Vitiligo - A Fading Problem and a pH Miracle!

Posted by luputtenan2 on Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Fading Problem

Dis-Ease History

I first noticed small white patches under my arms as a college student. I was under a lot of stress and felt somewhat alone during that time. The clinic nurse was unable to diagnose the spots. Five years later I fell down and scraped my knee. When it healed, I had a new patch. Little patches on my hands appeared five or more years later. It was near the birth of my fifth child at the age of 35, almost 20 years after my first patches appeared when I noticed a small de-pigmented patch at the corner of my mouth. When that son was approximately 5 months old, family stress was high, church going had subsided, and my marriage was in need of counseling, I had made certain dietary changes, and I began to de-pigment on my face at a relatively rapid rate.

Medical Help

My family doctor was willing to “think with me” on the topic but had no firm solutions. The dermatologist was less than hopeful informing me of the relatively poor results her group was getting with vitiligo patients. The dermatologist even sent me to the cosmetic-laser surgery section of the hospital to look for help. I felt like I was in a pinball machine hitting flashing lights, each of which required co-pays and babysitter fees to no avail. Believing firmly that health can be found outside of the current medical establishment, in fact feeling just a bit safer a few steps away, I launched out on my own an effort to heal.

I did get some good information from Dr. Zyblot, a naturopath doctor in Austin, concerning auto-immune diseases and nutrition. His thoughtful approach was an encouragement to me. He introduced me to the theory that (my interpretation here of course) auto-immune issues might spring from improperly digested proteins re-enter the system sparking an attack on the body whether it be thyroid cells or melanin in the skin.

Vitiligo must eventually be healed from the inside out, but taking care of the outside can help reduce the stress which may be a factor of the internal cause; therefore, I worked hard at diet, stress management, and exercise for the inside while working on external topical solutions so that the damaged melanin my respond.

Diet: Eat Fat Lose Fat

My healing journey had begun months early in an effort to restore my thyroid. I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis six years prior to this rapid depigmentation and had taken Synthroid for years. I wanted to wean myself off of this medication. I did not want to be dependent on medicine for the rest of my life, and I have since heard of the medication can, in some cases, eventually cause the thyroid to go into a state of atrophy.

Finding hope for the thyroid, I decided to follow a diet protocol from the Eat Fat Lose Fat book. I had a high regard for the author Sally Fallon and her previous work called Nourishing Traditions. I took 2-3 tbs. of coconut oil and drank one or two glasses of “milk tonic” which consisted of raw milk and raw egg yolk amongst other things. Since I have been lactose intolerant for as long as I can remember, I was surprised to drink raw milk with no problem.

The rapid de-pigmentation began to happen near this time. In the article “Allopathic and Ayurvedic Approaches to Leucoderma” Rama D. Napolitani CAS Intern suggests that, “Intake of mutually contradictory food, and drinks which are liquid, unctuous and heavy” is a cause of vitiligo. I have since read about and tried to incorporate proper food combining into my diet.

I now believe the large amount of acidic foods in various combinations overloaded my system, specifically it may have overworked my liver. (Liver issues are a concern for people with autoimmune issues. This makes more and more sense as I learned about regaining my health. It is hard to think of a generally healthy person having liver issues, a condition we usually associate with the very sick. In Chinese medicine, it is an organ that commonly needs attention.) Though I still think highly of Sally Fallon’s various works, I don’t believe that the Eat Fat Lose Fat diet was right for me.

In 2005 I was absolutely thrilled to hear Sally Fallon speak at a chapter meeting of a Nourishing Traditions group in Austin. It was suggested at that meeting that starting out with very small doses of coconut oil would be advisable especially if a low fat diet was followed for many years.

Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type

I read several popular and/or classic diet and health books. I’ve learned tidbits from each. When I read the protocol for my blood type in Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type I sensed that the list agreed with my needs and even contained foods that I have really loved over the years like miso, spinach, blueberries, figs, etc.

I adopted some of the principals of Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type. I did not agree with the author on all points, but it just so happened that the foods that agreed with my blood type, which is type A+, seemed to be more easily digested and healthful than other dietary choices I had made. Generally, the Type A diet emphasizes fruits and veggies, fish and legumes and specific ones at that.

The Brand New Deodorant Rotation Diet!

Okay, I’m going to get a little personal here. As I began to consider the suggestions in ER4YBT, I changed deodorants from a popular anti-perspirant/deodorant to a simple more healthy deodorant with natural ingredients. What I found was that when I ate certain things, like dairy and chicken for instance, not in the Type A protocol (or not in a typical pesca-vegetarian diet), the natural deodorant was insufficient. When I stuck to the list, I found the natural deodorant worked great. I think this has to do with the body’s inability to break down certain things. I believe that odor is a red flag, maybe one signaling those that might cause an allergic or auto-immune reaction that is missed when we use regular, chemical deodorants. I’ve even realized that with a carefully restricted diet, I don’t have to use deodorant at all. (The food items specifically were creamer (Half and Half) in my coffee, other diary, chicken, and wheat products. Having just gone through the ’06 Christmas season and reintroducing wheat in the forms of cookies, sourdough bread, and udon noodles and having gained 5 lbs. in a relatively short time along with underarm odor, I can easily continue to strike wheat off of my list.) I mention this simply to suggest that our bodies to speak to us. We have to learn to listen. I currently use witch hazel mixed with a few drops of essential oil as deodorant and am odor free unless I stray from what I know is right for me or combine them improperly or during hormonal fluctuations due to my cycle.

An interesting point here is to consider if the weight gain is due to dysbiosis in the bowels causing the undigested foods to stay and ferment and then leak into the gut or reproduce bad bacteria that weigh in a little heavy or a little bit of both. The weight usually disappears within a few days of avoiding complex carbohydrates.


I then transitioned to a vegetarian diet. The company that creates Anti-Vitiligo oil suggests that people who continue to eat beef, eggs, dairy and fish rarely have complete recovery. At Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D.(Hom.) suggests that “Non vegetarian foods are also to be avoided as they act as a foreign body to pigment cells” He also suggests that sour foods be avoided included citrus and pickles. See his explanation at the aforementioned website.

I do notice that I seem to have more rapid re-pigmentation while on a diet of fruits, nuts, veggies, non-glutinous grains such as rice and legumes. (Though I have heard lentils should be restricted by various sources perhaps because they are considered sour.) I have also had some fish during my re-pigmentation. (’07 update: the more I read the more it seems that cooked starchy carbs may be of detriment. When I avoid all of them, I generally eat more of the fruits and veggies and still a bit of quinoa and feel very good.)

I’ve scanned information from the book Break the Vicious Cycle which is a book that helps the broad spectrum of brain disorders such as ADD and Autism and attributes them to leaky gut. They suggest no cooked grains. I’ve found this to be helpful in the healing process.

The pH Miracle

Dr. Robert O. Young’s theories have interested me greatly. He is the author of various books including The pH Miracle. When I read Dr. Young’s books, I knew I had found something different and powerful. His books illuminated all that I had learned up to that point and then some. Was it blood type or pH that really made the difference? It looked as though my slow elimination and rotation of foods were pointing to the diet Dr. Young suggests to alkalize the body.

Dr. Young believes that it is not too little hydrochloric acid (many with vitiligo think they need HCL supplementation) but too little alkalizing minerals to buffer the acidic foods that come down. He believes hydrochloric acid is the product of this sort of breakdown. This is taken from one of his free newsletters called The Truth about the Stomach:

6) The hydrochloric acid residues in the stomach are not a digestive enzyme but an acidic waste product of sodium bicarbonate production by the cover cells of the stomach.

7) The biochemical equation is as follows:
NaCl + H20 + CO2 <=> NaHCO3 + HCL or
Sodium Chloride (Salt) + Water + Carbon Dioxide equals Sodium Bicarbonate + Hydrochloric Acid.

Vegetarian à Alkalarian

From vegetarian or veganism I switched to an Alkalarian protocol suggested by Dr. Young. I have also tried weeks on various raw food programs but always find my way back to the pH Miracle diet. (I tried the 80/10/10 diet which suggests 80% of the diet come from raw fruit and soon had candida issues and was back to my pH Miracle books.)

I especially have benefited from Dr. Young’s daily emails and believe pH balance is huge in healing. I am still learning about this: it is quite a science, but the alkalarian diet he suggests seems to make me feel the best.

Part of the reason that Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type had worked for me was because it took many acidic factors out of my diet. Still, something was wrong. I had plenty of grains in my diet and had no idea about the need to balance my pH and just how many greens I would need in order to do this. After numerous books on health, I have been parked in front of Dr. Young’s theories for quite some time. He continues to amaze me with his understanding of health.

Recently, he was kind enough to respond concerning vitiligo. His theory is of special interest because I tend to allow myself to get rather dehydrated and coffee is one of my greatest battles. His theory would make sense that I was not eliminating toxins through urination and the acid was making its way all the way out to my skin cells. I suggest of course reading two of his books: Sick and Tired and The pH Miracle for Weight Loss (this book has better pictures than others to help illustrate what he has found in the blood) in order to truly understand what he says below. At the end of this document, I also have his website and sites with interviews with Dr. Young. His blog is especially helpful as it is a log of his daily emails. “The change of the skin color is the destruction of the melanin cells by dietary and metabolic acids that are not being eliminated through urination but through the pores of the skin.

