If I actually do misunderstand what a virus is, and if
I do not, look at and/or explore other concepts, the
world may well continue in a downward spiral consisting
of more and more disease entities and more and more
multi-faceted variations and diagnostic categories
with fewer and fewer solutions.
The first isolation of a virus was achieved in 1892 by
Russian bacteria hunter Dimitri Iwanowski, who gathered
fluid from diseased tobacco plants. He passed this
liquid through a filter fine enough to retain bacteria;
yet to Iwanowski's surprise, the bacteria-free filtrate
easily make healthy plants sick. In 1898 a Dutch botanist,
Martinus Willem Beijernick, repeating the experiment, also
recognized that there was an invisible cause and named the
infectious agent, "tobacco mosaic virus." In the same
year as Berjerinick's report, two German scientists
purified a liquid containing a filtrate that caused
foot-and-mouth disease in cattle, (viruses up to 1964
were referred to as filterable bacteria). Walter Reed
followed in 1901 with a filtrate responsible for yellow
fever, and soon dozens of other disease- causing filtrates
or acids, now called viruses were found.
In 1935 an American, Wendell M. Stanley, went back to the
beginning and created pure crystals of tobacco mosaic
filtrate and created pure crystals of tobacco mosaic
snowflakes from a filtered liquid acid solution. He
affirmed that these acid crystals could easily ferment
or infect plants, and concluded that a virus was not
a living organism, since it could be crystallized like
salt and yet remain infectious. Subsequently,
bacteriologists around the world began filtering for
crystals, now called viruses, and a new science was
created - virology.
The truth about viruses is that they are crystallized
patterns of an acidic waste product from matter - dead,
decaying or fermenting matter. Just like water
when it crystallizes from a change in environment it
forms a crystal pattern or structure - a snow flake in
all its beauty.
The crystallized patterns that are viewed under the
electron microscope or the phase contrast microscope
are still pictures of crystallized dietary and/or
metabolic acids. They are beautiful in their form and
structure but are harmless in this state other then
causing possible congestion to circulation. Viruses or
acidic poisons are only toxic in their liquid state
not their crystallized state!
The virus or the acid poison of transforming matter
can be toxic to the cells of the body and is immediately
buffered by the alkaline compounds of the body, such as
with sodium bicarbonate or hemoglobin, forming the
mosaic patterns, crystals, or snowflakes, if you will,
of the acidic body fluids. I have seen these crystallized
acid patterns or crystals in the live blood of over 40,000
samples. They are always an indication of the body's
attempt to maintain the alkalinity of the body fluids by
buffering endogenous acids.
Once we understand that a virus is a liquid poison,
then science will stop treating it like a disease
but rather as a waste product of diet and/or metabolism
that needs to be buffered and eliminated through the
four channels of elimination - skin, lungs, bowels,
and bladder.
Based on my years of microscopy and observations of
diet and blood, I hope this helps you understand where
I am coming from, scientifically, and why this
discussion concerning the true nature of the virus or
acid is vitally important to medical science. Once
you understand the virus as a dietary or metabolic acid,
then your treatment approach must change. Rather then
focusing all of our time, research and treatments on the
transforming, fermenting or diseased cells, the focus
would change to the fluids of the body - with this very
important understanding - the cells that make up our
tissues and organs are only as healthy as the fluids
that they are bated in. Of course, the body fluids must
be kept slightly alkaline at 7.35 to 7.4 to maintain the
health and integrity of the cell(s) from breaking
down, fermenting, rotting or disorganizing. It is also
important to understand that the waste products of
disorganizing body cells produce waste products of
acids or viral liquids that also contribute to sickness
and disease.
I believe my scientific theory is sound as well as
correct and my approach to viral or acid resolution
is dramatically effective in most all viral or acidic
Alkalizing and energizing the body fluids through a
process I call hyper-alkalization(TM) simply works!
Kindest regards,
Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc, N.D.
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'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.' St. Augustine
'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke
'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein
Copyright 2007 Dr. Robert and Shelley Young
pH Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California 92082 US
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