular conception is that raw is
always best, but this is often not true. “For fruits
and vegetables, a lot of times a little bit of cooking
and a little bit of processing actually can be helpful,”
said Dr. Steven Clinton, a nutrition researcher in the
medical oncology division of Ohio State University.
For instance, in the case of the potent antioxidant
lycopene, which is a carotenoid present in tomatoes
and other red vegetables, cooking breaks down cell
walls in tomatoes, releasing the lycopene. Further,
cooking tomatoes in olive oil may help the body absorb
the lycopene more easily.

However, at the same time that cooking tomatoes
releases lycopene, it destroys much of the acidic
vitamin C, which is a good thing. Another example of
a nutritional trade-off is carrots — cooked carrots
provide more vitamin A than raw, but raw carrots
provide more fiber. The simple answer to these two
vegetable nutritional dilemmas and others like them
is to eat vegetables both cooked and raw.

How Much is Enough: It’s a lot, especially if you
don’t like alkaline fruits and vegetables, but more
on that in a moment. Current guidelines recommend
5 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables a day,
which translates to somewhere between about two cups
and six cups a day. For someone who consumes about
2,000 calories a day, this means eating nine servings
or about four and a half cups a day.

How to Get Everyone, Including Yourself, to Eat Fruits
and Vegetables: Remember George H.W Bush’s comment
about broccoli? “I do not like broccoli,” he famously
said. “And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid
and my Mother made me eat it. And I'm President of the
United States and I'm not going to eat any more
broccoli.” While it may be too late to change the
former President’s tastes, it’s never too early to
interest your own children in fruits and vegetables,
according to Julie Menella, a researcher at the Monell
Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. She believes
that Moms need to eat foods such as broccoli during
pregnancy, or barring that, eat them while breast-
feeding, since flavors from the mother’s diet are
transmitted through amniotic fluid and mother’s milk.

"For those of us who have already been weaned, there
may still be some hope. While the answer certainly
does not lie in acidic French fried potatoes and acidic
deep-fried dill pickles, it does lie, at least in part,
in adding liberal amounts of alkaline oils to alkaline
fruits and vegetables, and also in cooking with
organic vegetables, states Dr. Robert O. Young, a
research scientist at The pH Miracle Living Center.

According to Dr. Young, "conventional broccoli, for
instance, often has an off-taste that is slightly
fishy, while fresh organic broccoli that is lightly
steamed and served with cold pressed olive or avocado
oil, drizzled over it with a dash of lemon juice,
and spritzes of colloidal Young pHorever pHlavor
sea salt can be outrageously delicious and at least
palatable to most tastes."

"For those children or adults who are having a
difficult time ingesting liberal amounts of organic
alkaline fruits and vegetables then I suggest taking
encapsulated concentrated organic fruits and vegetables
called Young pHorever pHruits and pHoliage or Doc
Broc Rocks, with broccoli and broccoli sprouts,"
states Dr. Young.

Purchase a bottle of Young pHorever pHruits and
receive a free bottle of Young pHorever pHoliage
or purchase one bottle of Doc Broc Rocks with
broccoli and broccoli sprouts and
receive an extra bottle for free.
More aboutMom Was Right - Eat Your Green Vegetables and Fruits

Prevention Is The Cure For Heart Dis-ease and Stroke

Posted by luputtenan2

Chronic conditions such as heart disease and
stroke have surpassed infectious diseases as
the leading causes of deaths worldwide, according
to a U.N. study released this week.

That is partly because of acidic diets in developing
countries such as China and the fact that those
with outfectious dis-eases are living longer
because of advanced treatments, according to
health officials.

The United Nations' World Health Organization had
predicted that cardiovascular disease would overtake
infectious diseases as the most common cause of death,
but not until 2010.

"Countries like China that once had a low-meat diet
and thrived on wheat, corn and rice have increasingly
become urbanized and developed," said Dr. Thomas
Aversano, associate professor of cardiology at
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

But the fact that people in countries like China
are eating fattier foods as a result of a recent
boom in Western fast-food outlets, Aversano said,
doesn't mean the overall standard of living has

"If you look at a specific population at risk for
coronary disease, like China, the mortality rate
doesn't increase," he said. "We may be looking at
an increase [in coronary disease] because other
diseases have decreased."

In fact, mortality rates worldwide have decreased
in the past 30 years as more people are living
longer and the global population is growing,
Aversano said.

The WHO report, released Monday, collected data
based on 73 health indicators, including mortality
levels and risk factors such as smoking and alcohol

It showed that other developing countries -- where
dis-eases such as AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria are
still prevalent -- are also seeing a rise in deaths
attributed to chronic acidic conditions, such as
heart disease and stroke.

Aversano said the drop in mortality rates for such
infectious diseases has opened the door for heart
disease and stroke. But he also cautioned that
increases in life expectancy, higher standards of
living and poorer diets -- which have changed in
the past several decades -- must also be taken
into consideration.

Nearly 17 million people die every year from
cardiovascular disease, according to WHO data.
Another 20 million people survive heart attacks
and strokes each year, and many must undergo
costly clinical care, the WHO said.

Although chronic conditions have become the
leading cause of death worldwide, Aversano
stressed that coronary diseases are still highly
treatable as medical therapies continue to advance.

But he also noted that promoting healthy alkaline
diets, teaching teenagers about the risks of smoking,
and warning adults about hypertension and diabetes
can also lower the risk of coronary disease.

"The most important preventative strategy is education,"
he said.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist
at the pH Miracle Living Center, "people need more
education not medication. That education must include
how to prevent dis-ease by maintaining the alkaline
design of the body through an alkaline lifestyle and


More aboutPrevention Is The Cure For Heart Dis-ease and Stroke

The Use of Cell Phones During Pregnancy is Harmful To The Mother and Baby

Posted by luputtenan2 on Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Moms-to-be who use cell phones during their
pregnancies may seriously damage their babies,
says new research from a scientist who previously
believed that cell phones had no adverse effect
on unborn children.

A study by UCLA Professor Leeka Kheifets found
that pregnant moms who regularly used cell phones
were much more likely to have a child who had
emotional problems and hyperactivity by the time
they reached school age. Previously, Kheifets had
been skeptical of links between cell phones and
behavior disorders and had written there was no
proof of "any adverse health effect."

Researchers at UCLA, along with Danish colleagues
at the university in Aarhus, studied the moms of
over 13,000 children born in Denmark in the late
1990s, including their use of cell phones during
pregnancy and their children's cell phone use.
Children whose moms used cell phones as few as two
or three times a day were 54 percent more likely
to develop behavioral problems. And children who
used mobile phones themselves before the age of
seven increased their risk by 80 percent.

The study follows close on the heels of a Russian
study which found that using cell phones while
pregnant is "not much lower than the risk to
children's health from tobacco or alcohol."

