What causes an increase in serum cholesterol?
The answer is easy. It is a four letter word -
The body creates and releases cholesterol in the
blood stream to buffer and protect against
dietary and metabolic acidity.
Cholesterol is our friend. It is dietary and
metabolic acid that makes us sick, tired and
I am telling you this because there are millions
of Americans trying to lower their cholesterol
with statin drugs putting them at risk for the
very thing they are trying to prevent -
a stroke or heart attack.
It is acid that causes heart attacks and strokes
not cholesterol. The truth about cholesterol
is that cholesterol is released into the blood
stream to buffer or chelate dietary and/or
metabolic acids and protect the heart and blood
vessels from acid breakdown.
According to recent research, the benefits of statin
drugs are highly overrated, and the 13 million
Americans using them may get little, if any, benefit.
In fact, according to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center states,
"statin drugs reduce cholesterol but do not
reduce the dietary or metabolic acids that cause
strokes and heart attacks. To reduce cholesterol
without reducing the acid is setting the stage
for a potential stroke or heart attack."
Recent studies on statin drugs show no reduction in
deaths for people over the age of 65 — regardless
of how much the drug lowered their cholesterol —
and no benefit at all for women of any age!
Even though Americans are bombarded with ads touting
the benefits of statins, close study of drug company
ads tell a different tale. In small print, an ad for
Lipitor stated that ‘in a large clinical study, 3%
of patients taking a sugar pill or placebo had a heart
attack compared to 2% of patients taking Lipitor.”
The trial lasted over three years, meaning that for
every one hundred people taking Lipitor for at least
three years, only one person avoided having a heart
attack. The other 99 got no benefit. Other studies
have indicated that as many as 250 patients would
need to be treated in order to benefit one person.
Statins cause side effects in 10% to 15% of users
that include diarrhea, muscle pain, cognitive
impairment and sexual dysfunction, and they cost
about $1,000 a year.
“Most people are taking something with no change of
benefit and a risk of harm,” says Dr. James M. Wright,
a professor at the University of British Columbia and
director of Canada’s Therapeutics Initiative, an
organization which examines the data on drugs and
decides how well they work.
Dr. Young states, "if you want to protect the
heart and blood vessels from die-ease you need
to maintain the alkaline design of your body."
To do this Dr. Young suggests an alkalizing
seven step program that includes the following:
1) 2 to 3 ounces of liquid chlorophyll 3 times
a day.
Dr. Young recommends 100% pure chlorophyll
from Da Souza's.
2) Eating 10 to 12 servings of fruits and
vegetables everyday.
3) 1 to 2 ounces of poly-unsaturated fats from
flax, hemp, avocado and/or fish.
4) Drinking 3 to 4 liters of 9.5 alkaline pH
water everyday.
5) Eating at least 7 to 8 grams of mineral salts
6) Whole body exercising everyday with a rebounder
or a VibrapHirm.
7) Testing your urine pH every morning and night
to make sure it is in the healthy range of
7.2 or better.
To learn more about the pH Miracle Lifestyle
and Diet I would suggest reading:
The pH Miracle
The pH Miracle for Weight Loss
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