The Most Important Article I Have Ever Written Updated!

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, September 28, 2007

What Causes Cancer, Heart Attacks, Strokes, Diabetes, MS, Lupus, Dementia, AIDS, ALS, Hepatitis, and the list goes on and on and on? A rise in the alkalinity of the blood above pH 7.365 (alkaline phosphate)--any rise--is a result or a compensatory reaction due to over-acidity in body tissues (latent tissueacidosis) as the blood attempts to maintain the pH at 7.365.
There is no exception for the rule of alkalinity.

The body will ALWAYS overcompensate for the excess acidity in the tissues by over-alkalizing the blood to maintain homeostasis.

I call this the "teeter-totter" effect.

Along comes the traditional medical attendant and perceives that there is too much alkalinity, when really there is not. This is an important concept to grasp, so let's oversimplify a bit. The tissues have become acidic. The blood "knows" that.

So, it pours out extra alkalinity or alkaline phosphate into the blood and the blood pH spikes up to a higher than normal pH.

It's like when we get the bejeebers scared out of us by something innocent, we over-react. When suddenly alarmed, a person might scream, holler, faint, get mad, strike out, drop the vase, kick the dog, or even have a heart attack. The blood does the same thing. A knee-jerk reaction...well, actually, a blood-jerk reaction.

Alternatively, how many times have you heard of a car going off the shoulder of the road and the driver over-reacts, jerks the wheel back, and flies into the other lane of oncoming traffic. It happens all the time. Incidentally, if that does happen to you, you're better off not to interfere. Stay on the shoulder. Let the wheel stay there for a moment. Slow the car down. But don't overreact.

Mainstream medicine, not understanding the cause of the excessive alkalinity pouring into the blood, may try and stop the rushing over-alkalization. But that's the wrong move. We're better off not to interfere. Once more. When your little boy falls down, sees mama going out the door, or is scared of the boogey man, what happens? He not only cries, but how often do we see a child go into a big, fat over-reaction?

Sometimes, they really get worked up. It's a natural over-reaction to a typical situation. Now it's Dad's turn to over-react. Along comes Dad and says to keep quiet, don't be such a little sissy, put a lid on it, grow up, stop that crying, OR ELSE... Since I have digressed to make a point, I may as well digress all the way. Wrong move, Dad. If you do that often enough, the message you send to your child is don't have feelings, don't express your feelings, you are not acceptable, don't act like a child even though you are a child, and don't be who you are. So don't over-react Dad. Better to let the child get it out, stay in the room, validate their feelings, and use a little Active Listening (

Strong feelings can come and go...or come and stay. If you're really klutzy, you could be orchestrating chronic emotional issues for a lifetime.

Gee, thanks Dad. Now, back to the blood.

Tissues are acidic. Here comes a flood of alkalinity--even so much that the pH rises and concerns the western medical establishment. But whatever it was that caused the pH to over-react must be understood. Acidic tissues mean problems ahead, correct?

Not only do we need alkalinity but lots of it. The acidic tissues will soon even out the rise in blood pH, and we will need additional alkalinity to wipe out the acidic tissue problem.
Cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, etc. are not diseases of alkalinity but are diseases of acidity!

The body uses the calcium of the bones as well as other buffers (bicarbonate, hemoglobin, sodium, etc.) to chelate acidity! That is why there are always micro-calcifications in the liver, pancreas, breast, bowels, bladder, bones, prostate, muscles, joints, blood vessels and brain before the liver, pancreas, breast, bowels, bladder, bones, prostate, muscles, joints, blood vessels and brain cancer tumor shows up.

Why prior to the tumor?

Because the body will always try and protect and preserve itself by buffering acids with the alkalinity of calcium. The bones are always affected in any cancer, heart condition, stroke, diabetes, etc. because the bones are an excellent source of calcium for buffering dietary and metabolic acids.

So is Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke or Diabetes the disease?

No! Then is the loss of bone mass the disease or the calcium deposits in the liver, pancreas, breast, brain, etc. the disease?


Is the increase in the alkaline phosphates the disease?


These are all symptoms, not disease! Then the disease must be the over-acidity?

Well yes, and well no. Then what is the disease?

The "yes" part I call acidosis or hyper-acidity. That is an acceptable term for the condition. But it is really much more.

