My friend Elaine recently sent me the follow
letter and questions. My response is written
Dear Dr. Rob:
What is the origin of cancer or where does cancer
I was only aware of a medical problem when my speech
became difficult. I went to the E.R. to get a baseline
and to detect where the trouble was originating. I
had no pain nor any discomfort. They ran blood tests,
checked my carotid arteries; fine & clear.
Then, the first MRI found the brain tumor. A well-meaning
doctor upset me, but in all honesty, told me to get a
second opinion.
So I went to a very good Christian Dr. specializing
in Alternative Medicine. He went over the MRI with
me very carefully. I told him I was doing a pH Miracle
21 day detox and concentrating on my green's and my pH
levels. He went over everything I ate, put in my
mouth etc., He knew I was vegan, appreciated BEING
busy, had 2-3 BMs per day, drank pH water 7.2 or
above, showered with filtered water, cooked with
7.2 pH water.
I told him I was not one to take pills or prescription
medicines unless there was a need. I have always felt
WE were in charge of our life style: attitude, food,
music, how we spend our time, how I see my
relatives/fellow humans, and if there was anything
that did not fit in with how I looked at life, I
politely became busy in a new direction.
I have never wasted my time disliking/hating ANYONE
OR ANYTHING. I was taught that there was plenty to
do in life besides getting carried away on trivial
things that I could not change.
I never had any biopsies, just the #1 MRI. I had
just started my detox and was centering in on the
lifestyle that I wanted to have! In 1995 I lost
my husband unexpectedly, and from R.N. I ran his
business, was Executrix of his Estate, took care
of my Mother and saw her through her death. I saw
this as part of God's plan and it was hard, but I
would not want it any other way!! I really had a
wonderful childhood and loving husband and have
always figured I was very BLESSED!
The second MRI came after I had completed, with time
to spare, my detox. That is when the radiologist
called and said in my first MRI he saw the tumor, but
in my second MRI there was no tumor, not even an
indentation, miraculous.
I was anointed, believe in prayer, LOVE life, and I
love learning and keeping my diet in order: exercise,
Rebounder and Far-infra-red sauna, and walking.
After the second MRI they said that there were no
tumors and the body scans showed no abnormalities
and no growths or tumors. (See why I know there
is a God, and why I think we all should be
interested and take care of who we are and what
we put in and around our "Temple.")
I see it as my responsibility in life.
Thank-you Dr. Young so much for your concern.
I also have learned so much from your efforts with
"pH Miracles".
Dear Elaine,
Cancerous tissue, above all other consequences
of choice, has countless secondary causes. But
even for a cancerous condition there is only
ONE PRIME ORIGIN and CAUSE. I have simply
summarized this origin and cause of cancerous
tissue in a few words.
The prime origin and cause of cancerous tissue
is the over-acidification of the blood and then
the tissues due to lifestyle and dietary choices.
A cancerous tissue begins with our choices of what
we eat, what we drink, what we think and how we
Cancer is a liquid and this liquid is a toxic waste
product of diet and metabolism or energy consumption.
In 1966, Dr. Otto Warburg, who won the Nobel Prize
in Medicine in 1931 for his discovery of the cause
of cancer, delivered a lecture at an annual meeting
of Nobelists at Lindau, Germany. In his speech he
described the primal cause of cancer as follows:
"The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of
the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by
a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet
their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas
cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part
by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus
obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are
partial anaerobes. From the standpoint of the
physics and chemistry of life, this difference
between normal cells and cancer cells is so great
that one can scarcely picture a greater difference.
Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals
is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by
an energy-yielding reaction of the lowest living
forms; namely, a fermentation of glucose."
The following is a summary for the understanding
cancerous tissues and the answers to commonly asked
questions about cancer:
What is cancer?
1) Cancer is not a cell but a poisonous acidic liquid.
2) A cancer cell is a cell that has been spoiled or
poisoned by metabolic or gastrointestinal acids.
3) A tumor is the body's protective mechanism to
encapsulate spoiled or poisoned cells from excess
acid that has not been properly eliminated through
urination, perspiration, defecation or respiration.
