6 Dieting Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

Posted by luputtenan2 on Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Any body who worries about the excess weights must take on a plan, a healthy diet plan. This diet plan should help in achieving the goal to lose weight. At the same time, it must be able to supply the body with the proper nutrients.
Here are some dieting tips for healthy weight loss:
1. Drink Lots of Water
Water, this is still the best friend of your body. Do not deprive your body of the good fluid. Drinking eight glasses of water a day is still the way to go. Make sure that it is healthy water you are drinking, not the unstable tap water.
2. Eat a Generous and Healthy Breakfast
Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It will supply the energy to the body, thus a big breakfast becomes a necessity.
The heavy breakfast, however, must consist now of fruits like bananas and apples. Wheat and rye bread are good to go with meats like tuna, salmon or lamb. Plain yogurt can replace the usual tea or chocolate.
3. Take on a Cleansing Diet
Yeast can grow in the colons of the digestive system and may cause further problems in your health. This can be cleansed. Simply inquire in local health store for some good products. The online community is also a good place to look for.
4. Fruits and Vegetables
The fibers and nutrients of fruits and vegetables are still the best elements to contribute to the body.
5. Eat Slowly
People tend to have big appetites. They eat faster than their stomachs can digest. Thus, eating a little bit slowly will help in making the body take in less food.
6. Avoid Temptation
There are sweets like chocolates, shakes and candies that are difficult to avoid, especially for those who have gotten used to these foods. Avoid them as much as possible. They bring bad calories and sugar to the body. Just stick to a healthy diet.
Weight loss needs very good dedication on the part of the person who diets. It actually changes your lifestyle. Yet, the rewards are really high, so do not hesitate to take the first step to a healthy diet.
By Tim Lee
For more dieting techniques concerning healthy weight loss, please visit http://www.lose-weight-naturally.info
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Basic Health Food

Posted by luputtenan2 on Monday, June 19, 2006

Attitude. Let's think about diet in general. The most basic attitudes are those expressed by the well-known statement, 'Some people eat to live, and some live to eat.'
Eating is seen either as a means of self survival and a process that must be fulfilled in order to keep body and soul together, or eating is an exceptionally satisfying experience of the senses which must be indulged in at least 3 times a day and more often if possible, or eating is a necessary function of nature which is both pleasurable and functional and is therefore to be considered as part of our daily life and culture.
Depending upon your particular personal attitude, you will either follow the inclination to pay more mental attention to diet or you will prefer to remain in the present, but temporary, comfort of familiar tastes and habits, unconcerned as to your choice of food, its quality, good or bad, and its affect upon your health or your family's.
If the sensory aspect of food is predominant then you will continue to eat and enjoy it with as little thought and consideration of the subject as possible. In fact you will find you will be more comfortable if you stop reading this article and resume what you were doing.
But ten to one you have found an interest in food has become focused because you realize it is not just sensory, but there are repercussions resulting from the type and quantity of food you eat. And in our affluent society the problem is more usually over indulgence rather than not enough food. In fact many people are so fat, yet instead of limiting their intake of food, are paying professionals to lose their weight for them! When there are people who are starving in other countries of the world we should never abuse our good fortune to replace our need with such greed.
If you can accept that in order to apply the natural rules for good health one must begin to consider that cutting down quantity is the first consideration, there is a chance that you will continue to read on.
Some Helpful Rules of Nutrition
1. The first discipline is to stop the habit in mid-stream. Cease reacting to habitual activity regarding your shopping for food and your preparation of food at mealtimes. This will bring about an opportunity for new interest in introducing new foods, re-thinking old habits, re-assessing what are necessities. Think about what you are purchasing and what you are eating. Decide to choose quality, not quantity.
2. We all know that our bodies require many vitamins, minerals, and natural substances to provide fuel for our physical and mental vitality; to build and maintain our body structure; and to sustain all the wonderful complexity of physiological function. We need lots of ingredients in the sense of a lot of variety in our food in order that our bodies have opportunity to select the ingredient they require.
3. Regarding balancing your selection of food, it is an interesting and reasonable premise that we must reduce the quantity of the foods we indulge in and eat most, because we like their tastes. Most nutritionists hear the common response to their advice to cut down on a particular food, for example, cheese - "Oh but I just love cheese!"
The other part of the discipline is to begin introducing the natural foods that we in the past have chosen to avoid. It is possible to apply this guideline to our advantage not only to increase our health and energy but in addition to extends our potential to enjoy a greater variety of food.
4. Quantity of food is often a problem in discipline. In developed countries, most of us eat far too much, so for some time we can reduce the quantity of our meals without losing any weight at all. The rule of one main meal a day may be different from our old habits, but will seem to be a luxury to those living in impoverished countries and circumstances. Try reducing your quantity as you improve the quality of your food.
5. Quality of food improves to the extent you stop and consider each purchase at the markets and to the extent that you can grow your own food organically, to complement the commercial supplies. What is the origin of the lettuce that your select, the fish, the fruits and nuts, the loin chops, the milk? There is nothing better than a variety of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and produce as nature offers. Manufacturing and processing foods is always to the detriment of their food value. In other words, we are not buying the best quality unless we remember that rule.
6. Fresh food contains the vital nutrients. Cooking of any kind will affect these elements so cooking should be reduced to a minimum and salads, fruit and fresh food increased. One should not use aluminum cookware. Stainless steel is best.
Once anyone begins to think before eating, one is halfway towards solving the problem of diet - that is, by becoming discriminating. We have to intelligently choose to build our bodies of the chosen material. We know that whatever we eat today, to a large extent determines our health tomorrow. This is surely the simplest and best health insurance we could have. It does not rely upon chance but upon natural laws, which we can learn to live by.
To undertake responsibility for your health and others demands skill and serious recognition of the importance of your role. It is likely that your work will continue for many years so it is best to seek ways to enjoy food and its preparation as an art form. It requires skill and ability from the purchasing of good quality fruit and vegetables to the presentation of food at mealtimes.
And it does not stop here, without a reminder of the need for good digestion and to take the traditional health advice of 32 chews to every mouthful of food. Not only will this improve your digestion but increase your enjoyment through happier taste buds.
So, improve your own health and that of the whole family by taking a serious interest in food that will lead to many benefits, not only in better health for all, but it may help you to conserve your dollars also.
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Researching and Treating Diabetes

