The following letter is from Denise Abda, a registered
clinical pathologist discussing the "why's and how's""
of Dr. Young's "New Biology" and the live and dried
blood microscopy is so important in the correct and
proper diagnosis, treatment and/or prevention of dis-ease
and disease. Please ask yourself the following questions
and then if you are still interested in understanding the
truth about medical blood tests then read Denise Abda's
letter for more truth and light.
1) Are you interested in the truth about current
medical blood testing?
2) Do you know that current medical blood tests
may not be accurate?
3) Do you know that Doctors may not always see
or understand current medical blood tests?
4) Do you know that current medical blood tests
are mis-interpreted by many Doctors?
5) Do you know that medical technicians and
Doctors do not understand many of the particulates
seen in blood and therefore these particulates
are ignored and not reported.
6) Do you know there is a lack of understanding
in medical science of the many components of
medical blood testing and are currently ignored
by medical scientists and Doctors?
7) Do you understand the importance of Dr.
Young's work in the correct interpretation of
medical blood testing?
8) Do you know that you have the opportunity of
a lifetime to study with Dr. Robert O. Young,
live and dried blood microscopy, including
comprehensive and metabolic blood testing and
how they relate to health, fitness, sickness
and disease this September 15th at the Rancho
del Sol, in Valley Center, California or in
Oslo, Norway this October 6th?
For more details go to:
9) Do you know that the opportunity of learning
the "New Biology" and to study live and dried
blood microscopy with Dr. Young would prepare
you to change lives and save lives?
10) And, do you know that the foundational
knowledge of how to create health, energy
and fitness and to prevent ALL sickness and
disease is now known?
Please read on to learn more.
Dear Dr. Young
As a medical technologist working in conventional
medicine, I have previously not seen a medical
concept as powerful as the "New Biology" which
you have advanced. The "New Biology" not only
sets forth the theory and principles for
overcoming disease, but it provides the perfect
blueprint for something far more important--disease
As a medical technologist registered by the American
Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP), I have been
performing blood analysis for the last 28 years
in the hospital laboratory. The results obtained
in this traditional setting are of a qualitative
value and do not show the true picture of blood.
It does not show the startling quality and the
dynamic unfolding of cells as is explained in
your research.
For some years now, I have often wondered why
so few people seem to get better.
I have doubted the approach of the so-called
"managed care" and what often amounts to a
lifetime sentence to one or more expensive
prescriptions. It is not enough for medical
science to simply minimize symptoms. Patients
want their health back. People want to know
how to do that and why they got sick.
Modern medicine holds barely a clue as they
stumble forward with new drug after new drug,
curing no one, while simply managing sickness
rather than creating health.
When a CBC (complete blood count) is ordered
as a routine test for the patient, the sample
is run through a machine and analyzed with
results for numbers of white blood cells,
red blood cells, type of cells, and indices
of the blood and platelets. What we refer
to simply (and impotently) as "stain precipitate",
your language of science identifies, sorts,
and categorizes, cells as fibrous thallus,
symplast, mucor, rbc & platelet aggregation
mycoplasma. You then go on to explain the
significance of these phenomena when found
in the patient's sample and offer suggestions
to overcome their implications.
There have been many times as a medical
technologist that I have wondered to myself
just what the results I report from the lab
are really telling the doctor. It is less
and less clear that the vanilla-like
quantitative information received from the
lab is helping the doctor, especially when
the patients keep coming back and getting
the same results and not getting better
physically. And yet, no one really
addresses their nutritional intake as a means
to overcome the phenomenon that they are
supposedly trained to treat. The medical
personnel who are supposed to play an
informative role in this regard simply
follow the "allopathically controlled"
food group pyramid also.
This is not new science and is not at all
consistent with New Biology. In other words,
if the government sanctioned food pyramid
was really working, there would not be such
a rise in obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart
disease, autoimmune diseases, and
osteoporosis, etc......
The next part of the routine blood testing
done is through a chemistry profile which
evaluates the sodium/potassium, chlorides,
bicarbonates, liver enzymes, kidney function,
glucose levels, heart enzymes (which by the
way are not elevated until AFTER the patient
has a heart attack) and the basic calcium,
magnesium, phosphorus along with a few other
Again, how many times have we heard, "I am not
feeling well, but I went to my doctor, and my
blood tests are all normal?"
These numbers are rarely out of therapeutic
range (except of course for a glucose level,
in the case of diabetic).
I have seen 4th stage liver cancer patients
come in with normal liver enzymes. Yet, how
do we conceptualize such an advanced illness
in the realm of conventional treatment? How
can we explain the fact that the numbers are
within a controlled range on these tests?
