The Erroneous Johns Hopkins Hospital 'Cancer Update'

Posted by luputtenan2 on Thursday, January 31, 2008

The following "cancer update" article of mis-
information on cancer has been circulating around
the internet for about a year. The claim is
that the article originated from Johns Hopkins
Hospital as an update for how cancer spreads
and the recommended methods for treatment.

According to Snopes the article did not originate
from Johns Hopkins Hospital and they also deny
the authorship of the following article of March

As a matter of scientific interest and to correct
many of the myths surrounding cancer I have decided to
comment after each statement in the erroneous Johns
Hopkins Hospital article.


1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These
cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until
they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell
cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in
their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests
are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have
not reached the detectable size.

Dr. Robert O. Young states,

"There is no such thing as a cancer cell. Cancer is not
a cell but an acidic dietary and/or metabolic acid that
poisons or ferments body cells. Just like a rotten apple
in a bushel of healthy apples, the rotten spoiling apple is
eluding acid that will spoil all the rest of the healthy
apples. We do not say that the apple or apples have cancer,
we say the apples are spoiling or rotting. Cancer is
not a noun it is an adjective. We do not have cancer cells
or cancer in our body we have acids that spoil healthy cells causing cancerous cells and a cancerous condition. When this happens we have cancerous or spoiling cells which
describes the reality of what is happening to the body
cell(s) in a cancerous or fermenting state. Also, one
can test the levels of urine acidity which will give
an indication of the levels of tissue acidity. Normal
healthy urine pH should read at least 7.2 or above.
You can also see the effects of tissue acidity that
leads to a cancerous state by viewing how the blood
coagulates. If the blood is in a hypocoagulated state
this indicates latent tissue acidosis and a marker
for a cancerous or degenerative tissue state. This
simple blood test can be done as an early warning to
any cancerous state in any part of the body for the
purposes of screening and prevention."

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in
a person's lifetime.

Dr. Young states:

"All of us have cancerous or acidic body cells from
conception to death to a lesser or greater degree
depending upon lifestyle and dietary choices. The body
is constantly trying to maintain its alkaline design
while dealing with its many acidic functions. The
body requires energy to run and the consumption of
energy produces dietary and metabolic acidic waste
products. If these dietary and metabolic acidic waste
products are not eliminated through urination,
perspiration, defecation or respiration
they are then eliminated into the body tissues, such
as the connective tissues, muscles and bones. These
dietary and/or metabolic acids that are not properly
eliminated can then spoil body cells leading to an
acidic or cancerous state I call latent tissue acidosis."

3. When a persons immune system is strong the
cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from
multiplying and forming tumors.

Dr. Young states:

"First, the immune system or the white blood cells
do not destroy cancerous cells. They do not even pick
up cancerous cells. White blood cells are the janitors
of blood traveling through the body fluids picking up
smaller insignificant cellular debris from the food we
eat. Second, cancerous cells do not multiply. This is
another scientific misconception based upon the premise
that cancer is a cell. Cancer is not a cell it is an
acidic poisonous liquid flowing through our body fluids.
Dietary and metabolic acids spoil body cells and then as
one cell begins to spoil their acids can spoil other cells.
This phenomenon is a what I call the "domino effect".
Metastasis of cancerous cells is the expression of the
"domino effect" of acids from one spoiling cell spoiling
another cell and so on. This causes the body to go into
the preservation mode by forming fibrin monomers to
encapsulate the spoiling cells together in order to
protect the surrounding healthy tissue. Medical savants
call these formations tumors. Tumors are fibrous
encapsulations of rotten spoiled cells and their
associated acidic waste products."

"A tumor is the body's way of stopping systemic spoiling
and localizing the spoiling to a specific localized area.
Tumors are not the cancer but the encapsulation of
acidic spoiling cancerous cells. The tumor is the
body's solution to systemic spoiling of healthy body
cells and tissues due to an inverted way of living,
eating and thinking and NOT the perceived cause of the
cancerous state by current medical savants."

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person
has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could
be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle

Dr. Young states:

"People do not have cancer they are in a cancerous
state to a lesser or greater degree depending on
lifestyle and dietary choices. When you live, think
and eat acidic you pollute your internal environmental
fluids causing latent tissue acidosis that can lead
to cancerous or spoiling tissues."

"Genetics only plays out in a cancerous state as an
inherited physiological weakness where acids may
settle. One is only predisposed to a cancerous state
if they are making acidic lifestyle and dietary choices."

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies,
changing diet and including supplements will strengthen
the immune system.

Dr. Young states:

"To overcome a cancerous state one needs to reestablish
the alkaline design of the body and better manage the
acidic loads from lifestyle, diet and metabolism. I have
suggested for years a healthy body cannot get sick
in an alkaline state. All sickness and disease is
caused by over-acidic lifestyle and dietary choices. You
do not get a cancerous condition you do a cancerous
condition. A cancerous condition is the expression of
poor lifestyle and dietary choices."

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing
cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy
cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract etc,
and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart,
lungs etc.

Dr. Young states:

"All chemotherapy treatments are acidic. Acidic treatments
of chemical therapy only contribute to an already acidic
state. The key to health, energy, vitality and fitness of
the body is not with the body cells but with the alkaline
environment in which the body cells reside. Destroying
cancerous cells with drugs does not address the real
foundational problem of what causes a cancerous condition.
The true cause of any cancerous state is the level of acidic
dietary and metabolic poisons in the fluids of the body.
That is why ALL treatments focused on the cancerous cells
and tissues will eventually fail with the death of
the body. You do not fight fire with the acid of
kerosene just as you would not fight a cancerous condition
with acidic drugs and/or treatments."

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns,
scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

Dr. Young states:

"Radiation does breakdown cancerous cells which pollutes
the internal alkaline environment causing systemic
pollution and stress on the white blood cells and
elimination and filter organs, including the lungs,
liver, skin, kidney and bowels. The key is not to
destroy tumors with radiation but to saturate the
tissues with alkalinity. When this happens the tumor
will finish its job of encapsulating spoiled or
fermenting cancerous cells, crystallize, harden and
then breakdown to eventually eliminated. This is the
normal healthy life cycle of a tumor in the body."

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation
will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use
of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more
tumor destruction.

Dr. Young states:

"Chemotherapy and radiation treatment is focused on the
wrong thing - the cells of the body and not the acidic
fluids of the body. The problem is not the tumor or
cancerous cells. The tumor is the solution to the problem
to prevent systemic cellular poisoning or spoiling from
dietary and/or metabolic acid. So what is the real problem?
The real problem is systemic acidosis from personal
lifestyle and dietary choice that localizes at the
weakness parts of the body tissues."

9. When the body has too much toxic burden from
chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is
either compromised or destroyed, hence the person
can succumb to various kinds of infections and

Dr. Young states:

"True immunity comes from maintaining the alkaline
design of the body fluids at 7.365 to 7.4. The
white blood cells play only a supportive role in
maintaining cleanliness of the body fluids. It is
true that chemotherapy drugs and radiation can
suppress the white blood cells from cleaning up
cellular debris. The build up of cellular debris
will cause an increase of acidity contributing
to an already acidic state. A person in an
acidic state or latent tissue acidosis will
eventually succumb from the outfections of
acids from spoiling cellular debris/matter and
cancerous spoiling body cells."

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer
cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult
to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells
to spread to other sites.

Dr. Young states:

"I will state again that there is no such thing as
a cancer cell. Body cells do not mutate they spoil.
All body cells transform to bacteria, yeast and then
mold in an acidic environment. Acids spread
systemically spoiling body cells. Cancerous cells
only spoil other cells from their acidic transformations
and wastes! Chemotherapy and radiation are acidic
treatments that spoil healthy and unhealthy body
cells. Surgery removes acidic cancerous cells but
disturbs the healthy surrounding tissue. This can
cause further acidic complications in and around
the surrounding healthy tissue."

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve
the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods
it needs to multiply.

Dr. Young states:

"Cancer cells do not multiply! Cancerous cells
are body cells that are fermenting, rotting and
spoiling other cells. You cannot starve cancerous
cells. Body cells are made up of intelligent matter
which cannot be destroyed - they can only be changed.
The key to a cancerous condition in the body
is to hyper-alkalize the blood which will then force
alkalinity into the acidic tissues and thus buffering
the tissue acidity that leads to a cancerous state."


Dr. Young states:

"Once again we have cancerous cells not cancer
cells. Cancerous cells are not different from
healthy cells - they both feed on electrical energy -
electrons. Antione BeChamp once said, "everything
is the prey of life, nothing is the prey of death."
Matter cannot be created nor can it be destroyed it
can only change its form and its function."

12. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar
it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer
cells. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal,
Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is
harmful. A better natural substitute would be
Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small
amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make
it white in color. Better alternative is Bragg's
aminos or sea salt.

