The pH Miracle or The Fountain of Youth

Posted by luputtenan2 on Sunday, March 23, 2008

The key to the pH Miracle or the Fountain of Youth is to
maintain the alkaline design of your body with an
alkalizing lifestyle, diet and nutritional program.
There are four critical foods and seven critical nutrients
that are vital to your health and will help you lead a
longer and healthy life. The four critical foods are:

1. Chlorophyll
2. Oils
3. Water, and
4. Salt

The seven critical nutrients are:

1. Co-Q-10
2. Glutathione
3. Idebenone
4. The Carnitines
5. Alpha Lipoic
6. N-acetyl cysteine
7. L-taurine

Each of these miraculous foods and nutrients offers
its own amazing benefits, and all work just as well
as the chemical-based pharmaceuticals your physician
bombards you with, but are completely natural. They
have no hidden side effects that pose a threat to
your health.

1) Chlorophyll - Chlorophyll is identical to your
hemoglobin except for the center atom. Dr. Young's
research indicates as one increases their consumption
of chlorophyll from green foods and green drinks the
quality and quantity of the red blood cells improve.
This can be noted on a CBC medical test as the red
blood count increases and the hemoglobin increases
in the healthy ranges. Liquid chlorophyll can be
added to any water or green drink to improve the
concentration of this powerful blood builder.

2) Oils - Oils in the unsaturated form are critical
in building healthy cell membranes, providing lubrication
for the joints, and acting as a buffer for dietary and
metabolic acids. Dr. Young recommends a variety of
oils from Omega 1 to Omega 9. The sources of these
unsaturated oils includes, hemp, flax, borage,
olive, avocado, almonds, primrose, walnut, sesame,
and cold water fish. Dr. Young recommends drinking
at least 100 ml or 2 to 3 ounces of oil a day.

3) Water - There is only one kind of water to drink
according to Dr. Young and that is purified water
with a pH of 9.5 and an ORP of -250 mV. Dr. Young
suggest to drink at least 1 liter per 25 kilos of
weight or 1 quart per 50 pounds of weight.

4) Salt - Without salt there would be no life. Salt
is critical in all the fluids of the body for electrical
conductivity. This is important for the electrons to
travel of every cell of the body for energy. Dr. Young
recommends 1 gram of sea salt per 5 kilos or weight.
He also recommends the Great Salt Lake Sea Salt Spray
called pHlavor salts and the pHour salts or sodium,
magnesium, potassium and calcium bicarbonate to
help maintain the alkaline pH of the body fluids over
7.2 pH with the ideal of 7.365.

The following are the seven critical food nutrients:

1) Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring
substance present within every cell in the body.
CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant, and is the first
line of defense against the oxidation or dietary and
metabolic acids — which is the main reaction in
atherosclerosis. CoQ10 can also remove dangerous
levels of iron from cells, which is a major cause
of latent tissue acidosis and lipid peroxidation —
two things that lead to the development of
cancerous cells.

One of the most impressive benefits of CoQ10 has been
its ability to improve heart function in patients
with congestive heart failure. One study found that
an impressive 55% improvement in symptoms. 30% of
these same patients showed a dramatic recovery from
the fluid buildup in their lungs — a major complication
of congestive heart failure.

2) Glutathione (pronounced 'gloota-thigh-own') is the
body's essential health ABC's - Antioxidant, Blood
Booster and Cell Detoxifer.

It is a tripeptide composed of glutamic, cysteine
and glycine. Glutathione is found in all cells in
the body, including the bile, the epithelial lining
fluid of the lungs, and - at much smaller concentrations -
in the blood.

Glutathione is the smallest intracellular non-protein
thiol (molecule containing an S_H or sulfhydryl group)
molecule in the cells. This characteristic emphasizes
its potent antioxidant action and supports a multifaceted
thiol exchange system, which regulates cell activity.

This small protein, produced naturally in the body,
maintains these three crucial protective functions.
In fact, your life depends on glutathione. Without
it, your cells would disintegrate from unrestrained
oxidation, your body would have little resistance
to metabolic acids, and your liver would shrivel
up from the eventual accumulation of acidic toxins.

Glutathione is not yet a household word. Even some
medical and holistic doctors who have heard the
term may still have only a vague idea of what it
is. However, everyone will soon be talking about
this critical non-nutritive substance.

There was a time when only scientists had heard
of cholesterol and vitamins, but today, everyone
knows about them. Now the magnificence of
glutathione is becoming known.

In the last five years, over 25,000 medical
articles about this substance have been published,
and the scientific understanding of glutathione
is gradually becoming common knowledge.

Each and every cell in the body is responsible
for its own supply of glutathione and must have
the necessary raw materials in order to produce
it. Glutathione is always in great demand and
is rapidly consumed when we experience any sort
of emotional or physical stress, fatigue and
even moderate exercise.

Some well-known causes of glutathione depletion
are as follows:

1) Acidic lifestyle and diet
2) Air and Water pollution
3) Prescription and recreational drugs
4) Ultraviolet and Radiation from cells phones,
computers, electrical cars, power lines, hair
dryers, etc.
5) Emotional and physical stress
6) Injury, trauma or burns
7) Heavy metals
8) Cigarette smoke
9) Household chemicals
10) Acetaminophen poisoning
11) Exhaust from motor vehicles
12) Septic shock

All of these above factors lead to a build up
of acidic toxins that cause the loss of glutathione
as a non-nutritive buffer leading to cellular
aging, dis-ease and finally death.

Why is Glutathione Essential to Health?

Glutathione's three major roles in the body are
summarized by the letters A-B-C.

- Anti-oxidant
- Blood Booster
- Cell Detoxifier

These are the three critical processes driven
by glutathione.

3) Idebenone is a form of CoQ10 and also
a very powerful antioxidant. Idebenone’s
significant antiinflammatory properties puts
it high on the list of supplements for use in
preventing neurodegenerative diseases — especially
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

But idebenone has an additional benefit in treating
neurological diseases — especially neurodegenerative
conditions, strokes and brain injuries. It has been
shown to significantly increase levels of nerve
growth factor, a substance that promotes brain healing.

4) The Carnitines - Like Co-enzyme Q10, acetyl-L-carnitine
is naturally produced in the body by synthesizing the
amino acids lysine and methionine.

Like idebenone, acetyl-L-carnitine can improve the
function of nerve growth factor, which helps to
repair the brain’s cells and connections (synapses).
This can be especially important for people with
disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s or
brain injuries and strokes.

Some tests have shown that carnitine supplementation
leads to significant improvement in heart function,
helps treat angina, and can improve circulation in
the legs of patients with severe atherosclerosis
of their blood vessels.

A carefully executed study of men over age 66 found
that the carnitines worked better than testosterone
at increasing erectile function, reducing depression,
diminishing fatigue and increasing nocturnal erections.
The big plus was that, while testosterone enlarged the
prostate, the carnitines did not.

5) Alpha-Lipoic - This is another powerful
antioxidant that is naturally found in the body.

Alpha-lipoic lowers blood sugar, removes
mercury, arsenic and cadmium from the body
(including the brain), increases the level
of CoQ10 and glutathione in cells and is also
a powerful way to protect against radiation damage.

Alpha-lipoic also improves glucose control in
adults with either type-1 (insulin dependent)
or type-2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes.

6) N-acetyl cysteine is another powerful buffer
of acids especially glucose, acetylaldehyde and
alcohol. Found beneficial in reducing acids that
cause dementia, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

7) L-taurine is another powerful antioxidant that
works in the brain to reduce seizures to dementia.
More aboutThe pH Miracle or The Fountain of Youth

Acidic Pesticides and Insecticides May Cause Motor Neuron Dis-Ease Like ALS

Posted by luputtenan2

Motor neuron dis-ease is a rare, acidic and devastating
illness in which nerve cells that carry brain signals
to muscles gradually deteriorate. One form of it,
Lou Gehrig’s dis-ease or ALS (amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis), is familiar to the public in the lives
of scientist Stephen Hawking and Morrie Schwartz,
about whom Mitch Albom’s “Tuesdays with Morrie”
was written.

For most MND patients, the cause is unknown by current
medical savants but Dr. Robert O. Young, of the pH
Miracle Living Research Center, suggest, "MND is the
result of damage to the nerve cells due to dietary
and metabolic acids that are not being properly
eliminated through urination, respiration, perspiration
and defecation."

Figuring out why these people develop this acidic
dis-ease, which causes muscles to weaken, atrophy
and cease to function, is an important step in
developing therapies to treat or prevent motor
neuron disease.

Dr. Young states, "muscle weakness and atrophy of the
muscles is the result of latent tissue acidosis and a
deficiency of the lymphatic system to remove dietary
and metabolic acids from the tissues. The sluggish
or congested lymphatic system is the result of a
lack of movement via exercise and the proper alkaline
lifestyle and diet."

A team of University of Michigan scientists suggest
they are a step closer:

1) They have discovered transformations in one key
gene (neuropathy target esterase, or NTE) that cause
a previously unknown type of inherited motor neuron
disease. Dr. Young suggests, "this transformation
or mutation is caused by dietary and/or metabolic

2) The discovery paves the way for better diagnosis and
research on treatments. Dr. Young suggests, "the treatment
is here it is called prevention with an alkaline lifestyle
and diet. As the systems progress with muscle soreness,
inflammation, and weakness this is the time to hyper-
saturate the tissues with alkaline compounds such as
sodium and potassium bicarbonate."

3) Most intriguing, current medical scientists found
the transformations or mutations caused changes in a
protein already known to be involved when people
develop neurologic disorders as a result of exposure
to toxic acidic organophosphates — acid chemicals
commonly used in solvents and insecticides and also
as “nerve gas” agents. This discovery points to a new
lead in the search to understand MND. Dr. Young states,
organophosphates are strong acids that destroy body
cells, including nerve cells causing them to go through
a biological transformation or mutation."

“We speculate there may be gene-environment interactions
that cause some forms of motor neuron disease,” says
John K. Fink, M.D., professor of neurology at the
U-M Medical School and senior author of the new study,
which appears in the March issue of the American Journal
of Human Genetics. He also is a researcher at the VA
Ann Arbor Healthcare System.

“Our findings support the possibility that toxic
organophosphates contribute to motor neuron disease
in genetically vulnerable people,” says Fink. He
believes the results suggest that altered activity
of the gene found in patients in the study may also
contribute to other motor neuron disorders, possibly
including ALS.

Motor neuron disease affects five per 100,000 people
and according to Dr. Young are the results of dietary
and metabolic acids.

To protect your body from the acidic effects of
pesticides and insecticides it is important to
only eat organically grown fruits and vegetables.
It is also very important to wash your vegetables
in ionized alkaline water to clean off the acids of
pesticide and insecticide residues.

To learn more about the importance of ionized
water for drinking and for cleaning your fruits
and vegetables go to:
More aboutAcidic Pesticides and Insecticides May Cause Motor Neuron Dis-Ease Like ALS

No More Heart Attacks or Strokes

Posted by luputtenan2

Unlike most medical doctors, natural healers do not look to pharmaceutical companies as their first line of defense against heart disease. Instead, they turn to natural means of lowering risk.

If a patient has angina caused by acid bound cholesterol forming blockages to the heart, a cardiologist might use angioplasty to compress or remove the blockages, and prescribe a statin drug to lower cholesterol.

But in addition to the risks involved in the procedure itself, results are often temporary and the blockages return in a few short months because the main cause of the blockage has not been dealt with - dietary and metabolic acid.

Acidic Statins also cause stage 4 acidic side
effects, including severe muscle pain or weakness and
sleep disturbances.

A natural healer would prescribe lifestyle and dietary
changes to restore blood flow to the heart by naturally
lowering acid bound cholesterol and decreasing acidic
artery-clogging deposits. Below are the steps that a pH
Miracle Life Coach might use to lower acidity and thus
lower cholesterol levels to protect the body from
heart attacks and strokes. I refer to this plan as
the C.O.W.S. Plan which is an acronym which stands
for a lifestyle and diet of chlorophyll, oil, oxygen,
water, salt and sunshine. To be truly healthy you need
to start eating like COWS.

1) Chlorophyll - A diet high in green vegetables and
green fruits. I also recommend fresh green juices and
liquid chlorophyll in alkaline water everyday. You can
add the liquid chlorophyll to your green juices or
green powders. A man, woman or child should drink at
least 1 liter of green drink for every 25 kilos of
weight or 50 pounds. I have created the first
liquid chlorophyll fresh from alfalfa grass, without
alcohol, chemicals or sugars that can be added to
water, green drinks and green shakes. You can order
this liquid green by calling 760-751-8321. It comes
in a 4 ounce bottle and is 100% pure and organic.

2) Oil - I recommend at least 2 to 3 ounces or 100 to
150 mL of cold pressed omega 1, 3, 5, 6, and 9 oils.
My favorite is the avocado oil and the pomagranate oil.
I also recommend flax, hemp, pumpkin, olive, primrose.
sesame and borage oil.

3) Oxygen - The best way to increase oxygen is through
exercise. The second best way to increase oxygen is
with sodium, magnesium, potassium,calcium
bicarbonate, and potassium hydroxide.

4) Water - The single most important thing that one
can do is to drink more 9.5 alkaline pH water and
at least 1 liter per 24 kilos of weight or 50 pounds.
The best drinking water is purified, alkalinize, and
energized. You can learn more about the right kind
of water to drink by going to our website at:

5) Salt - Without salt there would be no life. Salt
is the catalyst of electron transport. It is what
keeps your heart beating and energy flowing to every
anatomical element that makes up every cell. I
recommend eating at least 1 gram of salt for every
5 kilos or 10 pounds of weight. The best salt in the
world is whole, unprocessed sea salts in a colloidal
form. Such a salt exists and is called pHlavor by
Young pHorever.

6) Sunshine - Just like salt without sunshine all life
on earth would cease to exist. I recommend at least
1 hour of daily exercise and the best way to get 1
hour of exercise is while you are walking, jogging,
bicycling, swimming, running, playing tennis,
rebounding, etc. outside in the sun. The sun releases
photons which the body converts into electrical energy
via the eyes and skin. This is a natural and
effective way to energize the body.

The following are some additional ways to help keep your
body and heart healthy from dietary and metabolic acids:

1) High fiber diet - A daily high-fiber intake would
include five to ten grams of soluble fiber. This
also helps to keep the bowel clear of undigested food
and acidic toxins which are adsorbed and absorbed by
the fiber. I would also recommend magnesium oxide with
sodium bicarbonate in a product I call pHlush.

2) Co-Q-10 - Research has indicated that taking Co-Q-10
everyday may help to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

3) Nuts - All nuts, but especially walnuts and almonds,
contain heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E
and soluble fiber. Studies have shown that people who
eat nuts twice a week lower their risk of heart disease
by 30 to 40 percent.

4) Plant Sterols - Sterols, which are found naturally
in many plant foods, decrease the amount of acidic
bound cholesterol absorbed by the body. The most
important and the most powerful plant sterol of comes
from green fruits and vegetables, such as avocado and

5) Glutathione - the most powerful antioxidant for
buffering dietary and metabolic acids that can make
your heart weak. I would suggest 1 to 2 teaspoons of
liquid glutathione every day to keep your heart and
body healthy and strong.
More aboutNo More Heart Attacks or Strokes

Women Alkalize and Exercise for No More HRT

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, March 21, 2008

Low impact alkalizing aerobic exercising significantly
decreased the acidic chemical imbalances that can lead
to heart dis-ease and stroke in postmenopausal women
according to a study in the spring issue of the Journal
of Women and Aging.

