The following is a wonderful educational letter from one of our Certified Microscopists and pH Miracle Coach, Denise Adba, to a medical doctor who has expressed interest in the "New Biology" and the work of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young.
Dear Dr. Mukkur,
I have been referred to you by Dr. Patrick Sobota at the PH Miracle Center in San Diego, CA.
I am a "nutritional microscopist" as you are trying to understand/question the validity of this work.
I have done hospital laboratory blood testing for 20+ years in an accredited regional trauma 350 bed hospital.
I also took the microscopy course taught by Dr. Robert O. Young in 2003.
There IS a difference in qualitative and quantitative blood tests from what I have learned and see happening in the microscope field of view.
The work at the pH Miracle Center is cutting edge and revolutionary. It is built on Dr. Young's 30 years of research of watching blood under a microscope and changing one's diet and watching that same patient's blood after dietary changes have been made.
To learn more about microscopy or to become a microscopist or a pH Miracle Coach go to:
Observing the results of what is found in the blood and the changes made in the patient's health is profound, as you can only imagine.
If you relate that to what is being done on a research level with drug therapy, there is no difference (or is there????)
A new drug is chemically made, it gets approved, it is put out there, the reps are sent out to sell it and we watch what happens. You read the side effects or in reality the negative effects, hope they don't happen to you or your patient and be prepared if they do, so you can treat accordingly. Now, who is the real guinea pig?
Well, wouldn't you rather help your patients with what they are feeding themselves, watch what happens to their blood, see how they feel and respond to food choices and send them home knowing they are on a scientifically proven "balanced" diet by the morphology of their red blood cell counts.
To learn the life changing and life saving science of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young go to:
The doctors of today are not considering the blood their patient's are making. They do not understand the quality of each one of the approximate 5,000,000 red blood cells we have is significant to one's physical and mental health.
In a Complete Blood Count or CBC, the differential White Blood Cells (WBC) is a value that changes, when Mono is diagnosed, bacterial vs viral infection, or Leukemia is reported, basically. We quantify polys, bands, lymphs, monos, eos and basos.
To learn Dr. Young's science of the blood go to:
Are you ever watching the red blood cell number? Some patients are walking around with a red blood cell counts of 3,000,000 and a Hgb/Hct of 12/29 while others are sick with a red blood cells counts of 4,000,000 and a Hgb/Hct of 9/30. Where is the logic of health here? I do understand TIBC and absorption too.( I am trying to make this light) We can talk about the Chemistry results too the the need for blood transfusions also. I have been at the bench in hematology, chemistry and blood bank consistently.
To learn the chemistry, hematology, and the quantitative and qualitative science of live and dried blood go to:
Look at the pH miracle work and learn the research of Dr. Young in relation to disease (dis-ease).
When was the last time you considered your patient's RBC morphology? Logically thinking, isn't the blood feeding the organs and the organs are functioning. Well, what if that blood is nutrient dense? How does it look when it is nutrient rich?
Dr. Robert and Shelley Young's work describes the lifestyle and diet that brings in nutrient rich foods, feeds the blood, pH balanced, and health that is vibrant
Not much treatment involved in drug therapy!
We as the richest country in the world are on the wrong path to health and wellness. We are selling sickness for a profit.
Get out of the box and look around. You may be surprised by what you learn.
To learn the science and diet of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young go to:
I ask you to take the time to involve yourself in this work and you will begin REALLY saving lives, instead of treating them.
I have a very personal story about Leukemia and I would share that with you if you have this time to listen. Dr. Young has stated that Leukemia is NOT cancer of the blood, it is the body's inability to make blood, therefore treating it with highly toxic chemotherapeutic agents to kill off those nasty stubborn immature White Blood Cells (WBC - blasts) is not the answer! In reality, the patient is pushing immature white blood cells out of the bone marrow in response to the body's preservation and survival. We need to provide exactly what the body requires to make that blood and the numbers in Leukemia diagnosis (WBC and RBC counts particularly, and plateles too) will shift and homeostasis will be achieved - health is restored. I am witness to the reversal of Leukemia. The work of Dr. Young is the understanding of how to treat and cure Leukemia!
Please call me so I can further explain, if you are interested.
Once we realize the cause of a dis-ease or disease, only then will we be able to overcome the health challenge.
There is a tremendous amount of work that needs to be revealed,, understood and reversed in this world and only then will you realize how important and easy health can be.
Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.
I currently live in northeast PA and I have transitioned myself from a hospital clinical treatment setting into a consulting health and healing environment based on the nutritional, alkaline balanced foods recommended by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young. I help my clients in the proper choice of food, fresh air and exercise. That's all. You have to eat anyway, why not eat healthy. But, first you MUST learn what healthy eating is.
To learn what healthy eating is go to:
I hope to hear from you and welcome a visit if you should so choose.
Thank you for your time,
Denise Abda, MT(ASCP),HC
To sign up for the Basic and Advanced Mircoscopy Courses or to become a pH Miracle Coach, which requires you to go through the Basic and Advanced Microscopy Courses as well as a residency, go to:
Home »Unlabelled » An Email From A Clinical Pathologist To A Oncologist
An Email From A Clinical Pathologist To A Oncologist
Posted by luputtenan2 on Saturday, February 7, 2009
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