Dr. Young states:

"All sugars, including manuka honey and molasses
are acid forming and can cause cancerous body cells.
All sugars are acidic waste products from fermenting
matter. Braggs aminos is also acidic and should not be
ingested when in a cancerous state. Sea salt is
alkalizing and should be included in any
plan to prevent or reverse a cancerous condition.
Sea salt is also foundational in helping the
body create the alkaline buffer of sodium

13. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially
in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus.
By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened
soya milk cancer cells are being starved.

Dr. Young states:

"Mucous is formed by the body as a protection to healthy
body cells to buffer dietary and/or metabolic acids. Milk
is highly acidic and contains a cancerous causing acid
called lactose that breaks down to a primary metabolite
called lactic acid. Lactic acid is one of the major
cancerous causing acids next to nitric and uric acid
from animal proteins. Cancerous cells do not feed on
mucus they feed on electrons robbing the
body of energy. Mucus is the end product of the
body buffering dietary and/or metabolic acids with
sodium bicarbonate. Soy milk is also acidic and
should not be used unless it is freshly squeezed."

14. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment.
A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to
eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef
or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics,
growth hormones and parasites, which are all
harmful, especially to people with cancer.

Dr. Young states:

"Cancerous cells are fermenting body cells and
do not thrive in an acidic state but are the result
of an acidic state. Cancerous cells will continue
to breakdown or transform in an acidic environment.
All animal proteins including fish are highly
acidic and should not be ingested when one is
in a highly acidic cancerous state. The body
cannot adequately remove the dietary acids of
uric, nitric, sulphuric and phosphoric acid
from the animal proteins leading to increased
acidity and potentially increased cancerous body
cells. Antibiotics and hormones are both
metabolic acids and can contribute to an
acidic state leading to a cancerous condition."

15. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice,
whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help
put the body into an alkaline environment. About
20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh
vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily
absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within
15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy
cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy
cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most
vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some
raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are
destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F
(40 degrees C).

Dr. Young states:

"All enzymes are acids. All acids cause cancerous
conditions. The body runs on alkalinity not acidity.
Another way to say this is the body runs on electrons
not protons or hydrogen ions. When you are dealing with
a serious cancerous condition one needs to reestablish
the alkaline design of the body. You can only do this
with a 100% alkaline lifestyle and diet! I call this
the alkaline plan the COWS program. The COWS program is
the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Dietary Plan of alkaline
foods, drinks and lifestyle choices. This would include
the four food groups of:

1) Chlorophyll
2) Oil
3) Water
4) Salt

It would also include deep breathing, meditation and
daily exercise.

To learn more about the pH Miracle Plan go to: or read The pH Miracle,
or listen to The pH Miracle for Cancer,
by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young."

16. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have
high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative
and has cancer-fighting properties. Water-best to
drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known
toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water
is acidic, avoid it.

Dr. Young states:

"Coffee, black tea, green tea, chocolate are all
acidic and do not support the alkaline design of
the body. Alkaline water at a pH of 9.5 or above
is the best water to drink. Distilled water with
sodium chloride or chlorite will increase the
alkalinity of the body fluids and buffer excess
dietary and metabolic acid."

17. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires
a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining
in the intestines become putrefied and leads to more
toxic buildup.

Dr. Young states:

"All meat is acidic, all digestive enzymes are
acidic and should not be ingested. To support
the alkaline design of the body you need to
increase your consumption of alkaline food,
water and supplements. Daily deep breathing,
mediation and exercise are also necessary for
maintaining the alkaline design of the body."

18. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering.
By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more
enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells
and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the
cancer cells.

Dr. Young states:

"Cancerous cells have a calcified covering from
all the acidity. The body uses calcium ions
to buffer endogenous acidity from without and
within the body cell. Enzymes are acids that
negative effect every cell in the body.
Enzymes do not attack cancerous cells they spoil
body cells leading to more cancerous cells. The
calcification of the body cell is a means of protection
against dietary and/or metabolic acidity."

19. Some supplements build up the immune system
(IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins,
minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the body's own
killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other
supplements like vitamin E are known to cause
apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's
normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted,
or unneeded cells.

Dr. Young states:

"One of the most naturally occurring alkalizing
compounds produced by the body is sodium
bicarbonate. I have suggested using increased
amounts of sodium bicarbonate for years to neutralize
the dietary and metabolic acids that make us sick,
depressed and tired. Its inexpensive, safe, effective
and easy to get. I also suggest liberal amounts
of mono and polyunsaturated fats to buffer increased
amounts of dietary and/or metabolic acids in the
prevention of a cancerous state."

20. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit.
A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer
warrior be a survivor. Anger, unforgiveness and
bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic
environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving
spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

Dr. Young states:

"A cancerous state is caused by acidic lifestyle
and dietary choice. This would include your
thoughts, your words and your deeds."

21. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated
environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing
help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level.
Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy
cancer cells.

Dr. Young states:

"Cancerous cells may change in an oxygen rich
state of nascent oxygen, atomic oxygen or O1.
I agree with daily exercise, deep breathing
and oxygen supplementation to help maintain
the alkaline design of the body. I also
strongly believe that the cure for any
cancerous condition can be found in its prevention
and not in its treatment!"

Origins of the "Cancer Update":

Just as urban legends and rumors eventually
become attached to the most famous exemplars
of the subjects they discuss (e.g., any fast
food-related legend, no matter where it originates,
will inevitably be told about McDonald's), so
do many of the spurious medical articles
circulated on the Internet eventually become
attributed to the world-renowned Johns Hopkins
University, medical school, and hospitals.

The "Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins Hospital"
quoted above has been forwarded via e-mail as a
preface to another piece (about the supposed
dangers of using microwave ovens to heat food
stored in plastic containers) also falsely said
to have originated with Johns Hopkins. Neither
article was issued by (or has any connection to)
the Johns Hopkins university or hospital, and
Johns Hopkins has disclaimed the contents of both.

Of the "Cancer Update" e-mail (most of the
information contained within which is of the
"quack" variety), Johns Hopkins says:

An email falsely attributed to Johns Hopkins
describing properties of cancer cells and
suggesting prevention strategies has begun
circulating the Internet. Johns Hopkins
did not publish the email, entitled "Cancer Update
from Johns Hopkins," nor do we endorse its contents.
For more information about cancer, please read the
information on our web site or visit the National
Cancer Institutes's web site at
Last updated: 3 April 2007

The URL for this page is
More aboutThe Erroneous Johns Hopkins Hospital 'Cancer Update'

Is The Fluordiation of Water Good or Bad?

Posted by luputtenan2 on Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Editors for Scientific American believe recent
studies suggest that fluoride raises the risks
of disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain
and the thyroid gland, and in general “scientific
attitudes” about fluoridation may be shifting.

"Fluoride, the most consumed drug in the USA,
is deliberately added to 2/3 of public water
supplies theoretically to reduce tooth decay,
but with no scientifically-valid evidence proving
safety or effectiveness," says lawyer Paul Beeber,
President of the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation.

Meanwhile, according to environmental reporter and
director of New York University's Science, Health
and Environmental Reporting Program Dan Fagin, "There
is no universally accepted optimal level for daily
intake of fluoride."

After analyzing hundreds of fluoride studies,
researchers found that fluoride:

* Alters endocrine function, especially in the

* Causes dental fluorosis in young children

* May lower IQ

* May increase the risk of bone fractures

Because scientific evidence suggests that water
fluoridation is ineffective and dangerous to
health, over 1,200 professional are now urging
Congress to stop water fluoridation.

The problem with this scientific research is that
medical savants are once again focused on the
effects or symptoms and not the cause of the effects
or symptoms.

I will say this as clear as I can - acid causes
sickness and dis-ease and not the fluoridation of
water. In fact, fluoride is an essential alkalizing
mineral salt that has found itself in the same boat
as sodium chloride or salt. Current medical savants
are telling us to reduce our salt intake when
we should be eating more sodium chloride to help
build fluid alkalinity and red blood cells. And
now, we are starting to hear the same dogma concerning
fluoride or the fluoridation of our water.

When we understand the "New Biology"TM and now the
"Nuclear Transformation Science"TM of Dr. Robert
O. Young, we can then understand when fluoride
with its 17 protons receives 9 chloride protons
through a process of nuclear transformation, we
create at the atomic level a new and very important
element, iron, with its 26 protons.

The word formula is as follows:

Chloride from salt (17) + fluoride (9) <=> iron (26)

What I am suggesting in this theory of "Nuclear
Transformation" is that fluoride is a very important
and necessary mineral salt in the production of iron.
The production of iron cannot take place without fluoride
and sodium chloride. When the diet is deficient in
sodium chloride and fluoride this can lead to deficiencies
of the blood, such as all forms of anemia, hypoxia,
anisocytosis, lower then normal hemoglobin in the red
blood cells, lower then normal red blood cell counts
(below 5 million red blood cells per cubic millimeter),
just to name a few blood deficiencies.

