In Search for Alternative Treatment for Breast Cancer

Posted by luputtenan2 on Thursday, January 3, 2008

Holistic Healing
Kim Tinkham
"We think, 'this is the worst thing that has ever happened to me.' But it turns out to be the best thing because it starts off a series of events."

Life is Good
SILVER LINING - Kim Tinkham has worked to find the positive in her experience with breast cancer, a journey which has led her to an alternative form of treatment.
THE PROOF - Kim Tinkham studied the photo of the tumor in her breast on the way home from the doctor's office visit that confirmed she had stage three breast cancer.
Holistic Healing
In a search for alternative
treatment for stage three
breast cancer, Kim Tinkham
chose to let her body and soul
do the work

She can still feel the tumor
just underneath the surface
of her skin, where it will
probably remain for a while.

But she knows it's harmless. Now,
it's simply her badge of honor -
the reminder that she, Kim
Tinkham, defeated cancer without
any surgery, invasive procedures,
radiation or chemotherapy.

"It's not killing me. I could have this
for the next 15 years," Tinkham
said. "I'm cancer free by all
medical terms."

A recent blood test proved that the
stage three breast cancer diagnosed
in February is absent from her body.
But she really didn't need a blood
test to tell her that. Just hours
after she had her blood taken for
the test, and days before she knew
the results, she was confident
that her new lifestyle had allowed
her body to fight the cancer.

"I really feel like they aren't going to
find anything," Tinkham said.
Tinkham, of Boyd, was diagnosed
with breast cancer Feb. 14, just days
after her 50th birthday on Feb. 7.

After a mammogram and a biopsy,
Tinkham's doctor told her that she
has stage three breast cancer. That
moment, she said, was one of the
rare times in her life that she broke
down and didn't know what to do.

"My 50th birthday was a milestone.
I started thinking, 'What am I going
to do for the next 50 years?' I never,
ever planned for this," Tinkham said.
"I'm not someone who breaks down.
It was a scary time for me and it
wasn't a situation I wanted to deal
with, but it wasn't going to go away.
I had that feeling of hopelessness
and that feeling when you finally
realize, 'I'm not immortal.'"

Her doctors wanted to perform a
partial mastectomy immediately,
as well as remove her lymph nodes.
She had 15 minutes to call her
husband before going through more
tests and discussing a combative

"I don't work like that. I needed
time to think about this," Tinkham
said. She called her husband as
she got dressed, then went home,
giving herself the two-hour drive
to figure out what her next step
was going to be. "I've always
been a spiritual person, and I
kind of snapped back into it
after about two hours of
thinking, 'Oh my God, what
am I going to do.' My moment
only lasted two hours. I went
through depression, I went
through shock. I went through
all these emotions in the time
that it took me to get in my
truck and drive home."

At the end of the drive, she
found solace in her thoughts,
deciding she was going to find
the silver lining in this particular
storm cloud. "I told myself,
'There is a reason for everything.'
When things happen to you, you
can choose to make it a positive
or a negative. I thought, 'You
can make something good out
of this'," Tinkham said. "Being
the positive person that I am,
I always thought that I was
someone that God would use to
help other people. I think I can
help people through this."

Tinkham had many questions
and needed answers before
she decided how to fight breast
cancer. She started by talking
with a number of specialists
across the nation.

"Everybody I came in contact
with in the medical field told
me that I couldn't fix this on
my own. That scared me at first,
and I don't get scared," Tinkham
said. "It was my body, and all of
a sudden it was a situation where
I had to get someone else involved.
There are people out there like
me - they are always the one
people look to for help. And
when it comes time for them
to do some leaning, they have
no one to lean on except

"I was not afraid to ask questions
of doctors. These are doctors that
are specialists in their field. The
question that I asked every one I
talked to was, 'What causes cancer?'
They all looked at me and said, 'We
don't really know'," Tinkham said.

Hours and hours of research
followed, and Tinkham realized
that an alternative solution would
be best for her.

"I knew, for me, the best route
would be alternative. I don't like
surgery. I guess I don't like the
loss of control," Tinkham said.
"After thinking about it, there's
a quality of life that is involved.
It's not about just existing. For
me, the quality wouldn't be there
if I had the surgery and went
through the other things. I decided
not to do it. That was a big step."

In deciding to treat cancer
without surgeries and
chemotherapy, she had to
tell her husband, Scott, son,
Garrett, and her family
and friends.