The "no" part is that it's more than acidity. It's a psychological disorder. It's a sociological malaise. It's a cultural-anthropological phenomenon. And once people understand the truth and the scientific foundation of "New Biology"TM, and once people understand the science of what I have been writing about for two, the better part of two decades, it may then become to be understood as a "moral disease" as well. And why is that, you ask?

Is committing suicide a moral issue?

Well, yes.

Is drinking yourself to death a moral issue?

Well, yes.

Is allowing your children to become obese flying in the face of natural law?

Well, yes, assuming you are aware of what's happening and have other options. If you say "yes" to these last few questions, then we are looking at a very, complex psychological, sociological, cultural, biological and moral phenomenon.

Once you know and believe that over-acidity causes every disease and all dis-ease, then to ignore that fact is a form of suicide!

Just like Samson who slayed a 1000 Philistines with the jawbone of an ass, every day people use same instrument with their daily lifestyle and dietary choices.

When you eat poorly, you pull the trigger every day of your life, and eventually, the gun fires. The bullet might hit you square in the head like a massive heart attack or stroke, or it may kill you more slowly like a cancer, or it may simply put you in a fog for the next 15 years like Alzheimer's or dementia.

This "disease-phenomenon" is an inverted way of living, eating and thinking!!!

Yes, this is the cause of ALL disease--ALL that disturbs the central balance of organized matter that leads to excess acidity in the blood and then tissues.

It is ALL that leads to increases in alkaline phosphates.

It is ALL micro-calcifications in the liver, pancreas, breast, brain, prostate, and so on,and so on.
ALL liver, pancreas, breast, bladder, bowel, prostate, brain, etc., tumors, ALL liver, pancreas, breast, bladder, bowel, prostate, brain, etc. cancer and ALL potential bone cancer!!!! First, we must understand that ALL of the above sicknesses and diseases are NOT sicknesses or diseases but a symptom of acidosis and catarrh that has built up in the blood and tissues that has significantly effected the white blood cells' ability (the janitorial and garbage collectors for the blood and tissues) to remove metabolic, dietary acids and degenerative matter.

When we are dealing with any symptom or any effect, we need to look to the cause. To understand the cause is not difficult nor is the understanding of the treatment.

The "New Biology"TM explains the cause and effect of all sickness and disease in addition to explaining how to improve the quality and quantity of life. For example, enervation (the deprivation of force or strength) and muscle weakness per se is not a disease.

Weakness, or lost power, is not a disease; but, by causing a flagging of the elimination of tissue-waste which is toxic, the blood becomes charged with acids.

I call this Acidosis--poison in the blood and then tissues. This is disease and when the acidic toxins accumulate beyond the toleration point, a crisis takes place. This means that the poison or acid (virus) is being eliminated--often through the skin, the third kidney.

We can call this disease, but it is not!

The only disease is systemic Acidosis which localizes in the weakest parts of our body.
And what we call disease, is symptoms produced by the forced vicarious elimination of acids through the mucous membrane.

When the elimination takes place through the mucous membrane of the nose, it is called a cold--catarrh of the nose. And where these crises are repeated for years, the mucous membrane thickens and ulcerates, and the bones enlarge, closing the passages.

At this stage, hay fever or asthma develops.

When the throat and tonsils, or any of the respiratory passages, become the seat of the crises of acidity, we have croup, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, etc. When the acids locate in the cranial cavity we have dementia, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, muddle thinking, forgetfulness, and even depression.

When the acids locate in the gastrointestinal tract we have IBS, gastrointestinal dysmotility, autonomic dysfunction, carotid stenosis and ischemic colitis.

When the acids are expressed through the skin we have psoriasis.

When the acids locate in the liver, pancreas, breast, bowels, bladder, prostate, uterus or brain tissue we have micro-calcifications of these acids that then leads to tumors and liver, pancreas, breast, bowels, bladder, prostate, uterus or brain cancer.

What is in the name?

All are symptoms of the expulsion of acids from the blood and then tissues at the different points named.

They are of the same character essentially and evolve from the one cause, namely, systemic Acidosis, as a crisis of toxemia. The description can be extended to every organ of the body, including the largest organ, the skin, causing melanoma cancer.

For any organ that is enervated below the average standard from stress of habit, from work, or worry, from injury, or any other cause, that organ may become the location of the crises of systemic Acidosis.

The symptoms presented differ with each organ affected. That fact gives color to the erroneous belief that every symptom-complex is a separate and distinct disease.

