Systolic blood pressure, the maximum arterial
pressure during contraction of the left ventricle
of the heart, is the most important factor in
predicting mortality risk for heart failure
Systolic blood pressure is typically the first
number in a blood pressure reading; for example,
120 when the blood pressure is reported as 120/80.
Heart failure patients with high systolic blood
pressures had lower death rates; those with low
systolic pressures are more acidic and may have
advanced heart dis-ease and a poorer prognosis.
Mortality rates were more than four times higher for
those with systolic blood pressure of less than 120,
in comparison to those who had systolic blood pressure
over 161.
When the heart is healthy it will work harder to push
the same volume of blood through the 66,000 miles of
blood vessels even if the blood is over-acidic and
sticky. This may be one of the causes of the systolic
rate going up.
To lower the blood pressure with acidic
drugs can lead to the very thing you are
trying to prevent - a heart attack or stroke.
Blood pressure naturally lowers when you alkalize
and energize the blood with diet and especially
exercise. This will naturally break up the blood
from hypercoagulation or Rouleau, a chaining of the
red blood cells. Exercise and an alkaline diet are
the two best drugs one should be taking for a
healthy vascular system and heart muscle.
If your blood pressure is in the medically normal
range of 120/80 or lower, with a high pulse rate
over 80 and you are not eating an alkaline diet
or exercising, your risk factor for heart failure
or stroke significantly increases by up to four times.
Since the vascular system is a pressurized system
just like the air in the tires of your car, higher
blood pressures (160 or higher) with a low pulse
rate (pulse rates below 70 beats per minute or less -
ideally below 60 beats per minute) indicates a
stronger and healthy heart and a 4 times lower risk
for a heart attack or stroke.
The misconception that normal or lower then normal
blood pressure(120/80)is healthy is a medical myth
and is now explained in a recent study published
by JAMA as noted below.
My conclusions were gleaned from research on more than
48,000 heart failure patients seen at 259 U.S. hospitals
between March 2003 and December 2004. This research
suggests that folks with normal or lower then normal
blood pressure are at a higher risk for heart attack
or stroke then folks with a higher then normal blood
Heart Attacks are the leading cause of death in the
world for both men and women. This year alone over
15,909,000 have died from heart attacks and stokes.
The cure for heart attacks and strokes will be found
in their prevention not in their treatment.
The key to a healthy strong heart and vascular system
is maintaining the alkaline design of the body with
an alkaline lifestyle and diet, called the pH Miracle
Lifestyle and Diet.
In the words of Hippocrates, "let your food be your
medicine and your medicine be your food."
To learn more about the pH Miracle for Heart Disease
go to:
www.phmiracleliving.com and
Or purchase our books, The pH Miracle, The pH
Miracle for Diabetes, or the pH Miracle for
Weight Loss.
You will also find the seven steps to your ideal
healthy heart and blood pressure in Chapter 11
of The pH Miracle for Weight Loss.
Journal of the American Medical Association November 8, 2006;
296(18): 2217-2226
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