The cure for vitiligo is simple - redirect acid wastes through urination rather than perspiration via the lymphatic system. You have to pee your way to healthy skin. Of course you will need to build new and healthy blood cells through the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet in order to regenerate new and healthy melanin cells and skin. They are both a product of the blood.

Two research groups are now using ordinary skin cells to turn them into virtually any kind of human tissue, just as embryonic stems cells do. Science is beginning to catch up with me.

I have said for years that the primary embryonic stem cell is the red blood cell. The skin and the melanin cells are products of the red blood cell.

Kyoto University's Shiny Yamanaka, the principal author of the study published by the journal Cell, stated, "skin cells created in the lab could replace embryonic cells."

The key to regenerating healthy skin cells is in the blood bathed in an alkaline environment.

We have had success with reversing vitiligo using the pH Miracle Plan. The process though is long and patience and persistence is important for success.


Dr. Young

PS Hormones are not the answer. They are acidic waste products and just make things worse.” He also said, “Yeast or fungus (same thing) in the condition of vitiligo is a result of the biological transformation of the melanin cells that are being fermented by metabolic and/or dietary acids. In other words, yeast/fungus is an effect not the cause but the evidence that cells are breaking down not the cause of the breakdown.”

I highly suggest becoming familiar with this great protocol and implementing it to heal the internal cause of vitiligo. The external repigmentation will come and is discussed later in this document.


I’ve gone from 1-3 cups of coffee with half and half and sugar daily to one cup of cold-brew, acid-free, free-trade coffee. From there I have transitioned to Royal Vitality tea and Teecchino herbal no-caffeine coffee. Teeccino is not decaffeinated. It is an herbal product that brews like coffee. If you can’t break the coffee habit because you are hooked on something delicious, dark, rich, and impossible to see through, then Teecchino is for you. The good news is that it contains dried figs, which contain a natural psoralean and are on our list of do-eat! Here’s a bit of info from their website. They claim their product is alkalizing to the body whereas coffee is acidifying.

“Drinking Teeccino is a natural way to increase your daily intake of inulin and get the health benefits inulin creates. Inulin is known as a pre-biotic because it is food for the beneficial microflora in the intestines. You need inulin to establish a healthy population of Bifidobacteria that increase the efficiency of digesting your food plus create vitamins and enzymes that further promote good digestion and boost the immune system.”

The company claims to contain I like the mocha flavor. The Chai is too strong unless you drink it like traditional Chai—with sweetener and crème. I like the other flavors black.

Interestingly, Teeccino is somewhat bitter like coffee. I wonder if it is a flavor that I crave in order to heal or in order to stay in a diseased state. I think a Chinese doctor might be able to shed some light on this for me. (Often times people crave what keeps them sick as in someone with yeast overload craving sugar.)

I used Nettle Tea as a therapy for healing the acid damage caused by regularly brewed acidic coffee. (I believe healing is several small choices and adjustments as is the road to dis-ease.

Coffee continues to be a regular battle for me. I quit. I start. I get dehydrated and disgusted and try again. My husband is helping me to get off coffee for good right now. It seems to be my own acidic hindrance (and it doesn’t take more than one problem food to keep us in our dis-eased state).

Really Teecchino is sort of a diving board off of the coffee. I usually drop it after a week of coffee and go for alkalized water instead. Dr. Young suggest a lot of alkalized water and I am finding that I have to start early to get drink all that I’m supposed to.

Food Allergies

I did an IgG panel through Great Smokey Diagnostics. I at first thought I was allergic to various foods, but realized that my total IgE reading was very low and the suspected foods were not serious allergies but merely items that needed rotation. I did learn that a very tiny percent of the population actually develops full-blow allergies. The items that show up on these test are often foods that your body has had a bit too much of in its recent history. However, interestingly, many of the foods that did show up were foods that are suggested as not beneficial to people with type A blood. For instance, dairy products, such as cottage cheese and cow’s milk, kidney beans, and lamb are on the “avoid” list and showed up on my IgG screening.

Cleanses and Detox

I have done various cleanses during the course of the year. I believe they have played a part in my recovery. I have found authors such as Don Colbert, Raymond Francis, M.Sc., and Hulda Clark very helpful. I believe that pH balance is an important part of healing. I followed Hulda Clark’s protocol for a kidney and liver cleanse with success. I would now just follow the pH Miracle protocol for healing, but at the time, I did not know of it.

Information and Resources

Early in my journey to fight vitiligo, I read Emily’s Vitiligo written by a father determined to heal his daughter’s vitiligo. It was inspiring and pointed to natural healing and dietary changes.

From that site I hooked up with the Vitiligo Support and Information Group (VSIG). The goal of the group is to discuss natural healing methods for vitiligo suffers. Sadly, the list owner and I had various ideas about how to heal vitiligo (I think I was too alternative even for alternative thinkers) and I was eventually invited to start my own list. I have instead joined something called Vitiligo Friends, which is currently not extremely active. They do have a place for blogging, pictures, etc. This site also has up to date vitiligo “in the news”. I just devote much less time to vitiligo at this time because I have had success in treating my most troubling areas.

During this time I researched various remedies available globally. I found an extremely helpful and informed customer service representative named David at Dermabest in Canada, who answered numerous questions with informed detailed answers. I ordered a product called Novitil (previously Sinvitil) and soon began freckling!

“DermaBest® Novitil® is an advanced skin preparation for topical use. There are virtually no side-effects associated with its use. It can be added to any appropriate schedule of light treatment. Once a phototherapeutic schedule is defined, adding Novitil® is straightforward (see below). It can be used in combination with standard treatment options like topical steroids, PUVA, etc.

Ingredients: Lipoproteins, Polypeptides, Distilled Water, Glycerine, Aloe Barbadensis, Carboxymethylcellulose, Camphor, Menthol, Kathon and Oligoelements.”

Along with Novitil, I took various supplements listed in Emily’s story including St. John’s Wart, which contains a natural psoralen. As I began to see light freckling I drew this facial map in an effort to be encouraged by my progress. I knew I was starting to repigment, but sometimes it was hard to know if that one little freckle was there the day before.

Following the coloring method in a picture book, I shaded the skin using various colored pencils. This reminded me of the need to eat various-colored, nutrient-dense foods while healing--how all of the primary colors mixed together make various shades of brown.

Physiological and Spiritual Aspects

Feeling Completely Outside of Things

When the vitiligo appeared relatively rapidly on my face, I had a real sense of helplessness and sadness. It was during that time that I headed out for the day and seemed to feel everyone was looking at me. A little boy followed me around the YMCA asking what was wrong with my face. On that same day, I met Amy Reynolds who is the support and advertising half of a sister duo. She and Polly are the owners of a company called Climb On!, a skin care company in Wimberley, TX. The company’s primary goal is “to create 100% pure skin care products with powerful healing properties.” Because Polly was doing a research project and because these women are dedicated to healing skin, they took me on as a case study. They made wonderful, hand- and home-made products with ingredients to aide in my healing.

I do believe were nourishing to my skin and encouraged my healing directly and indirectly. Directly in the sense that their products have no parabens, fillers, emulsifiers, etc. and were custom blended with various essential oils that appealed to me. The aromatherapy and quality ingredients prompted me to make even further changes in the products I choose for my body and home. Indirectly, in that the meeting I had with them caused me to evaluate my voice and the state that I was in. However, I did not pigment any faster w/ these products. Another side note was the my thyroid numbers changed for the worse during that time though I am not sure if it was due to my forgetfulness in taking my medication or if it had to do with the ingredients in the products.

During my visit to Wimberley, Amy and Polly provided me with a psychological perspective on the cause of vitiligo. This perspective suggested, “Feeling completely outside of things. Not belonging. Not one of the group.”

While the vitiligo spread rapidly on my face, I was not involved in church, my marriage needed counseling, I felt disconnected from many of my friendships and familial relationships due to the overwhelming task of trying to home educate and raise 5 boys all under the ago of ten. I believe I had made a sort of idol out of family and was left to tend it.

Though I didn’t want to agree with this “out-of-circle” perspective, I certainly could not disagree. The psychological perspective on thyroid issues was a similar issue of “When will it be my turn.” Well, this sentiment was buried somewhere inside of me. Perhaps that was part of my problem, and a key to my healing. I think I needed to find a place where I was alive not only for my children but for God and for myself and that God desired the same. I kept thinking I needed to crucify my flesh, but God surprised me with a “Lazarus, rise up!”

We put 3 of the boys in public school for various reasons, which allowed me to focus on various things that had been neglected during the reproductive/educational years of our family. These things included: getting marriage counseling, joining a church, joining the YMCA (and later starting the T-Tapp program—see website references at the end), making time for writing, allowing myself time for health research, and home remodeling.

There was a time when we decide to have church at home. In so doing, we were not connecting with others and soon our services had dwindled. I call it our Out of the Body Experience –not being a member of a local body of believers can be a lonely.

During that year (2005), I have connected with some of the ladies at our new church. I went to a great women’s conference and am excited about the future I have growing with these women. I have also gone on something called artist’s dates, which are opportunities to get out and be inspired. I’ve had some very special field trips with friends and all of this has allowed me to be more alive.

