The Best Protein Source For Weight Loss

Posted by luputtenan2 on Sunday, March 17, 2013

It is likely that some of you chose to read this article because you were looking for the latest and greatest in protein supplements or what to look for in a protein supplement to help you build lean rock-hard muscle.
Sadly, that is not where this article is going.
Sure there are a lot of products on the market that would likely be viable protein sources as a part of your plan for eating to lose weight, but have you actually looked at the ingredients in those drinks and powders?
Did you notice that one of those ingredients might be eggs or egg whites?
Eggs are easily dollar for dollar and pound for pound the best source of protein that you can put into your body. There is no other beef, chicken, pork, bison, lamb, or fish that is as pure and as healthy as that of an organic egg.
Wait a minute, an organic egg?
That is correct, non-organic eggs while still cost effective do no pack the same amount of micronutrients that an organic egg would. One of those nutrients that is a little lacking in a non-organic egg is Omega-3 fatty acids which is important in reducing inflammation.
All in all, the egg is easily one of the best foods you can put into your body. Hold on, but they are high in cholesterol are they not?
You would be correct again, they are high in cholesterol, but there are two kinds of cholesterol- the good and the bad, HDL and LDL or high-density lipoprotien and low-density lipoprotien.
Eggs are high in HDL cholesterol which will actually help prevent LDL cholesterol from doing damage to your artery walls throughout your body. Picture the HDL molecules as a beach ball and the LDL as a baseball, which would do more damage to your artery wall?
Even though they might scare your cholesterol number a bit, they actually have the purest form of protein that you can find in the egg white close to 99% of it is protein.
So should I eat just the white?
Do not get ahead of yourself, while it is a good idea to eat the white, do not discredit eating the whole thing. The yolk is where the healthy fats, and other nutrients reside along with additional calories that your body actually does need.
The next time you are at a health food store or looking to buy a protein powder check the label and see if eggs or egg whites are an ingredient. If that is the case it might be a good idea to put down that container and head to the grocery store for a dozen organic eggs. They going to be healthier for you to eat, more satisfying, and a lot easier on your wallet.
If you found this article to be helpful then check out Eating To Lose for more free information on dieting, nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle as it relates to your physical goals. There is even a free plan there to help you get started.

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