4) The tumor is the body's solution to protect healthy
cells and tissues.
5) Cancer is a systemic acidic condition that settles
at the weakest parts of the body - not a localized
problem that metastasizes. The reason that it also
shows up in other parts of the body is because the
same unhealthy blood, body fluids and generalized
acidic conditions can ferment other weak links in
the body about the same time. As the overall state
of the body deteriorates due to acidity, many organs
and systems of the body that may be vulnerable are
targets at the same time. Likewise, when you become
alkaline, they all get better and healthier together
in the same general time period.
6) Metastases, therefore, are localized acids spoiling
other cells much like a rotten apple spoiling a bushel
of healthy apples.
7) There is no such thing as a cancer cell. A cancer
cell was once a healthy cell that has simply been
spoiled from acid.
8) The tumor is not the problem but the solution to
protect healthy cells and tissues from being spoiled
from other rotting cells and tissues.
9) The only solution to the acidic liquids that poison
body cells causing the effect that medical savants
call "cancer" is to alkalize and energize the body.
10) Lastly, the human body is alkaline by design and
acidic by function! If we desire a healthy body we
must maintain that alkaline design.
Does diet and lifestyle have anything to do with cancer?
Absolutely! Cancer is not something we get. It is
something we do as a consequence of daily choice of
what we eat, what we drink, what we think and how
we live. We either have an alkaline lifestyle and
diet and enjoy a fit and healthy body, or we have
an acidic lifestyle and diet and experience the
aches, pains and suffering from metabolic acids.
The former US Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop, had
this to say about diet:
If cancer is preventable how do we prevent it?
I have said many times that the "cure" for cancerous
tissue will not be found in its treatment but in its
prevention. That prevention can only be obtained by
making healthier lifestyle and dietary choices. A
cancerous condition is the consequence of choice.
For example, if you want to reduce your risk for
cancerous tissue of the lung by nearly 100%, then
stop smoking and stop associating or working around
people that do smoke. Secondary smoke also very
acidic and damaging to the lung tissue. If you
don't want a cancerous liver then stop drinking
alcohol and carbonated drinks. If you don't want a
cancerous pancreas then stop eating the acid sugar.
If you don't want a cancerous bowel then stop eating
all the protein that your body doesn't need. It is
that simple.
If I have cancerous tissues, do I have to do
radiation, chemotherapy or surgery?
Now that you understand that cancer is not a cell(s)
but is an acidic liquid that spoils cells, it doesn't
make a lot of sense to radiate or chemically destroy
cancerous cells with more poison or acid. Logic
should tell you that radiation or acidic chemical
therapies may only make things worse or create more
acid which can spoil even more cells. But there are
situations where the tissue has become so cancerous
or acidic that it needs to be cut out so it doesn't
spoil more of the healthy tissue(s). This is when
surgery can save lives and should only be used as a
last resort.
Cancerous tissue is not something you get -- it is
something you do as a consequence of daily choice of
what you eat, what you drink, what you THINK, and how
you live.
This is your life and it is your free choice -- choose
wisely. May I suggest once again that prevention is
the key to a healthy and fit body.
If I have cancer such as breast, colon, lung, or
prostate cancer, can I reverse it naturally?
The answer to this question is "absolutely!" Once
you understand that the cause of ALL cancerous tissues
is latent tissue acidosis, you can then begin the
process of reversing, regenerating and preventing
the consequences of acidic choices. You do this by
making healthier alkaline choices. The protocol for a
healthier and energetic body, free from all sickness
and dis-ease, is found in Chapter Eleven of our latest
book, "The pH Miracle for Weight Loss."
Is there an inexpensive way to prevent or reverse
cancerous tissue?
I truly believe that the cure for cancer is found
in its prevention not in its treatment. It has been
said that an ounce of prevention is worth more than
a pound of cure. An inexpensive way to prevent
and/or reverse cancerous tissue is to maintain the
alkaline design of the human body through lifestyle
and diet.