Iron is the center atom of the hemoglobin molecule and its
creation is not possible without the mineral salts of
fluoride and sodium chloride.

I am suggesting that fluoride is good and acid
is bad. Just as salt or sodium chloride is good
and acid is bad.

The symptoms of:

* Endocrine dysfunction, especially in the
thyroid is the result of dietary, metabolic and
drug acidity not from the fluoridation of water.

* Dental fluorosis in young children is the result
of increased dietary acidity from sugar and protein
and not from the fluoridation of water.

* Lowered IQ is the result of acid on the brain and
in the gut and not from water fluoridation.

* An increase of bone fractures is the result of an
increase of dietary and metabolic acids and the body
buffering those acids to help maintain the delicate
alkaline pH of the blood and tissues. Bone loss
or fractures is not the result of water fluoridation it
is the result of too much acid from poor lifestyle
and dietary choice! Fluoridation builds the blood
and the blood builds the bones.

I will suggest again that a mineral salt of fluoride
will help to support and build the blood which in turn
will help to build healthy bones, teeth, brain and
muscles. All body cells are biological transformations
of blood and blood is built with mineral salts of
sodium, chloride, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and

It is a scientific illusion to suggest that the
fluoridation of water has had a negative impact
on the quality of health when the standard
American Lifestyle and Diet is extremely
acidic and the primary cause of ALL sickness and

An alkaline lifestyle and diet includes the mineral
salts of sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium
with fluoride as one of the additional essential
salts necessary for the production of hemoglobin in
the red blood cells.

The pHlavor salts contain all of the essential
mineral salts including fluoride for building
healthy blood. In turn, through a process
of biological transformation healthy blood will
become the new healthy brain and body cells.

For more information on the pHour Salts go to:
More aboutIs The Fluordiation of Water Good or Bad?

Wrinkles Are Caused By Acids Whether From Lifestlye, Diet or Drugs

Posted by luputtenan2 on Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Botox, a highly toxic bacterial acid and similar
injections should come with stronger warnings
following reports of 16 deaths after the acidic
botulinum toxin spread inside the body, a U.S.
consumer group said on Thursday.

Public Citizen asked U.S. authorities to require
the strongest possible warning, highlighted in a
"black box," on Allergan Inc's Botox and Solstice
Neurosciences Inc's Myobloc.

Botox is famous for smoothing facial wrinkles but
also has approved medical uses such as treating
cervical dystonia, or rigid neck muscles. Botxo
does this by causing latent tissue acidosis leading
to tissue breakdown and inflammation. Botox, which

may cause tissue inflammation gives the illusion of
smoothing facial wrinkles while behind the scenes
is causing tissue acidosis and potential tissue
breakdown or degeneration.

Both injections are made with forms of a poisonous
bacterial acid called botulinum toxin, which blocks
nerve impulses to muscles and makes them relax.
Why? The nerves relax because they are being

Public Citizen said it reviewed 180 reports submitted
to the Food and Drug Administration by manufacturers
involving patients injected with Botox or Myobloc.
The reports detailed cases of muscle weakness due to
acidity, difficulty swallowing or aspiration pneumonia
due to acidity, a serious condition caused by breathing
a foreign material into the lungs, also due to acidity.

Reports to the FDA do not prove a product caused a
particular problem, but the agency uses them to look
for patterns of potential complications. Experts
believe most problems are under-reported to the agency.

"There are no safety issues raised in the petition
that are not already addressed in the labeling for
Botox," Allergan said in a statement. The company
said it is in frequent dialogue with the FDA to ensure
proper labeling and also submits all information it
receives on adverse events whether or not they are
related to the drug.

Sixteen cases reported to the FDA were fatal, including
four involving children under 18, Public Citizen said. Eighty-seven patients were hospitalized.

Dr. Sidney Wolfe, director of Public Citizen's Health
Research Group, said such problems can occur if the
acidic botulinum toxin spreads from the injection site
to places such as the esophagus, causing partial
paralysis. Instructions for Botox and Myobloc mention
the issue but it is easy to miss, he said.

Public Citizen asked the FDA to order a black-box
warning to highlight the concern, plus a letter to
doctors. The agency also should require a consumer-
friendly guide explaining the risks that would be
handed out by doctors when the drug is injected,
the group said.

"These significantly improved warnings to doctors
and patients would increase the likelihood of
earlier medical intervention when symptoms of
adverse reactions to botulinum toxin first appear,
and could prevent more serious complications,
including death," Public Citizen said in a petition
to the FDA.

Early symptoms include dry mouth, difficulty
breathing or swallowing, slurred speech, drooping
eyelids and muscle weakness.

The group said European regulators have warned
physicians to watch for signs of the acid botulinum
toxin complications.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, states,
"the symptoms of dry mouth, difficulty breathing
or swallowing, slurred speech, drooping eyelids,
muscle weakness are all the result of increased
fluid and tissue acidity whether from diet,
metabolism or drugs. The injection of the acid
botox is not worth the health risks. Wrinkles are
the expression of over-acidic skin from the
body eliminating dietary acids, metabolic acids
and drug acids through the pores of the skin."

"Healthy skin that is wrinkle and blemish free is
the expression of an alkaline fluid pH and healthy
blood. An alkaline fluid pH and healthy blood is
the expression of someone who is living an alkaline
lifestyle and eating and alkaline diet," states
Dr. Young.

To start alkalizing the skin and reducing the
acids that cause skin blemishes and wrinkles
may I suggest the following:

1) Hyper-alkalinize with high pH water and
mineral salts to buffer dietary, metabolic and
drug acids.

2) Hyper-chlorophyllnize with liquid
chlorophyll and mineral salts for building
healthy blood and then skin.

3) Build healthy and strong blood and skin
cellular membranes with mono-unsaturated and poly-
unsaturated fats.

4) Alkalinize the skin with a smectite
montmorillonite clay called Terra pHirma,
an alkalizing moisturizer called
SopH Skin and an alkalizing facial toner
called repHresh.
More aboutWrinkles Are Caused By Acids Whether From Lifestlye, Diet or Drugs

How To Lose Weight and Gain Muscle

Posted by luputtenan2 on Monday, January 28, 2008

Building a healthy and fit body is all about
building healthy blood. Every cell in the human
body, including muscle cells are made from blood.
So healthy blood equals a healthy and fit body.

To build healthy blood you need a diet of chlorophyll,
oil, water and salt. I refer to this blood building
diet as the "COWS" plan, an acronym that stands for:

C = chlorophyll from green grasses, veggies and fruits

O = oils from flax, hemp, olive and avocado

W = water that has been purified, alkalized, and energized

S = salt that is unprocessed and in a colloidal form

A few years ago a man by the name of Ryan Marcotte
entered the "Body for Life" contest to lose some
weight and gain some muscle. In a twelve week
period he lost 31 pounds of fat and gained 11 pounds
of muscle. He also was the runner-up winner in the
Bill Phillips "Body for Life" Contest using Dr.
Young's dietary "COWS" program. He had actually won the
contest but did not receive the first prize and the
$10,000 check because he did not use the "Body for
Life" plan to lose the weight or gain the new
muscle mass. He had found his ultimate success
in losing excess body fat and gaining muscle mass
with the Young's pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet.

Listen and see Ryan Marcotte as he talks about his
experience doing the Young's pH Miracle Living
Lifestyle and Diet plan on the following UTUBE

Remember, if you want to build muscle you do it
by ingesting chlorophyll, oil, water and salt not
sugar and proteins!

Two last important notes - Ryan used a rotation
exercise program of lifting weights for an hour
3 to 4 days a week and then jogging on the alternative
days for around one hour. The second note is that
the entire diet plan can be found in Chapter 11 of the
pH Miracle for Weight Loss. You can find this book
on or at your local book store. That's All!
More aboutHow To Lose Weight and Gain Muscle

The Critical Role of Sodium and Chloride - Salt In The Diet!

Posted by luputtenan2 on Sunday, January 27, 2008

If you look on the Periodic Table of the elements,
you will see that sodium, potassium, magnesium and
calcium are alkaline earthmetals. You can tell by
their positioning how interrelated they are.

For example, sodium is number 11 on the Periodic
Table indicating the number of protons in its
nucleus. Whereas magnesium is number 12 on the
Periodic table just 1 more proton or hydrogen
ion more then sodium. Potassium is number 19 and
calcium is number 20. These four elements are
all right next to each other on the Periodic
Table of Minerals for good reason!

Over the years I have thought about the relationships
between sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium
and have come up with a hypothesis that magnesium,
potassium and calcium are all nuclear transformations
of the sodium (11) ion. This is important to understand
when we consider why our blood is salted with sodium
not magnesium, potassium or calcium. Even the ocean is
salted with sodium for very good reasons.

