that "negative thoughts" and even chronic depression from
our "negative thoughts" are "acidic" generating conditions,
which can lead to bone loss...with the body trying in
vain to buffer all of the increased metabolic and
dietary acids with calcium ions from the bones.
Our medical savants just haven't even put depression
and bone loss together, much less put two-and-two
together connecting increased metabolic and dietary
acids with increased depression, with increased bone
loss and finally increased symptoms of bone thinning,
osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.
If you want to have healthy strong bones and protect
your bones from thinning then you must
maintain the alkaline design of the body with
the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet or a "COWS"
"Cows" is an acronym which stands for Dr. Young's
four food groups as followings:
"C" = Chlorophyll - as much as you can eat and drink!
"O" = Oils - cold pressed polyunsaturated oil
"W" = Water - alkaline water at a pH of 9.5
"S" = Salt - mineral salts from the sea.
When you are eating and drinking like a "COW"
you will be green and when you are green you
are clean.
So keep in mind that all symptomologies of dis-ease,
including depression, bone thinning, osteoarthritis,
and osteoporosis is something "YOU DO" not something
So I kindly and humbly suggest "STOP DOING DIS-EASE"
and start "DOING HEALTH, ENERGY and VITALITY" with
an alkaline lifestyle and diet - the pH Miracle
lifestyle and diet.
Referenced Article
Reported November 28, 2007
Depression Linked to Bone Loss in Premenopausal
Women Even mild depression can be a cause for bone
thinning, osteoporosis, in premenopausal women.
The findings are from a study funded by the
National Institutes of Mental Health and the
National Institutes of Health. They add considerable
credibility to preliminary studies that show
depression is a risk factor for lower than
average bone mass in younger women.
"Osteoporosis is a silent disease. Too often
the first symptom a clinician sees is when
a patient shows up with a broken bone. Now
we know that depression can serve as a red flag,"
said NIMH Deputy Director Richard Nakamura, PhD.
The study was submitted by Giovanni Ciazza, MD, PhD, MHSc,
Fariheh Eskandari, MD, PhD, MHSc and some of their
colleague at the NIH National Institute of Digestive
Disorders and Kidney Diseases submitted the report.
Study participants were premenopausal women from
21 to 45 years old. 89 were depressed and 44 were
not. Except for depression, all other risk factors
were equal. The women were at a relatively high
socioeconomic status and well nourished. Although
the depressed women were on anti-depressant medication,
the study indicated that was not a factor in
increased bone loss, which was measured using an
X-ray technique called DXA scanning. Severity of
depression was not a factor either.
17% of the depressed women showed thinner bones
in the femoral neck compared with 2% in the
non-depressed group. 20% of the depressed
participants had low bone mass in the lumbar
spine and the lower back as opposed to 9% for
non-depressed women.
Blood and urine samples, taken every hour for
a full day, also showed that the depressed women
had imbalances in immune-system substances
including IL-6 which is known to promote bone
loss. That re-enforced earlier studies with
similar findings.
"Depression generally isn't on clinicians' radar
screen as a major risk factor for osteoporosis,
particularly for premenopausal women," says Cizza.
"And it should be."
SOURCE: Archives of Internal Medicine,
Nov. 26th issue
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'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.' St. Augustine
'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke
'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein
Copyright 2007 Dr. Robert and Shelley Young
pH Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California 92082 US
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