Exercising daily for at least 1 hour may help slow
brain shrinkage in people with early Alzheimer's
dis-ease (or "I Eat Too Much Sugar Dis-ease"), a
preliminary study suggests. Analysis found that
participants who were more physically fit had less
brain shrinkage than less-fit participants.
"Because dietary and metabolic acids shrink the
brain," states Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
scientist at The pH Miracle Living Center.
While brains shrink with normal aging, the rate is
doubled in people with Alzheimer's.
"All you need to do is test the urine pH and you
will have your answer. The urine is always highly
acidic (in the 5 pH's) because of acidic
lifestyle and dietary choices. There is always
an acidic contributing factor in Alzheimer's.
For example, the late President Ronald Reagan's
acidic contributing factor for his Alzheimer's
condition was "Jelly Beans." When you increase
the sugar in your diet you will then increase
your risk for Alzheimer's or "I Eat Too Much
Sugar Dis-ease." When you couple an acidic diet
with too much sugar and little or no exercise
you have the perfect formula for shrinking your
brain," states Dr. Young
Dr. Burns, who directs the Alzheimer and Memory
Program at the University of Kansas School of
Medicine in Kansas City, will be reporting his
research with colleagues in Tuesday's issue of
the journal Neurology.
The study included 57 people with early Alzheimer's.
Their physical fitness was assessed by measuring
their peak oxygen demand while on a treadmill,
and brain shrinkage was estimated by MRI scans.
Dr. Sam Gandy, who chairs the medical and scientific
advisory council of the Alzheimer's Association, said
the result fits in with previous indications that
things people do to protect heart health can also pay
off for the brain.
"When you are exercising you are moving dietary
and metabolic acids out through the pores of the
skin. When you are eliminating acids through
perspiration, urination, defecation or respiration
you are reducing your risk for Alzheimer's and
every other sickness and dis-ease. You cannot get
sick without acid and when you are exercising
and sweating you are removing the very cause
of Alzheimer's."
"The key to the cure for Alzheimer's or any
condition of dementia is prevention. And the
key to prevention of "All" sickness and disease
is to maintain the alkaline design of the body
with an alkaline lifestyle and diet."
"So if you are losing your mind then you have acid
on the brain. This acid comes from the life you
live, the food you eat, the liquids you drink
and the thoughts you think. Alzheimer's is nothing
more then dietary and metabolic acids turning
the brain into Swiss cheese. In the 60's we called
it dropping acid. Today we call it Alzheimer's."
"My strongest recommendation is to exercise every
day for at least 1 hour. And when you are exercising
make sure you sweat. Sweating is the most important
part of exercising because it is through sweating
that you are removing dietary and metabolic acids
that can make you sick and tired. If you truly
want to be healthy you have to pee and sweat your
way to health everyday," states Dr. Young.
To learn more about healthy alkalizing exercise
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