Posted by luputtenan2

Diabetes is a problem that affects so many people, both in the U.S. and worldwide, surprisingly, however, very little is known about the disease.
There are a number of organizations that are researching exactly what causes diabetes, as well new and better methods for controlling it, monitoring blood sugar levels, getting insulin into the blood, newer medicines to correct the problems and even how to stop it before it starts.
There are numerous groups and organizations involved in research such as the FDA, the Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation, or DAREF, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the Diabetes Research Institute and the Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation and many, many others, in the United States, Great Britain, Australia and many other countries.
Some of the research being done includes;
• A vaccination against the autoimmune response that causes type 1 diabetes. Testing is currently being carried out on animals.
• Genetic engineering to make liver cells that produce insulin. Although insulin is produced there is no internal control mechanism as there is with the pancreas, so the insulin levels from such cells remains constant regardless of the body's requirement for this hormone.
• Stem cells are the very basic building blocks of the human body and have the ability to develop into any kind of cell. It is possible that researchers will find a way to use stem cells to make insulin producing cells to replace those that have been damaged by the autoimmune problem that causes type 1 diabetes.
• Immunoassay for type 1 diabetes.
• The impact of exercise training for those with diabetes.
• A recent report that transplanted pig cells have been successful in reversing diabetes in test monkeys.
• Arterial issues.
• Enhancing the cell survival of important agents in diabetes.
• A type 1 diabetes medication that helps the beta cells in the pancreas to live longer, the loss of the beta cells is one thoughts of causes of type 1 diabetes, is currently underway by the Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation (DAREF) that may prove to help patients create insulin on their own, thus reducing the dependence on outside sources of insulin
Other research currently underway is the use of cinnamon to lower blood sugar levels. Dr. Richard Anderson at the United States Department of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Resource Center has been able to effectively isolate a compound in cinnamon that causes lowered blood sugar.
The reason that cinnamon is so helpful to someone with diabetes is the way that it inhibits enzymes in the body that may be responsible to insulin resistance. This is especially noteworthy to those who are afflicted with Type II diabetes and have insulin resistance problems. Cinnamon also was shown to increase the body's sensitivity to insulin causing insulin to be used more efficiently.
If you or someone you know is afflicted with this chronic illness, funding a research team may allow you to benefit immediately and enable you to play a role in research and the treatment of the millions of other diabetes sufferers in the world.
A couple of the more recent treatments currently in trials are -
A medicine that is based on the saliva of a venomous lizard – the Gila Monster. The drug containing this new treatment is delivered by injection in much the same way as insulin, however the early trials have seen many participants withdraw because of an increase in side effects when compared to those caused by insulin. All research so far undertaken has been sponsored by the pharmaceutical company that produces this drug.
Another new treatment going through trials is the delivery of insulin through inhalation. The insulin is prepared in a dry micro fine powder form which is inhaled directly into the lungs from where it is absorbed into the blood stream.
This would have obvious advantages when treating children in particular, as the use of needles to deliver the essential insulin shots can make the condition doubly distressing for the patient and for the parents who often have to administer the injections. There are concerns about the long term problems that may be caused by this method of delivery and it is thought not to be suitable for smokers or asthma sufferers.
All new treatments offer hope for the future but the effectiveness of any of them will not be fully appreciated until they have been tested over time.
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Your Weight Loss System