Ask yourself. If I eat an acidic diet and live an
acidic lifestyle, how much will I pay for myself and
my family in doctor bills, clinic costs, shots,
medical procedures, prescription and non-prescription
drugs, insurance premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and
the like? You could easily pay $100,000 for a family
of four over a period of just 20 years. And yet, I
suspect you would like to live to 80 or 90. How many
people do you know who are living or who have lived
the last 20 years of their lifespan with doctor bills
and a greatly decreased quality of life?
Thus, the little extra cost for organic fruit and
vegetables, organic oils, green drinks, a quality
water machine and family healthy club are
insignificant in relationship to traditional medical
care. Think of the money saved from expensive meats,
cigarettes, wines and liquor, chocolate, cheeses and
dairy products, bakery, fast food, and many more
acidic products. Then ask yourself, what is it worth
to have a remarkable quality of life, vigorous energy,
a fit body, productive days, restful nights, less need
for sleep, no colds and flu, no lost days from work?
What would you be willing to pay if someone could
"guarantee" you all of those benefits? The pH Miracle
Lifestyle and Diet is that "guarantee."
This lifestyle and diet is outlined in Chapter 11 of
The pH Miracle for Weight Loss or should I say
"the pH Miracle for Cancer."
When you understand that there is only one sickness
and one dis-ease caused by the over-acidification of
the blood and then tissues due to an acidic lifestyle
and diet -- then you can understand why there is
only one treatment. And that treatment is to alkalize
and energize the body with the right alkaline lifestyle,
foods and drinks.
If you have the conviction and will make a commit to
change, I believe you can have a confirmation or a
pH Miracle.
What is the formula for preventing and/or reversing
cancerous tissue?
Here is the secret formula - I call this formula the
five (5) "B's":
A healthy BASE diet and lifestyle = healthy BOWELS =
healthy BLOOD = healthy BRAIN = healthy BODY.
A healthy BASE diet gives rise to healthy BOWELS.
Healthy BOWELS creates healthy BLOOD.
Healthy BLOOD creates a healthy BRAIN
A healthy BRAIN creates a healthy BODY.
What impact do emotions have on preventing,
causing or reversing cancerous tissue?
Emotions are energy in motion - "E" motion. NO "E"
motion can take place without energy and when energy
is being consumed acids are produced as a by-product.
Just like a car when it consumes gasoline for
"E" motion, an acidic waste product is produced -
carbon monoxide. It is common knowledge that
carbon monoxide is a toxic acid and if not
eliminated through the exhaust system of the
car the car would immediately shut down.
And so it is with us. Our thoughts, our "E"motions,
require energy and energy consumed produces metabolic
acids. If acids from our thoughts are not eliminated
through urination, perspiration, respiration or
defecation (our exhaust systems) they will make us
sick, tired and cancerous. Since you know that cancer
is an acidic liquid, you now know that you can cause
cancerous tissue with your thoughts, or should we
say your "E" motions.
When you are constantly in your thoughts - negative
thoughts - they give rise to feelings like hatred,
revenge, anger or fear. These thoughts provoked negative
feelings that can lower the pH of your urine
(the urine pH indicates tissue pH and should be at an
ideal pH of 7.2 or greater) by over 100 times. This
can cause the body to go into preservation mode 24/7,
using up your alkaline buffering reserves. Once the
alkaline reserves are used up the body goes into body
wasting from all the acids. Your body is being
tenderized and fermented by your own acidic waste
products generated from "E" motions.
The "E" motion formula is as follows: thoughts =
feelings or "E" motions = acids or negative thoughts =
negative feelings or negative "E" motions = excessive
acids which can effect the alkaline design of your
Your alkaline or healthy thoughts create less acid
then your acidic or negative thoughts.
We know this from observing the blood of thousands
of people and determining what kind of emotions are
present in their life at the time. However, it is very
likely that the emotion of happiness and joy relaxes
the muscles and cells of the body and causes them to
create little or no acid, whereas emotions such as anger
and fear causes muscles to contract and work harder
causing more acid to be created in the body, and this
would be especially so when dealing with chronic fear,
anxiety, pain, anger, frustration, etc.