The acidic hormone estrogen was previously thought by
scientists to reduce the acidic chemical imbalances
that can lead to cardiovascular dis-eases such as
coronary heart disease and stroke in postmenopausal
women. However, recent studies have now indicated
detrimental effects of long-term use of hormone
replacement therapy (HRT) or acid estrogen replacement
therapy, including an increased risk for stroke,
heart attack and breast cancer. Faced with these
potential consequences, more women are turning to
low impact alkalizing exercise as a natural way to
combat postmenopausal effects tied to acidic
diets and lifestyles.

The study found that HRT users and non-HRT users
benefited equally from the exercise.

“Given the controversy with HRT, postmenopausal women
can now use aerobic exercise training to lower
chemical stress levels, thus reducing another risk
factor for chronic disease,” said Michael D. Brown, Ph.D.,
a co-author and associate professor of kinesiology at
Temple University’s College of Health Professions.

The acidic chemical imbalances or stresses — called
oxidative or acid stress — occurs when oxidants or
acids, harmful acidic chemicals that damage tissue
and cells, outnumber antioxidants or alkaline
buffers (sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium
bicarbonate all contained in pHour salts) in the body.

Antioxidants or alkaline buffers protect cells and
tissues against oxidants or acids. Postmenopausal women
have higher levels of oxidative or acid stress.

A single bout of intense high impact exercise acutely
raises oxidative or acid stress by increasing the
production of oxidants or metabolic acids, such as
lactic acid. Conversely, regular exercise of moderate
low impact intensity appears to reduce oxidative or
acid stress through an adaptive process that
increases antioxidant or alkaline buffer activity.

The study followed 48 sedentary postmenopausal women
(21 on HRT and 27 not on HRT) through an exercise
program consisting of three supervised sessions of
low impact aerobic exercise per week for 24 weeks.
Participants were between 50 and 75 years of age
and were postmenopausal for at least two years.

“No one is too old to begin an exercise program,
but it is imperative to consult your physician
before taking part in any exercise program. It
is important to start off slow and build your
program to your comfort level. Exercising is not
difficult. You just have to want to do it,”
Brown added.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, states,
"if you want to be healthy and fit you must
'alkalize and exercise' everyday."

Dr. Young suggest daily low impact exercising for
at least ten minutes on the VibrapHirm or 15 minutes
on the rebounder or 1 hour on the Life Fitness
elliptical machine. You could also ride a bike,
swim or jog for 1 hour 5 to 6 days a week.

"I lover to jog for 7 to 8 miles a day, vibrate
on the whole body vibrational machine everyday
and then lift weights using the static attraction
method 2 to 3 days a week," states Dr. Young.

Dr. Young further states, "I feel like a teenager
and I have the blood, health and fitness to prove
it. The pH Miracle Living Plan really works for
me and is working for thousands around the world."
More aboutWomen Alkalize and Exercise for No More HRT

The Twelve Steps to Prevent and Reverse Metabolic Acidosis and Diabetes

Posted by luputtenan2

Over 18 million Americans have been diagnosed
with diabetes and over 5 million are in a state
of metabolic acidosis but don’t know it. In addition,
one out of ever four American suffers from metabolic
acidosis, a combination of type-2 diabetes, hypertension
and abnormalities in blood lipids (which are diagnosed
using a blood test known as a lipid profile. Metabolic
acidosis leads to stage seven acids and the symtomologies
of cardiovascular dis-ease, diabetes, cancerous states,
kidney dis-ease, arthritis, and other deadly conditions,
all caused by dietary and metabolic acids.

Are you experiencing the symptoms of metabolic acidosis?

The characteristics include:

1) Abdominal obesity from dietary and metabolic acids
(waist circumference)

o Men — waist greater than 40 inches
o Women — waist greater than 35 inches

2) Crystalized dietary and metabolic acids called
Triglycerides — greater than 150 mg/dl

3) HDL Cholesterol (men) — less than 40 mg/dl

4) HDL (women) — less than 50 mg/dl

5) Blood pressure — greater than 130/85 mm Hg

6) Fasting acid glucose — greater than 110 mg/dl

Our book on diabetes, “The pH Miracle for Diabetes”
goes into detail on how you can lower your risk of
developing metabolic acidosis that can lead to the
acidic symptom of diabetes.

Changing to an alkaline lifestyle and diet is the
first or twelve steps:

Follow these twelve alkalarian lifestyle and dietary
steps to your ideal healthy and fit body:

1) Cut out the acid MSG from your diet and use whole
unprocessed salts like pHour salts and pHlavor salts

2) Exercise at least 1 hour every day

3) Lose the acid fat around your waist area with
whole body exercise and oral colonics with pHlush

4) Use the Young's alkaline diet and Young pHorever
whole foods to reduce dietary and metabolic acids that
may lead to inflammation or stage 4 to stage 7 acidosis
as outlined in The pH Miracle Books

5) Use pHour salts and pHlavor salts to reduce
acidity which will then lower cholesterol levels

5)Take advantage of natural antioxidants in from
glutathione, Co=Q-10, pHour salts, pHlavor salts and
whole foods, pHruits and pHolage.

6) Lower your homocysteine acid levels with
pHour salts and pHlavor salts

7) Use liquid chlorophyll, pHruits and pHolage,
pomegranate oil, alkaline water, pHour salts and
pHlavor salts to prevent the acids that cause
nerve damage

8) Add plenty of alkalizing fiber and montomorillonite
clay to your alkaline diet to lower blood acid sugars

9) Avoid eating foods high in acids such as dairy and
animal proteins as outlined in the pH Miracle books

10) Consume at least 100 ml of long chain unsaturated
oils or omega-1, 3, 5, 6 and 9 fats a day

11) Go ahead and read, listen or watch how chlorophyll,
oils, alkaline water and salt or the C.O.W.S. alkaline
plan will lower your risk of metabolic acidosis that
leads to the acidic symptom of diabetes as well as
numerous other lifestyle and dietary acidic causing

12) Drink at least 4 liters of alkaline ionized
water every day from our Young Life Ionizer 6500
with seven titanium platinum plates and two
More aboutThe Twelve Steps to Prevent and Reverse Metabolic Acidosis and Diabetes

Proanthocyanadins Protect The Heart From Dietary and Metabolic Acids

Posted by luputtenan2 on Thursday, March 20, 2008

An alkalizing antioxidant polyphenols-rich diet
keeps the heart younger.

This finding comes out from a study by the University
of Grenoble in collaboration with the other Centres
participating to the FLORA Project, a European
Commission funded research studying the effects
of flavonoids, a variety of polyphenols, on human

The scientific work, published in the Journal of
Nutrition, is one of the few approaching this field
by in vivo studies. “So far- says Marie-Claire
Toufektsian, leading author of the study - the
biological and protective activities of various
flavonoids have been extensively studied in vitro,
on cell- based assays. Nevertheless, this kind of
approach has a major limitation: it is extremely
difficult to assess precisely the nature of all
flavonoids absorbed following consumption of fruits
and vegetable plants present in a given meal. In
other words, laboratory cultured cells alone are
not sufficient to study a complex mechanism such
as that of absorption of food flavonoids”. That is
why we need to turn attention on other features.
The most obvious solution appeared to be to study
the effects of this kind of alkalizing polyphenols
on experimental animals. The turning point started
from fruit and vegetable plants: those rich in
flavonoids made the case of researchers.

Toufektsian used two kinds of corn: one
anthocyanin-free (anthocyanins is a variety
of flavonoids) and the other, obtained by the
Department of Biomolecular Sciences and
Biotechnology of University of Milan through
traditional cultivation techniques with no
transgenic modifications, rich in anthocyanins.
“The corn seeds were introduced into a rodent
food formula in order to obtain two groups of
rats following two different kinds of diet for
a couple of months” says Chiara Tonelli, head
of the Milan group. In the meantime researchers
accurately measured the anthocyanins levels in
urine and plasma samples from the two groups of
rats by using a method developed by the Research
Laboratories at the Catholic University of
Campobasso. Then researchers studied the onset
and evolution of myocardial infarction induced
experimentally in both groups.

“We found — Toufektsian adds — that chronic
consumption and effective absorption of
anthocyanins rendered the rats more resistant to
myocardial infarction; in other words, the size
of the infarct was significantly reduced in rats
fed the anthocyanin-rich diet”.

The quantity of absorbed anthocyanins is important
too. Maria Benedetta Donati, scientific coordinator
of the Research Laboratories of Campobasso, argues
that “the rats fed the anthocyanin- rich diet received
about 13-fold more anthocyanins than most people
following a standard Western-type diet, where the
daily consumption of flavonoids is relatively low
and the average intake of anthocyanins is estimated
to be only 12 mg per day”.

The Authors turned their attention on an alkaline diet
stressing the crucial difference between this kind
of diet and the so called Western Diet, that is rich
in fats and poor in fibres. “The anthocyanins content
of the traditional Mediterranean diet is much higher
than that of the Western Diet, which might explain
why the Mediterranean diet is cardioprotective” says
Michel de Lorgeril, cardiologist, head of the Grenoble

Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist from the
pH Miracle Living Center, states, "the best source
of the acid buffering-alkalizing proanthocyanadins
is from green fruits and veggies. Eating 9 to 12
servings of green fruits and veggies every day will
help to provide the protective proanthocyanadins
needed to buffer the dietary and metabolic acids
that can lead to heart dis-ease and cancerous
More aboutProanthocyanadins Protect The Heart From Dietary and Metabolic Acids

Sprouted Soy Is Good For the Body and May Prevent Cancer

Posted by luputtenan2

A compound found in soybeans almost completely
prevented the spread of human prostate cancer
in mice, according to a study published in the
March 15 issue of Cancer Research, a journal
of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Researchers say that the amount of the chemical,
a powerful antioxidant known as genistein, used
in the experiments was no higher than what a
human would eat in a soybean-rich diet.

Investigators from Northwestern University found
that genistein decreased metastasis of prostate
cancer to the lungs by 96 percent compared with
mice that did not eat the compound in their chow --
making the study the first to demonstrate that the
antioxidant genistein can stop prostate cancer
metastasis in a living organism.

"These impressive results give us hope that
genistein might show some effect in preventing
the spread of prostate cancer in patients," said
the study's senior investigator, Raymond C.
Bergan, MD, director of experimental therapeutics
for the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center
of Northwestern University.

"Diet can affect cancer and it doesn't do it by
magic," Bergan said. "Certain chemicals have
beneficial effects and now we have all the
pre-clinical studies we need to suggest genistein
might be a very promising chemopreventive drug."

Bergan and his team have previously demonstrated
in prostate cancer cell cultures that genistein
inhibits detachment of cancer cells from a primary
prostate tumor and represses cell invasion. It
does this by blocking activation of p38 MAP kinases,
molecules which regulate pathways that activate
proteins that loosen cancer cells from their
tight hold within a tumor, pushing them to migrate.

"In culture, you can actually see that when genistein
is introduced, cells flatten themselves in order to
spread out and stick strongly to nearby cells," he said.

In this study, investigators fed genistein to several
groups of mice before implanting them with an aggressive
form of prostate cancer .The amount of genistein in
the blood of the animals was comparable to human
blood concentrations after consumption of soy foods,
Bergan said.

The researchers found that while genistein didn't reduce
the size of tumors that developed within the prostate,
it stopped lung metastasis almost completely. They
repeated the experiment and found the same result.

They then examined tissue in the animals, measuring
the size of tumor cells' nuclei to determine if the
cells had flattened out in order to spread. "Within
a tumor, it is hard to tell where the borders of cells
stop, so one way to measure adherence is to look at
the size of the nuclei in cells and see if they are
wider due to cell spread," Bergan said. "And that
is what we found, demonstrating that the drug is
having a primary effect on metastasis."

He said that the study also found that mice fed
genistein expressed higher levels of genes that
are involved in cancer cell migration which, Bergan
says, at first might not make sense in light of
the study's conclusion that genistein almost
completely blocked metastasis.

"What we think is happening here is that the cells
we put in the mice normally like to move. When
genistein restricted their ability to do so, they
tried to compensate by producing more protein
involved in migration. But genistein prevented
those proteins from being activated," he said.
"This is really a lesson for researchers who
depend on biomarker studies to test whether a
treatment is working. They need to be aware that
those biomarkers might be telling only half of
the story."

Bergan cautioned that much is unknown about use of
genistein in preventing cancer spread. For example,
it may be that the effects of the compound in people
who have eaten soy all their lives is stronger than
benefit seen in patients who have only started to
use genistein.

According the Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist
at the pH Miracle Living Center states, "the antioxidant
genistein is a very powerful buffer of dietary and
metabolic acids that can lead to a cancerous condition
in the body. A diet that includes daily non-fermented
soy sprouts, edname, and tofu may help prevent or
reverse a cancerous condition by buffering
dietary and metabolic acids and thus keeping the
body alkaline."

"The isoflavone and antioxidant genistein
is found in higher amounts in sprouted soy beans then
in the soy bean itself. The benefits of eating organic
soy beans and soy sprouts has been known empirically for
thousands of years - scientific studies are now
documenting that fact."

"There has been much confusion in certain health and
wellness circles concerning the health benefits of
eating non-fermented and fermented soy products.
I have suggested for years that eating non-fermented
soy is beneficial and helpful is alkalizing the body
and buffering the acids that cause sickness and
dis-ease. This is not the case with fermented foods
and drinks, including fermented soy products such as
miso, tempeh, soy sauce, soy cheese, etc. that do not
alkalize the body and increase dietary acids that may
lead to sickness and dis-ease."

"In conclusion, the benefits of eating and drinking
organic soy and soy sprout products is good for the
More aboutSprouted Soy Is Good For the Body and May Prevent Cancer

The Medical Diagnosis of Disease Is An Illusion

Posted by luputtenan2

Disease or should we say dis-ease names like cancer,
diabetes and osteoporosis are misleading and misinform
patients about dis-ease prevention.

There is a curious tendency in conventional medicine
to name a set of symptoms a disease. I was recently
at a compounding pharmacy having my bone mineral
density measured to update my health stats. I
spotted a poster touting a new drug for osteoporosis.
It was written by a drug company and it said
exactly this: 'Osteoporosis is a disease that causes
weak and fragile bones.' Then, the poster went on to
say that you need a particular drug to counteract this 'disease.'

Yet the language is all backwards. Osteoporosis isn't
a disease that causes weak bones, osteoporosis is
the name given to a diagnosis of weak bones. In other
words, the weak bones are the result of excess acidity,
and then the diagnosis of osteoporosis followed.

The drug poster makes it sound like osteoporosis
strikes first, and then you get weak bones. The
cause and effect is all backwards. And that's
how drug companies want people to think about
diseases and symptoms: first you 'get' the dis-ease,
and then you are 'diagnosed' just in time to take
a new drug for the rest of your life.

But it's all an illuision. There is no such
disease as osteoporosis. It's just a made-up name
given to a pattern of symptoms that indicates
you are over-acid which causes your bones to
become fragile.

As another example, when a person follows an
unhealthy lifestyle that results in a symptom
such as high blood pressure, that symptom is
actually being assumed to be a disease all by
itself and it will be given a disease name.
What disease? The dis-ease is, of course,
'hypertension' or 'high blood pressure.'
Doctors throw this phrase around as if it
were an actual dis-ease and not merely
descriptive of patient physiology.

This may all seem silly, right? But there's
actually a very important point to all this.

