Short bursts of high intensity sprints — known to
benefit muscle and improve exercise performance —
can improve the function and structure of blood vessels,
in particular arteries that deliver blood to the
muscles and heart, according to new research from
McMaster University.
The study, lead by kinesiology doctoral student
Mark Rakobowchuk, is published online in the journal
American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative
& Comparative Physiology.
The findings support the idea that people can
exercise using brief, high-intensity forms of
exercise and reap the same benefits to cardiovascular
health that can be derived from traditional,
long-duration and moderately intense exercise.
"As we age, the arteries become stiffer and tend to
lose their ability to dilate, and these effects
contribute to high blood pressure and cardiovascular
disease," says Maureen MacDonald, academic advisor
and an associate professor in the Department of
Kinesiology. "More detrimental is the effect that
blood vessel stiffening has on the heart, which has
to circulate blood".
According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist
at the pH Miracle Living Center, "stiffening or
hardening of the blood vessels is the result of
dietary and metabolic acid. The body buffers
dietary and metabolic acids with alkaline minerals,
like sodium and calcium which can form crystals that
build up on the walls of the artery or vein. This
can cause an increase in blood pressure leading to
a heart attack or stroke. An alkaline diet and
daily exercise will prevent acid crystals from
building up in the blood vessels and provide
insurance against a heart attack or stroke."
The sprint research compared individuals who
completed interval training using 30-second
"all-out" sprints three days a week to a group
who completed between 40 and 60 minutes of
moderate-intensity cycling five days a week.
It found that six weeks of intense sprint interval
exercise training improves the structure and
function of arteries as much as traditional and
longer endurance exercise with larger time
"More and more, professional organizations are
recommending interval training during rehabilitation
from diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, peripheral artery disease and cardiovascular
disease. Our research certainly provides evidence
that this type of exercise training is as effective
as traditional moderate intensity training," says
MacDonald. "We wouldn't be surprised to see more
rehabilitation programs adopt this method of training
since it is often better tolerated in diseased
Further, this research also shows that those who have
a hard time scheduling exercise into their life can
still benefit from the positive effects, if they are
willing to work hard for brief periods of time,
she says.
"Not only do I recommend daily sprint exercising but
I also recommend whole body vibrational exercise
for 30 second intervals. You can also focus on
specific muscles for 30 seconds to create a static
attraction and for toning and building. It is
important to understand when exercising that
less is more and more is less and less more often
is better then more less often," states Dr. Young.
To learn more about "static attraction exercising"
and "whole body exercising" read the pH Miracle for
Weight Loss or Weight Gain or go to:
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