If you want to stop the pain, if you want to stop
the acidic degeneration, or if you want to stop the
fermenting from your own acidic waste products, then
you have to slow down or even STOP the "e" motions,
especially the negative "e" motions. Your negative
thoughts could be killing you. When you are continually
in your "emotion-laden thoughts" you are having a
"thought attack." And "thought attacks" can lead to
heart attacks and cancerous tissue.
In the case of your thoughts or "E" motions, less is
more and more is less.
To prevent or reverse cancerous tissue, you must turn
off the negative thoughts, the stories, the movies
running in your head. When you turn off the thoughts,
you reduce acidity, and when you reduce acidity you
prevent or reverse sickness, disease and even cancerous
tissue. In fact, this is one of the primary elements
involved in meditation. When you still the body, and
then the mind, you breathe in a healthy way and turn
off the acid-producing thoughts and emotions.
How do your thoughts impact the success for the
treatment of cancerous tissue?
It has been said that out of 20 people diagnosed and
treated for cancer, 90% of them will die from the fear
of the cancer rather than the dis-ease.
F.E.A.R. is an acronym that stands for, False Evidence
Appearing Real. Many of us live our lives in F.E.A.R.
rather than in F.A.I.T.H.. It stands for the First
Attribute IN Thoughtful Health.
When your thoughts move away from F.E.A.R. and move
towards F.A.I.T.H., your tissue alkalinity increases
and your tissue acidity decreases making your treatments
for cancerous tissue more effective.
When you are living your life in F.A.I.T.H., you are
living in the present, or in the NOW. Living in the
NOW is alkalizing, energizing and healthful. YOU are
not concerned with the past nor are you concerned
with the future. Living your life in the past or in
the future is a F.E.A.R. based life and is highly
acidic. Living in the past or the future creates
"e" motions that lead to the feelings of regret, worry,
and anxiety that can make you more sick, tired and
cancerous. Your treatments for cancerous tissue will
not be effective, or as effective, when you are thinking
in the past or future and living in a state of "E"
motions of F.E.A.R. - mad, sad, and scared-- rather
than the "E" motions of F.A.I.T.H. - hope, faith,
love and charity.
Cancerous tissue is not something we get. It is something
we do as a consequence of daily choice of what we eat,
what we drink, what we THINK, and how we live. We
either have an alkaline lifestyle and diet and enjoy
a fit and healthy body, or we have an acidic lifestyle
and diet and experience the aches, pains and suffering
from metabolic acids.
Can you cause cancerous cells and tissues with your
Absolutely! Our thoughts require energy and energy
metabolized creates acid. If the acidic waste products
from your thoughts are not eliminated through
urination, perspiration, respiration or defecation
they will be absorbed into your tissues to protect
and maintain the delicate pH of the blood at 7.365.
Acids absorbed into the tissues will burn, ferment,
spoil and even rot any cells and tissues that they
come into contact with. Therefore, metabolic acids
when absorbed into the tissues can cause cancerous
How does my personal relationship with friends,
family and/or spouse prevent or cause cancerous
Eckhart Tolle had this to say about our thoughts
which I believe can affect your personal relationships
that in turn may either prevent or cause cancerous
"The beginning of freedom is the realization that
you are not "the thinker." The moment you start
watching the thinker, a higher level of consciousness
becomes activated. You then begin to realize that
there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought,
that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence.
You also realize that all the things that truly matter -
beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace, arise from
beyond the mind. You begin to awaken."
I personally believe that this awakening comes through
a process of making alkaline lifestyle and dietary
choices. When you become more alkaline in your thoughts,
words and deeds, you begin to reconnect to your true
self--you are less acidic or less cancerous. When you
are reconnected physically, emotionally, mentally
and spiritually, you will begin to awaken. When awaken,
your "e" motions turn to feelings of joy, hope, love
and charity for self, and then for your neighbors,
friends, family and spouse. You realize that you are
a spiritual being having a physical experience rather
than a physical being have a spiritual experience.
You are whole! You are alkaline! You are healthy!
You are alive and living in the alkaline zone!
Kindest regards,
Dr. Robert O. Young
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PSS Want to learn more of the science of Dr. Robert
and Shelley Young go to:
Copyright Dr. Robert O. Young
More about → No More Cancer!