cancer in February 2007, just two days before her
fiftieth birthday. Rather than go the conventional
route of mastectomy followed by chemo and/or radiation
she chose to seek out an alternative way to heal her
body. Her choice to search for an alternative
coupled with a late night email landed her as a
guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show in March of 2007,
where she stood her ground for her right to choose
and shared with the audience that 'you cannot make
a decision based on fear'.
With hundreds of emails from people around the world
who watched the Oprah segment applauding her decision
and spurring her on she spent the next four months
seeking out answers from doctors and practitioners
around the world. With her self imposed deadline
of October fast approaching and no answer to the
question "what causes cancer?" she finally found the
research of Dr. Robert O. Young, a microbiologist in
California. After communicating with Dr. Young via
phone and email she made the decision to follow his
protocol and three months later was cancer free.
She is currently working on her book, "Cancer Angel:
The Explanation of What Cancer is, Its Prevention and
Cure" based on her story. She is also speaking to
groups about how they can use this information to
live lives of health and happiness.
Recently a two part story and multimedia presentation
was published about Kim's amazing journey. You can
access these at the Holistic Healing icon below.
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