The word formula for my hypothesis of nuclear
transformation is as follows:

sodium (11) + hydrogen (1) <=> magnesium (12) or,
sodium (11) + oxygen (8) <=> potassium (19) or,
sodium (11) + hydrogen (1)+ oxygen (8) <=> calcium or,
sodium (11) + oxygen (8) + hydrogen (1) <=> calcium

As you can see there are many variations on how the
body can transform sodium to the other alkaline elements
it needs to maintain its alkaline design. Keep in mind
that this transformation of elements is not a chemical
reaction but a reaction, I call vibrational intelligence.

The movement of a hydrogen ion into the nucleus
of a sodium ion is what gives rise to the alkaline
element magnesium to help regulate body or even
ocean temperature.

The movement of an oxygen ion into the nucleus of
a sodium ion is what gives rise to the alkaline
element potassium to help regulate the delicate
alkaline pH of the extra and intracellular fluids
of the body.

The movement of a hydrogen ion into the nucleus of
a potassium ion is what gives rise to the alkaline
element calcium. It is through the sodium ion of
the blood that creates calcium to help keep our
skeletal structure healthy and strong. In the ocean,
it is the salt or sodium ion that gives rise to
the calcium that makes the coral calcium, which helps
in maintaining the alkaline design of the ocean at
a pH of 8.3.

You see, nuclear transformation of sodium takes place
every second of the day with any vibration or motion,
such as the athlete in movement, as the body uses
sodium and hydrogen to regulate the body temperature
keeping it cool.

As one is exercising and as the body is heating up
the body will naturally cool itself by transforming
sodium into magnesium. These transformations will
result in a blood serum loss of sodium and an increase
in urine magnesium. Why? Because the body is
converting the salt or sodium of the blood to
magnesium to regulate body temperature! Without
salt you CANNOT regulate your body temperature!

This same elemental transformation will takes place
when the body is trying to maintain its alkaline
design at a pH of 7.365. When the body is physically
or emotionally stressed, metabolic acidic waste products
will increase. As metabolic acids are increased
from body movement, such as when exercising, or when
you are stressed, such as worried about your finances,
the body needs additional alkalinity to buffer the
increase of endogenous acidity and it will start
converting the salt or sodium of the blood to

That is why we see, in sick, tired, depressed or
unfit clients a decrease in blood serum sodium and
an increase in blood serum potassium.

Balancing the alkaline pH of the body fluids and
bringing the body back to a state of health, energy,
happiness and fitness cannot be accomplished without
the mineral salts and especially the foundational ion
of sodium.

Without salt running through our blood vessels and
our oceans there would be NO LIFE ON EARTH!

Just one more thing to think about. As you know,
most sodium comes to us as sodium chloride. This
is by no coincidence. When you eat salt or
sodium chloride the body splits these two ions
apart. This is a matter of chemistry. The
sodium ion is used as I have described above but
the chloride ion is used to build our blood.
I give you the following word formula of nuclear
transformation of the chloride ion to iron:

chloride (17) + oxygen (8) + hydrogen from water (1)
<=> iron (26)

What I am suggesting is that salt or sodium chloride
not only keeps our blood and body fluids alkaline but
it also creates the iron that is necessary in making
hemoglobin or blood. So, when you someone is iron
deficient the are really sodium chloride deficient!

To limit or eliminate salt out of ones diet is setting
the stage for ALL sickness and disease.

It is not salt that causes high blood pressure. It
is dietary and metabolic acid.

Salt is the life of the body! And, without liberal
amounts of whole unprocessed salt the body cannot
keep up with the daily onslaught of dietary and
metabolic acidity.

This is why I suggest eating lots of salt and getting
off acidic foods and drinks. When you do this, your
health, energy, happiness and fitness will naturally
improve - without medications!

To learn more about the importance of salt in our
diet and the best salt to ingest go to:
More aboutThe Critical Role of Sodium and Chloride - Salt In The Diet!

Meat and Diet Soda Will Make You Sick, Tired, Depressed and Fat

Posted by luputtenan2 on Saturday, January 26, 2008

People who eat two or more servings of red meat
a day are much more likely to develop conditions
leading to heart disease and diabetes, U.S.
researchers reported on Tuesday.

Eating two or more servings of meat a day increases
the risk of suffering from a cluster of risk factors
known as metabolic syndrome (latent tissue acidosis)
by 25 percent compared to those who had only two
servings of meat a week, the researchers reported in
the journal Circulation.

The symptoms of metabolic syndrome (latent tissue
acidosis) include excessive fat around the waist,
high cholesterol, high blood sugar and high blood

According Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist
at the pH Miracle Living Center states, "eating
meat increases dietary acids of nitric, uric,
phosphuric and sulphuric acid which leads to the
following conditions:

1) Increased body fat to park excess dietary acid
to protect the organs that sustain life.

2) Increased blood cholesterol to buffer or
neutralize increased dietary acidity to protect
blood vessels and prevent internal bleeding.

3) Increased blood acidic blood sugars from
the breakdown of body cells due to excess
acidity, and

4) Increased high blood pressure as a result of
the body chelating excess dietary acids with
alkaline compounds, such as sodium, potassium and
calcium that have not been properly eliminated
through urination, defecation or perspiration."

The study also found that diet soda consumption
was linked to these elevated risk factors for heart
disease and diabetes, echoing the findings of a study
published in July.

"When we found that diet soda promoted risk we
were surprised," said Dr. Lyn Steffen, an associate
professor of epidemiology at the University of

"But then we thought about other behavior patterns,"
she added in a telephone interview.

"It may be associated with compensating for eating
higher calorie food. People may say, 'I can eat
this cookie because I am drinking this diet soda."'

Dr. Young states, "the acidic ingredients in soda pop,
including diet soda, that can make you sick, tired,
depressed and fat are carbonic acid and sugar."

Lots of acidic meat, acidic fried foods and acidic
diet soda add up to heart disease, the researchers said,
and the conclusions add to a swelling body of evidence
linking fast food with unhealthy lifestyles.

Steffen's team examined the diets of 9,514 people in
a study funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute. In a departure from related studies, this
one went into a detailed look at precisely what people
were eating.

Most were aged 45 to 64.

Based on a 66-item food frequency questionnaire, the
volunteers were categorized into two groups: those
with a "western-pattern" acidic diet, heavy on processed
meat, fried foods, red meat; and a more alkaline
"prudent-pattern" diet with more fruit and vegetables,
with small amounts of fatty fish.

After nine years, nearly 40 percent of those involved
developed three or more of the factors linked to
metabolic syndrome (latent tissue acidosis), they wrote.
This was clear even when smoking and exercise were
factored in.

To learn more about healthy alkaline eating to prevent
or reverse the symptoms of diabetes, heart dis-ease,
high cholesterol or over or under weight read:

The pH Miracle
The pH Miracle for Diabetes
The pH Miracle for Weight Loss
Back to the House of Health
Back to the House of Health II, and
Sick and Tired.
More aboutMeat and Diet Soda Will Make You Sick, Tired, Depressed and Fat

The Many Uses and Benefits of pHour Salts

Posted by luputtenan2

4 Salts

Young pHorever™ pHour Salts™ by Dr. Robert
O. Young is the "ultimate" baking soda: A
combination of four powerful carbonate salts
(sodium bicarbonate, magnesium bicarbonate,
potassium bicarbonate, and calcium bicarbonate).

These four mineral salts are naturally occurring
in all fluids of the body. Specifically, they may
aid in the reduction of dietary and metabolic
acidity helping to maintain the alkaline
design of the human, animal or plant body.

The following list are the many uses of pHour

1. Keep a jar of pHour Salts in your fridge for
smelling fresh and reducing acidic gaseous residues
from spoiling foods.

2. A pinch of pHour Salts in a gallon of freshly
brewed iced tea takes out the bad tasting acidic
tannins and prevents cloudiness and acidic effect.

3. When soaking dried beans or cooking cabbage,
add a dash to the water to make them less gaseous.
The pHour Salts will reduce or eliminate the
flatulence caused by the beans

4. To keep tomato soup from curdling, sprinkle some
pHour Salts on the simmering tomatoes and skim off
the white foam before adding soy, almond or hazel
nut milk.

5. Two tablespoons of pHour Salts added to hot water
to broccoli and cauliflower keeps the veggies crisp and
preserves the electrical potential of the cooked

6. Pet care: Sprinkle pHour Salts onto his/her coat
and brush or comb through for dry acidic odor
protection between baths.

7. Give plastic and rubber toys a bath in a solution
of 4 Tb. of pHour Salts dissolved in 1 quart warm
water. Sprinkle fabric toys with pHour Salts brushed
off after 15 minutes.