When we look at symptoms and give them disease
names, we automatically distort the selection
of available treatments for such a dis-ease.
If the dis-ease is, by itself, hypercholesterolemia
or high cholesterol, then the cure for the dis-ease
must be nothing other than lowering the high
cholesterol. And that's how we end up with all
these pharmaceuticals treating high cholesterol
in order to 'prevent' this dis-ease and lower
the levels of LDL cholesterol in the human patient.

By lowering only the cholesterol, the doctor can
rest assured that he is, in fact, treating this
'disease,' since the definition of this 'disease'
is hypercholesterolemia or high cholesterol and
nothing else.

But there is a fatal flaw in this approach to
disease treatment: the symptom is not the cause
of the dis-ease. There is another cause, and
this deeper cause is routinely ignored by
conventional medicine, doctors, drug companies,
and even patients.

Let's take a closer look at hypertension or
high blood pressure. What actually causes high
blood pressure? Many doctors would say high
blood pressure is caused by a specific, measurable
interaction between circulating chemicals in the
human body. Thus, the ill-behaved chemical
compounds are the cause of the high blood pressure,
and therefore the solution is to regulate these
chemicals. That's exactly what pharmaceuticals
do -- they attempt to manipulate the chemicals
in the body to adjust the symptoms of high blood
pressure. Thus, they only treat the symptoms,
not the root cause.

Or take a look at high cholesterol. The conventional
medicine approach says that high cholesterol is
caused by a chemical imbalance in the liver, which
is the organ that produces cholesterol. Thus the
treatment for high cholesterol is a prescription
drug that inhibits the liver's production of
cholesterol (statin drugs). Upon taking these
drugs, the high cholesterol (the 'disease')
is regulated, but what was causing the liver to
overproduce cholesterol in the first place?
That causative factor remains ignored.

The root cause of high cholesterol, as it turns
out, is primarily an over acidic lifestyle and
diet. A person lives an acidic life or who eats
foods that are acidic will inevitably cause the
body to go into preservation mode and produce more
cholesterol to neutralize the excess acid thus
showing the symptoms of this so-called dis-ease
of high cholesterol. Its simple cause and effect.
Eat the wrong foods and don't exercise, and you'll
produce too much acid which will cause the body to
release cholesterol from the liver to bind up
that acid which can be detected and diagnosed by
conventional medical procedures. You see it is
not the cholesterol that is bad it is the acid
producing food we eat and the lack of exercise
that is bad. Reduce the acid producing foods
like beef, chicken, pork, dairy, coffee, tea,
soda pops, etc., and start exercising every day
and you will reduce the protective cholesterol
that is saving your life from acids that are
not being elimnated from an acidic lifestyle
and diet.

Yet the root cause of all this is actually poor
lifestyle and food choice, not some bizarre
behavior by the liver. If the disease were to
be accurately named, then, it would be called
Acidic Lifestyle and Food Choice Dis-Ease, or
simply ALFCD.

ALFCD would be a far more accurate name that
would make sense to people. If it's an acidic
lifestyle and foods choice dis-ease, then it
seems that the obvious solution to the dis-ease
would be to choose a lifestyle and foods that
aren't so acidic. Of course that may be a bit
of simplification since you have to distinguish
between healthy alkaline lifestyles and foods
and unhealthy acidic lifestyle and foods. But
at least the name ALFCD gives clients or patients
a better idea of what's actually going on rather
than naming the dis-ease after a symptom, such
as high cholesterol. You see, the symptom is not
the dis-ease, but conventional medicine insists
on calling the symptom the dis-ease because that
way it can treat the symptom and claim success
without actually addressing the underlying cause,
which remains a mystery to modern medicine.

But let's move on to some other dis-eases so you
get a clearer picture of how this actually works.
Another dis-ease that's caused by poor lifestyle
and acidic food choice is diabetes. Type 2
diabetes is the natural physiological and metabolic
result of a person consuming refined carbohydrates
and added sugars in large quantities, undigested
proteins from beef, chicken, and pork without
engaging in regular physical exercise that would
compensate for such dietary practices.

The name 'diabetes' is meaningless to the average
person. The disease should be called Excessive Acid
Dis-Ease, or EAD. If it were called Excessive Acid
Dis-ease, the solution to it would be rather apparent;
simply eat less sugar, eliminate all animal proteins,
eggs, dairy, drink fewer soft drinks, exercise and so
on. But of course that would be far too simple for
the medical community, so the dis-ease must be given
a complex name such as diabetes that puts its
solution out of reach of the average patient.

Another dis-ease that is named after its symptom
is cancer. In fact, to this day, most doctors and
many patients still believe that cancer is a physical
thing: a tumor. In reality, a tumor is the solution
of cancer, not its cause. A tumor is simply a
physical manifestation of bound up acidic cells
so they do not spoil other healthy cells. The
tumor is the solution to cells damaged by acids
not the problem. The truth is cancer is not a
cell but an acidic liquid. When a person 'has
cancer,' what they really have is cancerous tissues
or latent tissue acidosis. They are absorbing
their own acidic urine. It would be a far better
named for the dis-ease: Cancerous Tisssue Dis-Ease(CTD)
or Latent Tissue Acidosis or LTA.

If cancer were actually called Latent Tissue Acidosis,
it would seem ridiculous to try to cure cancer by
cutting out tumors through surgery and by destroying
the immune system with chemotherapy. And yet these
are precisely the most popular treatments for cancer
offered by conventional medicine. These treatments
do absolutely nothing to support the patient's
immune system and prevent the build up of acids
in the tissues. That's exactly why most people who
undergo chemotherapy or the removal of tumors through
surgical procedures end up with yet more cancer a few
months or a few years later. It's also another reason
why survival rates of cancer have barely budged over
the last twenty years. (In other words, conventional
medicine's treatments for cancer simply don't work.)
The main reason is current medical science wrongly
perceives cancer as a cell when in reality cancer
is an acidic liquid, like lactic acid.

This whole situation stems from the fact that the
dis-ease is misnamed. It isn't cancer, it isn't a
tumor and it certainly isn't a dis-ease caused by
having too strong of an immune system that needs
to be destroyed through chemotherapy. It is simply
latent tissue acidosis. And if it were called
latent tissue acidosis dis-ease or urine in the
tissues dis-ease, the effective treatment for
cancer would be apparent.

The kidneys are responsible for eliminating acids
out of the blood and recycling alkalinity back into
the blood. When we have an over-acidic lifestyle
and diet this puts stress on the kidneys which
can cause them to breakdown. The result is kidney
dis-ease caused by circulatory acids. If acids
are not eliminated out of the blood they will
then be thrown out into the tissues leading to
latent tissue acidosis and eventual cancerous
tissue. Medical science uses dialysis to purify
the blood from acidity and prevent latent tissue
acidosis. If one will stop their acidic lifestyle
and diet and begin to alkalize the blood and
tissues this will support the kidneys and
prevent kidney disease and the need for

There are many other dis-eases that are given
misleading names by western medicine. But if you
look around the world and take a look at how
dis-eases are named elsewhere, you will find
many countries have dis-ease names that actually
make sense.

For example, in Chinese medicine, Alzheimer's
dis-ease is given a name that means, when
translated, 'feeble mind disease.' In Chinese
medicine, the name of the dis-ease more accurately
describes the actual cause of the dis-ease which
is caused by acids or urine on the brain, whereas
in western medicine, the name of the dis-ease
seems to be intended to obscure the root cause
of the dis-ease, thereby making all dis-eases
sound far more complex and mysterious than they
really are.

This is one way in which doctors and practitioners
of western medicine keep medical treatments out
of the reach of the average citizen. Because,
by God, they sure don't want people thinking for
themselves about the causes of dis-ease!

By creating a whole new vocabulary for medical
conditions, they can speak their own secret
language and make sure that people who aren't
schooled in medicine don't understand what
they're saying. That's a shame, because the
treatments and cures for virtually all chronic
dis-eases are actually quite simple and can be
described in plain language, such as making
different alkaline food choices, getting more
natural sunlight, drinking more alkaline water,
engaging in regular physical exercise, avoiding
specific acidic foods, supplementing our diet
with green foods and green drinks and alkalizing
nutritional supplements and so on.

See, western medicine prefers to describe
dis-eases in terms of chemistry. When you're
depressed, you aren't suffering from a lack of
natural sunlight; you are suffering from a 'brain
chemistry imbalance' that can only be regulated,
they claim, by ingesting toxic chemicals to alter
your brain chemistry. When your bones are brittle,
it's not acidic brittle bones dis-ease; it's
called osteoporosis, something that sounds very
technical and complicated. And to treat it, western
doctors and physicians will give you prescriptions
for expensive drugs that somehow claim to make
your bones less brittle. But in fact, the real
treatment for this can be described in plain
language once again: regular physical exercise,
vitamin D supplementation, mineral supplements
that include calcium and strontium, natural sunlight,
and avoidance of acidic foods such as soft drinks,
white flour and added sugars.

In fact, virtually every dis-ease that's prominent
in modern society -- diabetes, cancer, heart
disease, osteoporosis, clinical depression,
irritable bowel syndrome and so on -- can be
easily described in plain language without
using complex terms at all. These dis-eases
are simply misnamed. And I believe that they
are intentionally misnamed to put the jargon
out of reach of everyday citizens. As a result,
there's a great deal of arrogance in the language
of western medicine, and this arrogance furthers
the language of separation. Separation never
results in healing. In order to effect healing,
we must bring together the language of healers
and patients using plain language that real people
understand and that real people can act upon.

We need to start describing dis-eases in terms
of their root causes, not in terms of their arcane,
biochemical actions. When someone suffers from
seasonal affective disorder or clinical depression,
for example, let's call it what it is: Sunlight
Deficiency Disorder. To treat it, the person simply
needs to get more sunlight. This isn't rocket science,
it's not complex, and it doesn't require a

If someone is suffering from osteoporosis, let's
get realistic about the words we use to describe
the condition: it's really Acidic Bones Dis-ease.
And it should be treated with things that will
enhance bone density, such as nutrition, physical
exercise and avoidance of acidic foods and drinks
that strip away bone mass from the human body to
neutralize the excess acids in the blood and

All of this information, of course, is rather
shocking to old-school doctors and practitioners
of western medicine, and the bigger their egos
are, the more they hate the idea of naming dis-eases
in plain language that patients can actually
comprehend. That's because if the simple truths
about dis-eases and their causes were known,
health would be more readily available to everyday
people, and that would lessen the importance of
physicians and medical researchers.

There's a great deal of ego invested in the medical
community, and they sure don't want to make sound
health attainable to the average person without
their expert advice. Many Doctors want to serve
as the translators of 'truth' and will balk at
any attempts to educate the public to either practice
medicine on their own.

But in reality, health (and a connection with
spirit) is attainable by every single person.
Health is easy, it is straightforward, it is direct
and, for the most part, it is available free of
charge. A personal connection with our Creator is
the same if we ask humbly in prayer for a
relationship with Him, and guidance.

Don't believe the names of dis-eases given to you
by your doctor. Those names are designed to obscure,
not to inform. They are designed to separate you
from self-healing, not to put you in touch with your
own inner healer. And thus, they are nothing more
than bad medicine masquerading as modern medical

In Love and Healing Light,

Robert O. Young Ph.D., D.Sc.
As someone that looks to improve their health we are pleased to offer you this free audio, an excerpt of a powerful two hour interview with Dr Robert O. Young and Anthony Robbins. (it is free to listen!)

Click here to listen:

I trust you'll enjoy this...

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'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.' St. Augustine

'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke

'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein

Copyright 2007 Dr. Robert and Shelley Young

pH Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California 92082 US

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More aboutThe Medical Diagnosis of Disease Is An Illusion

The pH Miracle for Breast Cancer

Posted by luputtenan2 on Sunday, March 16, 2008

Women with cancerous breats have more aggressive
dis-ease and lower survival rates if they are
overweight or obese, according to findings published
in the March 15 issue of Clinical Cancer Research,
a journal of the American Association for Cancer

“The more obese a patient is, the more aggressive
the disease,” said Massimo Cristofanilli, MD,
associate professor of medicine in the Department
of Breast Medical Oncology at The University of
Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. “We are learning
that the fat tissue may increase inflammation that
leads to more aggressive disease.”

Cristofanilli and colleagues observed 606 women
with locally advanced breast cancer. These women
were classified by body mass index into the
following three groups: normal/underweight
(24.9 or below), overweight (at least 25 but
less than 30) or obese (more than 30). Body
mass index is calculated by dividing a person’s
weight by their height.

At five years, overall survival was 56.8 percent
among obese women, 56.3 percent among overweight
women and 67.4 percent among normal weight women.
The 10-year survival rate was 42.7 percent among
obese women, 41.8 percent among overweight women
and 56.5 percent among normal weight women.

The rate of inflammatory or stage 4 acidosis in
cancerous breasts, previously shown to have worse
outcomes than non-inflammatory breast cancer,
among obese women was 45 percent compared with
30 percent in overweight women and only 15
percent in women considered normal weight,
researchers found.

Risk of cancerous or acidic breasts recurrence was
also higher in obese or overweight women. By five
years, 50.8 percent of obese women reported a
recurrence compared with 38.5 percent of normal
weight women. By 10 years, the rate of recurrence
was 58 percent among obese women and 45.4 percent
among normal weight women.

“Obesity goes far beyond just how a person looks
or any physical strain from carrying around extra
weight. Particular attention should be paid to
our overweight patients,” Cristofanilli said.

Cristofanilli said physicians need to pay close
attention to breast cancer patients because
commonly used drugs, such as tamoxifen, tend to
increase weight gain during treatment.

“We have actually become quite good at managing
acute side effects such as nausea in our
chemotherapy patients and it goes away within a
couple of days,” Cristofanilli said.

“Following the nausea, our patients tend to
overeat, which further increases their risk of
weight gain. We need to implement lifestyle
modifications interventions and develop better
methods to follow these patients closely.”

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, states,
"cancerous breasts are the the result of dietary
and metabolic acids being stored in the fatty
breast tissues. The bigger the breasts the
greater the risk for cancerous breasts. The key
is to eliminate dietary and metabolic acids
through urination, perspiration, respiration
and defecation and not store them in the fatty
breast tissue. The key then to preventing
acidic cancerous breasts is to alkalize and
exercise. If you want to prevent or reverse
a cancerous condition in the body you need to
sweat and pee your way to health. Cancer is a
four letter word - ACID, and the body will
generally park this acid in the fatty tissue,
i.e., the breast tissue! By buffering and
eliminating dietary and metabolic acids
through one of the four channels of elimination
by alkalizing and exercising you can either
prevent or reverse a cancerous condition."

To learn more about preventing and reversing
a cancerous condition anywhere in the body
read The pH Miracle and listen to
The pH Miracle for Cancer.
More aboutThe pH Miracle for Breast Cancer

Dancing May Help Reduce Parkinson Symptoms

Posted by luputtenan2 on Thursday, March 13, 2008

Patients with Parkinson's disease who took part
in regular tango dance classes for 20 sessions
showed significant improvements in balance and
mobility when compared to patients who did
conventional exercise, a new study by researchers
at Washington University School of Medicine in
St. Louis shows.

Researchers Gammon M. Earhart, Ph.D., assistant
professor of physical therapy, and Madeleine E.
Hackney, a predoctoral trainee in movement science,
compared the effects of Argentine tango dance
classes to exercise classes on functional mobility
in 19 patients with Parkinson's disease. The
participants in the dance program showed
significant improvement in several standard tests
for patients with Parkinson's disease - the Unified
Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UP-DRS) and the
Berg Balance Scale.

