is not only impressive but also inspiring. Read on
to learn how this beautiful young woman decided to
discontinue an acidic lifestyle and diet that caused her
cervical cancer and embrace the pH Miracle Lifestyle
and diet that reversed her symptoms - No more
cervical cancer. Remember, "Nothing tastes as good
as good health feels."
In love, light and laughter,
Dr. Robert O. Young
"I would definitely call myself a "pH Miracle". I was
able to overcome cervical cancer last year by
alkalizing my body."
"Now, I am working to maintain an alkaline body by
making smart (green) food choices, drinking alkaline
water, staying positive, staying active, and much more.
Most importantly, I am passionate in spreading the word,
because too many people are needlessly suffering from
ailments that are completely preventable."
“Cancer is the best thing that has ever happened
to me” – this is my response to anyone who acts
sympathetically to my health crisis. Cancer has
opened my eyes to a whole new world of optimum
health that I never thought was possible; I have
discovered that cancer, like most chronic illness,
is simply Nature’s way of telling you to change what
you’re doing."
"Before cancer entered my life, I thought that I was
a fairly healthy person – I was always involved in
athletics, my diet was diverse (in accordance with
the Canadian Food Guide), and I looked relatively
healthy. Unfortunately, looks can be deceiving,
and my previous perception of health was skewed by
a combination of apathy and ignorance. Despite my
annual battles with the “common cold”, I figured
that these disturbances were just a normal way of
life. I didn’t realize that every time I got sick,
Nature was presenting me with a proverbial fork in
the road. Apparently, I always chose the easiest
(and most destructive) path – by continuing on with
my supposedly “healthy” lifestyle."
"During the summer of 2002, I first became aware of
my deteriorating condition after a routine physical.
My Papanicolaou test result was flagged as “abnormal”;
thus, my doctor requested that I get more frequent
check-ups so that he could monitor the cells. For
two years, I continued down “easy street” while my
cells transformed more toward the cancer end of the
spectrum. I subconsciously tried to ignore the cancer,
hoping that it would just miraculously disappear.
During this time, my godfather (Richard) was sending
me tidbits of information from newspapers and other
sources – coincidentally related to health. Some of
the clippings addressed the dangers of consuming
animal products, while others warned against drug
usage – specifically the birth control pill and
vaccines. Although I read through the articles, I
did not feel the need to directly apply the information
to my specific situation."
"After a colposcopy in 2004, I was encouraged to
schedule an appointment at the local hospital for
laser therapy, which is the current orthodox
treatment for cervical cancer. This materialization
opened my eyes to the severity of my condition.
At that point, out of both fear and a gut instinct,
I decided to delay the appointment. Something
within me was telling me that surgery was not the
answer for my problem; this inner voice was
reinforced by the wealth of information that Richard
had been sending me. I discovered that many patients
who undergo orthodox treatments develop secondary
cancers – this is something I really wanted to avoid.
In my opinion, surgery seemed like a quick fix; it is
a method of covering up symptoms, rather than dealing
with the root cause of a problem. Being twenty-one
years of age, I decided to take “the road less
traveled” – I chose to give Nature a chance."
"I quickly developed a thirst for information related
to healing and superior health. With Richard’s love,
I was humbled into realizing that I never really knew
anything about true health – I had been living in a
fishbowl for over twenty years! I basically had to
throw out all of my preconceived notions of what
constituted a true state of health; I had to relearn
"My quest for ideal health led me down numerous paths:
I pushed myself in the exercise realm (namely for
toxin removal); I discontinued prescription drug
usage; I focused on deep breathing for greater
oxygen intake; I followed a sleep pattern that was
more in tune with the circadian rhythm; I increased
my exposure to sunlight; and most certainly, I made
a conscious effort to have a more positive attitude.
I believe that a shift in attitude is absolutely
necessary both for healing and promoting longevity.
Instead of acting like a victim of my day, I chose
to take charge of my life, and accept that every
choice I made, no matter how minute, had direct
consequences. Furthermore, I felt that it was
necessary to modify my diet because what you put
into your body cannot be denied at a cellular level;
“you [literally] are what you eat!”
"In addition to witnessing the horrific lives of
slaughterhouse animals, I accepted that human beings
have absolutely no need for animal products in their
diets. A shift in mentality was crucial; I no longer
wanted to be an accessory to murder. From a
biological, environmental, and ethical standpoint,
it made sense for me to eliminate all of the
negative stressors in my life, and diet was of
the utmost importance. With this in mind, I decided
to cut out all meat from my diet. Also, consuming
dairy was definitely out of the question – I
learned that dairy products are more detrimental
to human health than meat itself (due to the
exponentially concentrated amount of acids). Being
raised on dairy, I was aware that I would have to
be patient in my healing process, as unknown amounts
of toxins were embedded within the fibers of my flesh."
"I understood that the change in my diet would cause
my body to enter a state of cleansing. During my
transition to a vegan diet, I experienced some minor
discomfort (fatigue) as well as cravings for sweet
and salty foods. Thankfully, through my research,
I was conscious of the fact that these minor setbacks
were a positive sign that I was on the right track –
my body was reacting to the changes that I entrenched
upon it. Quite often, I feel that people give up
too easily; therefore, it is important to understand
the mechanics of the human body, especially through
times of change. After I got over the “hump”, I
experienced a dramatic surge in my energy levels –
I was able to function at a significantly higher
state of cognizance on fewer hours of sleep!"
"In 2006, I was introduced to the world of raw foods.
Richard had been sending me information on nutrition,
and I soaked the concepts up like a sponge. It really
made sense, in my mind, that heat kills energy and
destroys “life force energy”; thus, it was pointless
of me to continue to ingest food that was devitalized.
I joined a raw vegan group in Edmonton, and it was
so refreshing to meet people with the same passion
about health as myself. Attending raw lucks (raw
potlucks) really opened my eyes to the endless choices
that a raw diet could offer. At this point, my diet
consists of about ninety percent raw foods, but I am
still in the process of going completely raw. There
are some days that I succumb to the cravings of cooked
foods, and I definitely suffer the consequences for
giving in to immediate gratification (taste)! I
would like to point out that as a result of my raw
diet, I have noticed that my body has undergone some
extra benefits: my hair is silkier (and less is
falling out); people have commented on my skin’s
radiance; and overall, I feel much more at peace
with myself and with Nature."
"In addition to altering my diet, I increased my
alkaline water intake. Looking back at my previous
lifestyle, I realized that there were days where
I did not drink a single glass of water – oh, my
poor body! Since the human body is made up of
almost ninety percent alkaline water, it must be
stressed that water is the ideal choice of drink;
it is important not only for cleansing, but for
the rejuvenation and rebuilding of cells. Also,
with my diet being focused around fresh organic
alkaline fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, my
alkaline water intake has increased ten-fold."
"I firmly believe that the human body is quite
amazing and – if given the proper tools – it can
repair itself to a state of superior health.
Throughout my progression, I continued to get
regular colposcopies, and I am jubilant in reporting
that the cancer is almost completely gone! Rather
than accepting cancer as a death sentence, I embraced
it as my savior – I honestly do not know where I would
be at this point in my life had I not been touched
by this illness. I believe that health is something
that we earn – it is not automatically awarded to us,
especially if we treat out bodies like cesspools.
Ultimately, health is a function of responsibility.
My journey to attain optimal health has been a work
in progress, and I realize that this journey will
continue for as long as I am living."
-Bellgene Chung
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