From an email by Karen Paubel of VSIG

“I just got this book this week. "Be In Health"
Very interesting read about the emotional healing that needs to take place in disase.
People come from all over the world and go to these seminars and are cured when dealing with the emotional issues. The book is fulled of testimonies of healings when the emotional issues are cleared up.

Even though the book doesn't address vitiligo, the skin disases have all the root causes fear, stress anxiety, self hatred, self rejection,lack of self-esteem, and conflict with identity.”


Interestingly, I have found that I had some areas of unforgiveness that were causing a root of bitterness in my life. These have been released and given to God and I believe that has been a major source of healing and change for me. This aspect is also discussed in the article Allopathic and Ayurvedic Approaches to Leucoderma. The web link is at the end of this page.

A friend named David sent me a website concerning Christian spirituality. The description of a tape stood out to me.


Ps. 66 v. 18 tells us that if we regard iniquity in our hearts He will not hear our prayers. Unlock your healing!”

I had held unforgiveness in my heart against some key people in my life for the last few years. My prayers have been hindered; in fact, I had pretty much quit praying feeling my words absorbed into the room.

Two major analogies:

Iniquity has the words I QUIT in it. My iniquity had caused all functional living to cease. The life flow of God had ceased, my iniquity has caused death. My iniquity among other things was mainly unforgiveness.

A beloved spiritual mentor of mine, Gene Veal, taught me that forgiving was Giving Forward people to God. While working on my sister's wedding, the idea of "Who give this woman?" was clear in my mind. I realized that I was holding people in the bridal room by not forgiving while Christ waits for His Bride at the wedding alter. Who am I to not Give Forward those on whom Jesus waits?

God has given me the grace to give forward with joy. My heart feels as if a gnarly root has been pulled out. This root was substantial and those in my life, especially my husband are rejoicing with me. Forgiveness is a key to healing.

“Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;…” Hebrew 12:15

Dr. Young suggests that acidic emotions are as dangerous to our health as acidic dietary habits.

Getting Out

The day that the custom made Climb On! products arrived in the mail, my sister Annette arrived at the front door informing me that she would take my boys for a couple of days. My husband would take over for the weekend. I was packed in minutes and headed to a wellness center called The Crossings where I spent all four days resting, detoxing using the protocol of given to me by the founder of Genesis Today products who was kind enough to speak with me over the phone concerning my condition, applying Novitil and Climb On! products and attending a Writing Seminar by Julia Cameron.

I could not believe my good fortune in having the opportunity for some much needed time to heal. I have to attribute this to God planning that very weekend for me since so many elements came together at once. I’m putting this fun stuff in as well because I think that part of my healing was getting out there and living a little bit.

During this weekend, I had the good fortune of going to a session on creativity with an Austin favorite Sara Hickman. Okay, it looks as though I’ve had a few too many hours in the sun. I couldn’t figure out exactly why I looked super dark (or strangely orange) in this picture until recently. “L” on our VSIG listserve group suggested that taking an internal psoralen would cause more dramatic darkening of all of the skin.

I think this was the case for me. I was taking St. John’s Wart as an internal psoralen when I started using Novitil. (I am guessing that taking Bakuchi (see below) internally would do the same.) I soon became disheartened at how dark my unaffected skin became during my initial sunning because it made the contrast between the affected and unaffected skin even more obvious. Nevertheless, the freckling was encouraging. Also, the color is very orange as if my skin was not just tanning but possibly responding negatively.


Since I found the pictures in Emily’s Story so useful, I decided to make a photo journal of my own healing. I hope you will find the following pictures an encouragement. I used natural sunlight once a day and applied Novitil twice a day. I did take various supplements and did various test, but I can’t say that any of the results came back giving me any greater insight or that I’m absolutely any particular supplement was the answer. However, I do believe the cleanses were very beneficial. Again, I’d start with the pH Miracle protocol now if I were starting over.

It was hard at first to actually just lie out and start tanning. It seemed so opposite of our current understanding to just expose my face to the sun. Still there was something about that early morning light that was very healthy and refreshing. It was time I would not have taken without this “medical pass” but with it, I was reminded of the art of sitting still and soaking in those warm rays. God has also recently reminded me of the need to sit still before Him and soak in the Son for those areas of my spirit that have gone undernourished and pale. I believe these pictures span from May 05 to Dec 06.

I am sorry to say that I don’t have exact dates for these pictures, but the first three pictures show progress over the course of a couple of months. I was not always able to sun everyday or remember to apply Novitil, but I did my best. Soon my skin without vitiligo was getting extremely dark. [Photo] I decided to quit St. John’s Wart and use a local topical psoralen. I bought Anti-Vitiligo oil, which contains Psoralea Corylifolia. (Watch websites from “True Herbals”. There are other sites claiming to be the real thing. I believe they are changing the name of the product to DermaTint. There are also various warnings on the internet about the use of psoralea corylifolia that should be thoughtfully considered.) This oil also contains blackcumin and barberry root.

Psoralea Corylifolia is also called bakuchi and is the primary ingredient in common bakuchi oil used in Ayurvedic practice. Ordering this oil is much more cost effective though I am not sure it works as well as the aforementioned product because my primary progress with with Anti-Vitiligo Oil. You can also order this herb directly from the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, N.M. If you order from them, you may ask them how to make your own oil with the bulk herb and save even more money. If you order their pre-mixed oil consider that some bakuchi oil formulations are combinations of various herbs and often include turmeric. (There are other sources of bakuchi oil online that are not combination products.)

Combining this oil with the Novitil, I got even more rapid repigmentation. A typical sequence is displayed in the top two pictures of an area turning red and then progressively freckling. I think that a topical psoralen caused the troubled areas to react instead of the all of my exposed skin!

However, one day I used the oil on my underarms that had not been sunned in a very long time. Just ten minutes or so caused this severe burn, which lasted 2 weeks. I show these pictures with a cringe, but it is my hope that we can learn from each other and avoid various mistakes.

(Update: I believe this is the same underarm but the picture is flipped. You can see how the spot is shadowing in. Of course, I don’t recommend this method. I think the burning and peeling caused a rapid shedding of unhealthy layers thus getting some that had not been affected.)

Another thing I noticed about using the topical psoralen is that care was necessary when applying it. I now use a small brush to apply a mixture of coconut oil, Anti-Vitiligo Oil and Novitil each morning and evening directly on my spots. I continue to see weekly progress and am 95% healed on the treated areas.

Soon after that I also experienced hyper-pigmentation in a previous unaffected area on my thigh. I did not apply anything topically, but had exposed that skin at the same time as the picture above. Maybe I got some of the oil on my leg. This hyperpigmentation disappeared within a few months.

Near that time, early March 2006, I was also diagnosed with unspecific dermatitis that started as an itchy patch on an elbow and with a month and a half had spread to both forearms and eventually covered both of my legs. The itching at times was almost unbearable and affected me both physically and mentally for approximately 6 weeks. Both my family doctor and my dermatologist suggested topical steroids as a solution. I chose not to use those. The dermatologists diagnosis was non-specific dermatitis and Keratosis pilaris on my legs, though I do not certain I agree with that diagnosis. Finally, feeling half crazy from the itchiness, I read about using sulfur in Healing with Whole Foods and found it in a product called Sulfa Derm at People’s Pharmacy. Within a week of using this product, the spreading subsided and has healed.

There is a fantastic article on the web about vitiligo that includes itching in the disease progression. Many people with vitiligo have said that they too have experienced itchiness especially in the spring but not restricted to it. I believe that many people are actually dealing with fungus in their body that causes itchiness just prior to depigmentation.

I recently read of a connection between vitiligo and another skin disease called lichen planus. I believe this was most likely what I had or it was a reaction to the Anti-vitiligo Oil. I am thankful that it has not flared up since March and I hope that it never does again.

One additional thing that I’d like to add is that around February I started skin brushing to help promote new, healthy skin. I was worried that it might cause greater trauma to the skin, but my theory is that it helps get to lower more healthy cells. If you are interested in buying a brush they usually have them at local health food stores. I got my in the Skin Tightening System from T-Tapp. I thought this may have been the cause of the itching, but I bought a new brush and continued to skin brush after the rash had cleared and have had no problem, but the general health of my skin is much better and has tightened due to this brushing. It also helps the skin detoxify.

Along those lines, I generally need sun exposure to see progress. The progress is extremely slow without it.

I continue to aim for Dr. Young's alkalarian diet.


Books I have found inspiring and informative along the way. Really this is a list of books that have a variety of info that I know agree and disagree with. It was just my reading list as I began to explore healing the body.

Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (I no longer think some of the food combining practices in this book are wise, but the grain and nut preparations are insightful.)
Healing With Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition by Paul Pitchford
Toxic Relief: Restore Health and Energy through Fasting and Detoxification by Don Colbert
Never Be Sick Again: Health Is a Choice Learn How to Choose It by Raymond Francis, M.Sc.
The Cure for All Diseases by Hulda Clark
The Seven Pillars of Health by Don Colbert
The pH Miracle (The pH Miracle for Weight Loss) by Dr. Robert O. Young (The second book has better pictures and a better understanding of how are blood is effected by our diet.)
Sick and Tired by the same author and his Harvard Lectures are very useful along with the Media section of his website where there are good interviews to get one started. (I suggest these books above all of the others.)
Also see and hear interviews with Dr. Young.

