"Being obese or even overweight indicates the body
is in a state of latent tissue acidosis and the
body is in preservation mode. Obesity or being
over-weight does not cause cancer directly or
indirectly. Dietary and/or metabolic acids that
can cause cancer when not eliminated through
urination, defecation, respiration or perspiration
are buffered and stored in the body's fatty and
connective tissues. This can increase a person's
risk of developing up to a dozen different types
of cancers," states Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center,
commenting on a new European study on obesity and
the link to cancer.
Doctors have long suspected a link between weight
gain and certain cancers, including colon and breast
cancers. But the new study, published Friday in the
journal Lancet, suggests it could also increase
chances for cancer of the esophagus, thyroid, kidney,
uterus and gall bladder, among others.
While the study suggests a link, there is no definitive
proof that being fat in itself causes cancer.
Dr. Young states, "cancer is a liquid acid from
diet and metabolism. The body uses fat to protect
itself from these dietary and metabolic acids which
can damage and destroy healthy blood and body cells
leading to a cancerous condition. The key to the
prevention of cancer and losing weight is by reducing
dietary and/or metabolic acids that cause cancer and
then the fat will automatically and naturally melt
"To make the link between cause and effect, we need
to tick several boxes," said Dr. Andrew Renehan,
the study's lead author and senior lecturer at the
School of Cancer Studies at the University of Manchester.
"This study begins to tick the first two or three boxes,
but more research is needed to confirm it."
The researchers compiled data from 141 studies and
considered more types of cancers and more diverse
populations than had been done previously. The
research covered more than 280,000 cases from
North America, Europe, Australia and Asia.
The subjects, both overweight and normal weight,
were followed for about nine to 15 years, with
researchers tracking their body mass index, or
BMI -- a calculation based on weight and height --
and correlating it with incidents of cancer.
In men, an average weight gain of 33 pounds
increased the risk of esophageal cancer by 52
percent, thyroid cancer by 33 percent, and colon
and kidney cancers each by 24 percent, the
research found.
In women, a weight gain of 29 pounds increased
the risk of cancer in the uterus and gall bladder
by nearly 60 percent, esophagus by 51 percent
and kidney by 34 percent, the study said.
The link was weaker for bone and blood cancers,
for both men and women.
In Asian populations, there appeared to be a
stronger link between increased BMI and breast
cancer, the study said.
"This study provides a lot of circumstantial
evidence about the dangers of obesity," said Dr.
David Robbins, a gastroenterologist at Beth Israel
Medical Center in New York, who was not involved
in the study. "It also highlights the cancer crisis
we face as obesity rates increase worldwide."
Scientists are unsure how being overweight could make
people more susceptible to cancer.
"One of the hypotheses is that the presence of
excess fat cells could affect the levels of hormones
in your body," Renehan said. "At a cellular level,
that may favor the development of tumors in humans."
According to Dr. Young, "the answer is simple, cancer
is a four letter word, A C I D. Eliminate the acids
from the body tissues and NO MORE CANCER and NO MORE
OVER-WEIGHT or OBESITY. Once the acid cancer is
being properly eliminated through the four channels
of elimination the body will stop parking its acid
on the hips, thighs, buttocks, waistline, breasts
and brain."
Because many studies have found that fatter people
are more likely to get cancer, experts often recommend
losing weight to reduce cancer risk.
Dr. Young states, "overweight and obese people should
understand they are not overweight or obese they
are over-acid from poor lifestyle and dietary choices.
They should thank God for their fat and realize that
it is saving their life. Then they should start
alkalizing their blood and tissues with alkaline
foods and drinks and watch the weight fall off
the body naturally and without effort."
"The simple message is that, if you manage to keep a
healthy body weight, you will have a lower risk of
developing cancer," said Ed Yong, of Cancer Research
United Kingdom.
"The real answer is understanding that the body is
alkaline by design and acidic by function. The cause
and the cure for cancer is now known. The cause is
over-acidity and the cure is in preventing over-acidity
by over-alkalizing the blood and tissues," states
Dr. Young.
To learn more about the cause and cure for cancer
may I suggest the pH Miracle for Cancer:
To learn how to simply lose up to 3 pounds a
day may I suggest reading, Th pH Miracle for
Weight Loss:
As someone that looks to improve their health we are pleased to offer you this free audio, an excerpt of a powerful two hour interview with Dr Robert O. Young and Anthony Robbins. (it is free to listen!)
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'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.' St. Augustine
'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke
'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein
Copyright 2007 Dr. Robert and Shelley Young
pH Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California 92082 US
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