Posted by luputtenan2

You didn't plan to gain weight, but if you seriously need and want to lose weight, you will need a weight loss system. In this modern era, many of the things that helped make you gain weight will still be there before, during, and after any weight loss program you may undertake. Your weight loss journey will be along a route littered with many temptations, many of the same ones that have caused your problem in the first place. Just like any journey, you will need a map, some sort of weight loss plan, to arrive safely at your destination.
Sticking with the map and journey analogy, two travelers often reach the same spot by different routes. Some have faster vehicles and shoot down the road while others want to sightsee along the way, or just don't have cars fast enough or in good enough mechanical condition to fly like the wind.
Some will be tourists, and their maps will include stops at points of interest, while others may be in a hurry and their maps will show the quickest route from point A to point B.
Your weight loss plan is somewhat like that. You will have to take into account many factors, and not all will be health or fitness related.
What is your schedule like? Is it hurried and rushed? Does it need to be that way? Where will you find the time to exercise?
Do you have to eat out a lot? How can you get the proper food to fit your weight loss plan.
Just like taking that trip requires some active planning and thought on your part, your weight loss system requires you to take an active part in its planning stages and during the weight loss process itself. However, remember that you are the one who should design the system. Not all systems will be perfect, and someone else's system might not work for you. Also, just like the business traveler who takes a few hours off from the business demands of his or her trip and finds refreshment in a visit to a local night spot or point of interest, it might be beneficial for you to deviate once in a while, turn your back on your weight loss system and plan, and just have a good time.
That is part of the reason for having a weight loss system in place. If you know that most of the time you are following the system's guidelines and striving towards its goals, the occasional deviation will not be of great consequence and may even be beneficial in its effect. However, without the plan or system's existence life will probably be one of constant deviation, punctuated by the occasional stab at doing the right thing.
Your weight loss plan should be written down. This helps crystalize your thoughts and goals, and allows you the opportunity to remind yourself of these by a quick read-thru of your original system.
Your weight loss system should not be chosen in haste or in ignorance. It is easy to choose the wrong sorts of activities, eat the wrong foods, and strive for the wrong goals if you don't really know what you are doing. I have known instances in which people gave up on a weight loss program, even though it was working, simply because they did not understand some of the things that were happening and expected some things to be happening that really couldn't be expected at that stage. Leaping into a weight loss program, particularly the physical activity part, without proper knowledge and preparation can at best cause the person to lose interest in the process and at worst, suffer physical injury.
Many will offer you a patented, cut-and-dried weight loss system guaranteed to work. First of all, there can be no such guarantee. The results that DO occur will be directly related to a broad combination of factors including physical health at the beginning, genetic capabilities (what you inherited), personal work ethic, understanding of the program, and so on. That being said, there are some weight loss systems which have a good beginning foundation, and using one of those as a start to build your own weight loss program may be of value.
By Donovan Baldwin
Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer. A graduate of the University Of West Florida (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and has held several managerial positions. After retiring from the U. S. Army in 1995, he became interested in internet marketing and developed various online businesses. He has been writing poetry, articles, and essays for over 40 years, and now frequently publishes articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters. He has blogs on the subjects of weight loss and health, hybrid cars and alternative fuels, and internet marketing and related business topics.
More aboutYour Weight Loss System