This exercise program gets the lymphatic system moving, is easy today and has helped me lose inches and pounds.

External and Internal Supplements:

Many Thanks:

I am extremely thankful to David at Dermabest for his thorough and knowledgeable responses, to Dr. Robert O. Young of the pH Miracle diet and all of his wonderful sharing and knowledge, contributing members of VSIG like Veronica, Andre, Karen, Elana, James, Scott, Melissa, Christina and others, Polly and Amy from Climb On! for quality, personal-care products, to Shawn at Whole Foods for her constant encouragement and fantastic advice. To Wendy, Tammy, Jennifer, Annette, Belinda and Elizabeth who listened and cared during the couple of years that I felt like I was going under. To my husband Randy for allowing me to be open about our journey, for being honest and willing to get us help when we need it and for footing the bill for all my health-related appointments, tangents, and purchases including hundreds of pages in books and hundreds of caplets of “necessary” this and thats.

And, foremost to Jesus, who I see in the gift of sun, the healing power of grace and forgiveness and the intricacies of our bodies, to Him I give thanks and offer myself, spots and all.

You Are the Sun
by Sara Groves and Matt Bronlewee

“You are the sun shining down on everyone
Light of the world giving light to everything I see
Beauty so brilliant I can hardly take it in
And, everywhere you are is warmth and light
And I am the moon with no light of my own
Still, you have made me to shine
And as I glow in this cold dark night
I know I can’t be a light unless I turn my face to You."

Thank you, Lord for Your radiant light and for this healing journey. May all of the reference to I and me in this essay turn into a thousand healed others who thought there was no hope.


P.S. Here’s a more recent picture of me Sept. 07 with organizer of the Asian Food Festival in Austin and owner of Satay restaurant. I still feel it is important to get out there and be a part of various circles to get inspiration! Most people say they cannot see a trace of Vitiligo on my face!

More aboutVitiligo - A Fading Problem and a pH Miracle!

Acid Causes Depression and Depression Causes Bone Loss

Posted by luputtenan2

The appended article below certainly bolsters the knowledge
that "negative thoughts" and even chronic depression from
our "negative thoughts" are "acidic" generating conditions,
which can lead to bone loss...with the body trying in
vain to buffer all of the increased metabolic and
dietary acids with calcium ions from the bones.

Our medical savants just haven't even put depression
and bone loss together, much less put two-and-two
together connecting increased metabolic and dietary
acids with increased depression, with increased bone
loss and finally increased symptoms of bone thinning,
osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

If you want to have healthy strong bones and protect
your bones from thinning then you must
maintain the alkaline design of the body with
the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet or a "COWS"

"Cows" is an acronym which stands for Dr. Young's
four food groups as followings:

"C" = Chlorophyll - as much as you can eat and drink!
"O" = Oils - cold pressed polyunsaturated oil
"W" = Water - alkaline water at a pH of 9.5
"S" = Salt - mineral salts from the sea.

When you are eating and drinking like a "COW"
you will be green and when you are green you
are clean.

So keep in mind that all symptomologies of dis-ease,
including depression, bone thinning, osteoarthritis,
and osteoporosis is something "YOU DO" not something

So I kindly and humbly suggest "STOP DOING DIS-EASE"
and start "DOING HEALTH, ENERGY and VITALITY" with
an alkaline lifestyle and diet - the pH Miracle
lifestyle and diet.


Referenced Article

Reported November 28, 2007

Depression Linked to Bone Loss in Premenopausal
Women Even mild depression can be a cause for bone
thinning, osteoporosis, in premenopausal women.

The findings are from a study funded by the
National Institutes of Mental Health and the
National Institutes of Health. They add considerable
credibility to preliminary studies that show
depression is a risk factor for lower than
average bone mass in younger women.

"Osteoporosis is a silent disease. Too often
the first symptom a clinician sees is when
a patient shows up with a broken bone. Now
we know that depression can serve as a red flag,"
said NIMH Deputy Director Richard Nakamura, PhD.

The study was submitted by Giovanni Ciazza, MD, PhD, MHSc,
Fariheh Eskandari, MD, PhD, MHSc and some of their
colleague at the NIH National Institute of Digestive
Disorders and Kidney Diseases submitted the report.

Study participants were premenopausal women from
21 to 45 years old. 89 were depressed and 44 were
not. Except for depression, all other risk factors
were equal. The women were at a relatively high
socioeconomic status and well nourished. Although
the depressed women were on anti-depressant medication,
the study indicated that was not a factor in
increased bone loss, which was measured using an
X-ray technique called DXA scanning. Severity of
depression was not a factor either.

17% of the depressed women showed thinner bones
in the femoral neck compared with 2% in the
non-depressed group. 20% of the depressed
participants had low bone mass in the lumbar
spine and the lower back as opposed to 9% for
non-depressed women.

Blood and urine samples, taken every hour for
a full day, also showed that the depressed women
had imbalances in immune-system substances
including IL-6 which is known to promote bone
loss. That re-enforced earlier studies with
similar findings.

"Depression generally isn't on clinicians' radar
screen as a major risk factor for osteoporosis,
particularly for premenopausal women," says Cizza.
"And it should be."

SOURCE: Archives of Internal Medicine,
Nov. 26th issue


As someone that looks to improve their health we are pleased to offer you this free audio, an excerpt of a powerful two hour interview with Dr Robert O. Young and Anthony Robbins. (it is free to listen!)

Click here to listen:

I trust you'll enjoy this...

Not part of our healing alkaline community?
Visit our website at:

To learn more about the science of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young go to:

'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.' St. Augustine

'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke

'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein

Copyright 2007 Dr. Robert and Shelley Young

pH Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California 92082 US
More aboutAcid Causes Depression and Depression Causes Bone Loss

Omega 3's and 6's May Help to Prevent or Reverse Parkinson's Dis-ease

Posted by luputtenan2

Omega-3 fatty acids protect the brain against
Parkinson’s dis-ease, according to a study by
Université Laval researchers published in the
online edition of the FASEB Journal, the journal
of the Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology. This study, supervised by
Frederic Calon and Francesca Cicchetti, is the
first to demonstrate the protective effect of a
diet rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fat in
buffering dietary and metabolic acids that
breakdown neurons causing the symptoms
of dis-ease called Parkinson’s.

Parkinson’s disease is caused by the progressive
death of the neurons from metabolic and dietary
acids responsible for producing dopamine, a
neurotransmitter closely linked with movement
control. The dis-ease is usually diagnosed when
50 to 80% of these neurons are already spoiled from
acid, unless buffered with alkalizing food and

The Université Laval research team’s findings will
help prevent the dis-ease and, potentially, slow down
its progression with acid buffering polyunsaturated
fats where the hydrogen ion or acid can be chelated
at the unsaturation on the carbon chain.

The researchers observed that when mice were fed an
omega-3 rich diet, they seemed immune to the effect
of MPTP, a toxic acidic compound that causes the same
damage to the brain as Parkinson’s. “This compound,
which has been used for more than 20 years in
Parkinson’s research, works faster than the disease
itself and is just as effective in targeting and
fermenting the dopamine-producing neurons in the
brain,” points out Calon.

By contrast, another group of mice that were fed an
ordinary diet developed the characteristic symptoms
of the disease when injected with MPTP, including a
31% drop in dopamine-producing neurons and a 50%
decrease in dopamine levels.

Analyses revealed that omega-3 polyunsatured fat — in
particular DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), a specific
type of omega-3 — had replaced the omega-6 fatty acids
already present in the brains of the mice that had
been given omega-3 supplementation.

“This demonstrates both the importance of diet on
the brain’s fatty acid composition and the brain’s
natural inclination for omega-3 fatty acids,”
observes Calon. Since concentrations of other types
of omega-3’s had remained similar in both groups
of mice, researchers suggest that the protective
effect against the acidic dis-ease called Parkinson’s
comes essentially from DHA.

Another conclusion to be drawn from this finding is
that a brain containing a lot of omega-6 fatty poly-
unsaturated is there to help reduce dietary and
metabolic acids that leads to Parkinson’s dis-ease.
Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist, at the pH
Miracle Living Center states, "the presence of excess
amounts of Omega 6 fats in the brain is evidence of an
over-acidic state localized in the brain and the body
is in a defensive mode to buffer those localized
dietary and/or metabolic acids." Dr. Young further
states, "Omega 6 fat is a chemical transformation
of dietary Omega 3 fats. As the Omega 3 fat buffers
or takes on hydrogen ions or acids at the point of
unsaturation along the carbon chain the Omega 3 fat
becomes an Omega 6 fat. This is the evidence that
the body is hard at work trying to maintain the a
alkaline design of the brain neurons and to protect
them from dietary and metabolic acids."

These Omega 3's and 6 oils, abundant in alkalizing foods
are helpful in reducing dietary and metabolic acids that
cause all inflammation, cardiac dis-ease, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s.

In a balanced diet, the ratio between omega-6 and omega-3
fats should be at least 3 to 1. However, the average
Western diet because of its high acidity from animal
proteins and dairy product contains 10 to 20 times more
omega-6’s than omega-3’s in response to the acidic
nature of the foods.

“In North America, the average intake of DHA is between
60 to 80 mg a day, while Dr. Young recommends a daily
minimum of 3 grams of Omega 3 oil from hemp or fish."