8. Brush teeth with a teaspoon of pHour Salts on damp
toothbrush to avoid plaque and keep breath fresh.

9. Soak retainers, mouth guards, and dentures in
pHour Salts and warm water solution (2 tsp to a
drinking glass full).

10. Make a paste of 3 parts pHour Salts to one part
water for an effective and inexpensive skin exfoliant.
Just apply it to your skin with fingertips or a
washcloth in a gentle, circular motion and rinse.

11. Mix a little pHour Salts into your shampoo to
strip out product buildup, or add it into your
conditioner for extra-healthy, non-split ends.

12. Apply a paste of pHour Salts and water to take
the ouch out of bug bites, bee stings, sunburns,
rashes, poison ivy, or pour in bathwater for relief
from the itch of chicken pox and measles.

13. Drink ½ teaspoon of pHour Salts in ½ a glass
of water to relieve acid indigestion and heartburn.

14. Use pHour Salts as a mouthwash for bad breath or to
soothe canker sore pain. Add a 1/2 tsp to water
a swish your mouth and then discard or drink.

15. Run pHour Salts and water solution through your
coffee maker, followed by two fresh water brew
cycles to keep your java tasting tip top. Of course,
the best solution is not to drink acidic java.

16. Add a pinch of pHour Salts to your cup of java
to reduce the acidity effects of the caffeine.

17. Zap nasty cutting board tastes and smells by
scrubbing them with a mixture of pHour Salts and water.
It’ll cut grease, wont’ dry out the wood, and will
also take garlic and onion smells off your skin.

18. Use a damp paper towel and a sprinkling of
pHour Salts to remove tea and punch stains from
china and plastic. Especially chlorophyll stains
in your water drinking bottle.

19. Neutralize spilled battery acid in a flash with
a handful of pHour Salts.

20. pHour Salts and a wet wash cloth makes an excellent
bumper buffer when little scuffs appear. It also shines
up bike chrome.

21. pHour Salts is a natural fire-stopper. Keep a jar
close at hand when you are working with live fire of
any kind. A handful can put out grease, electrical,
wood, and fuel fires.

22. Sprinkle pHour Salts on an outdoor grill or make
a paste with water, and scrub grit off the grill
without the danger of adding nasty cleaning chemicals
to your food.

23. Rub pHour Salts directly on a baby spit up to nix
the smell quickly.

24. Soak sweat-drenched headbands, hats and gloves or
smoky clothes in a pHour Salts solution before they hit
the washing machine. Or if you’re pressed for time,
sprinkle it on clothing for a quick odor mask.

25. Gardening Mildew! Keep fungus, black spots and
powdery mildew off your precious plants by mixing
pHour Salts, horticultural oil and soap and applying
it to affected leaves. Just add 1 tsp of pHour Salts
and a few drops of dishwashing soap to a gallon of
water, and spray once a week, and after it rains.

26. Make a paste of pHour salts by mixing 1/2 tsp of
pHour Salts in some alkaline water and apply to the
armpits for eliminating acidic body dietary and/or
metabolic odors.

27. Drink an 8 ounce glass of pHour salts just
before an acidic meal to buffer or chelate
food acids. Use 1 Tbs. of pHour Salts per
8 ounces of alkaline water.

28. Drink an 8 ounce glass of alkaline water with
1 to 2 Tbs. of pHour Salts upon rising to flush
and clean the alimentary canal.

29. For a hangover drink an 8 ounce glass of
alkaline water with 2 Tbs. of pHour salts to
help eliminate the acidic alcohol residues. This
mixture will also reduce blood alcohol when one
has had too much to drink. Of course Dr. Young
recommends you eliminate all alcohol consumption
to maintain health and energy.

30. For motion sickness on a boat or plane drink
a 8 to 12 ounce glass of alkaline water with 1
Tbs. of pHour Salts.

31. For morning sickness during pregnancy drink
an 8 ounce glass of alkaline water with 1 Tbs.
of pHour Salts.

32. For restless leg syndrome drink 1 liter or
quart of alkaline water with 2 Tbs. of pHour Salts.

33. For muscle soreness or inflammation drink 1
liter or quart of alkaline water with 2 Tbs.
of pHour Salts.

34. For acne make a paste of pHour salts with
alkaline water and cover the face. Leave on
the face for at least 30 minutes.

35. For sore feet or athlete's feet soak your
feet in warm alkaline water with 2 to 3 Tbs of
pHour Salts.

36. For air born micro-organisms in a closed area,
such as in a plane, drink an 8 ounce glass of alkaline
water with 1 Tbs. of pHour Salts before and after
your flight.

37. Reduce vaginal odor or yeast douche with warm
alkaline water and 1 to 2 tsp. of pHour salts.

38. For an alkaline enema and to help relieve bowel
congestion insert 6 to 8 ounces of warm alkaline
water with 1 Tbs. of pHour Salts.

39. For relaxing after a hard day at work take
an alkalizing hot bath with several scoops of
pHour Salts.

40. To maintain a healthy urine and saliva pH at
7.2 or above drink 8 to 12 ounces of alkaline
water with 1 Tbs of pHour Salts 3 times a day.

Remember the human body is alkaline by design
and acidic by function. To maintain that healthy
ageless alkaline design of your body may I suggest
using the pH miracle of pHour Salts.
More aboutThe Many Uses and Benefits of pHour Salts

The Worlds Best Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Avocado Oil From The Rancho del Sol

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, January 25, 2008

Among the beneficial oils, olive and avocado
oils are touted as two of the healthiest. Olive
and avocado oil contain monounsaturated fat,
which can lower total cholesterol and low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the blood by
lowering dietary and metabolic acidity.
This is a good thing.

Choosing olive or avocado oil is a bit like
choosing a good wine. There are different grades, and
some are more flavorful and offer more health

Virgin, extra-virgin or refined: Virgin and
extra-virgin olive and avocado oils tend to
be higher in polyphenols (a powerful antioxidant)
than are the more-processed, refined olive or
avocado oils. Antioxidants are considered beneficial
because they help the body rid itself of acidic
molecules or dietary and metabolic acids and minimize
harmful cellular acidic inflammation.

A recent study comparing virgin oil, refined oil,
and the combination of both found that virgin oil
appears to have greater heart-health benefits.

Here are some things to consider when purchasing
olive and/or avocado oils:

Freshness: The fresher the oil, the greater the
antioxidant properties. Quality olive or avocado
oils generally include a packaging date. At purchase,
it should be no more than one year old.

Price/flavor: Olive and avocado oils run the gamut
in prices. Shoppers should invest in the pricier
and more flavorful green virgin or extra-virgin oils
for use in salad dressing or drizzling over salads
or side dishes. You can also use these oils in
the Doc Broc Avocado Shake.

Storage: Green Olive and avocado oils have a shelf
life of about six to twelve months. Storage in a
cool dark place is best.

Now for the good news!

Dr. Robert and Shelley Young are pleased to make
available our Rancho del Sol Avocado Oils in plain,
lime or garlic. The Rancho del Sol Avocado Oil is
a pure virgin cold-pressed super anti-oxidant green
Rancho del Sol avocado oil.

The taste and quality of this oil is remarkable.

Here are the test results of our Rancho del Sol
Avocado Oil:

Free Fatty Acid % <0.4
Peroxide Value mq/Kg <4.0
Iodine Value Wijis 80 to 90
Moisture % <0.2

Unsaponifiable Matter m/m
Saponification Value

Fatty Acid Composition %

C16.0 Palmitic 13.5 to 15.0
C16.1 Palmitoleic 4.0 to 7.0
C18.0 Stearic 0.2 to 1.0
C18.1 Oleic 65.0 to 75.0
C18.2 Linoleic 8.0 to 14.0
C18.3 Linolenic 0.5 to 1.5

C20.0 < 0.5

Beta Sitosterol mg/100g 380
Iron mg/Kg <0.1
Calcium mg/Kg <0.1
Copper mg/kg <0.1
Potassium mg/Kg <0.2
Magnesium mg/kg <0.7

Lutein mg/Kg 4.60

Vit A as Retinal iu/100g

Beta Carotene mg/kg 50 to 150

Vit E as Total Tocopherols mg/100g 5 to 20

Vit D iu/100g 41
Ash g/100g <0.1
Energy KJ/100g 3720.0
Energy Kcal/100g 888.0

Refractive Index 1.465 to 1.472

Smoke Point Degrees C 245 to 255

The following is an unsolicited raving
testimony for the Rancho del Sol
Avocado Garlic Oil which is my favorite!

Goodmorning Dr. Young:

Once again I have to write and say THANK YOU
for the avocado oil!!! I made my husband a
salad for work and poured on some advocado-garlic
oil instead of his usual heavy dressing and he
came home and said it was the best salad he ever
had and he was making himself another one for his
lunch the next day-and I had to show him where
I stashed the Rancho del Sol avocado oils.

Thank you so much

Sheila A. Myotte
9105 Dana Road
Woodstock, Vt. 05091

To order your cold-pressed organic avocado oil
go to:
More aboutThe Worlds Best Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Avocado Oil From The Rancho del Sol

The Truth About Cholesterol

Posted by luputtenan2 on Thursday, January 24, 2008

What causes an increase in serum cholesterol?