But, thanks to the new light and knowledge of Dr.Robert and Shelley Young, being shed by the "New Biology"TM upon nomenclature involved in the naming of a disease, every symptom-complex goes back to the one and only cause of all diseases, namely, systemic Acidosis.

To find the cause of all symptomologies including cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc., start with colds and catarrh, and watch the pathology as it travels through "The Seven Stages of Acidity(TM), beginning with:

1) enervation,
2) sensitivity and irritation (IBS),
3) catarrh,
4) inflammation,
5) indulation (lupus, lymes, fibromyalgia),
6) ulceration and then to
7) degeneration-- cancer, heart attack, stroke, AIDS, ALS, MS and diabetes.

How well could you try to find the cause of man by ignoring his conception, embryonic life, childhood, manhood, etc. Nature's order is interfered with by enervation habits until acidosis is established.

Then a vaccination (seen in Gulf War Syndrome and Spanish Flu Epidemic) or an infection (really an outfection) from any source will act as a firebrand. Sooner or later cause the most vulnerable organ (the bowels) will undergo organic change. The organ, however, has nothing to do with cause, and directing treatment toward the organ compounds the problem and is nonsense!

Examples of this wrong thinking yield blood transfusions for pernicious anemia, gland treatment for gland impotency, the cutting out of stones, ulcers and tumors. There is no question that one of the most pernicious practices in vogue today is treating so-called disease with disease and immunizing with the products of disease.

Current medical science calls this form of pathological thinking a "vaccination." This my friends is the real psuedo-science! When the cause is not known, how is prevention or cure possible except by luck?

Producing a mild form of smallpox using vaccine is the same as introducing a poison into a healthy person.

It makes no sense!

Certainly only pathological thinking can arrive at such conclusions. Vaccine or autogenous remedies (metabolic acids) are made from the products of disease.

This also includes ALL antibiotics which are products of disease!

The idea that disease can be made to cure itself is an end-product of pathological thinking!
If prevention and cure mean producing disease, surely prevention and cure are not desirable. If prevention can be accomplished, then cures will not be needed! It is not disease, it is cause "in all its aspects" that we need to know before we can take steps to prevent or cure "disease." Cause is constant, ever present, and always the same. Only effects, and the object on which a cause acts, change.

And the change is most inconstant.

To illustrate: a catarrh of the stomach presents first irritation, then inflammation, then ulceration, and finally indulation and cancer.

Not all cases run true to form. Only a small percentage evolve to ulcer and fewer reach the cancer stage. More acidic toxins exit via acute food poisoning or acute indigestion then by chronic diseases.

Most Americans are challenged with the symptomology of indigestion, which can include acid reflux, diarrhea and/or constipation.

The proper way to study disease is to study health and every influence favorable or not favorable to its continuance.

Our western system of medicine has been preoccupied with the study of disease, not health.
Disease is perverted health!

Any influence that lowers energy becomes disease producing. Disease cannot be its own cause, neither can it be its own cure and certainly not is own prevention! My personal discovery of the truth of ALL sickness and disease--that Acidosis is the cause of all so-called diseases--came about slowly, step by step, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. At first, I postulated that yeast and molds must be the general cause of disease. Then I decided that it was not yeast and molds but that the body becoming enervated. But wait a minute, enervation is not a disease; disease must be due to dietary and metabolic acids.

I reasoned that localized or systemic Acidosis is the true general cause of all disease and must be autogenerated. And if disease is due to autogenerated acids, what is the cause of that autogeneration? The answer is found in understanding the nature of matter and how it organizes and disorganizes. I realized that there must be a physical or emotional disturbance to organized matter before it can begin its disorganization.

And when matter begins to disorganize, it gives rise to autogenerated acids. This is true for all matter!

To illustrate, take a physical injury to a joint which is often complicated with the prior symptom of rheumatism. The rheumatism previous to the injury was potentially in the blood and/or tissues. Just what change had taken place in the matter which, under stress of injury or shock of any kind, would cause a reaction with fever?

I could not understand until the "Acid Theory" suggested itself to my mind. After that, the cause of disease unfolded before me in an easy and natural manner.

I called this new paradigm for ALL sickness and disease "The Cycle of Imbalance." You can read about "The Cycle of Imbalance" in my book, "Sick and Tired, Reclaim You Inner Terrain."