“Our results suggest that this DHA deficiency is a
risk factor for developing Parkinson’s dis-ease, and
that we would benefit from evaluating omega-3’s
potential for preventing and treating this disease
in humans,” concludes the researcher.
More aboutOmega 3's and 6's May Help to Prevent or Reverse Parkinson's Dis-ease

An Inconvenient Truth - Body Warming and Breast Cancer

Posted by luputtenan2 on Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Women who live in urban areas have denser or
breasts, making them more likely to develop
cancerous breasts, according to a study
presented today at the annual meeting of the
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

"Women living in cities need to pay more attention
to having regular breast screening," said Nicholas
M. Perry, M.B.B.S., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.R., director
of The London Breast Institute at The Princess Grace
Hospital in London, U.K. "Currently, women who live
in urban areas are known to have lower attendance
for breast screening programs than women in outlying

Breast tissue in women may be fatty or glandular or
a mixture of both. Women with more glandular breasts
show denser tissue on a mammogram and are known to
have nearly four times the risk of developing
cancerous breats than women with fatty breasts.

Dr. Perry and colleagues set out to determine if
there was a relationship between breast density
and area of residence.

The researchers analyzed digital mammograms of 972
women from urban, suburban and rural areas. They
discovered that women who lived in London had
significantly denser breasts than those living
outside the city. The risk of increased density
was twice as great in the 45- to 54-year-old group.
Age-specific analysis suggested that overall
differences by area were more pronounced in women
under age 50.

Dr. Perry cautioned that more research is needed
to determine the precise reason for this phenomenon,
taking into account lifestyle factors, stress,
workplace and other possible contributors, but he
advised that all women maintain a recommended breast
screening regimen, and that women with dense breasts
be screened with digital mammography, which is more
effective at detecting cancer in dense breast tissue.

"Regular breast screening with mammography saves
lives," Dr. Perry said. "Access to breast screening
for women living in cities must be prioritized."

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
scientist at The pH Miracle Center, "the density
of the breast is specific to dietary and lifestyle
factors that effect the acid/alkaline pH balance
of the the body fluids which then effects the body
tissue, even the breast tissue. Women who have
an acidic lifestyle and diet will tend to have
more fibrous tissue. The cause of this increase
in breast tissue density is the breast tissue
fibers are being glued together with dietary and
metabolic acids. These acids from diet and lifstyle
are like molecular glue causing the breast
tissues to stick together becoming more dense or

"Increased amounts of fat on the body, including
the breasts becomes a safe parking place for dietary
and metabolic acids when not removed through
urination, perspiration, respiration or defecation."

"The removal of body acids from diet and metabolism
is critical in preventing "body warming from acid
rain. The two best ways to remove acid rain from
the body tissues is through perspiration when
exercising and urination when hydrating with alkaline

"The cause of cancerous breasts is the result of
dietary and metabolic acids that have not been
properly removed through the four channels of

"The prevention of breast cancer is certain when
one understands that breast cancer is not a
disease but a consequence of dietary and
metabolic acid being buffered by the body tissue
and fat, including the breast tissue and fat."

"Women are at a 100% risk for breast cancer if
they are not managing the delicate alkaline pH
of their bodies. Healthy breasts are alkaline
breasts. Cancerous breasts are acidic breasts.
It is that simple!"

To learn more about the pH Miracle for Cancer,
even the pH Miracle for Breast Cancer, may I
suggest The pH Miracle for Cancer, CD's.

You will learn the true cause of all cancer,
including breast cancer. And, you will learn
how to prevent or reverse an acidic cancerous

Dr. Young has stated, "Cancer is NOT a CELL,
it is an acidic dietary and/or metabolic
acid that poisons the cell."

"Cancer is an acidic liquid!"

"Cancer is an acidic environmental problem not a
cellular problem."

"Cancer is body warming caused by acid rain
from within."

"Cancer is something you do not something
you get."

"Stop the acid rain from within and you will
stop the cancer!"

Learn more about this inconvenient truth
according to Dr. Robert O. Young -
"Body Warming."

One of the best and least inexpensive ways to stop
"Body Warming" and "Acid Rain" is to increase
the bicarbonates of the body. To learn
more go to:

As someone that looks to improve their health we are pleased to offer you this free audio, an excerpt of a powerful two hour interview with Dr Robert O. Young and Anthony Robbins. (it is free to listen!)

Click here to listen:

I trust you'll enjoy this...

Not part of our healing alkaline community?
Visit our website at:

To learn more about the science of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young go to:

'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.' St. Augustine

'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke

'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein

Copyright 2007 Dr. Robert and Shelley Young

pH Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California 92082 US
More aboutAn Inconvenient Truth - Body Warming and Breast Cancer

Dr. Young's Discovery of Diabetic Red Blood Cells

Posted by luputtenan2 on Sunday, November 25, 2007

Below you will find a link for a video that was
posted to "You Tube" yesterday of Dr. Robert O. Young
explaining his discovery, in 1994, of a unique marker
for diabetes that shows up on the red blood cells.

This marker or characteristic of white spots or targets
on the red blood cells are unique to those persons who
have one or all of the following symptoms and is an
indicator of a pre-diabetic or diabetic condition:

1) high blood sugars
2) low blood sugars
3) anemic conditions
4) light headedness and dizziness
5) cold hands and cold feet
6) numbness or lack of feeling in the extremities
6) muddled thinking and forgetfulness
7) yeast infections
8) sugar cravings, and
9) low energy

Dr. Young explains that red blood cells with
white spots, dots or targets are fermenting or
ripening cells that are breaking down and releasing
their sugars into the bloodstream. This is one
of the major causes of an increase of blood sugar
that leads to diabetes.

Dr. Young explains, "just like a ripening banana
with all of its diabetic black spots becoming
sweeter and sweeter we can now see the same
ripening or spoiling of the body cells as
noted by their white spots."

"This discovery will help us better understand
why blood sugars increase on a diet that is
low in sugar, or when blood sugars are normal
at night before going to bed and then higher in
the morning when awakening for no apparent reason.
This phenomenon is known as the "Dawn Phenomenon.
We now know the cause of the "Dawn Phenomenon."

Dr. Young further states, "with this discovery
we can then prevent and even reverse the condition
and/or conditions of Type I and Type II diabetes by
making the necessary changes in the internal
environment that is causing the fermentation
of the body cells - even the red blood cells."

To learn more about Dr. Young's research on
diabetes read "The pH Miracle for Diabetes."

Here is the link of Dr. Young using phase
contrast microscopy to show live the
unique characteristics of diabetic red
blood cells.
More aboutDr. Young's Discovery of Diabetic Red Blood Cells

The Skin - The Third Kidney

Posted by luputtenan2 on Saturday, November 24, 2007

The skin is one of four elimination
organs of dietary and metabolic acids.
The other three are respiration, urination
and defecation. I refer to the skin as
the third kidney.

When acids are removed through the sweat
glands of the skin via the lymphatic system,
symptoms may arise - such as red, white and brown
spots, blemishes, rash, sores, discoloration or
pigmentation problems, eczema, and even melanoma
or skin cancer.


Because dietary and metabolic acids can burn or
breakdown the skin cells leading to ALL skin

Hydration of alkaline fluids helps to dilute
dietary and metabolic acids and may reduce the
risk of skin rash to skin cancer.

The pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet focuses on
maintaining the delicate alkaline pH of the
body fluids and thus protecting the largest
organ of the body - the skin.

The following is an unsolicited testimony of
what can happen with a skin challenge when you
focus on detoxing and alkalizing the internal
fluids of the body.


Dear Dr. Young,

For four years I suffered with a rash all over my
hands and wrists.

I went to three dermatologists, spent thousands of
dollars on supplements and finally was told after
biopsies of my hands and scrapings that I must have
inflammation in my body and that they can not help me.

I had lost 15 pounds because I thought I was allergic
to everything that I ate except vegetables. I told my
prayer group to pray for me because I was afraid that
I would lose my job.

I remembered that I had gotten brief relief from
using proteolitic enzymes so I got another bottle
and started taking digestive enzymes also.

Then I realized what I had to do. I had to eat only
raw vegetables.

I had a craving for purple cabbage and green papaya
so I started eating purple cabbage and other vegetables
at every meal and I craved it so much that I even carried
cabbage in the car with me to snack on when I was on the

Within a week, I could see that the rash was starting
to clear up. Within two months, my rash was completely

I had obtained a copy of the PH Miracle but did not
realize that I had to cold turkey on vegetables to get
cured. Now I tell everyone to get the book and eat raw
and they will get their health back also.

Thank You Dr. Young,

Joan Kapp


As someone that looks to improve their health we are pleased to offer you this free audio, an excerpt of a powerful two hour interview with Dr Robert O. Young and Anthony Robbins. (it is free to listen!)

Click here to listen:

I trust you'll enjoy this...

Not part of our healing alkaline community?
Visit our website at:

To learn more about the science of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young go to:

'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.' St. Augustine

'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke

'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein

Copyright 2007 Dr. Robert and Shelley Young

pH Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California 92082 US
More aboutThe Skin - The Third Kidney

Daily Exercise May Lower Your Risk For Blood Clots

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, November 23, 2007

According to a new study published in Journal
of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, regular participation
in sports reduces the risk of developing blood clots
by 39 percent in women and 22 percent in men.