"I already had the next 50
years planned," she said. "I
told them, 'I cannot die from
this, and I won't. You are just
going to have to trust me.'"

Kim Tinkham
"We are not doing what God has designed our bodies to do. It will heal itself just like it will drag itself to the ground if you continue to do what we're doing."

Kim Tinkham
HEALTHY TRADE - Kim Tinkham traded acidic food for alkaline food in order to treat stage three breast cancer. Part of her revised diet included trading wine for lots of vegetables and five fruits, including tomatoes. Another important change was decreasing her stress level.
LAUGH IT OFF - When Kim Tinkham felt she that her emotions had crossed over into negative territory, she puts on a clown nose and sings karaoke in her office. Part of her protocol to treat her cancer was to keep her emotions in check and keep stress at a minimum.

Kim Tinkham finds a healthy
balance for cancer treatment

When Kim Tinkham was diagnosed
with stage three breast cancer in
February of 2007, she decided
to take an alternative approach
to treat her illness. But choosing
the correct alternative was a
very important, if not lifesaving,

After researching the alternatives,
she ran across research by
microbiologist Robert Young, PhD,
based near San Diego, Calif.

Young has focused much of his
career on disease research and has
determined that a common link
exists in people living with disease -
acid. Over the last 25 years,
Dr. Young said, he has researched
the effects of the food we eat on
the body, particularly the effect
on the pH balance and the
relationship between that balance
and disease.

"After 25 years of research, it
comes down to two premises -
the body is alkaline by design
and the body is acidic by function,"

Young said in a phone interview.
"Breathing, thinking, eating,
moving - all the things that we
do in our life requires energy
and that energy consumption
is an acidic waste product that
ends up somewhere in the
fatty tissue. What I've been
gauging is different lifestyle and
diet and how that impacts the
blood and the pH of the blood,
urine and saliva."

Young's research cites excess
acid as the cause for illness
of all sorts, including cancer.
The ideal pH, or balance
between acidity and alkalinity,
is 7.365.

But when people add acidic
foods and stress to their
symptoms, the pH dips below
the ideal and the body cannot
eliminate excess acid from
the body, transferring it to
fatty tissues and contributing
to weight gain and disease.

"After a while, your body
can't do anything with the
acid except deposit it because
it's not getting out anywhere.
We are not doing what God
has designed our bodies to
do. It will heal itself just like
it will drag itself to the ground
if you continue to do what
we're doing," Tinkham said.
"What acid does is build things
like tumors. Your body seeks
out the weakest part, and for
me that was my right breast.
My body was too acidic and that's
where my body started to deposit

In today's fast-paced world,
acidic food and drink are
everywhere - cheeseburgers
at the fast-food restaurant,
pizza, coffee and tea, Coca-Cola
and Dr Pepper in vending
machines, beer and wine, anything
containing artificial sweeteners,
even bottled water. But it's also
at home, in any meal which
contains chicken, beef or pork,
many fruits, dairy products,
potatoes and sugar.

Any kind of alcohol, most
meats, aside from some fish,
most dairy foods, many
common condiments and
most fruit are highly acidic
foods, and if the acid isn't
properly eliminated, it
contributes to a highly acidic
pH level. In order to make
her body alkaline, Tinkham
had to radically change her diet.

"You give up everything you
love - my whole social life
revolved around food," Tinkham

One of the easiest steps was
trading in bottled water or tap
water for alkaline water -
distilled water with a couple
of tablespoons of baking soda
to increase alkalinity. Tinkham
also restricted her diet to alkaline
foods, including lots of green
vegetables, tomatoes, avocados,
lemons, limes and grapefruit and
good grains. In the process, she
eliminated the intake of meats,
dairy, sugars and artificial
sweeteners, food containing
yeast, caffeine and coffee and

She also added several
supplements to her diet,
such as omega fats, chromium,
tryosine and clay.

While eating the right foods
was integral, decreasing stress
was equally as important on
this protocol.

"One of the first things I had
to do was learn how to handle
stress. I take on stress internally -
I don't express myself stress-
wise. I was the ultimate multi-
tasker, and that's not good.
There's a lot of stress involved
in multi-tasking," Tinkham said.

While working to produce
monthly magazines Wise Youth
Today, Parker County Kids
and Ice Times Magazine, along
with volunteering for multiple
civic organizations, Tinkham
slept little and thrived in her
hectic environment, so she

"One of the toughest things to
learn was how to sleep. I wasn't
a sleeper. I would wake up in
the middle of the night and
start working. I had to learn
how to sleep again and take
time out for me," Tinkham said.
"I was going to start voicing
my opinions more. I was very
involved with the community,
as are a lot of stressed people,
and I had to go to these
organizations and say, 'I can't
do this.' One of the things my
family did was keep me away
from stress."