"The electro-magnetic fields coming from a cell
phone can range from 5 gauss to 100 gauss. The
Environmental Protection Agency has stated that
EMF in excess of 3 gauss is harmful to humans.
I have seen the negative effects of EMF on the
blood of those using cell phones for long periods
of time. I have recommended for years that a woman
during pregnancy should not use a cell phone, smoke,
drink alcohol or carbonated drinks or eat acidic
foods like beef, chicken, pork or dairy products.
The health of the unborn child is determined
by the health of the blood and the health of the
blood is determined by a womans' lifestyle and
dietary choices. Having a healthy and happy baby
can be assured when a woman is following an
alkaline lifestyle and diet," states Dr. Robert O. Young,
a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center.
More aboutThe Use of Cell Phones During Pregnancy is Harmful To The Mother and Baby

The Health and Energy Benefits of Liquid Diamond, Ruby and Sapphire

Posted by luputtenan2 on Sunday, May 18, 2008

Precious and semi-precious gemstones emit
concentrated rays of strong, pure 'Chi'

For example, ruby emits hot, red rays and is
used to mediate dis-ease arising from cold
and dampness.

Tibetan and Indian Doctors employ the heat
of Ruby to deal with problems like varicose
ulcer, low blood pressure, low libido,
constipation and anemia - these are all
cold dis-eases.

Ruby raises the skin and body temperature,
increases the metabolic rate and circulation
and also increases muscle tension. Ruby is
beneficial for clients with a large, heavy
body type and a slow and cold physiological

In contrast, emerald emits cold green rays
and is used to mediate dis-ease arising from
too much heat - burns, contusions, anorexia,
diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach
ulcers, cystitis and eczema are some examples.

The green rays of Emerald lower skin and body
temperature, reduce libido, slow the metabolic
rate and circulation and relax muscle tension.

Anyone can confirm these effects by monitoring
the client's pulse or using thermometers or a
blood pressure meter, before and after treatment
with Gem medicines.

The following is a list of the various precious
and semi-precious gemstones and their healing

Gem Color Energy and Healing Properties

1)Ruby Red Hot, heating, drying, energizing,

2)Pearl Orange Cooling, moist and harmonizing,

3)Coral Yellow Warm, enlivening, cleansing

4)Emerald Green Cold, unifying and solidifying,

5)Topaz Blue Cool, soft, satisfying,

6)Diamond Indigo Stimulating, invigorating
and clarifying, antiseptic, antidepressant

7)Sapphire Violet Cool, tranquillizing, soothing,
analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic

8)Chrysoberyl Infra-red Soft, deep penetrating
heat, drying, energizing

9)Zircon Ultra violet Coldest ray of all,
used in cases of excess heat.

The types of gems used by Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc.
are those used traditionally in holistic medicine
throughout India, Tibet, the Middle East and Europe.

Gems are reservoirs of pure radiating energy!

The white light from the Sun has a broad spectrum,
made up of seven bands of frequencies. These color
bands can be seen in a rainbow. Gemstones emit
concentrated rays of pure color. The light of the
Sun or color therapy lamps only just penetrate the
skin, their beneficial effect has to be carried
deeper by the blood.

When we stand in front of a coal fire, invisible,
low frequency infra-red rays pass through the
body. Infra-red creates the feeling of heat in
the body by speeding up the electron activity
inside the atoms of tissue and bone marrow as
the rays pass through.

All warm-blooded animals enjoy the input of
energy from infra-red rays. Cold weather slows
our vibrational rate, our muscles go tense, we
shiver, using up electrons of energy in order
to generate heat.

Infra-red rays raise our atomic vibrational
rate and relax our endocrine system.

The concentrated rays of gemstones influence
cellular activity at an atomic level where
gross chemical drugs cannot penetrate.

The beam of a hospital's Ruby laser is several
times hotter than the surface of the Sun. It
vaporises molecules on contact and can cut
through almost any substance. Many crystalline
materials can transform energy from one level
to another.

Lasers are a dramatic example of the power of
gemstones. Gemstone rays can pass through the
body and influence cellular behavior in a similar
way to infra-red rays. The color of the gem
stone determines its effect on the living

Natural crystals or gemstones?

Most people confuse crystal therapy and gem
therapy, thinking them to be the same. Quartz
crystals do not have much color and their
energy is non-specific.

The energy of large crystals can be pleasant
or irritating depending on who is using the
crystal and what it is being used for. For
this reason crystals have to be continually
cleansed and purified. Quartz crystals are
not ascribed any specific medicinal properties
in the textbooks of traditional Indian medicine,
although they are mentioned.

Quartz crystals act as amplifiers and are
dependent on the of the integrity of the
therapist using them.

Gemstones have stable, inherent medicinal
properties that anyone can use. These properties
are independent of the person applying them.
Therefore their use is consistent and repeatable.

Gemstones give superior results over natural
crystals or geological samples. The more luster
and 'fire' emitted by the gemstone, the more
effective for health benefits.

Listed below are some of the most commonly used
gemstones developed by Dr. Robert O. Young for
restoring health, energy and vitality. These
energy supplements are available on our website at:

LIQUID DIAMOND is the first of the following
energy supplements being released. We are now
releasing Liquid Sapphire with Vanadium,
Liquid Sapphire and now Liquid Ruby with B-12.

LIQUID SAPPHIRE is indicated for alopecia,
backache, dandruff, dysmenorrhea, earache,
eczema, gout, headache, inflammation, laryngitis,
lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, orchitis, otorrhea,
Diabetes, Parkinson symptoms, pericarditis,
pharyngitis, psoriasis, vertigo. Blue Sapphire
'Chi' is cool, tranquillizing, soothing,
analgesic, sedative and antispasmodic.

LIQUID RUBY with B-12 is indicated for
varicose, veins, ulcers, low blood pressure,
low libido, constipation and anemia,
low thyroid, fatigue and tiredness.

Combining natural healing with the energy of
gemstones can influence the cohesion and
vibrational rate of cells, organs or glands.

The levels and the quality of the 'Chi' energy
in gemstones can be increased and its quality
adjusted and controlled through a colloidal
process and then released when ingested to give
you increased health, energy and vitality.

1) Liquid Colloidal Diamond
2) Liquid Colloidal Sapphire with Vanadium
3) Liquid Colloidal Sapphire
4) Liquid Colloidal Ruby with B-12
Size: 4 ounce bottle
Price: 59.00 plus S&H each
Take 10 to 15 drops under the tongue


Alphonso The Great, Lapidary, Translation
from Arabic into Mediaeval Spanish, Circa
11th Century.
Becker, R.O., M.D., The Body Electric, Quill.
Bhasin, J.N., Dr., Medical Astrology, Saga
Publications, New Delhi.
Bhattacharya, A.K., Dr., Gem Therapy, KLM
Publications, Calcutta.
Casteneda, Carlos, Ph.D., The Fire From Within,
Black Swan.
Hunt, R., Seven Keys To Colour Healing,
Harper & Row.
Johari, H., The Healing Power Of Gemstones,
Destiny Books.
Lad, Vasant, Dr., Ayurveda, Lotus Press.
Oldfield, H. & Coghill, R., The Dark Side
Of The Brain.
Rao, J., Dr., Medical Astrology, Saga Press,
New Delhi.
Saha, N.N., Dr., Healing Through Gems,
Sterling Press.
Sjolund & Eriksson, Electro Acupuncture
and Endogenous Morphines. Lancet, v.xx.
2nd 1976
Snellgrove, Brian. The Unseen Self.
Kirlian Photography Explained.
Study by UCLA, Electronic Evidence of
Auras and Chakras, Mind Brain Bulletin,
Vol. 3, No. 9, March 1978.
Woodroffe, Sir John, The Serpent Power,
Dover Press.