Researchers from Leiden University Medical Center
in the Netherlands evaluated 7,860 people aged 18-70.
Patients who had suffered their first blood clot in
a leg vein or lung artery were compared with control
subjects who had never experienced blood clots. 31
percent of the patients and 40 percent of the control
group participated in sports on a regular basis.

Overall figures for both sexes showed that participating
in sports at least once per week, regardless of the type
of sport or its intensity, reduced the risk of developing
a blood clot in a lung artery by 46 percent and a blood
clot in a leg vein by 24 percent.

"Women were shown to be even more likely to reap the
benefits of regular sporting activities than men," says
F.R. Rosendaal, co-author of the study. "When we excluded
women who were pregnant or receiving oral contraceptive
or hormone replacement therapy -- all possible causes of
blood clots -- the risk for women was reduced by 55

While strenuous activity is acidic and known to increase
the risk of blood clot due to increased metabolic acid,
like lactic acid, development in the elderly, regular
exercise is also shown to greatly benefit the heart, and
that the net effect of elderly sports participation may
be positive.

The findings also show that people who did not participate
in sports were more than four-times as likely to develop
a blood clot if they were obese (with a body mass index
of 30 or greater) than lean (with a body mass index of
less than 25).

"When we looked at the results, we found that, overall,
the mere fact that people took part in a sporting activity
at least once a week was enough to lower their risk of
blood clots," say the authors.

To increase the intensity of your exercising without
increasing metabolic acids I would suggest whole body
vibrational exercising. This type of exercising
can contract and expand the cell up to 50 times
per second helping to move metabolic acids out of
the tissues to be eliminated through respiration,
perspiration and urination.

To learn more about how to effectively exercising
without increasing the harmful effects of metabolic
acids go to:
More aboutDaily Exercise May Lower Your Risk For Blood Clots

Ipods May Cause Hearing Loss

Posted by luputtenan2

Call it acidic acoustic trauma or acidic noise-induced
hearing loss. By any name, it's the most important
preventable cause of permanent hearing loss.

Up to 28 million Americans have impaired hearing;
for as many as a third, acidic acoustic trauma is
a significant contributor, reports the December 2007
issue of Harvard Men's Health Watch.

Acidic acoustic trauma is a product of modern life.
On-the-job noise exposure is the most common cause,
but recreational noise -- such as loud acidic or hard
music -- is catching up. If present trends continue,
the condition may someday be known as "iPod ear."

A sound's potential to damage the ear depends on
the duration as well as the intensity of the sound.
How much sound is dangerous? The Occupational Safety
and Health Administration offers guidelines: Sounds
below 75 decibels (dB) are safe, but eight hours at
85 dB can be harmful. (The sound of a lawnmower or
heavy traffic is approximately 90 dB.)

Most often, acid noise-induced hearing loss begins
with a subtle difficulty hearing high-frequency tones,
then slowly begins to encompass lower tones. Usually,
both ears are equally involved. Once your hearing is
lost, it is difficult to restore. That's why it is
important to recognize the warning signs. If your
ears ring or buzz after being exposed to noise, it's
loud enough to cause damage. And if noise exposure
makes hearing painful, muffled, blurry, or distant
for hours or days, you are already in trouble.

Harvard Men's Health Watch provides some sound

First and foremost, turn down the volume. For
occasional exposures, use disposable ear plugs.

Second, ff you're frequently at risk, invest in custom-fitted
ear plugs.

Third, for maximum protection, add acoustic

An fourth, use 1 drop of colloidal titanium, gold,
copper and silver (10 to 15 parts per million) in
each ear to increase blood circulation and
More aboutIpods May Cause Hearing Loss

Dr. Young's Amazing Health Discoveries

Posted by luputtenan2

Below you will find a link for a video that was
posted to You Tube yesterday of an interview
of Dr. Robert O. Young on the "New Biology"
and his amazing health discoveries.
More aboutDr. Young's Amazing Health Discoveries

Doc Broc Rocks & pHruits and pHolage with Broccoli and Broccoli Sprouts

Posted by luputtenan2 on Thursday, November 22, 2007

Broccoli and Broccoli sprouts are two super foods
and the major ingredients in our NEW children's
plant based organic vitmain and mineral supplement -
Doc Broc Rocks and our NEW pHruits and pHolage
capsules and powders.

To order Doc Broc Rocks or pHruits and pHolage go to:

A great way to get you and your Kids eating broccoli,
broccoli sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables.
Also, don't forget to order our new children's book,
Doc Broc and the Stonehindge Cave Adventure where
Doc Broc takes on the Meat Monster and the Big Bad
Burger Bully and his pack of wild hotdogs.

In the back of the book are some great alkalizing
recipes for children of all ages.

For details go to:

Health Benefits of Broccoli and Broccoli Sprouts -
The Major Ingredients in Doc Broc Rocks and
the pHruits and pHolage Capsules or Powders

Promote Optimal Health

Like other cruciferous vegetables, broccoli
contains the phytonutrients sulforaphane and
the indoles, which have significant anti-cancer effects.
Research on indole-3-carbinol shows this compound
helps deactivate a potent estrogen metabolite
(4-hydroxyestrone) that promotes tumor growth,
especially in estrogen-sensitive breast cells,
while at the same time increasing the level of
2-hydroxyestrone, a form of estrogen that can
be cancer-protective. Indole-3-carbinol has
been shown to suppress not only breast tumor
cell growth, but also cancer cell metastasis
(the movement of cancerous cells to other parts
of the body). Scientists have found that
sulforaphane boosts the body's detoxification
enzymes, potentially by altering gene expression,
thus helping to clear potentially carcinogenic
substances more quickly.

When researchers at Johns Hopkins studied the
effect of sulphoraphane on tumor formation in
lab animals, those animals given sulforaphane
had fewer tumors, and the tumors they did develop
grew more slowly and weighed less, meaning they
were smaller. A study published in the cancer
journal, Oncology Report demonstrated that
sulforaphane, which is a potent inducer of
Phase 2 liver detoxification enzymes, also has
a dose-dependent ability to induce cell growth
arrest and cell death via apoptosis (the
self-destruct sequence the body uses to
eliminate abnormal cells) in both leukemia
and melanoma cells.

Sulforaphane may also offer special protection
to those with colon cancer-susceptible genes,
suggests a study conducted at Rutgers University
and published online in the journal Carcinogenesis.

In this study, researchers sought to learn whether
sulforaphane could inhibit cancers arising from
one's genetic makeup. Rutgers researchers Ernest
Mario, Ah-Ng Tony Kong and colleagues used
laboratory mice bred with a genetic mutation
that switches off the tumor suppressor gene
known as APC, the same gene that is inactivated
in the majority of human colon cancers. Animals
with this mutation spontaneously develop intestinal
polyps, the precursors to colon cancer. The study
found that animals who were fed sulforaphane had
tumors that were smaller, grew more slowly and
had higher apoptotic (cell suicide) indices.
Additionally, those fed a higher dose of
sulforaphane had less risk of developing polyps
than those fed a lower dose.

The researchers found that sulforaphane suppressed
enzymes called kinases that are expressed not
only in animals, but also in humans, with
colon cancer. According to lead researcher,
Dr. Kong, 'Our study corroborates the notion
that sulforaphane has chemopreventive activity...

Our research has substantiated the connection
between diet and cancer prevention, and it is
now clear that the expression of cancer-related
genes can be influenced by chemopreventive
compounds in the things we eat.'

Another study, published in Cancer, the journal
of the American Cancer Society, looked at
indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a naturally occurring
component of Brassica vegetables, such as broccoli,
cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. I3C has been
recognized as a promising anticancer agent
against certain reproductive tumor cells.

This laboratory study evaluated I3C's effects
on cell cycling progression and cancer cell
proliferation in human prostate cancer cells.
I3C was shown to suppress the growth of prostate
cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner by
blocking several important steps in cell
cycling and also to inhibit the production
of prostate specific antigen (PSA), a protein
produced by the prostate whose rising levels
may indicate prostate cancer. Researchers
noted that the results of this study demonstrate
that 'I3C has a potent antiproliferative
effect' in human prostate cancer cells, which
qualifies it as 'a potential chemotherapeutic
agent' against human prostate cancer. New
research has greatly advanced scientists'
understanding of just how Brassica family
vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage,
cauliflower, kale and Brussels sprouts
help prevent cancer.

When these vegetables are cut, chewed or digested,
a sulfur-containing compound called sinigrin is
brought into contact with the enzyme myrosinase,
resulting in the release of glucose and breakdown
products, including highly reactive compounds
called isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanates are not
only potent inducers of the liver's Phase II
enzymes, which detoxify carcinogens, but
research recently conducted at the Institute
for Food Research in the U.K. shows one of these
compounds, allyl isothicyanate, also inhibits
mitosis (cell division) and stimulates apoptosis
(programmed cell death) in human tumor cells.

Optimize Your Cells' Detoxification/Cleansing Ability

For about 20 years, we've known that many
phytonutrients work as antioxidants to disarm
metabolic acids before they can damage DNA,
cell membranes and fat-containing molecules
such as cholesterol. Now, new research is
revealing that phytonutrients in broccoli
work at a much deeper level. These compounds
actually signal our genes to increase production
of alkaline buffers involved in detoxification,
the cleansing process through which our bodies
eliminate harmful compounds.