Parkinson's dis-ease is an acidic metabolic disorder
that affects nerve cells in a part of the brain that
controls muscle movement. The nerve cells that make
the neurotransmitter dopamine are effected by dietary
and/or metabolic acids and do not work
properly, resulting in trembling of hands, arms,
legs, jaw and face; stiffness of the arms, legs
and trunk; slowness of movement and poor balance
and coordination. Patients are also at greater
risk for falls or freezing, the slowing or
stopping of movement while walking.

The researchers randomly assigned 19 patients
with Parkinson's disease to 20 one-hour sessions
of tango dancing or group strength and flexibility
exercise designed for patients with Parkinson's
and the elderly. Each patient was assessed prior
to starting the dance or exercise and after
completing the sessions. All were similar in age
and stage of Parkinson's disease.

The tango dance sessions included stretching, balance
exercises, tango-style walking, footwork patterns,
experimenting with timing of steps to music and
dancing with and without a partner. The exercise
classes included 40 minutes of seated exercise
followed by standing exercises supported by a
chair and core strengthening and stretching.

The participants in both groups showed significant
improvement in the Unified Parkinson's Disease
Rating Scale Motor Subscale 3, which measures
overall disease severity with respect to movement.
The tango participants showed much improvement
on the Berg Balance Scale, which measures balance
in a variety of positions, while the improvements
in participants in the exercise group were not
as pronounced. In addition, the participants in
the tango group showed a trend toward improvement
in the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test, which tests
functional mobility rising from a chair, walking
a short distance, turning and returning to
the chair.

"Given these preliminary results, we think that
tango is feasible for individuals with Parkinson's
disease and may be an appropriate and effective
form of group exercise for individuals with
Parkinson's," Earhart said. "Although some
participants were initially skeptical because
they hadn't danced in years or thought they
couldn't because of the disease, this study
shows that dance can improve functional mobility."

The researchers said that while dance in general
may be beneficial for patients with Parkinson's
disease, tango uses several aspects of movement
that my be especially relevant for these patients
including dynamic balance, turning, initiation of
movement, moving at a variety of speeds and
walking backward.

"This type of therapy looks to be superior than
what is currently offered," Hackney said. "The
quality of life improved in these patients because
of the social aspect of the dancing."

Earhart and Hackney said this is the first study
of this type to systematically investigate and
compare the effects of tango and strength/flexibility
exercises and functional mobility in patients
with Parkinson's and that further studies with
larger groups of patients are needed to confirm
their observations.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist
at the pH Miracle Living center, states, "dancing
activates the lymphatic system that helps to remove
acids from the tissues and organs, including the
fatty tissues such as the brain. When dietary and
metabolic acids are removed from the tissues then
those tissues and organs function better. With
reduced tissue and organ acidity from dancing
you will feel better, think better, act better
and even have less of the symptoms associated
with Parkinson's. I have also found in my research
that dancing and other exercising in general helps to
take your mind off the symptoms, like tremors, and
when this happens the tremors stop."
More aboutDancing May Help Reduce Parkinson Symptoms

Seven Strategies For A Healthy Heart

Posted by luputtenan2

People who invest in luxury cars or high-priced SUVs
tend to take care of them, paying particular attention
to filling up with high-quality gasoline. The very
same people, however, can often be seen cruising
along in their spiffy wheels while eating a cheap
high-fat, high-calorie, heart-attack-in-a-paper
bag hamburger. If they would be as careful with
what they cram into their priceless and irreplaceable
bodies as what they put in a car they're only going
to keep for two years, their hearts would probably
last longer. And - some doctors believe - better
"fuel" could even keep their hearts beating longer
without eventually having to resort to expensive
heart medications that often have unwanted acidic
side effects.

A wealth of research shows, in fact, that simple
alkaline lifestyle changes can have enormous benefits,
as in the case of an overweight man with high
cholesterol and blood pressure treated at New York
University's Center for the Prevention of
Cardiovascular disease. He was put on a healthy
alkaline diet with portion controls, and given an
exercise plan. Within six months, his blood
pressure and cholesterol returned to normal,
he lost eleven pounds, and he decided to stay
with the plan permanently because he felt so
much better, not to mention the fact that he
cut his risk for a acidic heart attack drastically.

What can you do to help your heart without using
medications? Here are seven important strategies.
Chances are you are following some of these
guidelines already, but you may want to give
them a close look because new research has
provided several really new ideas that go beyond
the usual list of "do's and don't's":

1) Feed your heart the alkaline food it needs.
This means more than just eating less fat -
a two-year study showed that a heart-healthy
diet should be high in alkaline fruits and veggies,
seeds and nuts, fatty fish, and healthy fats.
Further, you should eat more fiber, which besides
helping to keep things "moving along" in your
digestive or alkaline buffering system may also
help to lower cholesterol as the fiber binds up
dietary acids. The goal of the alkaline diet is
to reduce acids that cause artery-damaging inflammation.
Things to avoid are the usual: trans fats found in
margarine, fast food, and many packaged foods.
Also, cut back on all sugary foods and fruits, and
drink only alkaline water with a pH of 9.5 and an
ORP of -150 mV.

2) Sweat your way to health and fitness with alkalizing
exercises. Exercise at least 1 hour daily with a brisk
walk or jog for 60 minutes five days a week. Try to
include strength training several days a week, either
using weights or resistance mechanisms. A new highly
recommended exercise is ballroom dancing, which is good
for your mind as well as your body. Think it's for
sissies? The next time you watch "Dancing With the
Stars," take a close look at the contestants' chests
heaving up and down when they come off the floor.
(It can be really vigorous - remember Marie Osmond's
fainting spell.:) Daily whole body vibrational exercise
for working every cell in the entire body in ten minutes
and is equal to 90 minutes of other aerobic types of

3) Lose your spare tire. Excess belly fat raises
blood pressure, strains the heart, and -new research
shows - actually produces acids that can cause
inflammation of the arteries. Do whatever you
have to do to cut back on eating, keeping in
mind the heart-healthy tips given above. Don't
skip an alkaline breakfast, eat slowly, stay
away from acidic fried foods, and start meals
with a salad (with a low-fat, no trans fat avocado
oil with lemon). An old phrase is coming back
into vogue: "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch
like a queen, and supper like a pauper."

4) Quit tobacco. Get professional help with this
one if necessary. This is a lifestyle change that
can help big time. (But you know that.

5) Quit alcohol. It is acidic and tenderizes the
heart making it weak and sluggish.

6) Chill out. It turns out that anger and stress
can trigger acidic hormones that can injure your
heart. Both can raise blood pressure and make
blood prone to clotting. Do what it takes to
calm your anger and throw oil on the waters of
stress. Religious and civic activities can help,
as can meditation, yoga and - you guessed it -
ballroom dancing. Always keep in the back of
your mind the ancient Eastern saying, "There are
a million ways to get from birth to death, and
they all work."

7) Eat lots of mineral sea salts. Without salt
your heart would stop beating. Salt provides the
matrix for which energy is transported. Mineral
sea salts provide the alkalinity necessary for
a healthy heart. So eat at least 8 grams a day
or spray yourself with pHlavor mineral sea salt
6 to 9 times a day.
More aboutSeven Strategies For A Healthy Heart

No More Type I or Type II Diabetes!

Posted by luputtenan2

I am so happy to share with you a pH Miracle case
study for Type I Diabetes.

The story begins two months ago with a 6 year old
child named Gabriel who was diagnosed with onset
Type I Diabetes. Through Gabriel's parents I had the
honor to meet and work with Gabriel to help him
reverse this condition.

When I looked at Gabriel's live and dried blood he
had all the markers for the condition he had been
diagnosed with by his doctor - Type I diabetes.

The blood showed:

1) White spots on the red blood cells,
2) Targets in the center of the red blood cells,
3) Yeast cells, like candida in the blood plasma, and
4) A dark protein ring in the center of the
coagulated blood, indicating bowel congestion.

I shared with Gabriel and his parents that diabetes
starts in the bowel not in the pancreas. Balancing
blood sugars has everything to do with restoring the
alkaline pH of the small and large intestines by
eliminating the congestion of undigested chicken,
beef, pork and fish. I helped them understand that
the major cause of diabetes in children is from
protein not from sugar. I knew if Gabriel would
clear his bowels of undigested animal proteins his
blood sugars would normalize and "No More Diabetes!"

This is exactly what happened - Gabriel cleared his
bowels and now has normal blood sugars and
"No More Type I Diabetes!"

The following is Gabriel's story as told by his
incredible Mother who had the insight and inspiration
to look outside the medical box of current medical


Dear Dr. Young,

Two months ago my husband and I were shocked when our
family doctor informed us he thought our six year
old son, Gabriel, had Type 1 Diabetes. The
pediatric endocrinologist we were referred to was
reasonably sure he had the disease .Although the
specialist said we detected it early, he estimated
that Gabriel would be insulin-dependent within six
months. When we asked if there was anything we
could do, the doctor assured us there was no way
to prevent the onset of Type 1 Diabetes. We would
just have to wait for the disease to run its course.
Our hearts were grieving for our precious son.

We immediately began learning all we could about
Type 1 Diabetes. I am an R.N., and I have studied
health alternatives and nutrition. I began scouring
the internet and researching sources I have studied.
After considering many possibilities, Dr. Youngs’s
research seemed the most promising. Dr Young
generously invited us to visit the research center
as a case study for his microscopy course. He
confirmed the Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis and
started Gabriel on the pH Miracle Living Plan or
the COWS Plan as outlined in his book, The pH
Miracle for Diabetes.

The day we visited the pH Miracle Center, Gabriel
began drinking what he calls “green power”. We
began the alkaline diet immediately. His blood
sugar levels dropped to within normal range and
have remained normal. Gabriel says he feels so
much better. Overall, his flagging energy has
returned to its previous vitality.

Gabriel now tells everyone he wants to be a doctor.
He wants to help other sick people like Dr. Young.
We thank God for the pH Miracle Living program which
has been and answer to our prayers. Thanks to Dr.
Young’s dedicated research, our mourning has been
transformed into hope.

Gabriel’s Mom


The key to reversing Type I diabetes is the healing
of the small intestine and the intestinal villi or
root system of the body. When we have a healthy
small intestine we can build healthy red blood cells
which can then build a healthy body.

Very few people realize that sugar is a waste product
of cellular degeneration or breakdown, not a fuel for
energy. Think about it for a moment when you consider
a banana as it ripens or ferments - it becomes sweeter
with the acid sugar - it is melting into sugar.

This is what is happening to the person doing diabetes.
He or she is melting into sugar.

When we clear the bowels of protein and begin to build
blood with chlorophyll, oil, alkaline water and salt
we can expect only one thing - incredible health and
energy and "No More Diabetes!"

In fact, if more people understood the principals
I teach there would be "No More Diabetes" of any type
in the world today!"

To learn more about preventing and reversing
diabetes read, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, by
Dr. Robert and Shelley Young.
More aboutNo More Type I or Type II Diabetes!

Upcoming New Biology Microscopy Course

Posted by luputtenan2 on Monday, March 10, 2008

Dr. Robert O. Young will be teaching the Basic and
Advanced Microscopy Course in Valley Center,
California at the Rancho del Sol from the 16th
to the 30th of June, 2008 and extends a personal
invitation to you to learn the New Biology and
the important connection to the blood through live
and dried blood microscopy.

Do you often feel that you do not know enough?

Do you wonder how to work with people who are
seriously debilitated, or have terminal cancer?

Do you wonder, how to apply the alkalizing
protocol effectively to get accelerated results,
safely in difficult life situations?

Do you lack certainty and confidence with
yourself, a loved one, a friend or when a client
treatment does not go to plan and you don't
know what else to do?

Dr. Young is always developing new ideas and
making new discoveries many of which he will
only share at the Basic and Advanced New Biology
Microscopy courses.

As blood microscopy is regulated in 2008 in the
USA, UK and Europe, you will find that there is much
to comply with. These standards are being
introduced to ensure your success in this
industry with great potential to work further
within the medical field.

Only those with advanced certificates will be
considered for further consulting as mentioned

In Basic and Advanced New Biology course you
will learn:

· Advanced blood phenomena identification

· Pattern recognition of serious debilitation
and disease

· Pattern recognition of cancerous conditions,
and how they differentiate

· Accelerated healing techniques and inclusions
to the alkalizing protocol.

· How to apply each food and nutrition for a full
healing integration

· How to read 'medical blood examinations and
results' and interpret what they mean for you and
your clients personal strategy.

· Profiling techniques for states of imbalance.

· Somatology or the study in the place of the

· Advanced anatomy and physiology as it relates
to live and dried blood microscopy and consultation.

· Further advancement of microzymian theory.

· Nuclonics or nuclear elemental transformations -
learn a new periodic table Dr. Young refers to
as the New Nuclear Physics.

You will learn from clients who have various
dis-ease profiles including hepatitis, cancer, AIDS,
heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes
(amongst others).

To learn more the New Biology Basic and
Advanced Microscopy course go to:

Please email the pH Miracle Living Center at:

to reserve your place in the Basic and Advanced
course as soon as possible.
More aboutUpcoming New Biology Microscopy Course

Weight-Bearing Low Impact Exercising

Posted by luputtenan2

A Duke University Medical center report on the
various factors that affect weight loss points
to vigorous, sustained exercise as a key factor.

Estimates for the benefits of milder forms of
exercise, such as a one-mile walk are imprecise
at best, and often do not take into account
factors that reduce their actual effectiveness.

Machines such as treadmills, for example,
overestimate the amount of acids eliminated
by 10-15 percent.

However, weight-bearing, gravity-fighting, low
impact exercises like rebounding, isotonic
weight lifting, dancing, skating, running,
stair-climbing and whole body vibrational
exercising eliminates the same amount
of metabolic acids, in the same period
of time, than gentler water-based exercises
or cycling, although some make up for this
by cycling for longer periods.

How skillfully you perform your personal exercise
regimen affects the amount of acids you eliminate
through the sweat glands. Poor technique may make
you work harder and create more acid than you are
eliminating and you'll quit faster and may hurt
yourself along the way.

For more information about weight-bearing
gravity-fighting low impact whole body
vibrational exercises please visit our
website at:

or read, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss
which can be found at your local book store
or on line at:


New York Times September 12, 2006

Rocky Mountain News September 19, 2006
More aboutWeight-Bearing Low Impact Exercising

Reduce Your Risk For Breast, Prostate, Lung, Stomach and Colon Cancer By 50%

Posted by luputtenan2

When your mother told you to eat your vegetables
it appears that maternal wisdom had a scientific

Researchers with Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
and the Shanghai Cancer Institute in China have
discovered a possible link between a diet rich
in certain vegetables and a decreased risk for
breast cancer. The study appears in the March
issue of the American Journal of Clinical

Corresponding author Jay Fowke, Ph.D., assistant
professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt-Ingram, said
3,035 women diagnosed with breast cancer were
identified through the Shanghai Cancer Registry.
They were closely matched with 3,037 women randomly
chosen from the general population there. The women
filled out questionnaires about their diet, including
consumption of cruciferous vegetables like Chinese
cabbage, bok choi and turnips. Americans typically
eat more broccoli, kale and cauliflower in the
cruciferous vegetable family.

"Cruciferous vegetables contain some compounds that
may have a cancer-inhibitory effect," explained Fowke.
"Here we were able to identify a group of women who
seem to particularly benefit from a high intake of
these vegetables."