You can order this book at:

In a few words, without acidosis, there can be no sickness or disease and there can be NO CANCER! NO HEART ATTACK! NO STROKE! NO DIABETES! NO DEMENTIA! NO AIDS, NO MS,NO DIS-EASE!

It is also true that without acidosis there can be NO PAIN!

Therefore, pain equals acid and acid equals pain.

I knew that the waste products of cellular disorganization and metabolism were toxic and that the only reason why we were not poisoned by it was because it was removed from the organism as fast as it was produced.

Then I discovered that the acid was retained in the blood and then tissues when there was a checking of elimination.

Then, the cause of the checking had to be determined. In time, I thought out the cause of all sickness and disease. I knew that when we had normal energy, organic functioning was normal.
Then came the discovery that enervation caused a checking of elimination.

The cause of ALL sickness and disease is NOW found!

Enervation checks elimination of the waste-products -- ACIDS -- of cellular disorganization and metabolism.

Retention of metabolic and dietary ACIDS is the first and the only cause of ALL sickness and disease!

One of the first things to do to get rid of any so-called disease is to get rid of all the acid, for it is this state of the blood and then tissues that makes disease possible.

Infection, drugs and food poisoning may kill, but if they do not, they will be short-lived in a subject that is free from enervation and acid.

Conversely, the poisoning will linger in the system until the acid is overcome. Then and only then will elimination remove all traces of outfection - ACID.

Syphilitic outfection (herpes, warts, moles of any color) is pronouncedly an acidic subject thrown into great virulency by poor nutrition, lifestyle and conventional treatment.

The same is true with HIV/AIDS. The so-called infection which in reality is an outfection of acid, is the least offender of the trio. Add fear (false evidence appearing real) wrong eating, poor sanitationand wrong lifestyle choices and we have a formidable symptom complex that serves to justify all that professional syphilomaniacs HIV/AIDSomaniacs say and write about these dis-eaes.

Remove Acidosis, drugging, FEAR, poorsanitation, wrong lifestyle choices, and vile eating, and there is little left. What is left can be easily thrown out of the body by Nature! Scientific research is being carried on vigorously in an attempt to find the cause of disease. The conception of disease is that the cause is individual. Here is where investigators meet their Waterloo. All of the so-called diseases are increasing symptom complexes due to repeated crises of Acidosis.

Diseases have no independent existence!

As soon as acidity is controlled, the symptoms disappear unless an organ has been forced by innumerable crises to degenerate.

Even organic change, when the organ is not destroyed, will come back by correcting the life and getting rid of the true cause--the crisis of acidosis! All symptoms of all so-called diseases have one origin.

All diseases are ONE!

Unity in all things is Nature's plan.

Polytheism is gone, and everything pertaining to it and coming out of it must go.

So you NOW have the truth! No more LIES!

There is only one sickness, one disease, and NOW one treatment.

The one sickness and disease is the over-acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating, and thinking.

The one treatment is to alkalize and energize with Dr. Robert and Shelley Young's pH Miracle Living Plan.

We all need to go back to the Garden of Eden and start living and eating GREEN.

I call this eating like "COWS" which standsfor the following:

C = Chlorophyl
O = Oxygen - nascent oxygen or singlet oxygen
W = Water - alkaline oxygen
S = Salt - liquid mineral salts

You can learn more about this program on our website or in our books, The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, Back to the House of Health I and II and Sick and Tired, which you can also purchase through, Barnes and Noble or Borders Books. The complete program is a 12 to 16 week program that includes the alkaline foods outlined in the foundational section of Shelley's book, "Back to the House of Health I and II."

You start off the program with a 14 to 30 day liquid feast.

You can eat as much and as often as you like as long as the food is green and pureed and/or juiced.

The soups found in Shelley's book such as the Broccoli Soup, Aspar/Zinc Soup, The Healing Soup and the Popeye Soup with lots of avocados are excellent to eat during the liquid feast.

You also need to begin taking the nutritional supplements while drinking at least 4 to 6 liters of Greens a day.

Start out gradually drinking 1 liter of Greens per day and then work up to 2, then 3, then 4, until you are drinking 6 liters a day.

