Daily Exercise May Lower Your Risk For Blood Clots

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, November 23, 2007

According to a new study published in Journal
of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, regular participation
in sports reduces the risk of developing blood clots
by 39 percent in women and 22 percent in men.

Researchers from Leiden University Medical Center
in the Netherlands evaluated 7,860 people aged 18-70.
Patients who had suffered their first blood clot in
a leg vein or lung artery were compared with control
subjects who had never experienced blood clots. 31
percent of the patients and 40 percent of the control
group participated in sports on a regular basis.

Overall figures for both sexes showed that participating
in sports at least once per week, regardless of the type
of sport or its intensity, reduced the risk of developing
a blood clot in a lung artery by 46 percent and a blood
clot in a leg vein by 24 percent.

"Women were shown to be even more likely to reap the
benefits of regular sporting activities than men," says
F.R. Rosendaal, co-author of the study. "When we excluded
women who were pregnant or receiving oral contraceptive
or hormone replacement therapy -- all possible causes of
blood clots -- the risk for women was reduced by 55

While strenuous activity is acidic and known to increase
the risk of blood clot due to increased metabolic acid,
like lactic acid, development in the elderly, regular
exercise is also shown to greatly benefit the heart, and
that the net effect of elderly sports participation may
be positive.

The findings also show that people who did not participate
in sports were more than four-times as likely to develop
a blood clot if they were obese (with a body mass index
of 30 or greater) than lean (with a body mass index of
less than 25).

"When we looked at the results, we found that, overall,
the mere fact that people took part in a sporting activity
at least once a week was enough to lower their risk of
blood clots," say the authors.

To increase the intensity of your exercising without
increasing metabolic acids I would suggest whole body
vibrational exercising. This type of exercising
can contract and expand the cell up to 50 times
per second helping to move metabolic acids out of
the tissues to be eliminated through respiration,
perspiration and urination.

To learn more about how to effectively exercising
without increasing the harmful effects of metabolic
acids go to:


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