The answer is easy. It is a four letter word -

The body creates and releases cholesterol in the
blood stream to buffer and protect against
dietary and metabolic acidity.

Cholesterol is our friend. It is dietary and
metabolic acid that makes us sick, tired and

I am telling you this because there are millions
of Americans trying to lower their cholesterol
with statin drugs putting them at risk for the
very thing they are trying to prevent -
a stroke or heart attack.

It is acid that causes heart attacks and strokes
not cholesterol. The truth about cholesterol
is that cholesterol is released into the blood
stream to buffer or chelate dietary and/or
metabolic acids and protect the heart and blood
vessels from acid breakdown.

According to recent research, the benefits of statin
drugs are highly overrated, and the 13 million
Americans using them may get little, if any, benefit.

In fact, according to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center states,
"statin drugs reduce cholesterol but do not
reduce the dietary or metabolic acids that cause
strokes and heart attacks. To reduce cholesterol
without reducing the acid is setting the stage
for a potential stroke or heart attack."

Recent studies on statin drugs show no reduction in
deaths for people over the age of 65 — regardless
of how much the drug lowered their cholesterol —
and no benefit at all for women of any age!

Even though Americans are bombarded with ads touting
the benefits of statins, close study of drug company
ads tell a different tale. In small print, an ad for
Lipitor stated that ‘in a large clinical study, 3%
of patients taking a sugar pill or placebo had a heart
attack compared to 2% of patients taking Lipitor.”
The trial lasted over three years, meaning that for
every one hundred people taking Lipitor for at least
three years, only one person avoided having a heart
attack. The other 99 got no benefit. Other studies
have indicated that as many as 250 patients would
need to be treated in order to benefit one person.

Statins cause side effects in 10% to 15% of users
that include diarrhea, muscle pain, cognitive
impairment and sexual dysfunction, and they cost
about $1,000 a year.

“Most people are taking something with no change of
benefit and a risk of harm,” says Dr. James M. Wright,
a professor at the University of British Columbia and
director of Canada’s Therapeutics Initiative, an
organization which examines the data on drugs and
decides how well they work.

Dr. Young states, "if you want to protect the
heart and blood vessels from die-ease you need
to maintain the alkaline design of your body."

To do this Dr. Young suggests an alkalizing
seven step program that includes the following:

1) 2 to 3 ounces of liquid chlorophyll 3 times
a day.

Dr. Young recommends 100% pure chlorophyll
from Da Souza's.

2) Eating 10 to 12 servings of fruits and
vegetables everyday.

3) 1 to 2 ounces of poly-unsaturated fats from
flax, hemp, avocado and/or fish.

4) Drinking 3 to 4 liters of 9.5 alkaline pH
water everyday.

5) Eating at least 7 to 8 grams of mineral salts

6) Whole body exercising everyday with a rebounder
or a VibrapHirm.

7) Testing your urine pH every morning and night
to make sure it is in the healthy range of
7.2 or better.

To learn more about the pH Miracle Lifestyle
and Diet I would suggest reading:

The pH Miracle
The pH Miracle for Weight Loss
Back to the House of Health I and II
More aboutThe Truth About Cholesterol

The Prevention and/or Reversal of the Common Cold With Liquid Sea Salt Water

Posted by luputtenan2 on Wednesday, January 23, 2008

For parents worried about how to treat children's
colds now that some medicines have been called into
question, the answer may be a spray of liquid mineral
sea salt water.

But first, before we treat a cold we need to know
what a cold is and/or what causes the common cold.

The answer is simple. A cold is the body's way of
eliminating excess dietary and metabolic acidity
through the elimination organs (skin, lungs, bladder
and bowels) of the body in order to maintain the
delicate alkaline pH of the internal milieu or

The cause of the common cold is a consequence of
acidic lifestyle and dietary choices. It is NOT
caused by a virus. It is NOT something that you
catch. It is something that you do! Once again,
the common cold is caused by personal acidic
lifestyle and dietary choice. The cold is the
body's way of bringing the body back from acidity
to alkalinity. The cold or even the flu is your
friend not your foe. Thank God for the cold and flu
and the body's perfect way in dealing with poor
lifestyle and dietary choice.

For example, the lifestyle choices that may give
rise to the common cold include lack of exercise,
and mental or emotional stress.

The dietary choices that may give rise to the
common cold include increased amounts of sugar,
protein or alcohol.

The common cold is not a sickness. Over-acidity is
the sickness and the cold is the body's way of
eliminating the excess acidity from the body fluids.

The cure is simple. Support the alkaline design
of the body through a process of alkalizing lifestyle
and dietary choices.

One of those choices to help buffer the acidity that
is causing the forced elimination of acids through
the various elimination organs is to increase the
ingestion of mineral salts - especially sodium.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist
at the pH Miracle Living Center states, "sodium is
the essential element for maintaining the alkaline
design of the body. It is the element that the body
uses to form sodium bicarbonate to help alkalize or
buffer dietary and metabolic acids. When the body
is sick it needs extra sodium for making sodium
bicarbonate to bring the body back to its alkaline

A nasal spray made from the Atlantic Ocean seawater
eased wintertime cold symptoms faster and slowed
cough and cold symptoms from returning among children
ages 6 to 10, researchers in Europe reported on Monday.

The researchers suggested that the salt water may
have a simple mechanical effect of clearing mucus,
or it could be that trace elements in the water play
some more significant role, though the exact reason
why such a salt solution works is not known, said
Dr. Ivo Slapak and colleagues at the Teaching Hospital
of Brno in the Czech Republic.

The study, published in the January issue of the Archives
of Otolaryngology, was paid for by Goemar Laboratoires
La Madeleine, Saint-Malo, France, which makes Physiomer,
the seawater nasal spray used in the investigation.

The authors said that while saline washes have long
been mentioned as a treatment for colds, scientific
evidence about whether they work is limited.

The report was published days after the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration said children under 2 should not
be given nonprescription cough and cold medicines
because they are too dangerous for that age group,
with deaths, convulsions and rapid heart rates reported
in rare cases.

According to Dr. Young, "the reason for increased
risk for children taking cough and cold medicines is
the acidic nature of the medicines which are laced
with sugar and/or alcohol. When parents give their
children these kinds of acidic medicines they are
just compounding the already acidic state of the child.
Taking cough and cold medicines is like trying to put
out an already raging fire with kerosene."

U.S. health officials have not yet decided if the
widely sold medicines made by companies such as
Wyeth and Johnson & Johnson are appropriate for
older children, and have said they hope to have
a ruling covering appropriate use for children
2 to 11 later this year.

Dr. Young suggests, "the cold is not the
problem it is the acidic lifestyle and diet.
This is true for children and adults.
The cold symptoms are the body's way of
eliminating the excess acidity brought on
by poor lifestyle and dietary choice. One
of the best ways to buffer dietary and/or
metabolic acid is with liquid mineral salts."

The American Academy of Pediatrics has said
cough and cold products are ineffective for
children under age 6, and may also be risky.

According to Dr. Young, "all cough and cold
products are ineffective because they do not
address the true cause of the cold symptoms
and that is an elevated level of internal dietary
and/or metabolic acidity. When you take cough or
cold medications you do so with great risk because
they are simply contributing to already over-acidic

The Czech study involved 390 children with
uncomplicated cold or flu symptoms. Some of the
children were given standard treatments such
as nasal decongestants. Others received those
same medications plus the saline nasal wash,
which the authors said "preserves the
concentrations of ions and trace elements at
levels comparable with those of seawater."

The study lasted for 12 weeks in the winter
of 2006. Children given the salt water spray
got it six times a day initially and three
times a day in the latter part of the study
when the investigators were looking at whether
it would prevent symptoms from redeveloping.

The noses of children given the spray were
less stuffy and runny the second time they
were checked, the study said. And eight weeks
after the study began, those in the saline
group had significantly fewer severe sore
throats, coughs, nasal obstructions and
secretions than those given standard treatments.

Fewer children in the saline group had to use
fever-reducing drugs, nasal decongestants and
mucus-dissolving medications or antibiotics,
the researchers said. In addition children who
used the salt spray were sick less often and
missed fewer school days.

To learn more about our liquid mineral sea salt
spray or to purchase your bottle of our liquid
mineral sea salt spray go to:
More aboutThe Prevention and/or Reversal of the Common Cold With Liquid Sea Salt Water

Radiation From Cellular Phones May Be Making You Sick and Tired

Posted by luputtenan2 on Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Research raises new concerns about the effects
of mobile devices.

Mobile phones severely disrupt sleep patterns,
according to scientific research into their impact
on human rest, funded by the Mobile Manufacturers

The research undertaken by the Electromagnetic
Academy based at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, in the United States, exposed 71 men
and women, aged between 18 and 45, to mobile phone
radiation as they prepared to sleep.