When you take the nutritional supplements, take 5 drops 6 times a day of the liquid colloids under the tongue, (except the pH drops which are taken in purified water and NEVER taken under the tongue) away from meals, or taking 1 capsule 3 to 6 times a day of the encapsulated products with meals. I would suggest taking 4 capsules every 4 waking hours of the bowel cleansing formula.

The bowel cleansing product helps to keep acids moving through normal elimination.

After you complete the 14 to 30 day liquid feast, you can then begin introducing some solid food but it still needs to be as green as possible. Remember, when you are green you are clean. I would suggest not only the vegetable soups, but steam fry vegetables and lots of salads. Make sure you use only lemon or lime and good oils on your salads for the dressing.

NO VINEGAR, NO ENZYMES and NO PROBIOTICS! Another tip is to include liberal amounts of flax, hemp, and olive oil in or with your soups and salads. I suggest a minimum of 5 to 6 tablespoons of good oils every day. And you should be supplementing pomegranateseed oil everyday.

For information on pomegranate seed oil go to:

In conclusion, the medical world has been looking for a remedy to cure ALL disease, notwithstanding the obvious fact that nature needs NO REMEDY and NO CURE. She needsonly an opportunity to exercise her own prerogative of self-healing. Cures! There are NO CURES! And there will be NO CURES Found!

The subconscious builds health or disease according to OUR ORDER! And we do it with our thoughts, our words and our deeds.

If we send impulses of irritation, discontent, unhappiness, complaining, hate, envy, selfishness, greed, lust, and the biggest one of all pride, the subconscious builds us in the image of OUR ORDER!


We need to empower ourselves to effect a reconciliation between our subconscious creator and ourselves.

What we need is to learn self-control, respect, poise, relaxation, deep breathing,alkaline eating and drinking,and alkaline exercising!

And when these impulses are sent over the sympathetic nerves to our subconscious creator, we will begin to receive images of a more ideal man or woman, until an approach to "Perfection is Attained".

Sickness and disease, including the symptoms of cancer, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, tumors, HIV/AIDS, MS, lupus, depression, hyperthyroidism, Wilson's Syndrome, fybromyalgia, pain in every joint and muscle, chronic fatigue syndrome, muscle cramps, allergies (food), asthma, bronchitis, frequent colds, candida, hypoglycemia, allergic reaction to any chemical, chronic fatiguing, food cravings, indigestion, inflamed joints, insomnia, mood swings, gas, bloating, diverticulitis, irritable bowel, pneumonia, ulcers, stomach and bowel cramps and even memory loss is the culmination of years of abuse of nutrition and years of acids from faulty elimination by forcing the bowels to move.

We don't GET sick and tired we DO sick and tired!

The most powerful way to eliminate metabolic and dietary acids in the blood and then tissues is the pH Miracle Living Lifestyle and Dietary Plan.

You are the builder of tomorrow, and you need not pay a fortuneteller, doctor, lawyer, preacher, or banker to tell you what will happen to you tomorrow.

Nothing will happen.

The inevitable will come.

You will inherit the pHruits of today's sowing.

I hope you find these thoughts and suggestions helpful when dealing with ANY symptomology, whether physical, emotional or spiritual.

Your life, Your Health, Your Fitness, Your Energy is the consequence of your daily choices and you are free to choose!

I pray you choose wisely! The quality and the quantity of your life depends upon it.

In love and healing light,

Dr. Robert O. Young

PS My hope is that you will send this email outto everyone that you know, love and care about.
In the last days Paul prophesied, "Men ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" 2 Timonthy 3:7

Paul's prophesy has been fulfilled in our day!

As of today 126,000 people have died from wars among men. The loss of life is a sad tragedy.But you should also know that this year alone

12 million people have died from heart attacks
5.5 million people from cancer
2.2 million people from HIV/AIDS and
2.7 million people from Respiratory Disorders.

But the biggest loss of life this year has been from abortions at,
34 million and climbing.

I have thought many times if we truly understandand realize where the real war is being raged.
In the words of the great prophet Moses of old,"my people perish because of lack of knowledge."

Not part of our pH Miracle Living Community? Go to:

For other scientific articles of Dr. Robert O. Young,
go to:

Copyright © 2007 by Robert O. Young, Ph.D.
More aboutThe Most Important Article I Have Ever Written Updated!

MR Spectroscopy Identifies Breast Cancer, Reduces Biopsies

Posted by luputtenan2 on Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (¹H MRS) used
in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
can aid the radiologists in diagnosing cancerous breasts
while reducing the number of false-positive results and
invasive biopsies, according to a study focusing
on non-mass enhancing breast lesions.