While there was only a small positive relationship
between a diet high in these vegetables and a
reduction in breast cancer risk for the overall
study population, there was a striking risk reduction --
50 percent -- among women with a certain genetic
profile. Researchers identified three forms of
the GSTP1 genotype among the cancer patients:
Ille/Ile, Ile/Val and Val/Val.

"Women who consumed more of these cruciferous
vegetables and who also had the Val/Val genetic
polymorphism had a lower breast cancer risk. So
we cautiously interpreted this as diet being a
factor that may reduce the impact of genetic
susceptibility in overall breast cancer risk,"
said Fowke.

The Vanderbilt-Ingram researchers focused on
cruciferous vegetables because they contain two
chemicals called isothiocyanates and indole-3-carbinol
which may affect carcinogenesis by triggering cell
transformation or by shifting the acidic estrogen
metabolism. Studies by other researchers have
suggested cruciferous vegetables may reduce the
risk of lung, stomach, colorectal and bladder cancer.

"The Shanghai Breast Cancer Study is one of the
largest and most comprehensive epidemiological
studies conducted to date for this common cancer,"
according to principal investigator Wei Zheng.
"We have published over 100 research papers in
this study addressing a large range of significant
issues related to the etiology and survival of
breast cancer. The results reported by Dr. Fowke
may have significant implications in breast cancer

Dr. Robert O. Young, of the pH Miracle Living
Center states, "breast cancer is the result of
metabolic and dietary acids being deposited in the
fatty tissues of the breast in order to maintain
the alkaline pH of the blood. When you increase
your cruciferous vegetable intake you then reduce
the risk of acids being thrown-off into the
breast tissue and thus prevent breast cancer."

To learn how to increase your intake of cruciferous
vegetables up to twenty times to help prevent cancerous
breasts, prostate, lungs stomach and bladder go to:
More aboutReduce Your Risk For Breast, Prostate, Lung, Stomach and Colon Cancer By 50%

The Truth About Our Drinking Water

Posted by luputtenan2

A vast array of pharmaceuticals -- including
antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers
and sex hormones -- have been found in the drinking
water supplies of at least 41 million Americans,
an Associated Press investigation shows.

To be sure, the concentrations of these
pharmaceuticals are tiny, measured in quantities
of parts per million, billion and/or trillion,
theoretically far below the levels of a medical
dose. Also, utilities insist their water is safe.

But the presence of so many prescription drugs --
and over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen
and ibuprofen -- in so much of our drinking water
is heightening worries among scientists of long-term
consequences to human health.

In the course of a five-month inquiry, the AP
discovered that drugs have been detected in the
drinking water supplies of 24 major metropolitan
areas - from Southern California to Northern New
Jersey, from Detroit to Louisville, Ky.

Water providers rarely disclose results of
pharmaceutical screenings, unless pressed, the
AP found. For example, the head of a group
representing major California suppliers said
the public "doesn't know how to interpret the
information" and might be unduly alarmed.

How do the drugs get into the water?

People take pills. Their bodies absorb some
of the medication, but the rest of it passes
through the bowel and is flushed down the toilet.
The wastewater is treated before it is discharged
into reservoirs, rivers or lakes. Then, some of
the water is cleansed again at drinking water
treatment plants and piped to consumers. But
most treatments do not remove all the acidic
toxic drug residue.

And while researchers do not yet understand the
exact risks from decades of persistent exposure
to random combinations of low level doses of
pharmaceuticals, recent studies -- which have gone
virtually unnoticed by the general public -- have
found alarming effects on human body cells and

"We recognize it is a growing concern and we're
taking it very seriously," said Benjamin H.
Grumbles, assistant administrator for water at
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Members of the AP National Investigative Team
reviewed hundreds of scientific reports, analyzed
federal drinking water databases, visited
environmental study sites and treatment plants
and interviewed more than 230 officials, academics
and scientists. They also surveyed the nation's
50 largest cities and a dozen other major water
providers, as well as smaller community water
providers in all 50 states.

Here are some of the key test results obtained:

* Officials in Philadelphia said testing there
discovered 56 pharmaceuticals or byproducts in
treated drinking water, including medicines for
pain, infection, high cholesterol, asthma,
epilepsy, mental illness and heart problems.
Sixty-three pharmaceuticals or byproducts were
found in the city's watersheds.

* Anti-epileptic and anti-anxiety medications
were detected in a portion of the treated drinking
water for 18.5 million people in Southern California.

* Researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey
analyzed a Passaic Valley Water Commission
drinking water treatment plant, which serves
850,000 people in Northern New Jersey, and found
a metabolized angina medicine and the
mood-stabilizing carbamazepine in drinking water.

* A sex hormone was detected in San Francisco's
drinking water.

* The drinking water for Washington, D.C., and
surrounding areas tested positive for six

* Three medications, including an antibiotic,
were found in drinking water supplied to
Tucson, Ariz.

The situation is undoubtedly worse than suggested
by the positive test results in the major population
centers documented by the AP.

The federal government doesn't require any testing
and hasn't set safety limits for drugs in water.
Of the 62 major water providers contacted, the
drinking water for only 28 was tested. Among the
34 that haven't: Houston, Chicago, Miami,
Baltimore, Phoenix, Boston and New York City's
Department of Environmental Protection, which
delivers water to 9 million people.

Some providers screen only for one or two
pharmaceuticals, leaving open the possibility
that others are present.

The AP's investigation also indicates that
watersheds, the natural sources of most of
the nation's water supply, also are contaminated.
Tests were conducted in the watersheds of 35 of
the 62 major providers surveyed by the AP, and
pharmaceuticals were detected in 28.

Yet officials in six of those 28 metropolitan areas
said they did not go on to test their drinking
water -- Fairfax, Va.; Montgomery County in Maryland;
Omaha, Neb.; Oklahoma City; Santa Clara, Calif.,
and New York City.

The New York state health department and the USGS
tested the source of the city's water, upstate.
They found trace concentrations of heart medicine,
infection fighters, estrogen, anti-convulsants,
a mood stabilizer and a tranquilizer.

City water officials declined repeated requests for
an interview. In a statement, they insisted that
"New York City's drinking water continues to meet
all federal and state regulations regarding
drinking water quality in the watershed and the
distribution system" -- regulations that do not
address trace pharmaceuticals.

In several cases, officials at municipal or
regional water providers told the AP that
pharmaceuticals had not been detected, but
the AP obtained the results of tests conducted
by independent researchers that showed otherwise.

For example, water department officials in New
Orleans said their water had not been tested for
pharmaceuticals, but a Tulane University researcher
and his students have published a study that
found the pain reliever naproxen, the sex hormone
estrone and the anti-cholesterol drug byproduct
clofibric acid in treated drinking water.

Of the 28 major metropolitan areas where tests
were performed on drinking water supplies,
only Albuquerque; Austin, Texas; and Virginia
Beach, Va.; said tests were negative. The
drinking water in Dallas has been tested, but
officials are awaiting results. Arlington, Texas,
acknowledged that traces of a pharmaceutical
were detected in its drinking water but cited
post-9/11 security concerns in refusing to
identify the drug.

The AP also contacted 52 small water providers --
one in each state, and two each in Missouri
and Texas -- that serve communities with
populations around 25,000. All but one said
their drinking water had not been screened for
pharmaceuticals; officials in Emporia, Kan.,
refused to answer AP's questions, also citing
post-9/11 issues.

Rural consumers who draw water from their own
wells aren't in the clear either, experts say.

The Stroud Water Research Center, in Avondale,
Pa., has measured water samples from New York
City's upstate watershed for caffeine, a common
contaminant that scientists often look for as
a possible signal for the presence of other
pharmaceuticals. Though more caffeine was
detected at suburban sites, researcher Anthony
Aufdenkampe was struck by the relatively high
levels even in less populated areas.

He suspects it escapes from failed septic tanks,
maybe with other drugs. "Septic systems are
essentially small treatment plants that are
essentially unmanaged and therefore tend to
fail," Aufdenkampe said.

Even users of bottled water and home filtration
systems don't necessarily avoid exposure.
Bottlers, some of which simply repackage tap
water, do not typically treat or test for
pharmaceuticals, according to the industry's
main trade group. The same goes for the makers
of home filtration systems.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center stated,
"the contamination of our water supply in the US
is a clear and present danger. I have personally
tested the water supplies of every major city in
the US and there is NO safe water to drink that is
clean, pure and alkaline. Even the majority of the
bottled waters being sold in the US and around the
world are questionable at best."

To learn the truth about water read,
"You Are What You Drink" in Dr. Young's
book, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and
the following article that details
this clear and present danger concerning the
world's potable water supply.

Clean drinking water is something that the public
has pretty much taken for granted for the past
hundred years. The public has little idea--perhaps
understandably--just how contaminated our drinking
water has become. Our environment has changed, new
biological transformations are emerging, drinking-
water systems are aging, and governments seem more
interested in ensuring business in the global
marketplace than in ensuring the safety and health
of the world citizens.

Acid rain corrodes copper, lead, and galvanized
pipes. There are hundreds of agricultural pollutants,
including pesticides and fertilizer, industrial
pollutants including plasticizers, solvents, and
propellants; along with chemicals added to aid in
the coagulation of water can be of great concern
to water pollution.

A National Assessment of Tap Water Quality found
260 contaminants in our nation's tap water; 141
of these contaminants have no enforceable safety
limits. Of the 141 unregulated contaminants utilities
detected in water supplies between 1998 and 2003,
52 are linked to cancer, 41 to reproductive toxicity,
36 to developmental toxicity, and 16 to immune system
damage, according to chemical listings in seven
standard government and industry toxicity references.
Despite the potential health risks, any concentration
of these chemicals in tap water is legal, no matter
how high.

However, the EPA's own scientists have identified
600 chemicals in tap water formed as by-products
of disinfection--they tracked 220 million pounds
of 650 industrial chemicals discharged to rivers
and streams annually. They also spearheaded research
on emerging contaminants after the U.S. Geological
Survey found: 82 unregulated pharmaceuticals,
hormones, medications, and residues of consumer
products in rivers and streams across the country.

Intensive use of highly acidic antibiotics in human
and veterinarian medicine and in industrial farming
(food additives) has resulted in the transport of
significant quantities of the active ingredients
to environmental waters. All told, EPA has set
safety standards for fewer than 20 percent of the
many hundreds of chemicals that it has identified
in our drinking water.

Many of these compounds enter the human body through
our skin when we bathe or swim.

By failing to clean up rivers and reservoirs that
provide drinking water for hundreds of millions
of Americans, EPA and the Congress have forced water
utility companies to decontaminate water that is
polluted with industrial chemicals, factory farm
waste, sewage, pesticides, fertilizer, and sediment.
In its most recent national Water Quality Inventory
EPA found that 45 percent of lakes and 39 percent
of streams and rivers are "impaired"--unsafe for
drinking, fishing, or even swimming, in some cases.

Even after water suppliers filter and disinfect
the water, scores of contaminants remain, with
conventional treatment regimes removing less than
20 percent of some contaminants. By failing to set
tap water safety standards expeditiously or require
and fund comprehensive testing, EPA allows
widespread exposures to chemical mixtures posing
known risks to human health.

A Fractional Damage Assessment from Acid Rain

Acid rain is produced when nitrous oxide, sulphur
dioxide, and carbon dioxide gas in the upper
atmosphere react with water particles to produce
nitric acid, sulphuric acid, and carbonic acid
respectively. Unpolluted rainfall normally balanced
alkaline pH of about 7.1 to 7.3, whilst acid rain
has a pH that varies from 4.1 to 5.5.

Rainwater was naturally slightly alkaline because
it contained a small amount of dissolved carbon
dioxide gas. This forms a small amount of carbonic
acid. Acid rain contains abnormally high levels
of carbonic acid (from the excessive amounts of
carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere from
burning fossil fuel).

The word equation is:

Carbon dioxide + water = carbonic acid

When we burn fossil fuels (especially coal),
sulphur dioxide is made and released into the air.
When sulphur dioxide dissolves in rainwater, it
makes sulphuric acid.

Sulphur dioxide + water = sulfuric acid

Sulphur Dioxide reacts with a wide range of
substances found in food, including various
essential vitamins, minerals and essential
fatty acids.

Sulfuric acid is actually a mixture of acids in
high concentrations. Sulfuric acid is much
stronger than carbonic acid. It is extremely
corrosive and it causes damage to rocks, animals,
and plants.

Sulfuric acid can cause severe burns to all
body tissue and may be fatal if swallowed or
contacted with skin. It is harmful if inhaled;
it affects teeth; it is a cancerous hazard.
Strong inorganic acid mists containing sulfuric
acid can lead to cancerous tissues.

Nitrous oxides react with water vapor to
form nitric acid. Nitric acid is a highly
corrosive and toxic acid that can cause severe

Nitrous oxides + water = nitric acid

Nitric acid is a cancerous-causing agent. It is
also a powerful dehydrating agent, so powerful
that much of the damage it does to the human
body is because it pulls water even out of other
molecules in chemical reactions.

Apart from emissions of sulphur dioxide and
nitrogen oxides from the combustion of fossil
fuels, there are also other substances that
contribute to acid rain formation. These include
hydrochloric acid and organic carboxylic acids.
These organic acids include acetic acid and formic
acid and are formed when volatile organic
compounds are oxidized in the air.

Acid rain causes a cascade of effects that
harm or kill individual fish, reduce fish
population numbers, completely eliminating fish
species from a body of water, and decrease
biodiversity. Damages also show up in land
animals, affecting their behavior and feeding
patterns. Acid rain kills trees, crops, and
other vegetation; damages buildings and
monuments; corrodes copper, galvanized steel,
and lead piping; damages such manufactured
things as automobiles; and reduces soil fertility.

Acid rain can raise the level of heavy metals,
many of which are carcinogenic, teratogenic,
transforming, reproductive toxins, or neurological
toxins in drinking water supplies.

Pure acid water extracted from drinking water
will burn holes in the outer membranes of
micro-forms like parasites, bacteria, yeast,
and microscopic worms. Pure acid water will
transform parasites and their eggs, bacteria,
yeast and mold. Pure acid water has a strong
oxidation potential (a shortage of electrons)
giving it the ability to ferment, spoil and
sterilize. When extracted from drinking water
about one third of the water is acid water
(and the third part of the waters became wormwood).
Think of the effects it can have on the plant,
animal or human body.

Acid rain raises the level of heavy metals, some
of which are poisonous, in drinking water supplies.
Polluted acidic waters contain higher than average
levels of heavy and toxic metals, carbon monoxide,
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), photochemical
oxidants, and a laundry list of other toxins that
pose serious health threats.

Some acidic toxins enter the human body through
air, water, and/or through our skin (when we
bathe or swim many of these toxins are absorbed
through our skin). Other poisonous metals and
toxins that are dissolved into the rain water
are absorbed by the fruit, vegetables we eat.
All of the meat we eat is saturated with acidic
toxins that were absorbed through the skin and
into the tissue of the animals. In addition,
animals eat these plants and other animals,
perpetuating the cycle. Many heavy metals
are bio-accumulative and highly acidic. They can
accumulate in the soft tissues when the body
cannot metabolize them so they end up in the
connective and fatty tissues.

Acid rain contains caustic acids that tend to make
the pH of the human body more acidic. Drinking acidic
water can cause many serious dis-eases. All of the
water we drink (including bottled, purified,
reverse osmosis, and some distilled waters) contain
these acids. It can be difficult to balance the pH
of people consuming water loaded with these poisonous
acidic wastes.