As someone that looks to improve their health we are pleased to offer you this free audio, an excerpt of a powerful two hour interview with Dr Robert O. Young and Anthony Robbins. (it is free to listen!)

Click here to listen:

I trust you'll enjoy this...

Not part of our healing alkaline community?
Visit our website at:

To learn more about the science of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young go to:

'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.' St. Augustine

'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke

'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein

pH Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California 92082 US

© Copyright 2008 - Dr. Robert O. Young
All rights are reserved. Content may be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated,
or transferred, for single use, or by nonprofit organizations for educational
purposes, if correct attribution is made to Dr. Robert O. Young.
More aboutThe Health and Energy Benefits of Liquid Diamond, Ruby and Sapphire

The Importance of the Sun and Vitamin D

Posted by luputtenan2 on Saturday, May 17, 2008

Evidence is growing that vitamin D, which the
skin makes from sunshine, is linked to lower
risk of cancerous breasts and other cancerous
conditions. But that doesn't mean it's good to
get a golden tan — and certainly not a sunburn.
Getting a golden tan or a sunburn is the
evidence that the dietary and/or metabolic acids
of the skin have been crystallized by the UV light
of the sun. This is what causes skin cancer.

Vitamin D is also in certain foods and dietary
supplements, though the effectiveness varies.
Here's the thoughts to consider:

Q: How much sun should I get?

A: Dr. Young suggests just 15 to 20 minutes a day
without sunscreen is sufficient and safe for most
light to dark-skinned people.

Q: I'm black. Does my skin absorb enough ultraviolet
rays to produce sufficient vitamin D?

A: In all cases, the answer is yes if you are on an
alkaline. Dr. Young believes the one reason blacks
have higher rates of cancer than whites is because
they tend to eat a diet higher in acidic foods.
Dr. Young suggests vitamin D-3 supplements may be
especially helpful for dark-skinned people. But
you'll have to read the label to find D-3 — most
multivitamins do not contain it.

Q: How much vitamin D do I need?

A: Dr. Young suggests that adults take a minimum of
1,000 international units (IUs) a day, possibly 1,500
for cancer prevention. The government says 2,000 IUs
is the upper daily limit for anyone over one year old.

Q. What about food sources for vitamin D?

A. Vitamin D is in salmon, tuna and other oily fish.
But diet accounts for very little of the vitamin D
circulating in blood.

Q: For years, we've been told to use sunscreen.
Shouldn't we be worried about skin cancer?

A: Skin cancer is caused when the skin is acidic from
an acidic lifestyle and diet and the UV light from the
sun interacts with the acids on the skin. Dr. Young
recommends sunscreen only for longer periods outdoors,
to prevent the UV of the sun interacting with the acids
on the skin. Cancerous skin is 100% preventable with an
alkaline lifestyle and diet. Melanoma, the deadliest
kind of acidic cancers, accounts for less than 2 percent
of cancer deaths. The risks posed by other, more common
acidic cancers is far greater. According to Dr. Young,
"this risk is significantly reduced or eliminated by
maintaining the alkaline design of the body. When we
are eliminating our dietary and/or metabolic acids
through the skin rather then through urination we
run the risk of skin cancer when exposed to the sun.
It is not that the sun is bad. It is the acids on
the skin that are crystallized by the sun that is bad.
This interaction between the sun and the acids on the
skin is eliminated when your skin pH is alkaline at
7.2 or greater. Alkalizing the skin can only happen
from the inside out with an alkaline lifestyle and diet
unless you are using an alkaline sunscreen. I recommend
both. You will find when your skin is alkaline you will
not burn."

Q: Does Dr. Young offer an alkaline sunscreen?

A: Yes, Dr. Young has created the only alkaline
sunscreen on the market, called Sunphilter.
You can find out more about Sunphilter by going to:
More aboutThe Importance of the Sun and Vitamin D

The Coin of Your Life

Posted by luputtenan2

"Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you."
-Carl Sandburg

Imagine there exists a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries forward zero balance from day to day. Every evening, it deletes whatever part of the balance that you failed to use during that day. What would you do?

Each one of us has such a bank; it's called TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night, it writes off, as lost, whatever part of this precious time that you have failed to invest for a worthy purpose.

It carries forward zero balance. It allows no overdrafts. Each day, it opens a new account for you. Each night, it cancels the remains of that day. If you fail to wisely use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no going back. There is no advance drawings against tomorrow. You must live in the present on today's deposits.

To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade. To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby. To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper. To realize the value of ONE DAY, ask a daily wage earner with a family to feed. To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are eagerly waiting to meet each other again. To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask the person who just missed a train. To realize the value of ONE MILLI-SECOND, ask the athlete who just won a silver metal at the Olympics.

Time is like money - you can only spend it once. One fully realizes the importance of time only when there is little of it left. Treasure every minute that you have each day. And treasure it more if you have found someone very special to share your time with. Killing time is not murder; it's suicide. People who kill time have not learned the value of life. Time lost is never found again. Remember that time waits for nobody.

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. It is difficult to live in the present, ridiculous to try to live in the future, and impossible to change the past. Nothing is as far away as one minute ago. Make the most of today. Invest your time so that you earn the utmost in health, happiness, and success. Your clock is running.

"I wasted time, and now doth time waste me."
-William Shakespeare

"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead."
-Hans Christian Andersen

"If you take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves."
-Maria Edgeworth

"A life lived for tomorrow will always be just a day away from being realized."
-Leo Buscaglia

"Live as though it were your last day on Earth. Someday you will be right."
-Robert Anthony

"Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it is your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed."
-Wayne Dyer
More aboutThe Coin of Your Life

Germs Do Not Cause Disease, Dis-Ease or Infection

Posted by luputtenan2

Over the last 25 years I have been researching
the pleomorphic or changeable nature of matter
and the evolution of the microbe or germ. I
am quite satisfied to state after all these
years that microbes or germs are nothing more
then the biological transformation of a physically
or emotionally disturbed plant, animal or human
cell and are not species specific.

In lay terms, I am stating that the germ, like
E-coli, anthrax, streptococcus, etc. are the
evolutionary forms of what use to be a healthy
plant, animal or human cell and are not the cause
of this evolutionary transformation or dis-ease or
infection but the consequence of an altered or
compromised environment within that organized matter.

We can see this evolutionary transformation of matter
every day in the rotting or spoiling of our fruits
and vegetables over time. It is not the microbe or
germ that causes the rotting or spoiling but the
physical reality of what happens to matter when it
is physically or emotionally disturbed.

Once we understand that the microbe or germ is not
a primary species of matter but an evolutionary
transformation of matter then we can understand
that germs of any kind do not and cannot cause
disease or dis-ease or infection of any kind.

Therefore all germs are the physical evidence, where
ever they may be found, of decaying, fermenting,
or changing matter and not the cause of the decaying,
fermenting, or decaying matter.

Ask yourself this question? What comes first the
germ or infection. According to current
medical savants the germ proceeds the infection
by invading the cell and disrupting its normal
healthy state. This is the classic "Pasteuring"

Now for the truth! Neither the germ or the infection
comes first. What comes first is a physical,
emotional or spiritual disturbance which then gives
rise to cellular evolutionary transformation and
the birth of the microbe or germ.