The phytonutrients in broccoli and other cruciferous
vegetables initiate an intricate dance inside our
cells in which gene response elements direct and
balance the steps among dozens of detoxification
enzyme partners, each performing its own protective
role in perfect balance with the other dancers.
The natural synergy that results optimizes our
cells' ability to disarm and clear metabolic
acids and toxins, including potential carcinogens,
which may be why cruciferous vegetables appear
to significantly lower our risk of cancer.

Recent studies show that those eating the most
cruciferous vegetables have a much lower risk
of prostate, colorectal and lung cancer-even
when compared to those who regularly eat other

In a study of over 1,000 men conducted at the
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in
Seattle, WA, those eating 28 servings of
vegetables a week had a 35% lower risk of
prostate cancer, but those consuming just
3 or more servings of cruciferous vegetables
each week had a 44% lower prostate cancer risk.

In the Netherlands Cohort Study on Diet and
Cancer, in which data was collected on over
100,000 people for more than 6 years, those
eating the most vegetables benefited with a
25% lower risk of colorectal cancers, but
those eating the most cruciferous vegetables
did almost twice as well with a 49% drop in
their colorectal cancer risk.

A study of Chinese women in Singapore, a
city in which air pollution levels are often
high putting stress on the detoxification
capacity of residents' lungs, found that
in non-smokers, eating cruciferous vegetables
lowered risk of lung cancer by 30%.
In smokers, regular cruciferous vegetable
consumption reduced lung cancer risk an
amazing 69%!

How many weekly servings of cruciferous vegetables
do you need to lower your risk of cancer? Just
3 to 5 servings-less than one serving a day!
(1 serving = 1 cup)

To get the most benefit from your cruciferous
vegetables like broccoli, be sure to choose
organically grown varieties (their phytonutrient
levels are higher than conventionally grown),
and steam lightly (this method of cooking has
been shown to not only retain the most
phytonutrients but to maximize their
availability). For a brief overview of the
process through which cruciferous vegetables
boost our ability to detoxify or cleanse
harmful compounds (acids) and examples of
how specific phytonutrients in crucifers
work together to protect us against cancer,
read our pH Miracle Books. The pH Miracle books
can be found on or at:

Broccoli definitely proves the adage, 'Good
things come in small packages' since by weight
they provide an even more concentrated source
of sulfur-containing phytonutrients than
mature broccoli. Researchers estimate that
broccoli sprouts contain 10-100 times the
power of mature broccoli to boost alkaline
buffers that detoxify potential carcinogens!
A healthy serving of broccoli sprouts in your
salad can offer some great health benefits.
Now you can have those benefits for your
you and your children with pHruits and pHolage
and Doc Broc Rocks. Go to:

Support Stomach Health for Children of All Ages

A study published in Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy provides support for broccoli's
ability to eliminate Helicobacter pylori
(H. pylori). In this study, sulforaphane, a
phytonutrient richly abundant in the form of
its precursor in broccoli and broccoli sprouts,
was able to completely eradicate H. pylori in
8 of 11 laboratory animals that had been
infected with the bacterium via the implantation
of infected human gastric cells. Results were
so dramatic the researchers concluded that
sulforaphane-rich broccoli may be of benefit
in the treatment or prevention of outfection
with H. pylori, a primary cause of ulcers.
Clinical research is being planned that will
hopefully confirm these findings and other
similar findings, potentially offering people
an effective dietary approach to eliminate
H. pylori.

A more recent study published in
Inflammopharmacology also supports these

The research team, led by Akinori Yanaka of
the University of Tsukuba, Japan, found that
in patients with H.pylori infection, a diet
including 100 grams of broccoli sprouts per
day (about 3 ounces) resulted in a significant
reduction of H. pylori and pepsinogen (a
biomarker in the blood indicating the degree
of gastritis).

The researchers think these beneficial results
are due to broccoli sprouts' especially rich
concentration of sulforaphane, which can protect
against oxidative (free radical) damage in cells
that can damage DNA, potentially causing cancer.

H. pylori outfection results in a constant
barrage of oxidative damage to the cells that
make up the lining of the stomach. Cells can
survive against such chronic oxidative stress
by increasing their protective arsenal of
anti-oxidant enzymes, thereby protecting cells
from DNA damage.

Recent studies have shown that the gene encoding
Nrf-2 (NF-E2 p45-related factor-2) plays an
important role in increasing the production
of antioxidant enzymes protective against
oxidative stress. Sulforaphane stimulates
this nrf-2 gene-dependent production of
anti-oxidant enzymes, thereby protecting
cells from oxidative injury during H. pylori

The Japanese team recruited 40 patients with
H. pylori. Each day for two months, 20 patients
ate a diet with 100 grams of sulforaphane-rich
broccoli sprouts each day for two months, while
the remaining 20 ate a diet with 100 grams of
alfalfa sprouts instead.

'We wanted to test alfalfa spouts together with
broccoli sprouts,' Yanaka explained, 'because
the chemical constituents of the two plants are
almost identical, except that 100 grams of
broccoli sprouts contain 250 milligrams of
sulforaphane glucosinolate whereas alfalfa
sprouts contain neither sulforaphane nor
sulforaphane glucosinolate.'

(Glucosinolates, naturally occurring compounds
in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli,
cauliflower and cabbage are enzymatically
converted into sulforaphane and other bioactive
components when the sprouts are chewed or cut.)
All of these compounds are found in the NEW
pHruits and pHolage and the Doc Broc Rocks!

At the end of the two-month dietary regimen,
patients consuming 100 grams of broccoli
sprouts per day showed significantly less
H. pylori and markedly decreased pepsinogen
(an indicator of gastric atrophy). Those
eating alfalfa sprouts did not show any

'Even though we were unable to eradicate
H. pylori, to be able suppress it and relieve
the accompanying gastritis by means as simple
as eating more broccoli sprouts is good news
for the many people who are infected,'
said Yanaka.

Outfection with H. pylori is very common
worldwide, and some experts estimate that
nearly 50% of the American public is infected
with the bacterium. In addition, this research
provides a deeper understanding of earlier
studies suggesting broccoli sprouts have
cancer-preventive properties. We now know
that by increasing the production of anti-oxidant
buffers that protect against H. pylori-induced
DNA damage, these sulforaphane-rich sprouts may
also help prevent gastric cancer.

Help for Acidic Skin Exposed to the Sun

Sulforaphane, an active compound found in
Brassica family vegetables has already been
shown to boost liver and skin cells'
detoxifying abilities. Now, research
conducted at Johns Hopkins University
and published in Cancer Letters indicates
sulforaphane can help repair sun-damaged

After exposure to a dose of UV light comparable
to that which would be received by a person
sunbathing by the sea on a clear summer's
day, twice weekly for 20 weeks, test animals
were treated with varying doses of broccoli
extract applied topically to their backs,
5 days a week for 11 weeks.

Broccoli extract counteracted the animals'
skin cells' carcinogenic response to UV
light. Recent research has demonstrated
that some sun exposure is essential for
good health since it is needed for our
production of vitamin D, yet to much may
be of concern as skin cancer rates continue
to rise due to depletion of the ozone layer.
Broccoli sprouts' ability to repair damage
done to sun-exposed skin may offer us a way
to receive the benefits of sunlight we need
without increasing our risk for skin cancer.

A Cardio-Protective Vegetable

Broccoli has been singled out as one of the
small number of vegetables and fruits that
contributed to the significant reduction in
heart disease risk seen in a recent meta-analysis
of seven prospective studies. Of the more
than 100,000 individuals who participated in
these studies, those who diets most frequently
included broccoli, tea, onions, and apples-the
richest sources of flavonoids-gained a 20%
reduction in their risk of heart disease.

Cataract Prevention

Broccoli and other leafy green vegetables
contain powerful phytonutrient antioxidants
in the carotenoid family called lutein and
zeaxanthin, both of which are concentrated
in large quantities in the lens of the eye.

When 36,000 men in the Health Professionals
Follow-Up Study were monitored, those who ate
broccoli more than twice a week had a 23%
lower risk of cataracts compared to men who
consumed this antioxidant-rich vegetable less
than once a month.

In addition to the antioxidant potential of
broccoli's carotenoids, recent research has
suggested that sulforaphane may also have
antioxidant potential, being able to protect
human eye cells from free radical stressors.

Stronger Bones with Broccoli

When it comes to building strong bones, broccoli's
got it all for less. One cup of cooked broccoli
contains 74 mg of calcium, plus 123 mg of vitamin C,
which significantly improves calcium's absorption;
all this for a total of only 44 calories.

To put this in perspective, an orange contains
no calcium, 69 mg of vitamin C, and about 50%
more-calories. Dairy products, long touted as
the most reliable source of calcium, contain
no vitamin C, but do contain saturated fat.
A glass of 2% milk contains 121 calories,
and 42 of those calories come from fat.

An Immune System Supporter

Not only does a cup of broccoli contain the RDA
for vitamin C, it also fortifies your immune
system with a hefty 1359 mcg of beta-carotene,
and small but useful amounts of zinc and selenium,
two trace minerals that act as cofactors in
numerous immune defensive actions.

