The Most Important Health Action Alert I Have Ever Sent!

Posted by luputtenan2 on Tuesday, January 6, 2009

There is nothing in life that is constant, except for change. We are about to embark on some dramatic changes across the board in America and around the world. Change is inevitable, but the direction of that change remains to be seen.

It has been said that in a democracy, silence equals agreement. It's time to put ourselves to the test. But first, we need to test the strength of our voice. We need to work like we haven't worked since 1994 when DSHEA was passed.

Step One: Letter to the White House Office of Health Reform

The new administration in Washington D.C. is moving fast. We're seeing strategies never used before on a national level. This presents a huge challenge and an equally big opportunity. We need to get our message about natural holistic health care in front of everyone we can possibly reach. So our first action is for all pH Miracle supporters to send a letter to Washington, D.C.


Senator Tom Daschle isn't just the nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services. He will also become the Director of the newly formed White House Office of Health Reform. His Deputy Director will be Jeanne Lambrew, with whom Daschle co-authored the book Critical, published earlier this year. Both Daschle and Ms. Lambrew are part of The Center for American Progress (CAP), whose Founder and Executive Director is John Podesta - the head of Obama's transition team. We look to reach Sen. Daschle and Ms. Lambrew directly at CAP.


We've identified 2009 as the Year of Change and Challenge. We've made a case for why natural holistic health care needs to be at the fundamental core of health care reform. We'll add one more piece to the puzzle here.

The Obama Administration's identification of challenges and possible solutions is void of natural holistic health care principles. Their effort is admirable, but their strategy incomplete. For instance, the Administration's examples of prevention are acidic toxic flu shots and cancer screenings. We must complete the picture for them, and we must do so now!


We're calling for a direct mail, rather than an email campaign. Notwithstanding the ease of sending an email, most social activists agree that a direct mailing has more impact. To be sure, it won't hurt to email the "Obama Transition Team." If you do, make sure to use the words "natural", "natural health" and "natural holistic health care" frequently and positively in your letter and/or email. The "Obama Transition Team" is using computers to track the frequency of words & topics within the letters and emails they receive.

Here is the link for emailing the "Obama Transition Team"

But don't stop there!!

1) Print off the following letter, sign it and mail it to the White House Office of Health Reform.

January 2009

The White House Office of Health Reform
Attn: Sen. Tom Daschle & Deputy Director Jeanne Lambrew
c/o Center for American Progress
1333 H St. N.W. 10th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005

Re: The Indispensable Role of Natural Health

Dear Sen. Daschle and Deputy Director Lambrew:

I am a citizen for health care reform. Like you, I consider health care reform one of the most important issues we've faced in a generation. As someone dedicated to natural health practices
and principles, I urge you to include natural holistic health care strategists on your team that will determine
the future of health - and the health of our future.

For instance, it's important for you to know the following:

1) The well-respected Lewin Group conducted not one, but four evidence-based studies proving that responsible use of dietary nutritional supplements will save our health care system
billions of dollars.

2) To be more effective, our system must include an essential principle of natural health care, i.e. health is not a commodity.

3) Natural holistic health practices, although complementary with
allopathic medical interventions, deserve different regulatory and legal policies than patented medicine.

4) True dis-ease and disease prevention involves not just early detection. It also requires policies and strategies that support self-care education, that leverage our innate healing resource and that respect individual choice. See the Guiding Principles from the 2002 White House Commission report on Complementary & Alternative Medical Practice.

These are just a few of the strategies and policies that the natural health community has been promoting for decades. It's time to bring the wisdom of natural health care forward. We're
citizens for health reform, and we look forward to working with you.

Thank you.

Kindest regards,


The following letter is a very strong example of what our pH Miracle supporters are sending to the White House Office of Health Reform:

The White House Office of Health Reform January 6, 2009
Attn: Sen. Tom Daschle & Deputy Director Jeanne Lambrew
c/o Center for American Progress
1333 H St. N.W. 10th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005

Dear Senator Daschle & Director Lambrew;

The real problem with our health care system isn't about the high cost and how to pay for it. Its about the monopolistic stranglehold that the allopathic medical system employs today to block natural healing technologies that threaten their financial freedom. We do not live in a 'free' society because our citizens are deprived of their rights to decide how they wish to be treated medically.

Western style medicine was born out of France a little over 120 years ago. Prior to the organization of medicine early in the last Century, medicine consisted of herbs, foods and the extensive use of energy to assist the body in using its built-in tendency to heal itself.

Obstacles to health were removed, missing nutrients were restored; Nature provided the cure. The state of Minnesota, thanks to former Governor Ventura, passed a true health freedom law that would allow anyone to offer healing services with only a few minor restrictions.

Practitioners were required to tell the prospective patient the extent of their training, if any, and they were prevented from prescribing drugs, puncturing the skin or utilizing any form of ionizing radiation.

In other words, the practice of medicine was defined and the lay
practitioners were prohibited from such practice. Everything else
resided outside this definition and thus became legal.