Breathing acidic air fogs (including hot shower or
bath water) can damage our respiratory system. Some
of these acids are powerful dehydrating agents, so
powerful that much of the damage they do to the
human body is because they pull water even out
of other molecules in chemical reactions.

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are toxic
acidic chemicals that adversely affect human
health and the environment around the world.
Because they can be transported by wind and
water, most POPs generated in one country can
affect people and wildlife far from where they
are used and released. They persist for long
periods of time in the environment and can
accumulate and pass from one species to the
next through the food chain.

Although scientists have more to learn about
POPs acidic chemicals, decades of scientific
research have greatly increased our knowledge
of POPs' impacts on people and wildlife. For
example, laboratory studies have shown that
low doses of certain POPs adversely affect
some organ systems and aspects of development.
Studies also have shown that chronic exposure
to low doses of certain POPs can result in
reproductive and immune system deficits.
Exposure to high levels of certain POPs
chemicals - higher than normally encountered
by humans and wildlife - can cause serious
damage or death.

There are acids called dioxins and dioxin-like
compounds in the food supply. Dioxin and
dioxin-like compounds, or DLCs, are found
throughout the environment, in soil, water,
and air. People are exposed to these
unintentional environmental contaminants
primarily through the food supply, particularly
by eating animal fat in meat, dairy products,
and fish. Another reason to avoid eating acidic
animal flesh, dairy or fish.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, over 90% of our exposure to acidic
dioxins is through food, with major sources
including beef, dairy products, milk, chicken,
pork, fish, and eggs. Dioxins are also passed
from mother to developing infant across the
placenta and through breastfeeding. Dioxins,
PCBs, DDT and other organochlorines are among
the 200 plus chemicals found in human breast
milk today that can lead to a host of infant

Acidic dioxins and related compounds are highly
persistent in the environment and in living
organisms. PCB's can remain in human connective
and fat tissue for decades. It is believed that
almost all living beings on earth have dioxin-
like compounds in their body tissues.

No amount of dioxin exposure can be considered
safe, as very small amounts have been associated
with impaired developmental, reproductive,
neurological, and immune function. Acidic dioxin
is one of the most toxic chemicals known to

The cancerous risk from eating animal flesh
contaminated with acidic dioxin is another
clear warning that livestock foods have a
direct impact on human food quality and safety.

The health risks posed by the levels of acidic
dioxins in human foods and animal feeds have
yet to be ascertained by government officials.
Therefore, conveniently, governments do not
recommend regulatory limits on acidic dioxins
or dioxin-like compounds in food or feed
(even though PCBs and dioxin are known endocrine

Nitrate is a chemical that enters water from
fertilizer runoff, leaching septic tanks, and
erosion of natural deposits. Potential health
impacts associated with the acid nitrite includes
cardiovascular or acidic blood toxicity, acidic
kidney toxicity, and acidic reproductive toxicity.

The acid nitrate is one of the most common
groundwater contaminants in rural areas. Fertilizer
nitrogen that is not taken up by plants, volatilized,
or carried away by surface runoff - leaches to the
groundwater in the form of the acid nitrate. Septic
systems also can elevate groundwater nitrate
concentrations because they remove only half of
the nitrogen in wastewater, leaving the remaining
half to percolate to groundwater.

An Environmental Working Group analysis of Nitrate
tests reported by 32,210 public water suppliers
in 41 states shows that between 1998 and 2003,
176 million people in 23,704 communities drank
acidic water contaminated with nitrate. In 657
of these communities, tap water was contaminated
at levels above health-based thresholds.

Nitrate occurs in the environment, in air, food
(particularly in vegetables and fruits) and
water, and is produced endogenously. It is also
used as a food additive, mainly as a preservative
and anti-microbial agent. It is used in foods
such as cheese and cheese products, raw and
processed meats, edible casings, processed fish
and fish products and spirits and liqueurs.

Since most of our produce is grown with potassium,
nitrogen, and phosphorous fertilizers, and
irrigated with water that is contaminated with
nitrate (and about 600 other contaminates),
the produce we eat contains unnaturally high
levels of nitrate. Synergistically unbalanced
and contaminated acidic food will not sustain
our health; it will actually poison us to death.

What are the health effects? Nitrates can react
with hemoglobin to reduce the oxygen-carrying
capacity of the blood. Nitrates may combine
with other substances to form nitrosamines,
which are carcinogenic, and it may have an
atrophying affect on the adrenal gland.

Short-term: Excessive levels of nitrate in
drinking water have caused serious illness
and sometimes death. In some parts of the
country, beets, turnips, carrots, collard
greens and spinach contain large amounts of
nitrates, a chemical that can cause an unusual
type of anemia (low blood count) in young infants,
referred to as methemoglobinemia or blue baby
syndrome. Symptoms include shortness of breath
and blueness of the skin. The serious illness
in infants is due to the conversion of nitrate
to nitrite by the body, which interferes
with the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood;
blue baby syndrome can be an acute condition
in which health deteriorates rapidly over a
period of days.

Long-term: Nitrates and nitrites have the potential
to cause the following effects from a lifetime
exposure at levels above the maximum contaminant
level: excessive discharge of urine, increased
starchy deposits and hemorrhaging of the spleen.

Heavy metal aberrations found in our drinking water
are directly causative or associative with dis-ease
and ill health. A few examples are anemia,
cardiac conditions, depression, digestive problems,
high blood pressure, hormone imbalance, impaired
growth, infertility, insomnia, learning and
behavioral problems, osteoporosis, chronic
inflammation, and tumor proliferation.

Heavy metal toxins contribute to a variety of
adverse health effects. There are more than 65
different heavy metals and toxic acidic compounds
that impact human health.

Accumulation within the body can lead to a
decline in the mental, cognitive, and physical
health of the individual. Many of these pollutants
are carcinogenic, teratogenic, reproductive acidic
toxins, or neurological acidic toxins.

The increased acidity of rain also releases many
minerals that do not naturally occur or do not
belong in water at these disproportionate levels,
thus producing what is called hard water.

As a result, these acidic toxins are consumed
in drinking water or are ingested by plants,
animals, or aquatic life, which are then eaten
by humans.

When numerous metals are present in the body,
they have a "synergistic toxicity." Dr. Boyd Haley,
professor and chair of the chemistry department
at the University of Kentucky, performed a study
on rats and found that the mortality rate of
rats exposed to a small dose of mercury or
aluminum killed only 1 rat in 100. However, when
the rats were exposed to both mercury and
aluminum at the same time, all 100 rats
died - a 100% mortality rate.

Here are a few more ways that acid deposition
has altered and continues to alter our soils:

Acid deposition depletes calcium, magnesium,
and other base minerals from the soil - this
depletion of base minerals fundamentally alters
soil processes, compromises the nutrition of
crops, and hinders the capacity for sensitive
soils to recover.

Acid deposition facilitates the mobilization
of dissolved inorganic minerals into soil water -
the increased acidity of rain releases many
minerals that do not naturally occur or do not
belong in water at these disproportionate levels,
thus producing what is called hard water - as a
result, they are consumed in drinking water or
are ingested by plants, animals, or aquatic life,
which are then eaten by humans.

Acid deposition increases the accumulation of
sulfur and nitrogen in the soil.

To some extent all minerals compete for
absorption, compete for the same binding sites.
Studies have shown that excesses of particular
minerals can result in deficiencies in others;
likewise, deficiencies of some minerals promote
excesses of others. This mutual dependence
means not only are minerals required in optimal
amounts but also in relative amounts.

Severe health problems arising from human contact
with acidic toxic or hazardous wastes are
increasingly common.

The seriousness of this problem cannot be
underestimated in light of findings from the
World Health Organization (WHO) who revealed
that 60-80% of heavy metal toxins found in
human bodies in urban industrial areas were
the result of consuming contaminated foods
and water rather than through air pollution.

The burning of coal releases many contaminants
into the atmosphere, among these are mercury,
cadmium, arsenic, and lead.


Mercury occurs primarily in two forms: organic
mercury and inorganic mercury. Inorganic mercury
and elemental mercury are both toxins that can
produce a wide range of adverse health affects.
Inorganic mercury is used in thermometers,
barometers, dental fillings, batteries, electrical
wiring and switches, fluorescent light bulbs,
pesticides, fungicides, vaccines, paint,
skin-tightening creams, antiseptic creams,
pharmaceutical drugs, and other ointments.

Humans have the ability to convert this
inorganic mercury to an organic form once it
has become absorbed into the bloodstream.
Organic mercury is known to bio-accumulate
due to the body's inability to process and
eliminate it. Rain is contaminated with mercury
from coal-fired electric plants and the burning
of fossil fuel. Mercury is one of the heavy
metals that cause dangerous inflammation in
body tissues. Acidification increases bio-
conversion of mercury to methylmercury;
methylmercury is a neurotoxin, and the form
of mercury that is most easily bio-accumulated
in organisms.

Methyl mercury compounds, such as dimethyl
mercury, are among the most dangerous. Mercury
salts released into the environment may frequently
be converted by anaerobic bacteria into such
compounds, which can then be carried through
the food chain to humans. Methylmercury exposure
via food most often occurs when seafood-
containing mercury is eaten, or when mercury-
containing plants, such as rice, are consumed.
Organic mercury is often found in produce,
farm animals, processed grains, dairy products,
and surface water sources.

Potential health impacts associated with mercury
include cancerous states, cardiovascular or blood
toxicity, developmental toxicity, endocrine
toxicity, gastrointestinal or liver toxicity,
immunotoxicity, kidney toxicity, neurotoxicity,
reproductive toxicity, respiratory toxicity,
and skin sensitivity.

Occupational exposure to mercury containing
compounds presents a significant health risk
to individuals. Dentists, painters, fishermen,
electricians, pharmaceutical/laboratories workers,
farmers, factory workers, miners, chemists, and
beauticians are just some of the professions
chronically exposed to mercury compounds.

An Environmental Working Group analysis of
mercury tests reported by 28,299 public water
suppliers in 40 states shows that between 1998
and 2003, 18.5 million people in 1,298 communities
drank water contaminated with mercury. In 37 of
these communities, tap water was contaminated
at levels above health-based thresholds.

Environmental Health Perspectives found that
89 percent of their female patients had
mercury levels above what most scientists
consider safe, and that high mercury levels
in adults correlated with memory loss,
fatigue, and muscle aches. Another preliminary
study this year found that mothers who delivered
prematurely were more likely to have high
mercury levels.

Unborn babies are at the greatest risk. Babies
developing in the womb seem to be most vulnerable
to the effects of mercury on their brains
and nervous systems. Mercury is poisoning an
entire generation of our nation's children!


Cadmium emissions arise from two major source
categories, natural sources and anthropogenic
(man-made) sources. Emissions occur to the
three major compartments of the environment -
air, water, and soil, but there may be
considerable transfer between the three
compartments after initial deposition.

Man-made cadmium emissions arise either from
the manufacture, use and disposal of products
intentionally utilizing cadmium, or from
the presence of cadmium as a natural but
not functional impurity in non-cadmium
containing products. Cadmium (for industrial
use) is produced in large quantities, over
8 million metric tons in 1999. Cadmium
generated by metal smelters/refiners is
cemented and buried, stored for future
use, or disposed of in landfills as hazardous
acidic waste.

Cadmium poses a major concern to food safety
because is taken up relatively easily by
crops. What makes cadmium unique is that it
is not toxic to plants at concentrations of
concern to human health. Consumption of crops
is the main source of human exposure at
approximately 75%. Grains, leafy greens,
and root crops are associated with elevated
levels of cadmium.

Cadmium accumulates in the body; although a
person's daily intake may be as little as 0.05
milligrams, he or she will have stored, on
average, about 50 milligrams. Cadmium is a
poison and is known to cause birth defects
and cancerous tissue. It can stay in one's body
for years and can also change forms within
the body.

Cadmium interferes with the metabolism of copper,
iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamin D. An
Environmental Working Group analysis of cadmium
tests reported by 28,944 public water suppliers
in 41 states shows that between 1998 and 2003,
9.5 million people in 1,364 communities drank
water contaminated with cadmium. In 1,040 of
these communities, tap water was contaminated
at levels above health-based thresholds.


According to a 1999 study by the National Academy
of Sciences, arsenic in drinking water causes
a cancerous bladder, lung, and skin, and may
cause a cancerous kidney and liver. The study
also found that arsenic harms the central and
peripheral nervous systems, as well as heart and
blood vessels, and causes serious skin problems.
It can cause birth defects and reproductive problems.

Arsenic is a natural element of the earth's crust.
It is used in industry and agriculture, and for
other purposes. It also is a byproduct of copper
smelting, mining, and coal burning. U.S.
industries release thousands of pounds of
arsenic into the environment every year.

The use of this toxic element in numerous
industrial processes has resulted in its
presence in many biological and ecological
systems. Ground, surface, and drinking water
are susceptible to arsenic poisoning from
the use of arsenic in smelting, refining,
galvanizing, and power plants; environmental
contaminants like pesticides, herbicides,
insecticides, fungicides, desiccants,
wood preservatives, and animal feed additives;
and human made hazardous waste sites, chemical
wastes, and antibiotics.

Arsenic suppresses iodine and selenium. It
is a carcinogen that inactivates sulfhydryl
groups leading to cell death, increases
bleeding time, reduces thyroid function by
interfering with iodine metabolism, depresses
bone marrow involved in methionine metabolism.
Low serum arsenic is correlated with central
nervous system disorders, vascular disease,
and cancerous tissue.

Data compiled by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency on arsenic in drinking
water in 25 states found conservative
estimates indicate that more than 34
million Americans drink tap water supplied
by systems containing average levels of
arsenic that pose unacceptable cancerous
risks. We consider it likely that as many
as 56 million people in those 25 states
have been drinking water with arsenic
at unsafe levels--and that is just the
25 states that reported arsenic information
to the EPA.

Some plants are arsenic-resistant or can
block arsenic uptake by their root systems.
Still other food crops accumulate arsenic
at levels that raise human health concerns.
Since plants take up arsenic primarily by
their roots, the highest level of arsenic
accumulation is usually in roots and tubers,
such as carrots and potatoes.

Studies have shown close associations
between both inhaled and ingested arsenic
and cancerous rates. Cancerous conditions of
the skin, liver, respiratory tract, and
gastrointestinal tract are well documented
in regards to arsenic exposure.


Lead is the 5th most utilized metal in the
U.S. Human exposure to lead occurs primarily
through drinking water, airborne lead-containing
particulates, and lead-based paints. The primary
source of lead in drinking water is from
lead-based plumbing materials. The corrosion of
such materials will continue to increase
concentrations of lead in municipal drinking
water. The EPA actually allows small amounts
of lead to be present in our tap water due
to this insurmountable problem. Grounding
of household electrical systems to plumbing
may also exacerbate corrosion. Corrosion of
plumbing is by far the greatest cause for
concern. All water is corrosive to metal
plumbing materials to some degree.

Lead from water and airborne sources have
been shown to accumulate in agricultural
areas leading to increased concentrations
in agricultural produce and farm animals.
Cigarette smoke is also a significant source
of lead exposure.

A certain amount of lead is always in our
bodies because of the background presence
of lead in food, water, and sources in
the soil. The EPA estimates that drinking
water can make up 20 percent or more of
a person's total exposure to lead.
Atmospherically derived lead is a widely
distributed contaminant that can inhibit
a range of essential ecosystem processes
in soils. Lead has made its way into food,
animals, and humans.