Young describes the effect of
the protocol as the reverse of
cancer - by reducing the intake
of acid, the body is able to flush
out excess acid in the body with
proper exercise and hydration.

"We're putting hyper-
alkalanization into the tissue.
It throws the excess alkalinity
in the tissue and this helps
neutralize the acidity that is
causing the cancer. By using
the hyper-alkalanization
protocol, we've seen excellent
results in various cancer states,
particularly in prostate, lung and
colon cancers and breast cancers,"
Young said. "What happens is the
body goes into a release or detox
where the body starts releasing
acid into the blood and through
proper hydration and exercise,
it is eliminated. I always say you
have to pee or sweat your way
to health. If you want to get
yourself out of a cancerous state,
the getaway is through urination
and perspiration. We have to
maintain the integrity of the
fluids of the body.

"For Kim, if she has a mass on
her breast, that encapsulation
is a mass that has been formed
to protect her tissue from cells
that have been spoiled. That is
how the body protects itself," Young
said. "The most important thing is
that if you are diagnosed with
cancer, it's not a death sentence. If
you know how to reestablish the
alkalinity of the body, whether by
using alternative or traditional
treatments, you can beat this."

By eliminating acid intake as
well as decreasing stress, Tinkham
traded her original pH level of
"5 point something" to 8 in a
matter of nine months.

"My body was highly acidic.
Most medical professionals
will tell you 7.2 is where you
want to be," Tinkham said.
"To get from 5 point something
to 7.2 is a huge, huge step."

But her journey was not
without doubt. During the
months preceding her
November blood test, she
did have moments of struggle.

"There were a couple of times
where I thought, 'Am I doing
the right thing? Am I killing
myself?' There were a couple
of times that I felt, worse case
scenario, I die. When you start
thinking along those lines, you
get to the point where you're
like, 'this is it.' You're never
100 percent sure that you're
doing the right thing," Tinkham
said. "But obviously, it paid off."

During her moments of doubt,
Tinkham had several cures.
Her office, situated across
the yard from her home,
offered a place to work
or think. The room is
equipped with soothing
surroundings, as well as
a karaoke machine.

"The thing that was really
shocking was how depressed
I could get. When I feel like
I need to relax, I do karaoke.
When I think I'm being too
serious, I put on my nose
and do karaoke," Tinkham
said, as she put on a red clown
nose. "Anything to get me
through it. When you're
dealing with cancer, you
have to do something to
lighten up. I think with
something like this, the
biggest battle is in your mind."

Tinkham's change over the
last year was not simply a
change of diet or sleeping
habits, but a complete change
in her outlook on life. She
analyzes items and events
in her life, takes more time
for herself and searches for
the positives in her life.

"We're here for the experience.
Your life is about what you
make of this experience. I don't
want to have any regrets. Even
if I died tomorrow, I wouldn't
have any regrets. There are
things I wish I could've done
more, but I don't have regrets,"
Tinkham said. "We think, 'This
is the worst thing that has
happened to me.' But it turns
out to be the best thing, because
it starts off a series of events.

"For me to think cancer was
the worst thing to happen to
me - well, we'll see," Tinkham
said, with a smile on her face.
"I had my mammogram
Feb. 5, 2007, and I found out
I was cancer free Nov. 6, 2007.
It was nine months and one day.
Think about how much I could
accomplish in nine months. You
can create another human being
in nine months, why can't you
recreate yourself. I didn't create
another human being, I took the
person I was and changed it and
recreated it."

After successfully jumping
the cancer hurdle, Tinkham's
new lifestyle has not changed -
she continues to eat the right foods
and handle stress.

"For Kim, it was a matter of
education. We don't need more
medication, we need education.
We need to empower people to
understand their bodies. The
key to cancer is not in its treatment,
but in its prevention. This is
what is going to eradicate cancer
from the planet," Young said. "I
think managing the pH balance
of the body is a lifestyle choice.
Everything that goes into the
body has to be considered. Is
this going to help the body, or
is it going to acidify the body
and create an imbalance of fluids?
Eating alkaline foods and drinks
is beneficial to preventing illness."

