The following is Part 8 of an interview of Dr. Robert O. Young by Rick Laurenzi, on the importance of acid/alkaline balance, food chemistry, water chemistry, nutrition, biochemistry, nuclear transformation of elements, microbiology, physiology and the cause of obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Rick will be releasing a full length motion picture the beginning of next year called, "Dropping a Ton and Having Fun" with a subtitle of "Cancer is Simple." Rick has featured the science, lifestyle and diet of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young in his new movie.
When Rick started the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet over two years ago he weighed in at over 390 pounds. He has lost approximately 200 pounds in the last two years and has gained a significant amount of muscle mass. He feels great and looks great. His blood has improved significantly and his over-all health and fitness is a reflection of that improvement. We hope to be announcing the release date of this exciting new movie soon. Please go to our website at: to see a trailer on this new health, nutrition and fitness movie or to sign up for our free health and fitness newsletter.
And now Part 8, of Rick Laurenzi's interview with Dr. Young . . .
Mr. Rick Laurenzi: You have kindly given us the saltwater, CO2 bicarbonates, nuclear transformation, and I mentioned yesterday, this was on one of your educational CDs on how sodium transforms into different elements, depending on the needs of the body. Can you explain your nuclear atomic transformation theory and how it works.
Dr. Robert O. Young: I have contemplated a new science out of the realm of chemistry and physics that helps to explain the phenomenon that takes place in the body concerning specific foundational elements, such as sodium and chloride. I call this new science "Nuclear Transformation." The science of nuclear transformation started with a question I had many years ago. The question was, "where does all the calcium come from in the ocean to make the coral and the seashells?" As I contemplated this question and similar questions, such as, "where does all the protein come from, found in an avocado, on a diet of water, minerals and sunshine?" The answer came to me over the years of research that the calcium in the ocean comes from the nuclear transformation of salt. Eureka! And, the equation that came to on the transformation of salt to calcium was very, very simple. The word equation for nuclear transformation of salt to calcium is as follows:
Sodium plus water plus oxygen equals calcium or Na + H + O <=> Ca
The formula is beautiful and it is simple.
This is how nuclear transformation works in the conversion of one element to another. The sodium ion contains 11 protons in its nucleus and has a specific atomic weight of 22.99. When sodium takes on an extra proton from the hydrogen ion, with an atomic weight of 1.008 then sodium transforms to magnesium have 12 protons now with an atomic weight of 24.17. This is beautiful. Magnesium is a nuclear transformation of sodium. And sodium is a transformation of oxygen and hydrogen. Now, let's go one step further to calcium. Once you have magnesium all you need are the protons from oxygen, which are 8 to create calcium which has 20 protons and an atomic weight of 40.08. One of the laws of physics is matter cannot be created nor can it be destroyed - it can only change its form and function. Calcium is a nuclear transformation of magnesium and magnesium is a nuclear transformation of sodium. Nothing is ever lost. This is why I have said, over and over again that sodium is the foundational element of life that connects the physical to the spiritual giving rise to the soul. Without salt there is no life.
There are other pathways to calcium. You can start with sodium plus the protons from oxygen creating potassium, which has 19 protons and an atomic weight of 39.08. You add 1 proton from hydrogen and you have calcium again. So, potassium is another element that can support the calcium needs of the body just like magnesium.
The formula is:
Na + O <=> K + H <=> Ca
Keep in mind when you consider nuclear transformation you have to throw out the periodic table and create an inverted pyramid, starting with sodium.
Mr. Rick Laurenzi: Is there also a way for that to become magnesium in our body?
Dr. Robert O. Young: Absolutely. Magnesium is created from the transformation of sodium when it picks up an extra proton from hydrogen. Magnesium is vital in your body because it helps to regulate your body temperature. When you include sodium or salt in your diet, you are ingesting the foundational element that will help then build other important elements, such as magnesium, potassium and calcium. Your body needs to build strong muscles and bones, to do this is needs salt. It is dietary salt that regulates your body temperature, to maintaining the alkaline design of your body fluids, from then inside and the outside of your cells.
Mr. Rick Laurenzi: Will you please forgive me sir for redundancy, if someone’s eating an alkaline diet, you’re taking in these healthy unprocessed salt. Are you then saying from salt your body can then build other elements, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and even iron, these four minerals salts, which are critical for human health and fitness?
Dr. Robert O. Young: Absolutely. It is simple. It is beautiful. And it is true. Salt is at the foundation of our health and fitness. When I was a young tennis professional I would drink salt water to keep my energy up and prevent the fatigue that comes from the loss of salt. The four minerals for critical health and fitness are in reality only one. The one mineral is sodium. If you ever go to the emergency room they always hook you up to an IV of sodium. Why? To keep you alive. The body needs salt to alkalize, to regulate body temperature to building hemoglobin from iron. From salt, you are taking sodium and chloride into our body and that is critical. Once again, the reasons you need sodium and chloride is to build the other four essential elements the body needs, which are magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron. These are the four biggies. When you are building iron all the body needs is chloride, which has 17 protons and an atomic weight of 35.453, oxygen with 8 protons and an atomic weight of 15.99, and finally hydrogen with 1 proton and an atomic weight of 1.008 to equal iron with 26 protons.
The formula for building iron, which in turn builds are blood is beautiful and it comes from salt:
Chloride from salt plus oxygen equals manganese plus hydrogen equals iron or Cl + O <=> Mn + H <=> Fe
The body uses sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium to also make alkaline buffers. I call these the four XCO3's where the "X" refers to the element. For example when the "X" is sodium then you have sodium carbonate or NaCO3. When the "X" is potassium then you have potassium carbonate or KCO3. But, keep in mind that this is biochemistry not nuclear transformation when salt combines with carbon dioxide to become sodium carbonate. The elements of magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron are all nuclear transformations of salt and when salt combines with carbon dioxide it becomes an alkaline buffer to keep the body alkaline by its design. Salt, next to oxygen and water becomes a critical and necessary food for health, fitness and vitality.
To learn more about the positive affects of salt on the bowels, the blood, the brain and the body read, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young or go to:
This is the end of Part 8 of the Rick Larenzi/Dr. Robert O. Young interview. Please let me know if you would like to read more of the interview. You can also go to our website at: to watch the trailer on Rick's new documentary called, "Dropping A Ton and Having Fun" or "The Cancer Cure Is Simple."
Home »Unlabelled » Part - 8 - Dropping A Ton And Having Fun - The Nuclear Transformation of Salt
Part - 8 - Dropping A Ton And Having Fun - The Nuclear Transformation of Salt
Posted by luputtenan2 on Saturday, December 6, 2008
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