Because of the possibility of permanent
impairment, lead poisoning is particularly
dangerous during the critical development
periods of infants and young children under
the age of 7 years. Young children, those
6 years and younger, are at particular risk
for lead exposure because they have frequent
hand-to-mouth activity and absorb lead more
easily than do adults. Children's nervous
systems are still undergoing development and
are therefore more susceptible to the effects
of toxic agents. Lead is also harmful to the
developing fetuses of pregnant women.

Lead in drinking water is a significant
contributor to overall exposure to lead,
particularly for infants whose diet
consists of liquids made with water, such
as baby food or formula.

Lead is one of the most toxic elements
naturally occurring on Earth. High
concentrations of lead can cause
irreversible brain damage, seizure,
coma, and death if not treated immediately.
Evidence suggests that lead may cause fatigue,
irritability, memory problems, reduction
in sensory and motor reaction times,
decision making impairment, and lapses
in concentration. In adults, lead is
very detrimental to the cardiovascular

Occupationally exposed individuals tend to
have higher blood pressure and are at an
increased risk for cardiovascular disease,
myocardial infarction, and stroke. The
kidneys are targets of lead toxicity and
prone to impairment at moderate to high
levels of lead concentrations. Other
signs/symptoms of lead toxicity include
gastrointestinal disturbances, abdominal
pain, cramps, constipation, anorexia and
weight loss, immunosuppression, and some
liver impairment. Lead can affect almost
every organ and system in our body.

No safe blood lead level in children has
been determined. Children absorb lead much
more efficiently than adults do after
exposure and are susceptible to the most
damaging effects of lead toxicity. Lead
not only appears to affect cognitive
development of young children but also
other areas of neuropsychological function.
Low levels of lead in blood have been
associated with reduced IQ and attention
span, learning disabilities, poor classroom
performance, hyperactivity, behavioral
problems, impaired growth, and hearing loss.
Very high blood lead levels can cause severe
neurological problems such as mental
retardation, coma, convulsions, and even
death. Lead has been determined by many
health experts to be the #1 threat to
developing children in our industrial

The most sensitive is the central nervous
system (brain), particularly in children.
Lead also damages kidneys and the reproductive
system. The effects are the same whether it
is breathed or swallowed.

An Environmental Working Group analysis of
lead tests reported by 21,997 public water
suppliers in 35 states shows that between
1998 and 2003, 50.4 million people in 7,942
communities drank water contaminated with lead.
In 2,275 of these communities, tap water was
contaminated at levels above health-based


Inorganic iron is one of the most troublesome
elements in water supplies. Making up at least
5 percent of the earth's crust, iron is one of
the earth's most plentiful resources. Acidic
rain water as it infiltrates the soil and
underlying geologic formations excessively
dissolves iron, causing it to seep into
aquifers that serve as sources of groundwater
for wells. This is one reason that there
is a high prevalence of increased iron
stores in the general population of western

Inorganic iron is almost indigestible. When
people suffering from anemia are given
supplements of inorganic iron, these supplements
are poorly absorbed in the gut and can have
many unpleasant side effects.

Excess iron accumulates in the pancreas causes
tissue injury. Iron affects glucose metabolism.
Iron stores are associated with insulin
sensitivity, insulin secretion, and insulin
resistance. High inorganic iron causes excessive
sodium retention. Tissue iron excess contributes
to produce and amplify the injury caused by acidity
as well as to modulate various steps involved in
the inflammatory lesion. It should not be ignored
that chronic inflammation caused by dietary and/or
metabolic acid, to some extent, to increase ferritin concentration.


Chromium is abundant in the earth's crust and is
widely dispersed in the environment. It is used
extensively in refractory materials and chemicals,
as a plating to produce hard and smooth surfaces,
to prevent corrosion, and in manufacturing stainless
and alloy steels. Major atmospheric emissions of
chromium arise from metal producing industries,
coal-fired plants, municipal incinerators, and
cooling towers.

Chromium-6 or Hexavalent chromium is an inorganic
chemical that can be toxic. Chromium-6 has been
in the news lately because it has been found in
groundwater due to industrial contamination. It
was the focus of the popular movie Erin Brockovich.

Hexavalent chromium in the workplace is suspected
of being carcinogenic. Excessive exposure to dusts
or mists of hexavalent chromium compounds produces
dermatitis, skin lesions, and ulceration and
perforation of the nasal septum, as well as liver
and kidney damage. With long-term exposure to
hexavalent chromium compounds, incidence of
human lung cancer increases.

An Environmental Working Group analysis of
hexavalent chromium tests reported by 1,111
public water suppliers in 3 states shows that
between 1998 and 2003, 33.4 million people in
519 communities drank water contaminated with
hexavalent chromium.


Barium is a heavy metal released into the air
by human activities, mainly barium mines, metal
production facilities, and industrial boilers
that burn coal and oil. When coal and oil are
burned to generate electricity, an ash is
produced which contains more than 99% of their
barium content. Barium released into the soil
and water comes from copper smelters and oil
drilling waste disposal sites. Industries
reporting to the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) released 159 tons of barium into
the environment in 1995. More than half was
released to the soil. Some foods, such as
Brazil nuts, seaweed, fish, and certain
vegetables, may contain high amounts of barium.

Barium and barium compounds are used for many
commercial processes. Barium sulfate is mined
and used in oil and gas production, medical
procedures, and the manufacture of paints,
bricks, tiles, glass, and rubber. Other barium
compounds are used in the manufacture of
ceramics, pesticides, and oil and fuel additives.
In addition, physicians often instruct their
patients to swallow a barium compound solution
as part of certain medical test procedures.

An Environmental Working Group analysis of
barium tests reported by 29,280 public water
suppliers in 41 states shows that between
1998 and 2003, 147 million people in 20,626
communities drank water contaminated with

Barium interferes with natural immune system
functioning. Barium compounds are extremely
poisonous. At low doses, barium acts as a
muscle stimulant, while higher doses affect
the nervous system, causing cardiac
irregularities, tremors, weakness, anxiety,
dyspnea, and paralysis. This may be due to
its ability to block potassium ion channels
that are critical to the proper function of
the nervous system.

As barium weakens the immune systems of the
masses, we should expect to see statistically
significant increases in various dis-eases
that might normally be minimally occurring
in a population with a fully-activated immune


Beryllium is a metal from metal refineries,
coal burning, and pollution from electrical,
aerospace and defense industries. Potential
health impacts associated with beryllium
include cancerous conditions, cardiovascular
or blood toxicity, gastrointestinal or liver
toxicity, immunotoxicity, kidney toxicity,
reproductive toxicity, respiratory toxicity,
and skin sensitivity.

An Environmental Working Group analysis of
beryllium tests reported by 29,913 public
water suppliers in 41 states shows that
between 1998 and 2003, 6.9 million people
in 720 communities drank water contaminated
with beryllium.


Molybdenum is a by-product of copper and
tungsten mining. It is used as an alloy for
various metals, and it occurs naturally in
soil and rock. Potential health impacts
associated with molybdenum include
neurotoxicity and reproductive toxicity.
Plants can, under certain conditions
accumulate large concentrations of molybdenum.
Molybdenum uptake by plants increases with
increased soil pH. Molybdenum can cause
acute clinical disease and subsequent
death by interfering with copper metabolism.

An Environmental Working Group analysis of
molybdenum tests reported by 1,183 public
water suppliers in nine states shows that
between 1998 and 2003, 24.6 million people
in 134 communities drank water contaminated
with molybdenum. In 84 of these communities,
tap water was contaminated at levels above
health-based thresholds. Molybdenum remains
unregulated in tap water, without a maximum
legal limit.

Molybdenum is mobile in plants and in soil.
It is less available in soils with a lower
pH. Acid-leached forest and sandstone soils
are generally low in molybdenum. Acid rain
causes molybdenum to be released from the
soil, which contaminates our water and food


Phosphorus is a component of fertilizer and
manure, and a pollutant in municipal wastewater
discharges. Potential health impacts associated
with phosphorus include cardiovascular or
blood toxicity, gastrointestinal or liver
toxicity, kidney toxicity, musculoskeletal
toxicity, neurotoxicity, reproductive toxicity,
respiratory toxicity, and skin sensitivity.

Organic phosphate fertilizers contain
radionuclides (such as radium, radon,
radioactive lead, polonium, thorium, etc),
toxic metals, and fluorine.

Phosphate fertilizers are manufactured from
phosphate rocks and, according to their origin,
may contain various micronutrients
(cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum,
nickel, zinc) and heavy metals considered toxic
(arsenic, aluminum, beryllium cadmium, lead,
mercury, and vanadium) (Camelo et al., 1997
and Mirlean et al., 2001). The build up of
toxic heavy metals and fluorine in soils as
a result of continuous application of phosphate
fertilizers has never been mentioned to the
general public.

The phosphate rocks are also enriched in
uranium, thorium and their daughters,
deposited as calcium phosphate minerals
by isomorphic substitution (Pfister et al.,
1976), since the natural uranium can
substitute calcium in the phosphate rock
structure due to the similarity in ionic
size between U4+ and Ca2+ (Guzman, 1992).

Depending on geographic location where the
phosphate rock is mined, it can contain
from 50 - 200 ppm of uranium. Phosphate rock
is the major source of 'yellow cake'
(uranium oxide) for nuclear weapons and
the nuclear power industry.

Where there is uranium in natural rock
formations, there will also be all its
carcinogenic decay rate products; such
as radium, radon, radioactive lead,
polonium, thorium, etc.

The tailings from phosphoric acid production
(phosphate fertiliser), phosphorgypsum, are
so radioactive that they are not allowed to
be used for wall-board or road beds in the
US and Canada - because it is considered a
radiation hazard. However, organic growers
are allowed to treat their fields with the
raw, unprocessed product once every six years,
with none of the contaminants processed out.

Taking a closer look at this 'natural' phosphate
rock mix, we find for example polonium-210:

One particle of polonium-210 gives off 5,000
times more alpha radiation than the same amount
of radium. Damage occurs in the body from
complete tissue absorption of the energy of
the alpha particle. Polonium-210 can be
carcinogenic to people exposed to more than
0.03 microcuries (6.8 trillionths of a gram).
There are also high levels of Radium and
Polonium-210 in granite dust, which is used
by organic farmers, is some parts of the
world as a soil conditioner.

Polonium is carried throughout the body in
the blood. It has been linked to more soft-
tissue cancers than cancerous bones; typical
sites are the liver, spleen, and kidney. The
most important pathway for radionuclide
contamination of the food is the uptake by
plant from the ground through the roots.
Once the contaminated foods have been
ingested by man or animals, the radionuclides
produce an internal radiation dose in the
specific organs where they accumulate.

Polonium is found in tobacco grown with
phosphate fertilizers. Studies have suggested
that radioactive polonium may be the primary
cause of smoking-related cancers.

Our water supplies are being flooded with
radioactive elements, especially radon.
It is important to note that these do not
simply dissipate in a few days, months,
or years - these radioactive elements will
emit radon for many thousands of years.

The long-continued application of phosphate
fertilizers and their by-products can
redistribute and elevate heavy metal
concentrations in soil profiles, and,
consequently, their availability for plants
and subsequent transfer to the human food
chain, mainly in acid soils.

Additionally, the long-continued application
of phosphate fertilizers can also raise the
heavy metal concentrations in irrigation
runoff/drainage from fertilized lands, and,
then, their application in agricultural soils
constitute another source for workers and
members of the public. One ounce @ 5.0% phosphate
(about the amount used to fertilize one organic
tomato plant as recommended by some organic
growers) contains about 1.4 grams of fluoride,
which is enough to kill a small child.

An Environmental Working Group analysis of
phosphorus tests reported by 162 public water
suppliers in 7 states shows that between
1998 and 2003, 3.3 million people in 113
communities drank water contaminated with
phosphorus. In all of these communities,
tap water was contaminated at levels above
health-based thresholds. Phosphorus remains
unregulated in tap water, without a maximum
legal limit. Water suppliers reporting tests
for phosphate (1998-2003): 258 of 39,751.


25 APR 2007 | A bill to set national safety
standards for toxic rocket fuel perchlorate,
found in drinking water supplies in more
than 20 states, is moving in Congress.
However, perchlorate is currently an
unregulated contaminant. Officials found
the rocket fuel ingredient perchlorate at
up to 1,300 parts per million in the fall -
roughly 166 times higher than acceptable limits.
Perchlorate is a toxic chemical from military-
industrial activities and the use of Chilean
nitrate fertilizer.

Production and use estimates of perchlorate
are hard to come by: the military considers
the numbers secret, and fertilizer producers
will not share them, saying they are proprietary

Perchlorate can affect thyroid function -
because perchlorate is an ion that inhibits
the transport of iodide into the thyroid.
Scientists have found that a significant
number of people are at risk of thyroid
depression from perchlorate exposure.
Extensive data indicate that thyroid-
pituitary disruption is the sole mode
of action for the observed thyroid
tumors caused by perchlorate in rodents.

A series of critical new studies by
scientists at the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention show that the
EPA's proposed safe exposure level
for the contaminant "perchlorate"
is not protective of public health. To
add insult to injury, the California
Environmental Protection Agency
recently raised the limit on the
amount of perchlorate allowed in
drinking water by 50%. Currently
there are no enforceable perchlorate
safety standards, but Environmental
Working Group (EWG) argues that a
national safety standard should be
no higher than one-tenth the EPA's
currently recommended level.

Preliminary data from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention show
that the amount of perchlorate in
urine is too high to be from drinking
water alone. Studies have found perchlorate
in rainwater and common foods produced
in the U.S., such as dairy products and
produce. Perchlorate is also found in
produce worldwide.

In the first-ever tests of perchlorate
in off-the-shelf supermarket produce,
EWG found contamination averaging 4
times more than what the EPA says is
safe in drinking water. The chemical
has also been found in prenatal vitamins
and seaweed. Perchlorate can remain in
food even after it is cooked.

Blast from the past: billions of kilograms
of Chilean nitrate fertilizer contaminated
with perchlorate left a lasting impression.
Between 1909 and 1929, the U.S. imported
an estimated 19 million tons of Chilean
nitrate. The United States still uses 75,000
short tons of Chilean nitrate annually.

Overall, fresh fruits and vegetables from
California and Central and South America had
the highest levels of perchlorate. Just one
serving of some fruits can contain enough
perchlorate to exceed the National Academy
of Sciences safe daily dose by 25%, and
wines and beers pack a bigger perchlorate
punch than waters, according to a new study
that measures perchlorate concentrations
in fruits, wines, and beers from around
the world. The food contribution to daily
perchlorate exposure looks to be a horrendous
disaster attributed to intensive farming,
irresponsible agricultural practices,
and military-industrial activities.

Perchlorate's interference with iodide
uptake by the thyroid gland can decrease
production of thyroid function, which is
needed for prenatal and postnatal growth
and development, as well as for normal
metabolism and mental function in the adult.

Perchlorate is present in virtually all
milk samples; the average concentration
in breast milk is five times higher than
in dairy milk. Studies testify that high
levels of perchlorate in breast milk put
the nation's infants at risk for
developmental problems. Thyroid function is
critical for development of the fetal and
neonatal brain, as well as for many other
aspects of fetal growth. The high levels
of perchlorate in breast milk are cause for
serious concern and should lead to immediate
government action to protect the public health.

An Environmental Working Group analysis of
perchlorate tests reported by 982 public
water suppliers in 7 states shows that
between 1998 and 2003, 26.2 million
people in 86 communities drank water
contaminated with perchlorate. In 8 of
these communities, tap water was contaminated
at levels above health-based thresholds.
Perchlorate remains unregulated in tap water,
without a maximum legal limit. Perchlorate
is a known endocrine disruptor.