Evolutionary transformation or pleomorphism of any
plant, animal or human cell will produce acidic toxic
waste products which current medical savants confuse
as an infection. There is NO infection - there is
only an outfection. Germs are secondary evolutionary
forms of matter of what use to be a healthy plant,
animal or human cell. Germs are the evidence the
cell is being recycled. Therefore germs are born
in us and from us. There is no invasion of germs and
there is no infection only a cellular pleomorphism and
a subsequent outfection. Any airborne germ can only
contribute to a state of acidic imbalance but cannot
cause ANY specific disease, dis-ease or infection!

To try to kill the germ using current medical thinking
with toxic acidic drugs, like antibiotics, can only
eventually bring premature death to the whole of the
organism! Just as you cannot put out a fire by pouring
kerosene on the fire you cannot change the germ or
the acidic environment by ingesting an acidic toxic

The key then to health and longevity is to
provide an external and internal environment
or terrain that will maintain the healthy
organized state of the primary plant, animal
or human cell. We need to stop treating
disease, dis-ease and infection and start
bringing cleanliness, purity and alkalinity
to the fluids of our body. This has been
the nature of my research and has lead me to
the conclusion that the plant, animal and human
body are alkaline by design and the health and
longevity of the plant, animal and human cell
that makes up that specific organized body is
eternal or infinite in nature, if this alkaline
design is maintained on a daily basis. Life,
energy, health, sickness, disease, dis-ease and
death are in our control with our personal
lifestyle and dietary choices. The world does
not need more medicine. What it needs is more
education and personal empowerment!

"Even Pasteur himself had some doubts about the
method he invented, going so far as to recant his
theory on his deathbed, saying, 'the terrain is
everything, the germ is nothing.' Swayed by newer
studies of internal pH and the nature of
microorganisms as the body moves from an alkaline
pH to an acidic pH, Pasteur made the connection
between the onset of disease and the health
of our own internal flora," states Amelia Glynn
in her article "Pasterization Nation, April 2008,
Common Ground Magazine."

Once you understand the key to health, energy
and longevity is in maintaining the alkaline
design of the body the next step is to implement
an alkalizing lifestyle and diet. I call this
lifestyle and diet program the COWS Plan which
is an acronym that stands for:

C = Chlorophyll - from fruits, vegetables, grasses
and leaves.
O = Oil and Oxygen - from seeds and nuts like hemp,
flax, almond, avocado, exercise and deep breathing.
W = Water - alkaline water with a pH of 9.5
S = Salt, sunshine and sleep - mineral salts
from the sea, sunshine for Vitamin D (at least
30 minutes daily) and adequate rest (at least
6 to 8 hours a day).

The chlorophyll I recommend is 100% organic and
can be found at:

The oil that I recommend is plant based and
100% organic and can be found at:

For increasing oxygen I would recommend daily
exercise up go 60 minutes a day:

The water that I recommend is purified, ionized
9.5 pH water and can be found at:

The mineral salts I recommend can be found at:

In the words of Gandhi, "you must be the change
you want to see."

A few days ago I sent out an email entitled,
"Someone is Trying To Kill Me." This email
could be entitled, "Someone is Trying To Heal Me."
That someone is YOU! You are either killing
yourself with your lifestyle and diet or you
are healing yourself with your lifestyle and
diet. It is your choice. You are free to choose.
I hope and pray you choose wisely.

In love and Light,

Dr. Robert O. Young
More aboutGerms Do Not Cause Disease, Dis-Ease or Infection

Someone Is Trying To Kill Me!

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, May 16, 2008

The following story, "Someone Is Trying To Kill
Me," is a classic reminder that the quality and
quantity of ones life is in direct relationship
to ones daily lifestyle and dietary choices.
This is the message of Dr. Robert and Shelley
Young as they share their "New Biology"
and the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet.

Health and vitality is a consequence of choice
just like sickness and disease. When we begin
to see the truth that cancer, heart dis-ease,
diabetes, depression, heart attack, stroke,
low energy, pain, obesity, etc., are the
consequences of lifestyle and dietary choice
then maybe we will begin to stop doing cancer,
heart dis-ease, diabetes, etc. with our lifestyle
and dietary choices.

As stated so eloquently by Robert Louis Stevenson,
"There will come a time when we all sit down to the
banquet of our consequences."

"The cure for all sickness and dis-ease will not
be found in its treatment but is found in its
prevention." Dr. Robert O. Young.

"If you want to be healthy and strong then you have
to make lifestyle and dietary choices that will bring
you those consequences," states Dr. Young.

"Life is all about choices that lead to consequences.
We can choose health or we can choose sickness and
disease. With each thought, with every move, with
each word spoken and with every food or drink
ingested we determine the quality and quantity of
our life," warns Dr. Young.

And, now for our story . . . . . .

On the morning of his 42nd birthday, Crabwell Grommet
awoke to a peal of particularly ominous thunder.
Glancing out the window with bleary eyes, he saw
written in fiery letters across the sky: "Someone
is trying to kill you, Crabwell Grommet!"

With shaking hands, Grommet lit his first cigarette
of the day. He didn't question the message. You don't
question a message like that. His only question was,
"Who?" At breakfast, as he salted his fried eggs,
he told his wife, Gratia, "Someone is trying to
kill me."

"Who?" she asked with horror? Grommet slowly stirred
the cream and sugar into his coffee and shook his
head. "I don't know!" he replied. Convinced though
he was, Grommet wasn't going to the police with
his story. He decided that his only course of action
was to go about his daily routine and hope somehow
to outwit his would be murderer.

He tried to think on the way to the office but the
frustration of making time by beating red lights
and switching lanes occupied him wholly. Nor once
behind his desk could he find a moment, what with
handling phone calls, urgent emails, and the many
problems and decisions piling up as they did every

It wasn't until his second martini at lunch that
the full terror of his dilemma struck him. It was
all he could do to finish off his Lasagna Milanese.
"I can't panic," he said to himself, lighting his
cigar. "I must simply live my life as usual." So he
worked until seven as usual, studied business reports
as usual, and took his usual two capsules of Seconal
in order to get his usual six hours of sleep.

As the days passed, Crabwell stuck fully to his
routine. As the months passed by, he began to take
a perverse pleasure in his ability to survive.
"Whoever is trying to get me," he's say proudly
to his wife, "hasn't got me yet. I'm too smart
for him." "Oh, please be careful," she'd reply,
ladling him a second helping of her tasty beef

His pride grew and he managed to go on living for
years. But, as it must to all men, death came at
last to Crabwell Grommet. it came at his desk on
a particularly busy day. He was 53.

His wife demanded a full autopsy. But it showed
only emphysema, arterioscleorosis, duodenal ulcers,
cirrhosis of the liver, cardiac necrosis, a
cerebrovascular aneurysm, pulmonary edema, obesity,
circulatory insufficiency, and a touch of lung

"How glad Crabwell would have been to know," said
the widow smiling proudly through her tears, "that
he died of natural causes."

The moral of this story can be found in the words
of Dr. Phil, "When we choose the behavior, we choose
the consequences."

Have you visited The pH Miracle Living website or
the Articles of Health website recently? Please do;
there's lots of great information waiting for you.
Please share this information with others that you
know and love.
More aboutSomeone Is Trying To Kill Me!

