The Healing Power of pH Miracle Water

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, August 15, 2008

The following is a pH Miracle story and how drinking
pH Miracle water may make a difference in reversing
a serious health challenge like lung cancer.

Dear Dr. Young,

No one ever wants to know the depths of despair
one feels when their doctor tells them they only
have a year to live. That is what I experienced
on May 1st 2008 when a 4.5 cm tumor was found
in my liver and ten 5mm nodules in both my lungs.
Previously, in 2007 I had chemo, radiation &
extensive surgery to remove a leiomyosarcoma that
had invaded my pancreas and although they said they
'got it all', it was obviously not the case.

Our family was desperately seeking alternative
treatment options, when we were referred to you,
through my daughter, Terri. It was as though you
dropped right out of heaven. You gave me hope when
my oncologist gave me hopelessness. I started
drinking 4 liters a day of your pH Miracle water
and adjusted my diet to eliminate highly acidic
foods the end of May. I had already had one chemo
treatment (May 24) by then and drinking the pH Miracle
water eased the terrible after effects. I had one
more treatment after that (mid June) and decided to
stop. The Oncologist wanted me to have 6 treatments
(to try and buy me a few more months). I am sorry
now that I did any chemo treatments at all and my
family doctor does not believe that the two treatments
were at all effective.

As I continued drinking the high pH, pH Miracle water,
I felt my strength and energy coming back. In mid
July I had a chest Xray and an abdominal ultrasound.
This was after approximately 45 days on the pH Miracle
water. The results showed the tumor in the liver to
be 4.3cm and considering that I had tests done in
Jan 2008 and it showed nothing there, the tumor was
growing at a rate of over a cm a month, so we know
it grew at least another cm during the month of May,
before chemo or the pH Miracle water. My Dr. agreed
in actuality that the tumor had shrunk over one cm.
The Chest Xray showed 'nothing'. No nodules at all...
which my Dr. said meant regression or 'gone'. Words
cannot express the relief I felt.

Your pH Miracle water has been my life line and I
continue to feel better and stronger every day and
I look forward to my next tests in Sept. I know this
is working and I know that because of this pH Miracle
water, I WILL be cancer free.

Dr. Young, there are just no are a true
gift from God, pure and honest and crystal clear just
like your pH Miracle water.

With much love and immense gratitude,

Linda Clark

As someone that looks to improve their health we are pleased to offer you this free audio, an excerpt of a powerful two hour interview with Dr Robert O. Young and Anthony Robbins. (it is free to listen!)

Click here to listen:

I trust you'll enjoy this...

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'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.' St. Augustine

'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke

'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein

pH Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California 92082 US

© Copyright 2008 - Dr. Robert O. Young
All rights are reserved. Content may be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated,
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