The study, conducted at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center in New York City, appears in the October issue
of the journal Radiology.

"All of the cancers present in this study were
identified with MR spectroscopy," said the study's
lead author, Lia Bartella, M.D., director of breast
imaging at Eastside Diagnostic Imaging in
New York City.

The American Cancer Society estimates that 212,920
women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the
United States this year. MRI is playing an increasingly
important role in the screening of women at high risk
for breast cancer. However, while MRI depicts more
abnormal findings than other breast screening procedures,
it is not 100 percent accurate in distinguishing benign
from malignant lesions, resulting in a large number of
breast biopsy procedures recommended on the basis of
imaging findings that are NOT necessary and can lead
to the release of acids that can spoil healthy breast

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist.
states, "the only difference between a malignant or
benign lesion or tumor is the stage in which the body
is attempting to encapsulate and wall of the acidic
spoiling breast cells from the healthy breast cells.
Given the fact that the end stage of a tumor is to
encapsulate fermenting acidic cells, crystallize and
harden and then break-up."

Currently, approximately 80 percent of breast lesions
biopsied are found to be benign or crystallized breast

Non-mass enhancing acidic lesions are characterized
by enhancement of an area that is not a mass or lump
and may extend over large or small regions. Non-mass
acidic lesions occur with benign acidic hormonal changes,
but can also signify malignancy. Biopsy is recommended by
current savants to distinguish benign non-mass lesions
from cancerous cells but is not necessary and can
damage healthy breast cells.

With MR spectroscopy, which adds only 10 minutes to a
standard MRI exam, the radiologist is able to see the
chemical make-up of a tumor which contains the acidic
spoiled breast cells. In most cases, the results indicate
whether or not the lesion is cancerous without the need
for biopsy. This is a good thing!

"Non-mass enhancing lesions frequently pose a dilemma
to the radiologist when evaluating the breast for the
presence of cancer, especially in premenopausal women,
" Dr. Bartella said. "Potentially, the use of proton
MRI spectroscopy may help decrease the number of benign
biopsies for non-mass enhancing lesions."

"An immediate shift to an alkaline lifestyle and diet
will show dramatic improvement in the non-mass lesions
within 30 days", stated Dr. Young.

For the study, Bartella and colleagues performed ¹H MRS
on 32 non-mass enhancing breast lesions in 32 women,
ages 20 to 63. Twenty-five of the patients had lesions
that had been labeled suspicious at MRI.

¹H MRS can provide radiologists with chemical
information about an acidic lesion by measuring
the levels of choline compounds, which are
markers of fermenting acidic cells being encapsulated
by fibrin monomers which forms the basis of the tumor.

"The body forms tumors to protect the healthy breast
tissue from being spoiled by the acids from
fermenting cells spoiled by dietary and/or
metabolic acids," states Dr. Young.

In the study, positive choline findings were present
in 15 of 32 lesions, including all 12 cancers, giving
¹H MRS a specificity of 85 percent and a sensitivity
of 100 percent. If only the lesions with positive
choline findings had been biopsied, 17 (68 percent) of
25 lesions may have been spared invasive biopsies and
none of the cancerous tissues would have been missed.

"By performing MR spectroscopy of the suspicious lesion
after an MRI scan, we can noninvasively see which tumors
show elevated choline levels and are likely malignant,"
Bartella said. "This chemical information added to
the information provided by MRI can eliminate the need
for biopsy to find out what the lesion is made of."

According to Dr. Young another means to determine the
state or nature of the non-mass lesions in the breast
tissue is to do an non-invasive live and dried blood
microscopy evaluation.

Bartella hopes that in the future, MR spectroscopy will
be incorporated into routine diagnostic breast MRI
procedures, significantly decreasing the need for
needle biopsies.

Young's hope is that people will come to the realization
that the cure for breast cancer will not be found in
its treatment but will be found in its prevention with
an alkaline lifestyle and diet.

According to Dr. Young, "healthy breasts are alkaline
breasts. Breasts that are acidic contain micro-
calcifications of acids, acidic breast cells,
fibroytic tissue which leads to the formation
of tumors which are only formed to protect the
surrounding healthy tissue."