According to the study, monitoring under laboratory
conditions showed the initial ‘light’ phases of
sleep in the subjects were affected. In addition,
“exposure to 884 MHz wireless signals, components
of sleep, believed to be important for recovery from
daily wear and tear, are adversely affected.” The
research also found that those exposed to mobile
phones during their sleep appear to have more headaches,
than those not exposed.

The findings coincide with calls from UK company
Exradia, manufacturers of the first device proven
to neutralize potentially dangerous mobile phone
radiation, for more government research into the
health issues being raised.

David Schick, Exradia chief executive, said,
“This study is yet another example of how using
mobile phones can have a detrimental effect on
humans. It is critical that the UK Government now
undertakes a formal public inquiry into this issue.”

France recently became the latest country to advise
against excessive use of mobile phones, particularly
by children. Other countries who’ve issued similar
advice include Sweden, the UK, Israel and India.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated
that electro-magnetic fields or radiation that exceeds
2.5 milligauss (mG) can be harmful to human health.

"Most cellular phones emit over 5 milligauss with the
average emissions over 50 milligauss," states Dr.
Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH
Miracle Living Center.

Dr. Young also states, "the hybrid cars on the
drivers side is an electro-magnetic hot box of
radiation that exceeds 50 milligauss and in some
hybrid cars over 100 milligauss."

"The most dangerous appliance that is used by most
women is the hair dryer which exceeds over 100
milligauss and can be as high as 20,000 milligauss.
Most women have no idea that they are
dousing their brain with harmful radiation from
hair dryers, their cell phones and now the cars
they are driving," states Dr. Young.

"I have measured many of the large cellular phone
services offered in the US for levels of EMF radiation
and the only company I have found to date that has
acceptable electro-magnetic field (EMF) radiation
emissions below EPA standards is the Verizon Cellular
phone company," states Dr. Young.

"EMF radiation from cell phones, hair dryers,
automobiles, microwaves, TV's, computers,
airplanes, etc., is the most powerful acidic
contributor to ill-health ever invented by man
in the last 100 years," states Dr. Young

"Most of us live in an invisible soup of radiation
making us sick, tired and depressed."

"Maybe that is why we feel better when we go to
the mountains or to the beach."

To learn more about electo-magnetic fields (EMF) and
how to protect yourself from harmful acidic radiation
go to:
More aboutRadiation From Cellular Phones May Be Making You Sick and Tired

How To Prevent or Reverse Cataracts

Posted by luputtenan2 on Sunday, January 20, 2008

What causes cataracts?

The answer is simple - dietary and metabolic

So what is a cataract?

A cataract is a dietary and/or metabolic acid
that has been buffered or chelated with an
alkaline buffer, such as calcium.

Simply stated a cataract is a stone in the eye.

How do you prevent or reverse cataracts?

Reduce acidity and increase alkalinity.

Women who have higher dietary intake of lutein and
zeaxanthin — compounds found in yellow or dark, leafy
vegetables and green fruits like avocado — as well as
more vitamin E from food and supplements appear to
have a lower risk for developing cataracts, according
to a report in the January issue of Archives of
Ophthalmology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.


Because lutein and zeaxanthin are alkaline buffers
of dietary and metabolic acids.

“The oxidative hypothesis of cataract formation posits
that reactive oxygen species can damage lens proteins
and fiber cell membranes and that nutrients with
antioxidant capabilities can protect against these
changes,” the authors write as background information
in the article. Vitamin E, vitamin C, beta carotene,
lutein and zeaxanthin are all believed to have
antioxidant or anti-acid properties. Lutein and
zeaxanthin are the only carotenoids — yellow or green
plant pigments — present in the lens of the human eye
and may also protect against cataracts by buffering
dietary and metabolic acids.

William G. Christen, Sc.D., of Brigham & Women’s Hospital
and Harvard Medical School, Boston, and colleagues
analyzed dietary information from 35,551 female
health professionals who enrolled in the Women’s Health
Study in 1993. The women were then followed for an
average of 10 years, and the diets of those who
developed cataracts were compared with the diets of
those who did not.

A total of 2,031 women developed cataracts during the
study. When the participants were split into five groups
based on the amount of lutein and zeaxanthin they
consumed, those in the group who consumed the most
(about 6,716 micrograms per day) had an 18 percent
lower chance of developing cataracts than those who
consumed the least (1,177 micrograms per day). The
one-fifth who consumed the most vitamin E from food
and supplements — about 262.4 milligrams per day —
were 14 percent less likely than the one-fifth who
got the least (4.4 milligrams per day).

“In conclusion, these prospective data from a large
cohort of female health professionals indicate that
higher intakes of lutein/zeaxanthin and vitamin E are
associated with decreased risk of cataract,” the
authors write. “Although reliable data from randomized
trials are accumulating for vitamin E and other
antioxidant or anti-acid minerals and vitamins,
randomized trial data for lutein/zeaxanthin are
lacking. Such information will help to clarify the
benefits of supplemental use of lutein/zeaxanthin
and provide the most reliable evidence on which to
base public health recommendations for cataract
prevention by vitamin supplementation.”

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, states,
"one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin
is from avocado. Avocado is also a good source
of Vitamin E and other healthy oils that can help
reduce the formation of stones or cataracts by
reducing dietary and metabolic acids."

Here are just a few of the avocado products you
can choose from to increase dietary and
supplemental lutein/zeaxanthin.

1) Freshly picked Rancho del Sol avocados the
day of your order.

2) Cold-pressed Rancho del Sol virgin avocado oil.

3) Low-heat dehydrated avocaodo powder with other
green veggies and fruits.
More aboutHow To Prevent or Reverse Cataracts

Happiness Is A Choice

Posted by luputtenan2 on Saturday, January 19, 2008

Matters of the mind can affect matters of the heart.

A new study by McGill University and Université de
Montréal researchers has found that major anxiety
and/or depression, can double a coronary artery
disease patient’s chances of repeated heart ailments.
This is one of the first studies to focus on patients
with stable coronary artery disease — not those who
were hospitalized for events such as a heart attack.

“We found that both major depression and generalized
anxiety disorder were more common in cardiac patients
than in the general community,” said principal
investigator Nancy Frasure-Smith, a professor at
McGill’s Department of Psychiatry and a researcher
at the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal
(CHUM) and Montreal Heart Institute. “On average,
cardiac patients without these disorders had about a
13 percent chance of a repeated cardiac event over
two years, compared to 26 percent of those with either
major depression or anxiety.”

Dr. Frasure-Smith coauthored the study from the January
edition of the Archives of General Psychiatry with
François Lespérance, a Université de Montréal
psychiatry professor and head of the CHUM’s Department
of Psychiatry. “This is the first study to demonstrate
that anxiety and depression can have a strong impact
on people with stable coronary artery disease,”
said Lespérance.

The research team interviewed 804 people, patients
with stable coronary artery disease who were still
monitored by a physician, yet had been discharged
from hospital two months prior. Frasure-Smith and
Lespérance found 27 percent of interview subjects
were affected by depression and 41 percent showed
signs of anxiety. Major depressive disorder was
diagnosed in roughly 7 percent of patients while
about 5 percent had generalized anxiety disorder.

“Now that we know that anxiety and major depression
are both markers of increased cardiac risk, it is
imperative that these patients receive the best
treatment for both their cardiac and psychiatric
conditions,” concurred Frasure-Smith and Lespérance.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist
at the pH Miracle Living Center states, "the thought
attack will generally always proceed the heart attack."

"Doing anxiety and/or depression requires a tremendous
amount of energy and when you are consuming energy
you are producing the metabolic acids that cause
heart attacks and strokes."

"Being happy is a choice and when you are choosing
happiness over anxiety, worry or depression you are
producing 2 to 3 times less acidic metabolic
waste products."

"Doing happiness requires less energy and thus reduces
metabolic acids that can make one sick and tired."

"Happiness is alkalizing!" according to Dr. Young.

The following is a wonderful article
by Darshan Goswami, M.S., PE, concerning
happiness as a personal lifestyle choice.

Simple Secrets of How to be Happy!

Being happy is really a choice we make. The secret
of Happiness is simple, very simple - what is it?

You decide if you want to be happy!

We all strive for happiness in life. Like many,
you probably think achievements such as education,
marriage, family and social/financial status make
you happy.

However, studies of happiness in several countries
have found that these achievements have little to
do with your happiness. For millions of people,
happiness has remained a rather elusive goal. They've
tried to buy happiness.

They've sought it through materialistic and
pleasurable activities such as buying a new SUV
or going on vacation. But nothing has seemed to
work. For most people these changes, new possessions
or temporary pleasures, might work for a while but
will eventually become part of your status quo, and
their power to deliver happiness will fade.