Smoking Marijuana Is Acid Forming and May Cause Stroke, Heart Attack or Heart Dis-ease

Posted by luputtenan2 on Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Heavy marijuana use can boost blood levels of a
particular alkaline buffering protein, indicating
a rising risk factor for an acidic heart attack or
stroke, U.S. government researchers said on Tuesday.

Dr. Jean Lud Cadet of the National Institute on
acidic Drug Abuse, part of the National Institutes
of Health, said the findings point to another example
of long-term harm from marijuana. But marijuana
activists expressed doubt about the findings.

Cadet said a lot of previous research has focused
on the effects of marijuana or acid on the brain.
His team looked elsewhere in the body, measuring
blood protein levels in 18 long-term, heavy
marijuana users and 24 other people who did not
use the drug.

Levels of a protein called apolipoprotein C-III
were found to be 30 percent higher in the
marijuana users compared to the others. This
protein is involved in the body's metabolism or
chelation of triglycerides — a type of an acidic
fat found in the blood — and higher levels cause
increased levels of triglycerides (acid bound
fat), Cadet added.

"High levels of triglycerides (acid bound fat) can
build up on the arterial wall causing hardening of
the arteries or thickening of the artery walls,
raising the risk of an acidic stroke, heart attack
and/or heart dis-ease," states Dr. Robert O. Young,
a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living

"Chronic marijuana use is not only causing people
to get high, it's actually causing long-term adverse
effects in patients who use too much of the drug,"
Cadet, whose study is in the journal Molecular
Psychiatry, said in a telephone interview.
"Chronic marijuana abuse is not so benign."

The marijuana users in the study averaged smoking
78 to 350 marijuana cigarettes per week, based on
self-reported drug history, the researchers said.

The researchers said the active acidic ingredient
in marijuana, known as THC, seems to overstimulate
marijuana receptors in the liver, leading to
over-production of the protein.

Cadet said higher levels of the protein in marijuana
users could raise future risk for cardiac abnormalities,
blood flow problems, heart attack and stroke.

Cadet's team said the findings suggest long-term
harm from marijuana acids beyond issues such as
impaired learning, poor memory retention and
retrieval and perceptual abnormalities.

According Dr. Young, "using marijuana for medicinal
purposes can only lead to increased systemic latent
tissue acidosis and the destruction of the alkaline
design of the body. Marijuana is acidifying to the
blood and tissues and therefore cannot bring balance,
harmony, energy or health to the body."
More aboutSmoking Marijuana Is Acid Forming and May Cause Stroke, Heart Attack or Heart Dis-ease

A Cure For Type I Diabetes

Posted by luputtenan2 on Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The following is an unsolicited testimony for a reversal of a 3 year-old
Type I diabetic. Please share this testimony with anyone who is
looking to reduce or eliminate the use of insulin and reverse their
diabetic symptomologies.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living
Center, "diabetes is not a disease of the pancreas but a symptom of an over-
acidic lifestyle and diet. The cure or the reversal of Type I or Type II diabetes
can become a reality when the alkaline design of the blood and tissues is
re-established. Balancing blood sugars in any Type I or Type II diabetic
begins by cleansing and alkalizing the small and large intestines, which is
the focal point of all diabetic symptomologies."

To learn more about the pH Miracle for Diabetes go to:


Dr. Young:
I just started this program 3 days ago for my son and myself. I wanted to let
you know that my 3 year-old's type 1 diabetes appeared to be reversed on
the very first day after instituting the alkalarian diet. I expected it would take
some time before seeing results but this is amazing. Nothing has worked so
far except for this. He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in Nov after being
rushed to the hospital with blood sugars over 800, Kussmals respirations,
and in a near diabetic coma. I have searched and searched for anything that
could reverse this nightmare. It has been 6 months. This is so amazing. I
just wanted to let you know that it is working for us immediately. We actually
let him have the sprouted tortilla's and actual diet. He is averaging between
70-100 blood sugars. It is very hard to get him to do the feast only. The day
before we started he had sugars out of control ranging 300-500. For the last
year, we have been eating an organic diet but obviously that was not enough.
I called the endocrinologists office to let them know I was stopping all insulin
due to his change in blood sugars, and the nurse agreed and stated he might
be going into a late honeymood phase, but that would be unusual at this late
of time but not to get my hopes up. I still check him 4x per day, his blood
sugars are better than mine.
I will write again after some time has passed and let you know how he is
progressing. Your work is amazing and I just wanted to let you know I have
prayed everyday for the Lord to heal my son and He led me to your book
"The pH Miracle For Diabetes" I am very grateful for your work and it is
changing our lives. I started the diet too and my husband and other 2 children
are going to be starting as well. Our son, Christian, is the only one who has
diabetes, but thru this nightmare we will all have "Life more abundantly."
Thank you so much!!
Sherry Cook


More aboutA Cure For Type I Diabetes

Skeptical Scientist and Whistle Blowing Journalist Honored for Exposing AIDS

Posted by luputtenan2 on Monday, May 12, 2008

Rethinking AIDS, an international group of more than
2,500 scientists, doctors, journalists, health advocates
and others, announced that a prominent research
scientist and a well-known AIDS journalist will
accept "Clean Hands" awards as part of events on
May 13-14 in Washington, D.C. The awards, given by the
Alliance for Patient Safety and Semmelweis Society
International, recognize public health "whistleblowers"--
in their case, for their work in exposing fraud
in AIDS research.

University of California at Berkeley microbiologist
Peter Duesberg, Ph.D.(aboard member of RA) and
journalist Celia Farber will be two of 19 individuals
to accept the awards at a ceremony Tuesday, May 13,
at the Library of Congress in Washington (see event
details below). On Wednesday, May 14, Dr. Duesberg
and Ms. Farber will testify before a "No FEAR Tribunal"
to inform members of Congress and the public of the
dangers to all when whistleblowers are silenced.

The awards are presented as part of the second annual
"Whistleblower Week in Washington." Whistleblower Week
is sponsored by a coalition of organizations led
by the No FEAR Institute, a group supporting
government employees seeking fair treatment and
employment protection for those who expose corruption.
Since May 2002, when the federal No FEAR Act
(Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination
and Retaliation Act) passed, the Institute has sought
even stronger guarantees for whistleblowers.

These historic events honor those taking a stand for
integrity and courage in public affairs and the abuses
of the public trust endemic to AIDS research.

(No reserved admission; arrive early)
Presentation of "Clean Hands" Awards
Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Members' Room, Thomas Jefferson Building, The
Library of Congress First Street S.E., between
Independence Avenue and East Capitol Street,
Washington Screeningof film "The Constant Gardener"
Introduction by Peter Duesberg and Celia Farber;
discussion following Tuesday, May 13, 2008,
6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Location to be announced

"No FEAR Tribunal"
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - House of Representatives
Testimony Room 2200, Rayburn House Office Building
Independence Avenue, South Capitol Street, First
Street, and C Street S.W., Washington

1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Senate Testimony
Room 215, Dirksen Senate Office Building
Constitution Avenue, C Street, First
Street, and Second Street N.E., Washington

David Crowe
Calgary , Alberta , Canada (Mountain time zone)
1-403-289-6609 (office)
1-403-861-2225 (mobile)
Elizabeth Ely
Public Relations Chairperson
Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S. (Eastern time zone)
1-718-704-9672 (mobile)

Rethinking AIDS: The Group for the Scientific
Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis ("RA" or
"the Group") was formed in 1991 to express the
concerns of a growing number of renowned scientists
and medical doctors about HIV research and the
resulting human rights abuses. In 1995, by a
letter published in Science, the Group called for
a thorough reappraisal of the existing evidence for
and against the HIV/AIDS hypothesis and recommended
that critical epidemiological studies be undertaken.