A Birth Defect Fighter

Especially if you are pregnant, be sure to eat
broccoli. A cup of broccoli supplies 94 mcg of
folic acid, a B-vitamin essential for proper
cellular division because it is necessary in
DNA synthesis. Without folic acid, the fetus'
nervous system cells do not divide properly.
Deficiency of folic acid during pregnancy has
been linked to several birth defects, including
neural tube defects like spina bifida. Despite
folic acid's wide occurence in food (it's name
comes from the Latin word folium, meaning
'foliage,' because it's found in green leafy
vegetables), folic acid deficiency is the most
common vitamin deficiency in the world.


Broccoli's name is derived from the Latin word
brachium, which means branch or arm, a reflection
of its tree-like shape that features a compact
head of florets attached by small stems to a
larger stalk. Because of its different components,
this vegetable provides a complex of tastes and
textures, ranging from soft and flowery (the florets)
to fibrous and crunchy (the stem and stalk). Its
color can range from deep sage to dark green to
purplish-green, depending upon the variety. One
of the most popular type of broccoli sold in
North America is known as Italian green, or
Calabrese, named after the Italian province of
Calabria where it first grew.

Other vegetables related to broccoli are broccolini,
a mix between broccoli and kale, and broccoflower,
a cross between broccoli and cauliflower. Broccoli
sprouts have also recently become popular as a
result of research uncovering their high
concentration of the anti-cancer phytonutrient,


Broccoli has its roots in Italy. In ancient Roman
times, it was developed from wild cabbage, a plant
that more resembles collards than broccoli. It
spread through out the Near East where it was
appreciated for its edible flower heads and was
subsequently brought back to Italy where it was
further cultivated. Broccoli was introduced to
the United States in colonial times, popularized
by Italian immigrants who brought this prized
vegetable with them to the New World.

How to Select and Store

Choose broccoli with floret clusters that are
compact and not bruised. They should be uniformly
colored, either dark green, sage or purple-green,
depending upon variety, and with no yellowing.
In addition, they should not have any yellow
flowers blossoming through, as this is a sign
of over maturity. The stalk and stems should be
firm with no slimy spots appearing either there
or on the florets. If leaves are attached, they
should be vibrant in color and not wilted.

Broccoli is very perishable and should be stored
in open plastic bag in the refrigerator crisper
where it will keep for a week. Since water on
the surface will encourage its degradation, do
not wash the broccoli before refrigerating.
Broccoli that has been blanched and then frozen
can stay up to a year. Leftover cooked broccoli
should be placed in tightly covered container
and stored in the refrigerator where it will
keep for a few days.

How to Enjoy

For some of our favorite recipes,
click Recipes at:

Tips for Preparing Broccoli:

Both cooked and raw broccoli make excellent additions
to your meal plan. Some of the health-supporting
compounds in broccoli can be increased by slicing
or chewing, since both slicing and chewing can help
activate alkaline buffers in the broccoli. The
heating (for example, steaming) of unsliced broccoli
is also fine, since it helps to prepare the food in
a pureed state for biological transformation into
blood in the small intestine. When cooking broccoli,
however, the stems and florets should be prepared
differently. Since the fibrous stems take longer
to cook, they can be prepared separately for a
few minutes before adding the florets. For quicker
cooking, make lengthwise slits in the stems. While
people do not generally eat the leaves, they are
perfectly edible and contain concentrated amounts
of nutrients.

The World's Healthiest Foods has long recommended
quickly steaming or healthy sautéing as the best
ways to cook vegetables to retain their nutrients.
Several recent studies have confirmed this advice.
The way you cook can dramatically impact the amount
of nutrients your vegetables deliver. For more
information on healthy cookware go to:

A study published in the Journal of the Science
of Food and Agriculture investigated the effects
of various methods of cooking broccoli. Of all
the methods of preparation, steaming caused
the least loss of nutrients.

Microwaving broccoli resulted in a loss of 97%,
74% and 87% of its three major antioxidant
compounds-flavonoids, sinapics and caffeoyl-quinic
derivatives. In comparison, steaming broccoli
resulted in a loss of only 11%, 0% and 8%,
respectively, of the same antioxidants.

Study co-author, Dr. Cristina Garcia-Viguera, noted
that 'Most of the bioactive compounds are water-soluble;
during heating, they leach in a high percentage into
the cooking water. Because of this, it is recommended
to cook vegetables in the minimum amount of water
(as in steaming) in order to retain their nutritional
benefits.' A second study, published in the same
issue of the Journal of the Science of Food and
Agriculture, provides similar evidence. In this
study, Finnish researchers found that blanching
vegetables prior to freezing caused losses of up
to a third of their antioxidant content. Although
slight further losses occurred during frozen storage,
most bioactive compounds including antioxidants
remained stable. The bottomline: how you prepare
and cook your food may have a major impact on
its nutrient-richness. For more information of
how to cook food without losing its electrical
potential go to:

A third study, published in the British Medical
Journal, checked to see how much of the B vitamin,
folate, was retained after broccoli, spinach or
potatoes were boiled or steamed.

Boiling for typical time periods caused a loss
of 56% of the folate in broccoli, and 51% of the
folate in spinach, while boiling potatoes caused
only minimal folate loss. Steaming spinach or
broccoli, in contrast, caused no significant
loss of folate. The take home message: Boiling
potatoes may be okay, but to get the most benefit
from cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, and
greens like spinach, cook them lightly!

A Few Quick Serving Ideas:

Sprinkle lemon juice and sesame seeds over lightly
steamed broccoli.

Toss spinach pasta with olive oil, pine nuts and
healthy sautéed broccoli florets. Add salt and
pepper to taste.

Purée cooked broccoli and cauliflower, then combine
with seasonings of your choice to make a simple,
yet delicious, soup.

Doc Broc Caserole found in the Doc Broc Stonehindge
Cave Adventure Book for children of all ages.
For more information on this book and great recipes
for children go to:

Have your children take Doc Broc Rocks everday at
least 1 to 3 capsules 1 in the morning, 1 in the
afternoon, and 1 at night. Adults should take
1 to 3 capsules of the pHruits and pHolage
each day and/or drink 3 t 4 liters of
of alkaline water with 1 to 3 scoops of
pHruits and pHolage powder.

For more information on Doc Broc Rocks and/or
pHruits and pHolage go to:


Broccoli and Goitrogens

Broccoli contains goitrogens, naturally-occurring
substances in certain foods that can interfere
with the functioning of the thyroid gland. Individuals
with already existing and untreated thyroid problems
may want to avoid broccoli for this reason. Cooking
may help to inactivate the goitrogenic compounds
found in food. However, it is not clear from the
research exactly what percent of goitrogenic
compounds get inactivated by cooking, or exactly
how much risk is involved with the consumption of
broccoli by individuals with pre-existing and
untreated thyroid problems.

Nutritional Profile

Broccoli contains glucosinolates, phytochemicals
which break down to compounds called indoles and
isothiocyanates (such as sulphoraphane). Broccoli
also contains the carotenoid, lutein. Broccoli
is an excellent source of the vitamins K, C, and A,
as well as folate and fiber. Broccoli is a very
good source of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium
and the vitamins B6 and E.

Introduction to Food Rating System Chart

The following chart shows the nutrients for which
this food is either an excellent, very good or
good source. Next to the nutrient name you will
find the following information: the amount of the
nutrient that is included in the noted serving of
this food; the %Daily Value (DV) that amount
represents; the nutrient density rating; and the
food's World's Healthiest Foods Rating. Underneath
the chart is a table that summarizes how the ratings
were devised. Read detailed information on our Food
and Recipe Rating System.

Broccoli, steamed
1.00 cup
43.68 calories
Nutrient Amount DV (%) ND World's Healthiest

vitamin C 123.40 mg 205.7 84.8 excellent
vitamin K 155.20 mcg 194.0 79.9 excellent
vitamin A 2280.72 IU 45.6 18.8 excellent
folate 93.91 mcg 23.5 9.7 excellent
dietary fiber 4.68 g 18.7 7.7 excellent
manganese 0.34 mg 17.0 7.0 very good
tryptophan 0.05 g 15.6 6.4 very good
potassium 505.44 mg 14.4 6.0 very good
vitamin B6 0.22 mg 11.0 4.5 very good
vitamin B2 0.18 mg 10.6 4.4 very good
phosphorus 102.80 mg 10.3 4.2 very good
magnesium 39.00 mg 9.8 4.0 very good
protein 4.66 g 9.3 3.8 very good
omega 3 0.20 g 8.0 3.3 good
vitamin B5 0.79 mg 7.9 3.3 good
iron 1.37 mg 7.6 3.1 good
calcium 74.72 mg 7.5 3.1 good
vitamin B1 0.09 mg 6.0 2.5 good
vitamin B3 0.94 mg 4.7 1.9 good
zinc 0.62 mg 4.1 1.7 good
vitamin E 0.75 mg 3.8 1.5 good

World's Healthiest Foods Rating Rule

excellent DV>=75% OR Density>=7.6 AND DV>=10%
very good DV>=50% OR Density>=3.4 AND DV>=5%
good DV>=25% OR Density>=1.5 AND DV>=2.5%

In Depth Nutritional Profile for Broccoli


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More aboutDoc Broc Rocks & pHruits and pHolage with Broccoli and Broccoli Sprouts