"It is true that the body will park its dietary and
metabolic acidic waste products in the breast tissue
if they are not eliminated through urination,
defecation, perspiration and respiration."

"If you want to be healthy, vibrant and energetic
free from the risk of cancers cells and tissues
you need to pee and sweat your way there."

To learn more about the science of Dr. Robert
and Shelley Young go to:

To become part of our alkaline community free of
all sickness and disease go to:

Copyright: All rights reserved by Dr. Robert O. Young

pH Miracle Living Center

16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California
More aboutMR Spectroscopy Identifies Breast Cancer, Reduces Biopsies

FDA Warns of Heart Risks and Death With Schizophrenia Drugs

Posted by luputtenan2

Can we really trust the FDA and big Pharma
and their acidic drugs?

FDA Warns of Heart Risks With Schizophrenia Drug!

U.S. regulators said on Monday that Johnson & Johnson
added new warnings to its schizophrenia drug, Haldol,
about the potential risk of death and of dangerous
heart conditions observed in some patients.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said new labeling
on the drug will note that ailments, including QT
prolongation, a disorder of the heart's electrical
system that can lead to a life-threatening condition,
have been observed in post-marketing studies.

The drug is also sold generically under the name

Several other drugs for schizophrenia, including a
much newer J&J drug including Invega, have warnings
about the risk of the serious cardiac effect.

The FDA, in a posting on its Web site, said the new
labeling comes after a number of case reports of
sudden death and QT prolongation in patients
treated with the drug. In most cases, patients
had taken higher-than-recommended doses or were
given the drug intravenously, which is not an FDA
approved method of use, the FDA said.

The FDA said the case studies came from research J&J
was asked to do by Italy's regulatory drug agency.

J&J spokeswoman Ambre Morley said the company has
made the requested label changes.

The best change that the FDA should recommend is to
take all of these acidic drugs that treat symptoms
not causes off the market.

There is only one cause for all sickness, affliction
and disease - the over-acidification of the tissues and
then blood due to an inverted way of living, eating and

And if there is only one cause then there is only one
treatment - alkalize the tissues and blood and
re-establish the alkaline design of the body.


Sick and Tired by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young

To become part of our alkaline community go to:

To learn more about the science, lifestyle and diet
of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young go to:
More aboutFDA Warns of Heart Risks and Death With Schizophrenia Drugs

The Cause of Breast Cancer

Posted by luputtenan2

British scientists may have found a connection
between acidic deodorants and breast cancer. They
measured the aluminum levels in breast tissue from
17 breast cancer patients, and found that it was
highest in all of them in the upper outer quadrant
region of the breast, where there would also be
the highest concentration of deodorants that
contain aluminum salts.

Deodorants consist mainly of aluminum salts, which
have long been linked to cancerous breasts. The
researchers said aluminum is both a metalloestrogen
capable of binding to estrogen receptors, and also
a known carcinogen which damages DNA.

While a deodorant-breast cancerous link has long
been suspected, the new study is the first to
identify a specific quantity of aluminum in the
area of the breast -- the upper outer quadrant --
which has the highest incidence of tumor formations
of spoiling cells. The researchers said, however,
that they cannot definitely state that the aluminum
came from deodorants, saying that it is possible
tumor formation might act as "sinks" for systemic

Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist believes
that cancerous breasts, which is the most
common cancerous state in women and the leading
cause of death for women ages 35-54, is caused by a
combination of acidic lifestyle and dietary factors.

Even though there is no definitive evidence linking
cancerous breasts to the use of deodorant or exposure
to aluminum, which is the third most common element in
the environment and is found in water, food, personal
care products and many medicines, Dr. Young suggests
that you should avoid aluminum containing products,
at all costs.

Dr. Young has stated, "the breast tissue is a
depository for acidic waste products that are not
properly eliminated through urination, perspiration,
defecation or respiration. When acidic waste products
from our food, water, medicines, and personal care
products are not properly eliminated they can be
deposited in the fatty tissues of the breast leading
to cancerous breasts. The body will buffer these
acidic waste products with calcium forming micro-
calcifications of the breast tissue. If more
and more acid builds up in the breast you can expect
tumor formations around the acidic or spoiling breast
tissue cells to protect the healthy breast tissue cells.

Dr. Young has also stated that, "cancer is not
a cell but an acidic liquid from our diet and
lifestyle that spoils or ferments cells - this is
the cause of breast cancer and all other cancerous
states in humans and animals!"