Among RA's founders and key members are University
of Toronto professor emeritus and former cancer
researcher Dr. Etienne de Harven; Harvard microbiologist
Dr. Charles Thomas; 1993 Nobel laureate for chemistry
Dr. Kary Mullis; Nature/Biotechnology co-founder Dr.
Harvey Bialy; University of California at Berkeley
molecular biologist Dr. Peter Duesberg and the late
Yale mathematician Dr. Serge Lang, both members of
the National Academy of Sciences; professor of medical
physics at the Royal Perth Hospital in Western Australia
Dr. Eleni Papadopulos; and Glasgow University professor
emeritus of public health and World Health Organization
consultant Dr. Gordon Stewart.
More aboutSkeptical Scientist and Whistle Blowing Journalist Honored for Exposing AIDS

The Doctor of the Future Will Give No Medicine

Posted by luputtenan2

The following link is a uTube video
gift series, 7 of 7 covering Dr. Young's
contextual scientific approach to sickness
and dis-ease and health, energy and fitness.

Feel free to share this lecture series with
all your loved ones, friends, and neighbors.

Your comments on U-Tube are also very much

Thanking you in advance for your support in
helping us get the message out on the "New

Here is the link to the seventh and final
segment of the lecture video series:

Here is the link to the sixth segment of the
lecture video series:

Here is the link to the fifth segment of the
lecture video series:

Here is the link to the fourth segment of the
lecture video series:

Here is the link to the third segment of the
lecture video series:

Here here is the link to the second segment:

And, here is the link to the first segment:

In love and healing light,

Dr. Robert O. Young
More aboutThe Doctor of the Future Will Give No Medicine

The Use of Marijuana Can Lead To Mental Illness

Posted by luputtenan2 on Saturday, May 10, 2008

Depression, teens and marijuana are a dangerous mix
that can lead to dependency, mental illness or
suicidal thoughts, according to a White House
report being released Friday.

A teen who has been depressed at some point in the
past year is more than twice as likely to have used
marijuana as teens who have not reported being
depressed — 25 percent compared with 12 percent,
said the report by the White House Office of
National Drug Control Policy.

"Marijuana is a more consequential substance of
abuse than our culture has treated it in the last
20 years," said John Walters, director of the
office. "This is not just youthful experimentation
that they'll get over as we used to think in
the past."

Smoking marijuana can lead to more serious problems,
Walters said in an interview.

For example, using marijuana increases the risk of
developing mental disorders by 40 percent, the report
said. And teens who smoke pot at least once a month
over a yearlong period are three times more likely
to have suicidal thoughts than nonusers, it said.

The report also cited research that showed that teens
who smoke marijuana when feeling depressed were more
than twice as likely as their peers to abuse or become
addicted to pot — 8 percent compared with 3 percent.

Experts who have worked with children say there's
nothing harmless about marijuana.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist
at the pH Miracle Center, "marijuana and the major
chemical contained in marijuana, THC, is highly acidic
and may damage body cells including brain cells.
Marijuana is not the solution to physical and/or
emotional dis-ease. The solution is to alkalize
and exercise the body with an alkaline lifestyle
and diet."

"I've seen many, many kids' lives negatively impacted
and taken off track because of marijuana," said
Elizabeth Stanley-Salazar, director of adolescent
services for Phoenix House treatment centers in
California. "It's somewhat Russian roulette. There
are so many factors, emotional, psychological,
biological. You can't predict the experimentation
and how it will impact a kid."

The drug control policy office analyzed about a
dozen studies looking at marijuana use, including
research by the federal Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention and the Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration.

Overall, marijuana use among teens has decreased
25 percent since 2001, down to about 2.3 million
kids who used pot at least once a month, the drug
control office said.

While the drop is encouraging, Walters appealed to
parents to recognize signs of possible drug use
and depression.

"It's not something you look the other way about
when your teen starts appearing careless about
their grooming, withdrawing from the family, losing
interest in daily activities," Walters said.
"Find out what's wrong."

Dr. Young states, "the use of marijuana does not
increase alkalinity nor does it build or purify the
blood, therefore its use cannot help to maintain the
alkaline design of the body. If you saw the
blood of a marijuana user you would never use it
again! The blood looks like a war zone! I
believe it is important for everyone to understand
that life and death begins in the blood. Based
on my observations the acids in marijuana destroys
healthy blood and paralyzes the normal activity
of the white blood cells for up to 8 to 12 hours."
More aboutThe Use of Marijuana Can Lead To Mental Illness

The Importance of Drinking Alkaline Water

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, May 9, 2008

75% of the human body is alkaline water at 7.3 to
7.4 pH. Some believe that alkaline water may be the
most powerful healing substance ever known to man.
Each day 2.5 liters of alkaline water is lost through
normal bodily functions. By the time you feel thirsty,
the damage has already occurred. The more you know
about how important alkaline water is to your health,
the more you will understand why drinking alkaline
pH Miracle Living Water is the most important decision
you can make today for your health.

Water & Metabolism

• Even MILD dehydration will slow down the body’s
metabolism as much as 3%.

Water & Energy Level

• Lack of alkaline water is the number one trigger of
daytime fatigue.

• Research has shown that a 5% drop in body fluids
will cause a 25-30% loss of energy in most people,
a 15% drop causes death.

Water & Colon Health

• Drinking the equivalent of 5 glasses of alkaline
water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer
by 45%.

Water & Breast Health

• Drinking the equivalent of 5 glasses of alkaline
water a day decreases the risk of breast cancer
by 79%.

Water & Weight Loss

• Optimizing alkaline water intake allows the body
to drop 4 or 5 pounds the first week because it
improves bodily functions allowing the body to
eliminate stored acidic fat.

Water & Skin

• Lack of alkaline water and aging makes our skin
become drier. Proper hydration is vital to keeping
skin looking smooth, healthy and young.

Water & the Brain

• 85% of brain tissue is alkaline water and
dehydration causes energy generation in the
brain to decrease.

• Dehydration has been linked to depression and
chronic fatigue syndrome.

Water & Joints

• Dehydrated cartilage increases friction forces
to the joints, resulting in joint deterioration
and pain.

Water & Back Pain

• The alkaline water stored in your spinal disc
core supports approximately 75% of the upper
body’s weight and is dependent on the hydraulic
effects of water stored there.

Water & Pregnancy

• Morning sickness can be caused by or become
more intense when dehydrated. It’s a signal
being sent by the fetus to the mother’s body
that it needs more alkaline water.

Water & Blood

• Lack of alkaline water causes a thickening of the
blood making it difficult for the heart to pump
and also shuts down capillaries making it difficult
for nutrients to get to vital organs.

Water & Asthma

• Histamine levels increase with dehydration.

