On the eve of Veteran's Day, the following
letter was a wonderful encouragement, and because
of the timing, it also served as a powerful
reminder to me about how much work we have ahead
of us. And Shelley and I will need your help more
than ever in the days ahead. Allow me to digress
for a moment.
This week we had a first time meeting and visit
from Kim, a bright, kind, energetic and saavy
woman who has been battling cancer for nine
months. Several weeks after her initial
diagnosis, Kim was on the Oprah Winfey show
about five months before starting the pH Miracle
regimen. Kim wrote to thank Shelley and me for
our efforts on her behalf. Our new friend began
the pH Miracle Regimen just this August of 2007.
She admitted in her letter to us that her head
was "still spinning" from her visit. She was
happy with the news she received while she was
here at the Rancho del Sol, and her words made
my soul smile knowingly when she thanked us "
for giving me my life back."
Kim is a wife, mom, successful publisher, and
talented writer. And so it is especially lucky
for us that Kim also offered to help us in getting
out the message to others. And as I have said
several times this year, we will be asking you
for your help and support in the near future.
More about that soon.
I will post Kim's beautiful letter, and then I
have a few additional comments based on the
timing of Kim's letter.
Dear Dr. Young,
On February 5th, 2007, two days before my
fiftieth birthday, I was diagnosed with
stage 3 breast cancer.
You have to understand that I felt that I was
healthier than most at the time. I did not
eat red meat, I drank lots of water and I
exercised regularly and even drank red wine
every night. I went into a state of shock when
I was diagnosed and I even remember asking if
they had the right test results.
I visited several doctors in the Dallas, Texas
area and all of them told me that I would
require a partial radical mastectomy followed
by either chemo or radiation depending of course
on what they found during the surgery. To make
matters worse some even started talking about
it possibly spreading into the lungs and bones.
Each one could tell me what they thought I
should do but not one of them could tell me
what had caused it or could they give me any
guarantees of it not returning.
I was scared and confused. I was told to make
my decision as quickly as possible but to
certainly plan on having surgery within 30 days.
I started frantically researching what my options
were at the time and finally decided upon doing
what made me feel most empowered. I decided to
not have surgery and tackle this "cancer" the
way that I had felt I had brought in on. I chose
to change the way I ate, drank, moved and thought.
When I made this decision I was so excited about
it that I even wrote Oprah Winfrey.
In March of 2007 I was invited to appear on
The Oprah Winfrey Show and talk to Oprah about
my decision to heal myself. Oprah asked me if
I thought that what I was proposing to do was
˜irresponsible" given that there were ways of
taking care of my cancer through conventional
medicine. I, of course, had thought this very
important decision through to its end result.
I would make it my choice to heal myself.
I experimented with many alternative "cures"
for a few months knowing that with each passing
day I was running out of time. Each had its
strong points but none seemed to give me the
feeling that I was in control because there was
no way of telling if they were working without
going through additional mammograms or biopsies.
I had already decided that those would no longer
be an option.
One day in August while looking through my library
for something to read I came upon "The pH Miracle"
book, by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young, that I had
purchased several years earlier.
I started to read it and it all made sense to me.
It was as if a light bulb had gone off in my head.
Here was my answer! And I could track my success
with pH strips each day. My first pH test result
did not even register any color on the strip. I
was in bad shape but I knew now how to get better!
I started on the program and then purchased
"The pH Miracle for Weight Loss" which gave me
even more insights into what I needed to do.
Slowly but consistently my pH started to change
for the better. I ate the alkaline foods: I
drank distilled water with baking soda.
My pH continued to climb. I was feeling
stronger and more energetic and very hopeful.
I added the Young pHorever pHour Salts,
Terra pHirma, GlutapHione and the pHruits
& pHoliage. I was really rolling now!
My pH each morning consistently tested at
8.0 or above. I could feel and see the acid
leaving my body. My weight went from 128
down to 108. Could I have 20 pounds of acid
in my body? No wonder I was toxic.
In late October I had CEA and CA125 cancer
blood tests run showing no evidence of cancer.
On November 6, 2007, I was fortunate enough to
have you run both a live and dried blood cell
analysis on me. Your findings ... "No indication
or patterns of a cancerous state in the body."
This was 9 months and 1 day from my original
diagnosis and only three months on the
pH Miracle program!
The pH Miracle does work! Through reading your
books I have started a new way of life; a life
in which I am in control of my health and can
show others how they can do the same. Thank you,
Dr. Young and Shelley for your amazing work and
your willingness to share it with others.
With highest praise and warmest regards,
Kim Tinkham
pH Miracle pHenomenon
My friends, needless to say, letters like this
keep us going at the pH Miracle Center. And
it got me to thinking because it came the day
before we were to give special honor and thanks
to our service men and women who have given
much of their lives to you, and to me, and to
our country. Many of them have suffered
irreparable physical and psychological wounds
and scars as a result of their service. We
owe them all a very deep debt of gratitude.
And while reading about the speeches, the
celebrations, and the related stories, I was
struck by the enormity of several facts.
First, most every veteran you will meet will
tell you that they do not view themselves as
heroes because they are still alive and well,
and yet there are so many others, their
friends and comrades, who made the ultimate
sacrifice with their lives.
Second, I reviewed the number of people that
the entire world has lost so far this years
in all the wars combined. The number was
about 145,000. As I considered this quite
staggering number, I suddenly realized that
the number of people in the world who have
given their lives to cancer so far this year
is more than 6,250,000, and the combined number
for cancer and heart disease is more than
20,000,000, about 140 times more people than
lost in all the wars combined so far this year!
It suddenly struck me as ironic that on the
one hand, we are totally aware and totally
humbled, as we should be, when we realize
the enormous sacrifice that so many of our
families have made in serving our country
throughout time. Nothing can diminish
that heartache and tragedy.
And yet, if the shock of these losses is
tragic and mind-numbing, then what can we
say--or more accurately--what should we be
saying--about cancer and heart disease?
Third, I then realized that we have no real
clue as to how to stop war dead in its tracks.
And so, the sacrifice seems inevitable and
perhaps even necessary in some sad sense of
the word.
But WE DO KNOW HOW to stop CANCER and Heart Disease!
At least those of us who follow the "New Biology"
understand that this is a battle we can win right
now. I ask all of you to share your pH Miracle
books and articles with all those you love and care
about. Share with others the wonderful letters
like that which you just read from Kim in Dallas.
This is something you and I can do right now.
We know that in an ultimate sense, there are no
winners in war. But this is different. And so
I ask you to help me get the message out, because
this is truly a winnable war!
In love and healing light this Veteran's Day,
Robert O. Young Ph.D., D.Sc.
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I trust you'll enjoy this...
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'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.' St. Augustine
'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke
'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein
Copyright 2007 Dr. Robert and Shelley Young
pH Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California 92082 US
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