Reduce Acids With Herbs and Spices and Improve Your Health

Posted by luputtenan2 on Thursday, January 15, 2009

Reach for the spice rack and spice up your health as well as your food. Almost every day, researchers discover more and more ways that herbs and spices boost health, providing benefits for health concerns from a cancer condition to Alzheimer’s dis-ease.

The main reason for spices’ healthy shot in the arm is the phytochemicals they contain. Phytochemicals are powerful complex substances that are found in high concentrations in many herbs and spices.

Add liberal amounts of these spices to your food:

1) Cinnamon. Cinnamon helps the body buffer the acid glucose and in turn helps to reduce the body's need of acid binding cholesterol, which may protect from heart dis-ease and diabetes and improve the health of those already suffering from these acidic symptoms. Cinnamon may also help in weight loss by reducing dietary and metabolic acid.

2) Cilantro. Like other dark, leafy vegetables, cilantro is high in vitamins A and K as well as beta-carotene. It also contains a natural antibiotic called dodecenal, which was shown in a study to be more effective than a prescription antibiotic at buffering acid and biologically transforming the bacteria Salmonella.

3) Garlic. Ancient Egyptians used garlic to treat heart disease, and modern science has found it to be a potent antioxidant which lowers dietary and metabolic acid and thus is anti-thrombotic.

4) Ginger. Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory which combats dietary and metabolic acids that cause inflammation. It also soothes queasy acid stomachs due to motion sickness, morning sickness and post-operative nausea - all acidic conditions.

5) Parsley. Parsley has high amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin that promote eye health as well as large amounts of vitamins A and K. It may be useful in combating the acids that cause cancer, heart disease and allergies.

6) Rosemary. The phytochemicals or anti-acids in rosemary cut the cancerous-inducing acids contained in all meats. It may also aid diabetics and slow aging by reducing dietary and metabolic acids.

7) Turmeric. The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, is an extremely powerful anti-inflammatory or anti-acid substance. It may play a role in buffering the acids that cause ALL cancerous conditions and reducing the buildup of acidic plaque in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s.

Check out all of our Young pHorever spices and herbs at:

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