Here are four non-contagious Holiday Season lifestyle
and dietary conditions (called diseases by allopathic
medicine) for which I have given new names:
1) "Traveler's Acidic Consequence" is a result of the
sum total consumption and behaviors of a traveler
during their more unusual or somewhat different
from normal lifestyle than when they were not traveling.
A typical traveler's day will upset one's normal
metabolism and digestive habits. They eat and
drink different foods at different times and different
volumes than usual, which creates an over-acidic state
and a need for more alkaline buffers (bicarbonates)
leading to indigestion, nausea, acid reflux, heart
burn, belching, flatulence, vomiting, constipation,
dehydration and further problems of acidity,
depending on the degree of irregularity.
"Traveler's Acidic Consequence" is commonly blamed by
allopathic medical science on a particular site on
the traveler's path as if he/she caught something.
This current medical ideology is based on
Pasteur's germ theory and is a scientific myth/illusion.
The true cause of this condition is the result of the
traveler's acidic dietary choices and the lack of
alkaline hydration, nutrition and hygiene that can
result in this over-acidic condition. All the above
symptoms is the body in preservation mode trying its
best to reestablish the alkaline pH of the internal
environment at 7.365 to 7.4.
2) Holiday Season - "I Ate and Drank Too Much Sugar Dis-Ease"
is a result of the sum total consumption and behaviors of
a person during the Holiday season eating and drinking
everything in site from "swine to wine." This over
indulgence may cause belching and flatulence and eventual
heart burn, acid reflux, nausea and constipation for
which medical science will often prescribe the purple
pill. This Holiday Season condition may then lead to
the third Holiday Season consequence -
3) "Holiday Season Food Drunk" is a result of over-eating
and over-drinking acidic foods and liquids and then falling
into a drunken state on the sofa or bed for several hours or
even days to sleep off all the acidity. Falling asleep
after a heavy Holiday meal is a common occurrence for
over-eaters and drinkers.
4) "Holiday Season Influenza" (The Flu) is a result of the
sum total consumption and behaviors of a person during
a so-called Holiday acidic feasting. They will consume
acidic foods and drinks that they may not know or know
that are not healthy or alkalizing, i.e., more sugar or
sugar substitutes than normal, alcohol, meats and much
of this at greater volumes than normal. They become
detrimentally influenced physically and emotionally
by Holiday acidic foods and drinks.
According to medical savants, "Holiday Season Influenza"
is commonly blamed on a particular virus contracted from
another person(s) and not from acidic lifestyle and
dietary choices of that person. Like the acidic traveler,
a person chooses to consume on their own as many acidic
foods and drinks during the Holiday Season and as a result
are suffering from the consequences of their poor dietary
choices -- not from some phantom flu virus! The flu is
nothing more than the body increasing temperature
to improve circulation to remove excess acidity
from over-acidic lifestyle and dietary choices,
through perspiration, respiration, defecation
and urination.
Also, please keep in mind it doesn't take either
traveling or Holidays for someone to express the
symptoms of "Traveler's Acidic Consequence" and/or
"Holiday Season Influenza." All you need to do
is consume excessive amounts of acidic meats,
chocolate, ice cream, cake, alcohol or other acidic
thrillers. This can also happen in the middle of
a warm summer.
This coming Holiday Season may you resolve not to
succumb to the acidic choices that lead to "Traveler's
Acidic Consequence," or "I Ate and Drank Too Much
Sugar Dis-ease," "Holiday Season Food Drunk" and/or
"Holiday Season Influenza."
In love and healing alkaline light,
Dr. Robert O. Young
PS I hope we can learn to take responsibility for
our own lifestyle and dietary choices and the
consequences we experience rather then blame it or
transfer personal responsibility to a phantom or
harmless virus - like the flu virus, ebola virus,
HIV virus, HPV virus, West Nile virus, Bird flu virus,
and the list goes on and on and on!
PSS To learn how to prevent "Holiday Season Influenza,"
may I suggest watching the following DVD's or listening
to the following CD's:
The pH Miracle - Full version
Shopping with Shelley 1 & 2
Back to the House of Health 2
The pH Miracle for Healthy Weight Loss
The pH Miracle for Men and Women
The pH Miracle for Cancer
PSS Check out our healthy Holiday Gift Packs at: phmiracleliving.com
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