Researchers now strongly believe that your brains
is hard-wired in ways that, at least to some degree,
determine just how happy you're going to be. Some
psychologists believe happiness is genetic. Other
scientists say they may have located an important
area of the brain where happiness is generated.

As powerful as these genetic predispositions may be,
happiness is still partly within your control,
says David Myers, PhD, the John Dirk Werkman Professor
of Psychology at Hope College in Holland, Mich.
"It's rather like our cholesterol level --
genetically influenced, yet also influenced by our
habits and attitudes."

While these ideas are debated, you don’t have to
wait to begin discovering happiness within yourself.
You see happiness comes from your social relationships,
enjoyable work, fulfillment, high self-esteem, a sense
that your life has meaning, and joining civic and
other groups.

Your life is sprinkled with ample opportunities for
discovering happiness. Search for the small things
that give you a little laugh or a smile. Take time
to be with your family and friends. In the long run,
these are the treasures that will enhance your happiness,
not some grand achievements that only give you a
lift for a short while.

One way to steer your life toward happiness is simply
to count your blessings. Happy people know that they
don't get to be happy all the time. They can appreciate
brief moments, little victories, small miracles, and
the personal interactions that bring real happiness.

Research has proven that happy people live longer, are
healthier, are more successful, enjoy more fulfilling
relationships, earn more money, and are liked and
respected more.

What is Happiness and How Do You Achieve It?

Happiness seems to be a selfish goal. Happiness doesn't
depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends
solely upon what you think. So start each day by thinking
of all the things you have to be thankful for. Your
future depends very largely on the thoughts you think
today. So think positive thoughts of hope, confidence,
love and success. You can be happy if you are a
productive and useful member of society, share with
others and help unselfishly.

Most experts agree that there are no shortcuts to
happiness. Even the happy people do not experience
joy twenty-four hours a day. A happy person can have
a bad day but still experience pleasure in the small
things in life. If you're not feeling happy today,
fake it. In experiments, people who were manipulated
to smile actually felt happier.

Don’t postpone happiness until you reach a certain
goal, like getting a promotion or pay raise to go
on vacation. Studies show that these effects are
short-lived. Don’t focus on negative thoughts;
balance that by consciously spending a few minutes
every day thinking about the good things in your
life. Like eating a balanced meal or getting enough
rest, practice this everyday and, each day, try to
extend the time you spend on positive thoughts.

Everybody has their own characteristics that lead
them in different directions towards happiness.
Perhaps, at best, these discussions are useful
to provoke thoughts and reactions, which might
help you to focus on what can be done to make
your own life consistently happy.

Again, there is no rule or special formula that
can make a person constantly happy. Instead,
happiness comes from developing positive social
relationships, enjoyable work, fulfillment, a
sense that life has meaning, and joining civic
and other social groups.

Take time to meditate, or say a prayer, thanking
almighty God for all you have. A spiritual dimension
is an essential component of happiness.

Can Money Buy You Happiness?

A lot of people share a fairly common misconception.
They believe that having lots of money can make you
happy. Some even say that the more money you have,
the happier you can be. Others believe that having
money is not spiritually or socially acceptable,
and that money is the root cause of all evil.

Are any of these beliefs really true? To answer
this question, begin by asking yourself what money
means to you, and how do you treat it when you
have it?

Depending on how it is used, money can create
powerful, positive changes in the world. Having
money allows us to function more easily in the
world, it buys food, clothes, provides comfort
in our lives and in the lives of others. However,
because attachment to money is based on fear, it
always creates insecurity.

The desire to have more money, and thereby feel
more secure, never ends. Security can never come
from money alone. Some of the people who have the
most money are also the most insecure. Does this
mean you must give up the desire to attain wealth?

Not necessarily.

In and of itself money is neither good nor bad.
It is what we choose to do with money that determines
if it will have a positive effect on others,
society, the world, and ourselves.

So, it cannot be said that money is essential for
happiness. But, most people recognize that money
is important in the 21st Century because it can
give people comfort and freedoms. But, does raising
a nation's income, as measured by gross domestic
product (GDP), raise the population's overall
level of happiness?

Intuitively, you'd think the answer is a
definite yes.

However, a survey conducted by The Wall Street
Journal found otherwise. Other studies also show
that, in many countries, "although economic output
has risen steeply over the past decades, there has
been no rise in life satisfaction and there has
been a substantial increase in depression and

For example, since World War II, GDP per capita in
the U.S. has tripled, but life satisfaction
(measured by surveys that ask something like,
"overall, how satisfied are you with your life?")
has barely changed.

Also Japan and Western Europe had a tremendous
rise in GDP per capita since 1958, yet measures
of national happiness have been flat. One reason
may be that a rising economy produces rising
aspirations. There are many villages in the world
where people do not own shoes but the people are
extremely happy and friendly.

How to Bring Happiness in Your Life

“Don't worry, be happy.” This sounds like such
a simplistic phrase, but there is great power
and wisdom in it. This tells us to focus on what
we want rather than what we don’t want. When we
focus on what we want, our actions take us nearer
to our goals in life.

One way to guide your life toward happiness is
simply to count your blessings. Dr. Myers points
to research showing that people who pause each
day to reflect on the positive aspects of their
lives (for example, their health, friends, family,
education, freedom) are more likely to experience
positive feelings and happiness.

These are the principles I use to be happy. They
work for me, and I hope they work for you:

1) Improve your relationships with friends and
family – Happiness starts at home. Start by
improving your relationship with your parents,
brothers, sisters, and children. Smile when
you greet them, do things for them, don't allow
them to get angry with you. Maintaining healthy
loving relationships and friendships can promote
happiness. Remember that love makes you beautiful.

2) Be an optimist - Optimism generates good

3) Develop a genuine smile and laugh a lot - act
happy - It works. Smile into the mirror for a
half hour without stopping. Smiling makes you
happy and the more you smile the more happy you
become. We all like people who smile. It also
makes us more attractive.

4) Pray - Become religious or spiritual - This only
works if you believe in God. If you want to be happy
then ask God to make you happy. Prayer helps you
accomplish things.

5) Be generous and share with others - Give more
than you receive because being generous will make
you happy.

6) Treat time as a friend - Don't watch the clock.

7) Exercise your mind - Keep yourself busy with
some new project or ideas.

8) Work your body - Exercise regularly. Studies
show that aerobic exercise is an antidote for
mild depression and anxiety. "Happy minds reside
in sound bodies," says Dr. Myers.

9) Have fun in life - Keep cool under pressure.

10) Pursue achievable goals.

11) Have high confidence in yourself.

12) Respect the disadvantaged.

13) Age gracefully.

14) Give compliments - Take every opportunity
to be complimentary. Want to make someone like
you? Every time you meet a person smile and
give them a compliment.

15) Be honest - With honesty comes openness.
People respect honest and open minded people.

16) Keep an open mind - Most people seem to
think that they know everything that they need
to know. There's plenty of wisdom to go around.

17) Treat difficulties as challenges –Life's an
adventure and every obstacle in life is one of
its challenges. Treat life as a game. What fun
would a game be if you could never lose?

18) Maintain the alkaline design of your body,
mind and spirit with an alkaline lifestyle and


Being happy is really a choice we make. The
secret of Happiness is simple, very simple -
what is it? You decide if you want to be happy!
Happiness is free. You can feel happiness, this
very minute, if you so choose.

If you continue to focus all your energy and
attention on what you want, you’ll soon find
yourself happy. Realize now that true happiness
results from sharing generously of yourself,
your mind, emotion and spirit, with all those
who come in contact with you.

Be an optimist.

Do kind deeds for others unselfishly. Explore
the deeper resources within you by praying to
God from your heart. Through sincere prayer
and mindful meditation you will attain the
highest achievement in life - the discovery
of your eternal happiness with God.

We need to set our goals wisely and to develop
happy-thought strategies and to surround
ourselves with encouraging and positive people.

Pursuing truth, wisdom and a virtuous life - or
just getting on with the duties and chores of
daily life at work and home, often brings
happiness as a by-product. My ultimate goal is
to bring happiness to all my friends, family
and all souls that come in contact with me.
How can I possibly accomplish this?

Simple… I sincerely hope that after reading this
message you will SMILE for me.

That will make both you and me happy!

The Most Affordable Insurance Policy You’ll Ever Find…
is The pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet!

And it’s 100% NATURAL*

Many dietary and metabolic acids can damage your
body’s cells because of stress, less-than-perfect
acidic diets, food additives, environmental pollutants,
even your own body’s natural metabolic processes which
always produces acids that can make one sick, tired and

Now you can prevent and/or reverse harmful acidic waste
products with the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet.

The pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet helps to support
the alkaline design of the body, mind and spirit
and thus helps to support a healthier and happier

"When you start feeling better, you start thinking
better and when you start thinking better you
start doing better," states Dr. Robert O. Young

So make up your mind today to start doing "Happiness!"
More aboutHappiness Is A Choice