Yet, in the language of "New Biology", and
in the reports stemming from your adjunctive
blood microscopy, we see dynamic reports
teeming with information explaining the whys
and wherefores of the cause and dietary and
lifestyle changes required.
I know from studying your work, Dr. Young, that
you see all the microforms that are indicative
of poor health. You are able to explain where
these microforms came from and how they can and
must be reduced. The "New Biology" helps the
patient alkalize the body fluids with food,
water, and natural supplements in order to
reduce the acid causing these forms that
result in disease or dis-ease symptomatology.
Yet, in my own hospital where we are dispensing
western medicine, we give a diagnosis without
explaining the etiology or cause.
This model then prescribes an acidic drug to
treat an already acidic condition, without
ever recognizing the importance of the acid
phenomenon at any level of the body.
There is no turning the corner in this system.
If we do not get to the problematic system and
inform them of the changes that ABSOLUTELY
have to be incorporated, we are spiraling down
fast, and the only answer is managed sickness
resulting in death by western medicine - the
third leading cause of death in America.
If I were to give a copy of your book The pH
Miracle or The pH Miracle for Diabetes or The
pH Miracle for Weight Loss to many of the
doctors in my hospital, they would not even
read it.
In talking with a psychologist friend of mine,
he told the story of the endocrinologist, who
when presented with your book simply stated...
"Oh, that's a bunch of crap." Yet, he had
not read the book, was not familiar with the
underlying theory, and was, apparently,
egotistically content to assume that his
state of knowledge was the final word.
Too many western doctors that I know or read
about are clearly more interested in making
traditional medicine work for them than making
advancing science work for their patients.
Far too many medical leaders--and not just
the doctors—lack open-mindedness, submit to
the lock-step of medical training and
indoctrination, and show a tendency to
repeat questionable procedures that they
can clearly see do not produce results.
Modern medicine appears to me to be much
more about training than education.
It's more about firm and premature answers
than questions and exploration.
Medicine has become like auto mechanics
rather than the search for the truth about
the healthy body and how it really works.
Medicine is focused on sickness and
NOT health.
What I see happening is that the physicians
of today are watching disease progress and
offering no real treatment for reversal.
They are waiting for the drug companies to
find the solution to this or that ailment.
They do not see their job as getting to the
bottom of the issues or the real causes.
Their present day training, controlled by
government regulations and pharmaceutical
intimidation, is very much a part of the
It reminds me of the food industry with
their penchant for studying focus groups
to determine what they can sell to their
customers as opposed to teaming with
research scientists to see what is good
for their customers. They are asking the
question, "What can we sell to make money?"
Doctors look to the pharmaceutical companies
for answers like the food industry looks
to market research to tell them where
next to go.
What is needed as soon as possible is a new
kind of blood analysis. The training you
provide in your microscopy classes should
be available to every physician who cares
about their patient, every clinic or doctor
willing to learn, and even those patients
who want to understand and participate in
their own well-being as to how to overcome
their own health issues.
So, where do we go from here?
I foresee an automated blood report that
provides a read-out for the doctor and the
patient. I foresee a report that explains
the results in at least three ways: For
the allopathic physician, the holistic
physician, and the "New Biologist"
applying pH theory.
Dr. Young, I am grateful for the insights
I have gained in your microscopy class.
I am so happy that I know how to use it
for my family and friends who are willing
to really take their health into their own
hands. I am happy to use this information
to educate them and inform them how to
apply it to their daily life. This
information is a real and meaningful
answer to the health care crisis.
One-by-one society is looking for answers
that they can adapt to their daily life.
They cannot afford health care as it is
offered today. They cannot afford health
care within the constraints of society
today. We need to educate, demonstrate,
and apply the "New Biology" to our
everyday life.
I tell all my friends and clients, "if you
keep doing what you've been doing, then
you'll keep getting what you've been getting,
and if you could see what I see, then you
would do what I do."
I hope the future will bring this science to
the forefront and allow the availability of
information to get to everyone in need
before it is too late.
Because as I see the organized medicine in
the hospital/clinic setting taking shape,
there is no change, no restructuring, no
new ideas, and no results.
At the ph Miracle Living Center, I saw that
miracles don't just happen, they are
Soon, cancer will be the problem of
one-out-of-one, unless we know how to
alkalize and balance our pH.
Only then will all medical practitioners
begin to compare and contrast their ideas
and approaches with that of those who
think very differently from them.
But does society have the time to educate,
demonstrate and apply it by THEN, if we are
all suffering NOW.
Thank you for your work!
In Health and Healing,
Denise Abda
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