Why Losing Weight Is Good For You

Posted by luputtenan2

Obesity is the biggest hurdle to an active life. A bulky body is the hub of all diseases. It has been proven that weight gain can be achieved by doing nothing i.e. sitting idle and getting a lavish and comfortable diet. However, weight loss is a big issue. In fact, it is the toughest aim to be achieved in our day to day life. People have been trying heat belts, herbal medicines, and dieting as ways to reduce weight. But the required results and long time effects have always been missing.
Your health care provider has charts and tables used to determine what your target weight should be, which varies according to gender, height, age, and bone structure. However, a simpler and more useful piece of information is Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI is calculated by dividing your weight (in kilograms) by the square of your height (in meters). To fall within the ‘healthy range’ on the BMI, your result should be within 20 and 25. Results both lower and higher than these values are associated with significant health risks.
Losing weight is about eating fewer calories than you burn off in your everyday life. Try to make small but permanent changes to your lifestyle, rather than opting for a dramatic new diet. You may lose weight more slowly, but you'll reduce the chances of regaining it again later. Most doctors recommend that, on an average, you should aim to lose not more than 1 kg in a week. However, if your weight stays the same, don’t abandon all that you’ve achieved.
To successfully lose weight, you must carry out a plan to balance your caloric intake with exercise. Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionally balanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity. Losing five per cent of your initial body weight in three months, or ten percent in six to 12 months, is an excellent start. Try making one small change at a time rather than a series of sudden and dramatic changes. The combination of a healthy diet and exercise is essential for weight control and weight loss.
Remember, if there was an easier way to weight loss, someone would have found it by now. However, many appetite suppressants or diet pills, such as Adipex are also available in the market. With reference to different studies in US, it has been analyzed that Adipex would be able to achieve 5 to 15 percent weight loss if administered daily with patience and overall diet plan supported with strong will power. With more and more diet reducing drugs entering the market, you can get cheap Adipex easily. In addition, you can conveniently buy Adipex online. Unlike other pills Adipex never promises weight loss without any proper diet plans or exercises. On the contrary, it acts as a motivator by helping you suppress your diet and hence the fats.
By Pallavi Janes
Los Angeles, California, USA pallavijanes@gmail.com More Details about Phentermine here. Pallavi Janes is a contributing author to the http://www.phentermineslim.com/adipex.html diet pills for distinct article sites/journals. Visit the website http://www.phentermineslim.com for more information on Phentermine
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The Logical Approach To Losing Weight

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, June 2, 2006

Are you looking into the different ways that can help you to lose weight? Have you tried a number of different diets in the past but still find yourself being overweight? Are you fed up with being fat? Do you yearn the day when you can buy the type of clothes that you really want? If you have answered yes to any of these questions then this article could well prove to be of benefit to you.
I am somebody who until a few years ago would have answered yes to all of the above questions. I had tried many forms of diet, I would buy clothes that suited my size rather than the clothes I actually wanted to wear. I was without doubt fed up with being fat and was desperate to find a way of losing weight which would last.
In my opinion the answer to all of weight problems was quite simple. I do not need any fancy diet, what I needed to do was to think in a logical way. I first of all had to ask myself a number of questions:
Question. Why are you overweight?
Answer: I eat far too much food and drink far too much alcohol. The food that I do eat is basically fat food such as crisps, chocolate, takeaways and microwave food. I also do very little exercise, therefore I do not give my body a chance to burn off some of this fat. I tend to rarely walk anywhere, I prefer to drive.
Question. Why have you been unsuccessful with your past dieting attempts?
Answer: I did not really follow the program. I may have done for the short term but certainly did not over the longer term. I also gave into temptations by eating food types which I was not really supposed to.
Question. How much do you want to lose this excess weight?
Answer. A huge amount.
Question. So why do you not follow the dieting programs to the letter?
Answer. I am weak, I suppose.
As you can see, the answers to my weight issues are in the answers to these questions. Quite simply I need to:
Be more disciplined
Be more determined
Be stronger
Walk and exercise a lot more
Eat in a much more healthy way
Cut down my intake of alcohol
Stick to the above for the long term
A couple of years ago I started to implement my new logical form of diet and I am happy to report that I am now at a size that I am happy with.
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Yoga and Losing Weight: An Introduction

Posted by luputtenan2

Can you believe by practicing yoga in long terms can actually help you to lose weight? However, the result is not fast like other types of exercise. In fact, the long term benefits of yoga can help you to stay in shape and make you perfectly fit.
Yoga is an ancient system which is thousands of years old and was developed in India. It is now exercised worldwide. Yoga teaches meditation that can increase your concentration and sense of well being. Therefore, if you like this idea of weight lose enroll yourself in a yoga beginner's class and go bit by bit. Initially, you may find it hard but with the time you will feel results very effective. The basic phenomenon of Yoga is putting you into a variety of different positions, some more challenging than others. Yoga teaches to take those few positions and to do them properly -- as correctly and slowly as you possibly can so that your body can be trained in an exact expertise and control. And the various positions can have various benefits on your health and your mind, as well.
Advantages of Yoga
Different positions have their own advantages. Especially, positions that bring the chin down to activate the thyroid gland are very helpful for losing weight. In fact, yoga system makes you more conscious of your body. It also accentuates your muscles and makes your body stretchier.
Yoga is also used in treating anorexia, eating disorder especially in girls. It also lowers down the anxiety level of these girls making them more conscious of their bodies. Therefore, yoga is a great natural treatment. It can help you to cope up with different body problems. So, if you are in mood to lose weight, yoga can be a good choice for you.
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