Asbestos is a mineral fiber from decay of
asbestos cement in water mains. Potential
health impacts associated with asbestos
include cancer, immunotoxicity, and
respiratory toxicity.

An Environmental Working Group analysis
of asbestos tests reported by 2,533 public
water suppliers in 26 states shows that
between 1998 and 2003, 8.6 million people
in 147 communities drank water contaminated
with Asbestos. In 2 of these communities,
tap water was contaminated at levels
above health-based thresholds.

Contaminants Index

Drinking water, including most bottled, reverse
osmosis, and distilled water may reasonably be
expected to contain some contaminants. U.S.
EPA sets standards for approximately 90
contaminants in drinking water.

The following are common contaminants found
in public water, their potential health effects,
and the type of water filters that are capable
of removing them:

2,4,5TP: This is an herbicide that is used
on crops and right-of-way areas. It can
cause liver and kidney damage. The maximum
contaminant level is 0.05mg/L. A water
filter that removes Volatile organic
chemicals (VOCs) will remove this compound.
NSF standard 53.

2,4-D: This is an herbicide used on wheat, corn,
range lands and lawns. The maximum amount allowed
in public water is 0.07mg/L. Like the above
herbicide it causes liver and kidney damage.
A charcoal/carbon filter (Standard 53) that
removes VOCs will remove this contaminant.

Alachor: This is an herbicide used on corn,
soybeans, and other crops. The maximum amount
allowed in public water is 0.002 mg/L. It
is a carcinogen (i.e. it causes cancer).
A carbon/charcoal filter Standard 53,
that removes VOCs will remove this contaminant.

Arsenic: This is a heavy metal. It comes from
smelters, glass and electronic wastes as well
as from orchards and natural deposits. The
maximum contaminant level for arsenic is
0.010 mg/L. Its potential health hazards
include skin and nervous system toxicity.
Arsenic is found in water in two different
forms: pentavalent (also known as Arsenic
5 or arsenate) and Trivalent (Arsenic 3
or Arsenite). Chlorine converts trivalent
to pentvalent arsenic. Carbon/charcoal,
reverse osmosis filters as well as
distillation will remove this contaminant.
Distillation will remove trivalent and
pentvalent arsenic, while reverse osmosis
will remove pentvalent only. Look for
Standards 53, 58, or 62.

Asbestos: This contaminant comes from natural
deposits and asbestos cement used in water
systems. The maximum contaminant level is 7
million fibers per liter. It is a serious
carcinogen. Carbon/charcoal and reverse
osmosis remove this contaminant.

Atrazine: This is an herbicide used on corn
and on non crop land. It can cause mammary
gland tumors. Its maximum contaminant level
is 0.003 mg/L. Carbon/charcoal standard 53
filters will remove this contaminant. It is
part of the VOC category.

Bacteria: Bacteria are not supposed to be found
in our public waters. But occasionally they may
contaminate the water we drink. Sources are
naturally occurring or from human or animal
wastes. Most of them cause gastrointestinal
disorders. Ultraviolet treatment is usually
necessary for removal of these contaminants,
or look for NSF standard 55 filters. Class A
inactivates or removes micro-forms from
contaminated water (not raw sewage) and
Class B disinfection systems remove naturally
occurring organisms found in public waters
that are deemed non-pathogenic.

Barium: This is a found in natural deposits,
epoxy sealants, pigments and spent coal. Its
maximum contaminant level is 2 mg/L. It can
potentially affect the circulatory system.
Cation exchange softeners, reverse osmosis
and distillation will remove barium. Look
for standards 44, 58 and 62.

Cadmium: This is found in galvanized pipe
corrosion, natural deposits, batteries and
paints. It primarily effects the kidneys.
Its maximum contaminant level is 0.005 mg/L.
Reverse osmosis, distillation remove it.
Standards 58 and 62

Carbufuran: This is a soil fumigant used on
corn and cotton. It effects the nervous
reproductive systems. Its maximum contaminant
level is 0.04 mg/L. Carbon/charcoal standard
53 remove this. It is part of the VOC category.

Chloramine: The effects of this contaminant are
unknown. It is used as a disinfectant. The
maximum recommended usage level is 4 mg/L.
Carbon/charcoal filters, standard 42 remove
this contaminant. Systems certified for
reduction of chlorine will not necessarily
be effective against chloramines.

Chlordane: This is used for treating termites.
Maximum contaminant level is 0.002. It can
cause cancerous conditions. Carbon/charcoal
filters, Standard 53 will remove this contaminant.

Chlorides: Cause water to taste salty.
Maximum contaminant level is 250 mg/L.
These come from natural deposits. Reverse
osmosis and distillation may remove these.

Chlorine: This is used for disinfection of
drinking water. The chlorination by-products
(trihalomethanes) have potential health effects.
Carbon/charcoal standard 42 filters will remove
chlorine. Contact your local water utility to
determine if chlorine or chloramines are used
to disinfect your water.

Chlorination by-Products (trihalomethanes):
These are by-products of chlorination in
drinking water and they are carcinogenic.
The maximum contaminant level is 0.08 mg/L.
Carbon/charcoal standard 53 filters are
effective at reducing these contaminants.

Chromium: This is a by-product of mining,
electroplating, pigments and from natural
deposits. It can be present in water in
forms: hexavalent (chromium 6) and trivalent
(chromium 3). It can cause liver, kidney and
circulatory disorders. Reverse osmosis and
distillation Standards 53,58 and 62 remove

Copper: From natural and industrial deposits,
wood preservatives, and plumbing. It may leach
from residential plumbing. The maximum
contaminant level is 1.3 mg/L. It can cause
gastrointestinal irritation. Charcoal/carbon,
reverse osmosis, and distillation, Standards
42, 58 and 62 remove this contaminant.

Crytosporidium: This is a parasite that is
found in food or water contaminated with
human or animal waste. It can cause
gastrointestinal illness. Although public
water should not have any cryptosporidium
in it, it is not uncommon to see people
in the Portland area test positive on stool
test for it. Standard 53, 58 and 55 water
filters should remove it. Look for a filter
capable of removing spores < 1 micron.

-dichlorobenzene: part of the VOC category.
From paints, engine cleaning compounds, dyes,
chemical wastes. Causes liver, kidney and
blood cell damage. Carbon block standard
53 removes.

Hepatochlor Epoxide: A degradation product of
heptachlor which is used in insectides,
particularly for termite eradication. It is
a carcinogen. Allowable amount is 0.0002 mg/L.
Carbon block, standard 53 removes this.
This contaminant is part of the VOC category.

Hydrogen sulfide: causes the rotten egg odor in
water. It is a naturally occurring chemical
in water. Carbon block, standard 42 filters
remove it.

Iron: Maximum allowable amount is 0.3mg/L.
It can stain laundry, plumbing and appliances.
It is from natural deposits in the water.
Carbon/charcoal filter, standard 42 will
remove it.

MTBE: From gasoline spills, underground gas
tank leakages. The potential health effects
include cancer, developmental toxicity,
gastrointestinal or liver toxicity, kidney
toxicity, neurotoxicity, and skin sensitivity.
Carbon block, standard 53 will remove it.

Nitrite: Can cause methemoglobulinemia
(blue baby syndrome). From animal waste,
fertilizer, natural deposits, septic tanks,
sewage. Maximum allowable level is 1 mg/L.
It rapidly converts to nitrate. Reverse
osmosis, standard 53, 58, 62 remove this

PCBs: from the coolants used in electrical
transformers and plasticizers. PCBs are known
carcinogens. Maximum allowable amount is
0.0005 mg/L. Carbon block filters, standard
53 remove this contaminant.

Radium: This is a naturally occurring carcinogen.
It can cause cancerous bones. Filters that remove
it are reverse osmosis and cation exchange
softeners, standard 44 and 58.

Radon: Another naturally occurring contaminant,
it is also a carcinogen and is a risk factor
for cancerous lung. Carbon/charcoal and aeration
devices remove it. Look for a standard 53.

Selenium: maximum contaminant level is 0.05 mg/L.
It is from natural deposits, mining, smelting,
coal/oil combustion. Too much selenium can
cause liver damage. Standard 58, 62 reverse
osmosis filters will reduce selenium.

Sulfates: can cause gastrointestinal irritation.
They are naturally occurring. Reverse osmosis
or distillation may be effective at removing.

Sulfuric acid and nitric acid: acid rain occurs
when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are
emitted into the atmosphere, undergo chemical
transformations. Reverse osmosis, distillation,
carbon/charcoal filters will not remove them -
the water needs to be ionized.

Styrene: Maximum allowable amount 0.10 mg/L.
Styrene is from plastic, rubber, resin and
drug industries. It also can leach from
landfills into the ground water. It causes
liver and nervous system damage.

Taste and odor: From natural sources and
additives. Carbon/charcoal standard 42.

Total dissolved solids: Come from the erosion
of naturally occurring mineral deposits. TDS's
antagonizes the assimilation of other minerals
and causes secondary mineral deficiencies. They
can also cause gastrointestinal irritation in
some people. Maximum level should not exceed
500 mg/L. Standard 42, 58, 62 distillation,
reverse osmosis remove these.

Toxaphene: A carcinogenic insecticide that was
used on cattle, cotton, and soybeans. Standard
53, carbon/charcoal filter to remove it.

Trichloroethylene: A carcinogen found in textile,
metal and adhesive degreasers. Carbon/charcoal
standard 53 removes it. This is part of the
VOC category.

Turbidity: from soil run off, it can interfere
with disinfection and filtration. Charcoal/carbon;
reverse osmosis standards 53, 58 can remove.

Uranium: Causes kidney problems, cancer. Maximum
allowable amount is 0.03 mg/L. Filtration systems
are not currently certified to remove uranium
although reverse osmosis, distillation or anion
exchange resins may.


Coliform bacteria are common in the environment
and are generally not harmful. However, the
presence of these bacteria in drinking water
is usually a result of a problem with the
treatment system or the pipes which distribute
water, and indicates that the water may be
contaminated with germs that can cause disease.

Fecal Coliform and E coli are bacteria whose
presence indicates that the water may be
contaminated with human or animal wastes.
Micro-forms in these wastes can cause
short-term effects, such as diarrhea, cramps,
nausea, headaches, or other symptoms.

Turbidity has no health effects. However,
turbidity can interfere with disinfection
and provide a medium for biological transformation.
Turbidity may indicate the presence of dis-ease
causing organisms. These organisms include
bacteria, yeast, mold and parasites that can
cause symptoms such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea,
and associated headaches.

Cryptosporidium is a parasite that enters
lakes and rivers through sewage and animal
waste. It causes cryptosporidiosis, a mild
gastrointestinal disease. However, the dis-ease
can be severe or fatal for people with severely
weakened immune systems. EPA and CDC have
prepared advice for those with severely
compromised immune systems who are concerned
about Cryptosporidium.

Giardia lamblia is a parasite that enters lakes
and rivers through sewage and animal waste.
It causes gastrointestinal illness (e.g.
diarrhea, vomiting, cramps).


Alpha emitters.

Certain minerals are radioactive and may emit
a form of radiation known as alpha radiation.
Some people who drink water containing alpha
emitters in excess of EPA's standard over
many years may have an increased risk of
increased acidity leading to cancerous
tissue and tumor formation.

Beta/photon emitters. Certain minerals are
radioactive and may emit forms of radiation
known as photons and beta radiation. Some
people who drink water containing beta and
photon emitters in excess of EPA's standard
over many years may have an increased risk
of cellular transformation, increased acidity
leading to cancerous tissue.

Combined Radium 226/228. Some people who
drink water containing radium 226 or 228
in excess of EPA's standard over many years
may have an increased risk of cellular
transformation and increased acidity leading
to cancerous states.

Radon gas can dissolve and accumulate in
underground water sources, such as wells,
and in the air in your home. Breathing radon
can cause the fermentation of lung tissue
and cancerous lungs. Drinking water
containing radon presents a risk of
developing cancer. Radon in air is more
dangerous than radon in water.

A few more inorganic contaminants:

Antimony, Beryllium, Cyanide, and Thallium


Some people who drink water containing
arsenic in excess of EPA's standard over
many years could experience skin damage
or problems with their circulatory system,
and may have an increased risk of cellular
fermentation and cancerous states.

Lead typically leaches into water from
plumbing in older buildings. Lead pipes
and plumbing fittings have been banned
since August 1998. Children and pregnant
women are most susceptible to lead health
risks. For advice on avoiding lead, see
the how to remove lead in your drinking
water fact sheet prepared by EPA.

Volatile Organic Contaminants (VOCs) benzene,
carbon tetrachloride, chlorobenzene,
o-Dichlorobenzene, p-Dichlorobenzene,
Dichloromethane, 1,2-Dichloroethane,
1,2-Dichloropropane, Ethylbenzene,
Styrene, Tetrachloroethylene,
1,1,2-Trichloroethane, Trichloroethylene,
Toluene, Vinyl Chloride, and Xylenes.

Chlorine. Some people who use drinking water
containing chlorine well in excess of EPA's
standard could experience irritating effects
to their eyes and nose. Some people who drink
water containing chlorine well in excess of
EPA's standard could experience stomach

Chloramine. Some people who use drinking water
containing chloramines well in excess of EPA's
standard could experience irritating effects to
their eyes and nose. Some people who drink
water containing chloramines well in excess
of EPA's standard could experience stomach
discomfort or anemia.

Total Trihalomethanes. Some people who drink
water containing trihalomethanes in excess of
EPA's standard over many years may experience
problems with their liver, kidneys, or central
nervous systems, and may have an increased risk
of cancerous tissue.

Haloacetic Acids. Some people who drink water
containing haloacetic acids in excess of EPA's
standard over many years may have an increased
risk of cancerous tissue.

Bromate. Some people who drink water containing
bromate in excess of EPA's standard. Bromate is
a disinfection by-product of ozonation. Potential
health impacts associated with Bromate include
cancerous tissue and kidney toxicity.

An Environmental Working Group analysis of
Bromate tests reported by 73 public water
suppliers in 16 states shows that between
1998 and 2003, 3.9 million people in 20
communities drank water contaminated with
Bromate. In 11 of these communities, tap
water was contaminated at levels above
health-based thresholds. Water suppliers
reporting tests for Bromate (1998-2003):
73 of 39,751.

MTBE is a fuel additive, commonly used in the
United States to reduce carbon monoxide and
ozone levels caused by auto emissions. Due to
its widespread use, reports of MTBE detections
in the nation's ground and surface water supplies
are increasing. The Office of Water and other
EPA offices are working with a panel of leading
experts to focus on issues posed by the continued
use of MTBE and other oxygenates in gasoline.
EPA is currently studying the implications of
setting a drinking water standard for MTBE.

Potential health impacts associated with MTBE
include cancerous conditions, developmental
toxicity, gastrointestinal or liver toxicity,
kidney toxicity, neurotoxicity, and skin

An Environmental Working Group analysis of MTBE tests
reported by 16,866 public water suppliers in 30
states shows that between 1998 and 2003, 32.7
million people in 632 communities drank water
contaminated with MTBE. MTBE remains unregulated
in tap water, without a maximum legal limit.
Water suppliers reporting tests for MTBE (1998-2003):
16,866 of 39,751.

As part of the Drinking Water and Health pages,
this informational article is part of a larger
U.S. EPA publication: EPA National Primary
Drinking Water Regulations.

For more information of the published articles on
alkaline water and the chemistry of acid/alkaline
water go to:
More aboutThe Truth About Our Drinking Water