To learn more about alkaline water go to:
More aboutThe Importance of Drinking Alkaline Water

Insulin Pumps for Type I Diabetes May Cause Injury or Even Death

Posted by luputtenan2 on Thursday, May 8, 2008

Insulin pumps are used by tens of thousands of
teenagers worldwide with Type 1 diabetes, but
they can be risky and have been linked to
injuries and even deaths, a review by federal
regulators finds.

Parents should be vigilant in watching their
children's use of the pumps, researchers from
the Food and Drug Administration wrote. They
didn't advise against using the devices. But
they called for more study to address safety
concerns in teens and even younger children
who use the popular pumps.

The federal review of use by young people over
a decade found 13 deaths and more than 1,500
injuries connected with the pumps. At times,
the devices malfunctioned, but other times,
teens were careless or took risks, the study
authors wrote.

Some teens didn't know how to use the pumps
correctly, dropped them or didn't take good care
of them. There were two possible suicide attempts
by teens who gave themselves too much insulin,
according to the analysis.

The pumps are popular because they allow young
people to live more normal lives, giving themselves
insulin discreetly in public and buffering the acids
from an acidic meal with friends late at night. "And
they're a growing segment of diabetes care, with
$1.3 billion in annual sales worldwide," said Kelly
Close, a San Francisco-based editor of a patient
newsletter. She said 100,000 teenagers may be
using them.

The pumps are used for those with Type 1 diabetes,
which accounts for about 5 to 10 percent of all
diabetes cases and used to be called "juvenile
diabetes." The more common form is Type 2, which
is often linked to an acidic lifestyle and diet
causing obesity and more often affects adults.

Insulin pumps are the size of a cell phone and
worn on a belt or pocket. They send insulin
into the body through a plastic tube with a
small tip that inserts under the skin and is
taped in place. They cost about $6,000 and
supplies run $250 a month. Most health
insurers cover much of the cost.

Users must tell the device how much insulin to
give before each meal, based on the estimated
carbohydrates in the meal. The devices also
deliver a continuous low level of insulin.

In the FDA study, appearing in the May issue
of the journal Pediatrics, the reports of
adverse events and deaths in adolescents
using the pumps occurred from 1996-2005.

While some teenagers want to switch from
insulin injections to pump therapy to gain
more flexibility in their lives, doctors said
device problems such as a blocked tube can
lead quickly to dangerous episodes of high
acid blood sugar.

"In a matter of a few hours, all the insulin
in the body disappears. Metabolically, the
child starts to spiral out of control," said
Dr. John Buse, the American Diabetes Association's
president for medicine and science. Kids need
to be aware of the risk, monitor their blood
sugar and be ready to give themselves an
insulin injection.

Dr. Christina Luedke of Children's Hospital
Boston said she carefully screens teenagers
and their families before prescribing a pump.
She has refused it for some young patients.

"Without appropriate glucose monitoring, the
pumps can increase the risk of getting sick
more quickly compared to injections," Luedke
said. However, she said, proper use makes life
more bearable and can improve glucose control.

Teenagers also have problems keeping their
diabetes under control with multiple daily
insulin injections, doctors and manufacturers

"It is a constant struggle for a patient who
is an adolescent to stay in control of any therapy,"
said Steve Sabicer, a spokesman for Minneapolis-
based Medtronic Inc., which makes the top-selling
insulin pump. The company stands behind the product's
safety and "the many years of clinical evidence
that support the benefits of insulin pump therapy,"
he said.

"The key to balancing acidic blood sugars is by
changing acidic lifestyle and dietary choices. The
need for insulin will then be significantly reduced
or in many cases eliminated with an alkaline lifestyle
and diet. Therefore, the need or the risk of using
an insulin pump is greatly reduced or eliminated,"
states Dr.Robert O. Young, a research scientist at
the pH Miracle Living Center.

To learn more about balancing acidic blood sugars
without insulin read, The pH Miracle for Diabetes.

More aboutInsulin Pumps for Type I Diabetes May Cause Injury or Even Death

No More Type I or Type II Diabetes

Posted by luputtenan2 on Monday, May 5, 2008

The following is an unsolicited testimony from
Rhonda Bowen concerning her once Type I diabetic


My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and
has been eating a raw live food diet for a year now.
She has normal blood sugars. She eats lots of
delicious foods. I check her urine pH multiple
times a day to keep her body balanced and alkaline.

When I learned about raw foods I also learned of
the importance of the acid/alkaline balance. The
body's pH is a delicate alkaline balance that needs
to be maintained through proper hydration and
nutrition. Because of Dr. Robert O. Young my daughter
is no longer diabetic and truely a pH miracle. If a
7 - now 8 year old can eat all healthy foods anyone
can!!! I believe Type I diabetes can be reversed.

Rhonda Bowen


Dr. Robert O. Young of the pH Miracle Living Center
states, "diabetes is an inflammatory condition caused
by an acidic lifestyle and diet. When dietary and
metabolic acids are properly buffered and eliminated
inflammation of the pancreas and bowels are
reduced and/or eliminated. When this happens
no more Type I or Type II diabetes."

To learn more about how to prevent or reverse
Type I or Type II Diabetes read Dr. Young's
book, The pH Miracle for Diabetes.

Dr. Young also recommends an alkaline lifestyle
and diet and specific food supplements that
support the healthy function of the pancreas
and the bowels.

To learn more about the pH Miracle for Diabetes
Plan for prevent and/or reversal go to: or call:
More aboutNo More Type I or Type II Diabetes

Education Not Medication

Posted by luputtenan2 on Sunday, May 4, 2008

"There is no scientific proof of the safety
or the effectiveness of drugs and/or vaccinations.

According to the journal, BMJ Clinical Evidence,
about 2,500 drug treatments offered in
conventional medicine produce the following
results (including the latest drug killer,

1) 13 percent are beneficial to the patient

2) 23 percent are likely to be beneficial

3) 8 percent is a trade-off between benefits
and harm

4) 6 percent are unlikely to be beneficial

5) 4 percent are likely to be ineffective or
harmful, and

6) 46 percent have unknown effectiveness.

There is a 64% risk that the drug or the vaccine
treatment you or your child receive will cause harm,
will be ineffective or may have unknown side-effects.

The leading cause of death in America is not Cancer - NO!
It is not Heart Disease - NO! It is not diabetes - NO!
The leading cause of death in America is caused by
pharma drugs -YES!

American does not need more medicine. What America needs
is more education. That's right! Education not medication.
Education on how to maintain the alkaline design of the
body and prevent ALL sickness and dis-ease!

Say NO TO ALL DRUGS! Let your food be your medicine and
your medicine be your food, as stated by Hippocrates.

The safe and effective way to have health, energy
and vitality is to simply maintain the alkaline
design of the body with an alkaline lifestyle and

"Health is all about maintaining the delicate alkaline
pH of the blood and tissues," states Dr. Robert O.
Young, of the pH Miracle Living Center.
More aboutEducation Not Medication

Ask Dr. Young - High Blood Pressure and Hair Loss

Posted by luputtenan2

The following is an unsolicited pH Miracle testimony
and a health question concerning brittle nails and
hair loss.


