What Happened to That Imaginary Bird Flu Epidemic?
The strain of bird flu that can be deadly to humans
appears not to have moved through the world with
migrating flocks of wild birds, despite scientists
Thousands of wild birds were tested in a wide variety
of countries. There was no sign of the virus at all in
Africa, and only sparse detections in Europe. It is
unknown to scientists why bird flu is not spreading in
the wild more widely and quickly. (But not unknown to
us when we understand the New Biology)
More than 13,000 wild birds were tested since February
in the Netherlands, a major bird migration route. None
have carried the virus. The EU has started to ease
restrictions in recent months, but continues to strictly
regulate poultry in farms near wildlife water reserves
and river deltas.
Despite all those 'Chicken Little' warnings from so-called
'health experts,' that rumored bird flu epidemic -- predicted
to kill some 2 million Americans -- turned out to be a whole
lot of hot air.
When you know the true cause of dis-ease, which is the
over-acidification of the blood and tissues due to an
inverted way of living, eating and thinking, then you
understand this imaginary bird flu virus has more to do
about selling more drugs and making more money for big
business then protecting our health.
The colds and flus that we experience during the year is
the body's alkaline buffering system removing excess
acidity out of the body through urination, perspiration,
respiration and defecation.
Colds and flus ARE NOT CAUSED BY A VIRUS! They are caused
by dietary and metabolic acids - especially the acid
If you want a cold or a flu this coming NEW YEAR eat more
acidic sugary foods and drinks, animal proteins and alcohol.
To protect yourself from the symptoms of excess tissue
acidity that can cause the aches and pains we associate
with colds and flus, may I suggest the following:
1) Drink 1 glass of pHour salts with 1 scoop in 4 to
6 ounces of distilled or purified water 3 times
a day.
2) Drink 3 to 4 liters of fresh or powdered green
fruit and vegetable juices every day.
3) Take 4 capsules of pHlush or magnesium oxide 3 times
a day with alkaline pH water or green juices.
4) Take a spray of pHlavor salts in the mouth 6 to 9
times a day.
5) Eat 9 to 12 servings of green vegetables and fruits
every day.
6) Eat 2 to 3 ounces of unsaturated fat from hemp seed,
flax seed, borage seed, olive, avocado, primrose, and
fatty fish, every day.
7) Do not eat foul of any kind. They are highly acidic
as applied in their name.
8) Stay away from all pork products.
9) You can eat fatty fish like, trout, sea bass,
salmon and tuna. The oils in fatty fish will buffer
dietary and metabolic acids.
10) Remember dairy is scary. Dairy contains lots of
lactose sugar which becomes lactic acid in the body.
Lactic acid is one of the major causes of cancerous
tissue, especially breast and prostate cancer.
So stay away from ALL dairy products.
11) Ideally all alcohol beverages, soda pops and
soda water are highly acidic and should all be
avoided to prevent any sickness or dis-ease.
12) Remember stress is 3 times more acidic then
the food you eat. A high percentage of heart
attacks are caused by a thought attack. So relax
and enjoy life in the moment.
13) Get adequate rest - at least 8 hours a day.
14) Avoid coffee, tea, chocolate and tobacco.
15) Drink fresh ginger tea with fresh squeezed lemon
juice in alkaline pH water.
16) Drink alkaline 9.5 pH water daily, when drinking
17) Avoid eggs. They contain over 37,500 pathological
microbes per egg and pollute the blood. This activates
the immunes system to clean up the cellular pollution
which can take up to 72 hours.
18) Exercise daily for at least 1 hour each day and
sweat, sweat, sweat! When you are sweating you are
moving dietary and metabolic acids through the pores
of the skin and protecting the delicate alkaline pH
of the body!
19) Laugh out loud daily.
20) Each day take time out of your day to meditate
and/or pray.
For more information on the truth about viruses, colds
and flus read our books, Sick and Tired and the Second
Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS
Hypothesis and The pH Miracle Series of books.
Sick and Tired and The pH Miracle book series can be
found at your local book store or on our website at:
New York Times May 11, 2006
Boston Globe May 11, 2006
USA Today May 11, 2006
Sick and Tired 1999
The pH Miracle 2002
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