Ten Alkaline 'Man' Food and Drink To Prevent Heart Dis-Ease and Cancer

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, October 3, 2008

Heart dis-ease due to acidity is the main killer of men over 35, and cancer due to acidity is number two and surging upwards.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at The pH Miracle Living Center, "the prime forces behind these killers is acidic "Man" food and drink, which is usually defined as variations of steak and potatoes with gravy, charcoal-grilled Polish sausage, bread, beer, coffee, and other renditions of cancerous-inducing heart attack on a plate or in a glass. But did you know there are ten alkaline "Man" food and drink that are actually good for men? Food and drink that help men shine in the board room, the bedroom, and on the ball field, golf course or tennis court?

Here are the ten "Man" food and drink that can help men stay muscular, stay vigorous, and stave off heart dis-ease and a cancerous prostate:

1) Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts and Green Cabbage. President George H. W. Bush famously said that he didn't like broccoli, and since he was president, he didn't have to eat it. But if the former president becomes over-acidic and starts showing signs of hyper or hypoglycemia (diabetes), he may allow broccoli on his plate after all.

New research from the University of Warwick in England found that eating broccoli could reverse the vascular damage to blood vessels caused by metabolic and dietary acids that cause diabetes.

The scientists believe the chemical in broccoli responsible for the heart-healthy effect is sulforaphane, which promotes the creating of alkaline buffers that protect blood vessels, and reduces the amounts of metabolic and dietary acids that cause cell damage. Crucifer vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels
sprouts and cabbage, have been tied to a lower risk of strokes and heart attacks. People with diabetes face up to a 500 percent increase in risk of developing cardiovascular dis-eases that
are linked to damaged blood vessels caused by metabolic and dietary acids. They also risk other health problems such as kidney dis-ease which is also caused by an excessive amount of metabolic and/or dietary acid.

High blood sugar or acid levels can cause levels of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) to increase three-fold to buffer the sugar and increased acidity. Sulforaphane activates a protein called nrf2 which protects the blood and lymphatic vessels and lowers the increase of acidity by 73 percent.

"Our study suggests that compounds such as sulforaphane from broccoli may help counter processes linked to the development of vascular disease in diabetes," said Warwick Professor Paul Thornalley. He added that in the future it will be important to see if eating a diet rich in broccoli and other crucifer vegetables will benefit diabetics. "We believe it will," he said.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center, "sulforaphane compound found in broccoli is a powerful antacid or alkaline buffer that protects the blood, the blood vessels and other organs that sustains life. Broccoli is one of the most powerful vegetables for anti-aging! That is why I included broccoli florets and broccoli sprouts in my latest anti-oxidant/anti-aging products called, Doc Broc Power Plants and pHruits and pHolage."


2) Oysters. Men have valued oysters as an aphrodisiac for thousands of years, and there is some basis for this belief. Eating a few oysters everyday (and real men prefer them raw, right?) provides an abundant supply of the antioxidant mineral zinc, which is used by the body in numerous processes, from cell repair to DNA synthesis. Oysters are nature's single best source of zinc, providing almost 100 mg per gram. Research shows that zinc improves the function of the male reproductive system and may protect against prostate cancer.

3) Avocado. Avocado are nature's sports snack for men, being easily opened with a butter knife and with its own biodegradable wrapper. Some might look at the tear-drop shape (the shape of the testes) and think in terms of the ancient medical Doctrine of Signatures, which held that the key to the usage of plants was indicated by the plant's form and shape. Whether true or not, active men benefit from the avocado because they are in fact chock-full of potassium, a mineral that plays an essential role in cardiac, skeletal, and muscular health. Avocado contains more potassium per gram then a banana with less acidic sugar. It is key to regulating heartbeat and blood pressure. Throw a avocado in your gym bag--just one replaces the potassium lost during an hour of hard exercise. Also, keep in mind that avocado contains a phytonutrient called luctein which helps to prevent and/or reverse a cancerous reproductive system.


4) Hemp Meal, Hemp Protein and Hemp Oil. Hemp is big in healthful omega-3 fatty acids, and 3 tablespoons meets the American Heart Association recommendation. Omega-3 fatty acids protect the heart by lowering acidic triglyceride [blood acid bound to fat] levels and reducing aches and pains. And of course eating Hemp meal, Hemp Protein or Hemp Oil is 100% legal and contains NO acidic THC, as found in fermented Hemp or marijuana leaves.

5) Almond or Brazil Nuts. It takes a real man with tools to crack open these babies, but the effort is worth it. They are loaded with selenium and magnesium, which are heavy-duty antioxidants that protect prostate health and helps to prevent a cancerous condition and/or heart dis-ease. Selenium also helps keep the aging process at bay, supports the white blood cells to maintain alkalinity, and helps lower acidity which in turn lowers cholesterol. Two nuts a day should keep selenium levels high.


6) Alkaline grains such as Quinoa, Buckwheat and Millet. White bread is for sissies--eat flavorful whole sprouted grains that are rich in fiber. Several commercial sprouted grains provide as much as six grams of fiber in two slices, which is a good start toward the 30 grams a day recommended for men by the Harvard School of Health. The fiber and bran in whole sprouted grains help lower blood acidity and thus cholesterol, move acidic waste through the alimentary canal, and make it more difficult for the body to convert acidic starches to the acid, glucose.

7) Low Sugar Fruits like Black Berries. These are what our hunter-gatherer ancestors grabbed up and ate along the trail while they tracked down the wooly mammoth-our ancestors knew instinctively (well, maybe they did) that berries sharpened their wits and thereby upped their chances of a successful hunt. Berries of all kinds-the darker and more colorful the better-contain a health-protecting flavonoid called anthocyanin, which may help slow down aging and keep the brain from declining.


8) Fresh Green Juices. Drinking your green vegetables, green fruit and green grasses are full of chlorophyll and will help to build hemoglobin, the main component of blood. As you build healthy blood you can then build healthy body cells, including bone, muscle and skin keeping your body young, healthy and strong.


9) Whole Mineral Salts. While enjoying these alkaline Man Food and Drink, ingest at least 10 grams of unprocessed mineral sea salts every day. The body needs salt to maintain its alkaline design and to make sodium bicarbonate to buffer dietary and metabolic acids. When you ingest whole unprocessed sea salts every day you protect yourself from ALL sickness and dis-ease.


10) Eat Your Green Veggies and Fruit. Eat an overall balanced alkaline pH Miracle diet that includes proper alkaline green vegetables and fruit.


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