I'm happy to say that I have been off of high blood
pressure meds since March 28 this year (after having
been on them for more than 15 years)! My pressure
readings aren't exactly where I want them yet on
arising, but with a more alkaline diet, your
supplements (pHour salts, imflamex--for bursitis--,
multi vit/min, greens & pH drops) and exercise daily
(walking or treadmill or recumbent bike and rebounder),
the numbers come down during the day. Thank you for
the work you do!

Here lately I notice that my nails are brittle and
breaking and I'm combing out a lot of my hair. Can
you recommend any supplements that might help me
with that?


Dear Beatrice:


From Dr. Young:

To improve the health of your hair and nails you need
more chlorophyll, minerals salts - especially silica,
alkaline water and 2 to 3 ounces of long chain poly-
unsaturated fats - avocado oil, olive oil, hemp oil,
flax oil, primrose oil, just to name a few. I would
also suggest our Young pHorever Shampoo and

Don't forget to leave the shampoo in for 5 to 10
minutes and you do not have to rinse out all the
conditioner. You will find that coconut and
avocado that are contained in the shampoo and
conditioner will help the quality and quantity
of your hair.

I call this plan C.O.W.S.

C = chlorophyll - Liquid Chlorophyll
O = oil and oxygen - avocado oil and pomegranate oil
W = water that is alkaline at 9.5
S = sea salts - pHour salts, pHlush salts, pHlavor
salts and Zip Spice Hunter salts. Also, I would
suggest ordering the Young pHorever shampoo and

To order the C.O.W.S. Plan Nutritional Products for
high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, weight gain,
weight loss, anti-aging and hair loss, go to:

PS Don't forget to exercise for 1 hour every day. May
I suggest whole body vibrational exercising. To learn
more go to:
More aboutAsk Dr. Young - High Blood Pressure and Hair Loss

Eating or Drinking Dairy Causes Obesity

Posted by luputtenan2 on Saturday, May 3, 2008

There have been recent claims that dairy products
can help people lose weight, and the dairy industry
has hyped the assertion by investing millions of
dollars in commercial advertising. However, a new
review of the evidence published in the Journal
Nutrition Reviews reveals that neither dairy nor
calcium intake promotes weight loss.

Amy Joy Lanou of the University of North Carolina at
Asheville and Neal Barnard with the Physicians Committee
for Responsible Medicine in Washington, DC, evaluated
evidence from 49 clinical trials from 1966 to 2007
that assessed the effect of milk, dairy products, or
calcium intake on body weight and BMI, with or without
the use of dieting.

Evidence from the trials showed that neither dairy
products nor calcium supplements helped people lose
weight. Of the 49 clinical trials, 41 showed no effect,
two demonstrated weight gain, one showed a lower rate
of weight gain, and only five showed weight loss.

An association between calcium or dairy intake and
weight loss seen in some observational studies may
be attributable to other factors, such as exercise,
decreased soda intake, lifestyle habits, or increased
fiber, fruit, and vegetable intake.

“Our findings demonstrate that increasing dairy product
intake does not consistently result in weight or fat
loss and may actually have the opposite effect,” the
authors conclude.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist
at the pH Miracle Living Center, in San Diego, California,
"dairy products are a major contributor to dietary
acidosis which leads to obesity. The major acids from
dairy products that contribute to obesity are casein and
lactose. You cannot lose acidic weight if your are
drinking or eating dairy products, including milk,
cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and ice cream. They
are too acidic and will cause the body to hold on
to fat to protect the organs that sustain life."

To learn more about weight loss and the supplements
that will support an alkaline body go to:
More aboutEating or Drinking Dairy Causes Obesity

Dietary and Metabolic Acids Lead to Obesity and Heart Dis-ease

Posted by luputtenan2

Heart specialists at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere
report what is believed to be the first wide-scale
evidence linking severe overweight to prolonged
acidic inflammation of heart tissue and the subsequent
damage leading to failure of the body’s blood-pumping

The latest findings from the Multiethnic Study of
Atherosclerosis (MESA), to be published in the May 6
issue of the Journal of the American College of
Cardiology, appear to nail down yet one more reason
for the estimated 72 million obese American adults
to be concerned about their health, say scientists
who conducted the research.

“The biological effects of obesity on the heart
are quite profound,” says senior study investigator
João Lima, M.D. “Even if obese people feel otherwise
healthy, there are measurable and early chemical signs
of damage to their heart, beyond the well-known
implications for diabetes and high blood pressure.”

He adds that there is “now even more reason for them
to lose weight, increase their physical activity and
improve their eating habits.”

In the latest study, researchers conducted tests and
tracked the development of heart failure in an
ethnically diverse group of nearly 7,000 men and women,
age 45 to 84, who were enrolled in the MESA study,
starting in 2000.

Of the 79 who have developed congestive heart failure
so far, 35 (44 percent) were physically obese, having
a body mass index, or BMI, of 30 or greater. And
on average, obese participants were found to have
higher blood levels of interleukin 6, C-reactive
protein and fibrinogen, key immune system proteins
involved in acidic inflammation, than non-obese

A near doubling of average interleukin 6 levels
alone accounted for an 84 percent greater risk of
developing heart failure in the study population.

The researchers from five universities across the
United States also found alarming links between
acidic inflammation and the dangerous mix of heart
disease risk factors known as the metabolic syndrome.
Its combined risk factors for heart disease and
diabetes - high blood pressure, elevated blood glucose
levels, excess abdominal fat and abnormal cholesterol
levels, and particularly obesity - double a person’s
chances of developing heart failure.

“More practically, physicians need to monitor their
obese patients for early signs of inflammation in the
heart and to use this information in determining how
aggressively to treat the condition,” says Lima, a
professor of medicine and radiology at the Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine and its Heart

“Our results showed that when the effects of other
known disease risk factors - including race, age, sex,
diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking, family history
and blood cholesterol levels - were statistically
removed from the analysis, inflammatory chemicals
in the blood of obese participants stood out as key
predictors of who got heart failure,” says Lima.

“Both obesity and the inflammatory markers are
closely tied to each other and to heart failure,”
says lead researcher Hossein Bahrami, M.D., M.P.H.

"Each year, nearly 300,000 Americans die from heart
failure. The major contributing causative factor is
an acidic lifestyle and diet," states Dr. Robert
O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle
Living Center.

According to Dr. Young, "obesity is the body's way
of protecting itself from an over-acidic lifestyle
and diet. People who are over-weight are in reality
over-acid. The body holds on to fat to park excess
dietary and metabolic acids that are not properly
being eliminated through urination, perspiration,
defecation, and respiration. Fat is protective
and not the cause of acidic metabolic syndrome that
can lead to heart dis-ease and the presence of
alkaline buffers in the blood such as fibrinogen,
cholesterol, C-reactive protein and interleukin."

"Obesity is not the problem - dietary and metabolic
acids are the cause of acidic metabolic syndrome
and the increase in heart attacks. Fat is saving
preserving life and acid is destroying the quality and
quantity of life. If one wants to prevent or reduce
the risk for heart attack or stroke then one must
maintain the alkaline design of the body. When
this is done the body naturally lets go of the
excess protective fat that is holding onto dietary
and metabolic acids. This is how you protect the
heart and other organs that sustain life," states
Dr. Young.

To learn more on how to lose weight naturally go to:
More aboutDietary and Metabolic Acids Lead to Obesity and Heart Dis-ease