Naturopathy, Homeopathy and ancient forms of non-medical healing have been practiced around the World for many centuries. In our own country electrical methods that were applied to the body produced very desirable results in restoring homeostasis without any side effects or deadly drugs. The technology achieved an extremely high level of technical sophistication, all of which was shunned when medicine became organized by criminally-minded people and the dispensing of drugs became the only 'approved' treatment modalities.

The answer to our health care problem is to allow open competition in the marketplace. Allow someone such as myself to hang out a shingle and offer time tested treatments of yesteryear. It doesn't take a formal lengthy highly restrictive medical education to heal dis-ease. It takes an understanding that the Pasteur Germ Theory upon which our entire existing allopathic medical system is based upon is wrong. Germs don't
cause disease! In fact there is only one disease and that is inadequate lymphatic drainage.

When I was a child, I grew up on a nice residential street that had a deep depression which would collect rain water after a heavy storm. The sewer drain was inadequate and would frequently get clogged with debris from lawn clippings, leaves, twigs, etc. Within a few days the grass that was underwater lost its green color and turned yellow from a lack of oxygen. After a few days back in the air and stimulated by sunlight, the natural coloring would return.

If, however, the city failed to clear the drain in a timely manner, once the water was finally drained, the grass was dead and it was replaced by algae. This is what happens inside our bodies. When tissues are not adequately fed nutrients and oxygen and when the metabolic wastes are not carried away, healthy cells begin to die. In long term severe cases, the body will respond by constructing a tumor and if the acid pH becomes too low, pleomorphic primordial organisms that we carry within us will change their form and function and will become Nature's
scavengers, ie., germs. Western medicine defines this condition as a disease and calls it cancer when in reality it is Nature doing her clean-up job.

The germs eat the dead tissue and just as a fallen tree gathers a
fungus that returns it to the soil, humans and animals attract a fungus that returns it too to the soil from which it came. Cancer is simply a state of a badly polluted body. Its not a disease, its a natural part of the biological life-cycle. The only cure is to change the acidity of the internal soil which can be accomplished with nutrition and improved personal hygiene.

Cancer is easy to cure!

Claude Bernard (1813-1878) said it best: "The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything."

The allopathic medical system is wrong. It isn't worth any price and I don't have or desire medical insurance (other than accident, of course) because these improperly trained medical people know nothing about how to cure dis-ease. They play a game of expensive chemical whack-a-mole. Our citizens are poisoned with expensive drugs that destroy their internal organs and sends them to an early grave. Modern medicine is the leading cause of death in our country today. Herbs and vitamins have never killed anyone.

Allow for open competition and the entire problem will go away when people are able to seek and obtain remedies that boost their own immune systems that does, in nearly every case, restores their health. Just getting adequate exposure to natural sunlight goes a long way in maintaining health. Sunlight is free.

Its time for the barbaric practice of Western style medicine to
rendered into history. Future generations will look back at our time and call it the medical dark ages where sorcery and witchcraft reigned supreme. Modern hospitals are nothing less than medieval torture chambers cloaked in medical technobabble behind a facade of lies and deception. Our doctors die of the same diseases as do their patients.

They know nothing about the laws of Nature and thus cannot heal any disease. Western medicine is simply a con game of wealth transference and it exists for no other reason. Its time for open competition.

To quote Dr. Robert Bell in his classic 1913 work: Cancer: Its Cause And Treatment Without Operation

"Cancer is Nature's protest against disobedience. It is the penalty she imposes upon those who, perhaps knowingly or unknowingly, have ignored her teachings"


Michael Tewksbury Jr.

cc: pH Miracle Living center

Step 2: Forward this newsletter to as many people as possible, and ask them to do the same. Please - this is no time to be shy.

Step 3: Copy this newsletter and the letter to the Office of Health Reform. Take copies to your local health food retailers, to your community organizations, to your churches. Ask them to support our effort by making this letter available to all natural health consumers, so that their voice can be heard on this important subject.

Step 4: Fax or hand deliver a copy of your letter to the White House, to your Congressmen and Senators and mail to your local office in your State (mailing to DC takes too long because of the illusionary anthrax scare), as well as sending the same letter to your local City and State politicians.

Step 5: Print extra copies of your letter and give out at work. Include in company mailings, a stack in waiting rooms, hand out at PTA meetings, the next local meeting of network marketing companies, and churches asking others to mail the same letter.

Step 6: Send copies of your letter to the Health editors of the national weekly news magazines, a copy to Oprah and Dr Phil, 60 Minutes, the morning shows, local talk shows, health editors of local papers and media.

Step 7: Send your letter as an attachment to those in your email list asking them to redistribute.

Finally Step 8: Most important .... Keep all addresses ..then send the same letter in 30 days to the same group of people.

Keep in mind we are competing with a dis-eased industry and its
billions of dollars in profits. We need more education NOT MORE medication! If you need help or have questions you can contact us at.

You can also make donations to:

We'll stay on this with you over the next few weeks. In the meantime, Happy New Year. And as always, thank you for your love and support.

In love, light and peace,

Dr. Robert O. Young

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