"The more this information
gets out, we're going to see
better results in the treatments
that are being administered.
We're also going to see lasting
results. Not only can people
reverse their cancer but look
at the quality of life," Young said.
"These people are living their life.
They're not in fear or in pain.
The quality of life is so much better
with this type of approach to
health and wellness."

Young said that as research
regarding the impact of acid
in the body becomes more
popular, treatments and
theories of cancer will change.

"We've grown up with loved
ones who have experienced
cancer and the treatments
they've gone through. The
main science is based on the
fact that this is some sort of
infection. The current medical
theory on cancer is something
that is a result of the cell, through
its imperfect replication, that
it's something genetic. The focus
has been directed toward the cell,"
Young said. "We need to start
considering the environment. I
think the tide is changing. More
scientists are looking at the pH
factors as a possible solution. We're
seeing some universities express
interest in more research. We
have to reconsider not just the
treatments, but even right down
to the food that is being served
to the patient at the hospitals. How
are those foods impacting the
healing of the patient, cancer and

While Tinkham believes in
Young's research and protocol
from her own personal experience,
she realizes this choice is not for
everyone. She simply hopes that
people who are diagnosed with
cancer realize they have a choice
in their treatment.

"The one thing I would share
is that you cannot make a
decision based on fear. If
you do, you may make the
right decision, but you'll never
feel good about it. If you make
a decision based on fear, you
will second-guess yourself
when you're no longer fearful,"
Tinkham said. "I'm ecstatic. If
one person, male or female,
can grasp this idea, then it's worth it."

"We're born with the gift of
healing," she said.

Robert Young, Ph.D., is the
author and co-author of
several books, including
"The pH Miracle,"
"The pH Miracle for Weight
Loss," "Back to the House
of Health," "Back to the House
of Health 2," "The pH Miracle
for Diabetes," "One Sickness,
One Disease, One Treatment"
and "Herbal Nutritional
Medications." He has multiple
degrees, including a bachelor
of science in biology from the
University of Utah, a masters
of science and doctorate in
nutrition from the American
College in Birmingham, Ala.,
a doctorate in science from
the Clayton School of Natural
Healing and he studied under
Dr. Maria Bleker in Essen,

Kim Tinkham
"We think, 'this is the worst thing that has ever happened to me.' But it turns out to be the best thing because it starts off a series of events."

Holistic Healing

2007 was a big year for
Kim Tinkham - in February
she was diagnosed with stage
three breast cancer, in March
she appeared on Oprah to
discuss her decision to treat
cancer by alternative means
and in November she found
out the cancer was gone.

Along with these big events,
Tinkham also experienced a
lifestyle change. She has
dramatically revised her
diet and her working routine.
She has found ways to better
handle stress and express

While these experiences may
have been difficult, they all
added up to her main goal of
2007 - get to know Kim better.

"This year (2007) was great
for me - what better way to
get to know yourself than
get cancer," Tinkham said.
"You can always get to know
yourself better."

As for 2008, Tinkham has
laid out three main goals
for herself, as well as a
few items on her to-do-list.

"My first goal is to love
myself more. I think a
lot of people think that
loving yourself is selfish,"
Tinkham said. "The
amazing thing I learned
in 2007 that will help me
in 2008 is that you have
to realize that you are the
sky, not the clouds. The
clouds are the events and
people that come into our
life - we're the sky. You
have the capability of doing
anything and everything. You
can sit and watch the clouds
go by. Be the watcher and
see what happens. So many
feel like we need so much
control - control causes

Tinkham's second goal
works hand-in-hand
with her first goal - love
others more.

"I can't do that without
loving myself more. I
also means I can't give
advice - I'm bad about
that," Tinkham said.

Her third goal comes
with a long list of supporting
items, including a book and
support group.

"I want to be a positive
spokesperson for living
a balanced life," Tinkham said,
referring to the protocol that
has allowed her to have an
alkaline body. "I am currently
working on my book,
"Cancer Angel." It's a fictional
take on my true story. I also
want to start a support group
for people who've been diagnosed
with cancer, or really any

Tinkham hopes to have
times and dates scheduled
at the Decatur Public Library
and invites those who want
to talk about their disease to come.

"It will be very informal. It's
going to let people vent,"
Tinkham said.

Throughout the year, Tinkham
will look at her decisions and
make sure they are contributing
to one or all of her three goals.

"Everything I do I will put up
against those goals," Tinkham
said. "If they don't match that,
I'm not going to do it. It's not

Story by Mandy Bourgeois | Photos by Joe Duty | SoundSlide by Joe and Cody Duty


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