To learn more about cancer and the pH Miracle for
Cancer go to:

To learn more about personal care products that are
all natural and aluminum free go to:

To learn more about the science of Dr. Robert and
Shelley Young go to:

To become part of our alkaline community go to:
More aboutThe Cause of Breast Cancer

How To Protect Against A Cancerous Colon

Posted by luputtenan2

All cancerous states, especially a cancerous colon
have strong links to lifestyle and diet, in terms
of both prevention and causation.

Without a doubt, Americans consume more acidic causing
carcinogens than just about any other population in the
world. As a whole, our diet is high in carcinogenic
acidic trans fats, cancerous-causing nitrosamines,
nitrites, phosphuric acid, uric acid, sulphuric acid
from animal proteins and tumor-forming acidic sugars
that spoil and rot plant, animal and human cells, like
a banana. And worse yet, we eat dangerously low amounts
of fiber that buffers and absorbs dietary and metabolic
acids, alkaline vegetables and alkaline fruits.

Finally, recent evidence indicates that glutamate,
found in MSG and other food additives, is a powerful
catalyst for spoiling cells and the increase of
cancerous tissue. That is, glutamate is acidic and
can spoil cells where ever it settles in the tissue,
making it much more deadly.

Generally speaking, it takes decades of nutritional
abuse before the colon begins to rot and spoil.

The first changes occur within special clusters of
spoiling fermenting cells found in the lining of the
colon. These are called aberrant crypt foci. The more
of these you have, the more likely you are to develop
a cancerous colon. Why? Because spoiling cancerous
cells will spoil other healthy cells making them
cancerous much like a rotten spoiling acidic apple
placed in a bushel of healthy apples will spoil all
the healthy apples causing them to become rotten, acidic
and cancerous.

Several nutrients have demonstrated the ability to
buffer or neutralize these acidic cancerous cell
clusters. The most impressive acidic neutralizers
of dietary and metabolic acids are:

1) Glutathione

2) Conjugated linolenic acid from pomegranate (CLA)

3) Bicarbonate of salts from sodium, magnesium,
potassium and calcium.

4) Avocados and Avocado Oil

Sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium buffers the
acids that can cause cancerous cells in those who
maintain a high acidic diet of meat, dairy and sugar.

Research shows that glutathione, a tri-peptide,
extracted from avocados, can powerfully suppress
many types of acids that can cause the rotting of
cells leading to a cancerous state, especially
a cancerous colon.

Also, spices such as cumin and turmeric which are
staples of Indian cuisine have been thought to
account for the significantly lower incidence a
cancerous colon within the Indian population.

Avocado oil, a mono-unsaturated fat, has been shown
to powerfully inhibit the development of cancerous cells
as well as the growth of cancerous cells that have
already developed.

Research shows that the oil CLA from pomegranate also
powerfully suppresses cancerous cells in the breast and
colon. As little as 1,000 mg. a day will be effective.
This special oil regulates immunity and directly
suppresses cancerous cell formation in the colon.
DHA and omega-3 oils also suppress cancerous cells
in the colon.

Three flavonoids that provide powerful protection
against cancerous cells in the colon are quercetin,
silymarin and ellagic acid.

A tremendous amount of recent evidence demonstrates
the dramatic anti-cancerous effects of ellagic acid.
It is a flavonoid found in most berries (especially
the meeker raspberry), pomegranate and purple grapes.
The dose is 1,000 mg. twice to three times a day.

To learn more about the science of Dr. Robert and
Shelley Young go to:

To become part of our alkaline community go to:


The pH Miracle
The pH Miracle for Weight Loss
Sick and Tired

Copyright: All right reserved by Dr. Robert Young
More aboutHow To Protect Against A Cancerous Colon

Cease To Be Obese!

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, September 21, 2007

It takes conviction and commitment to change of your
lifestyle and diet to become a pH Miracle.

What is a pH Miracle?

A pH Miracle is a natural phenomenon between the
cause and effect relationship.

All symptoms of dis-ease and disease are the effects!
The cause is the over-acidification of your blood
then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating
and thinking.

The following testimony is an example of those acidic
symptoms of dis-ease from acidic lifestyle and dietary
choices and how a life can be changed and saved when
following the pH Miracle Living Lifestyle and Diet.


As always Dr. Young you are right on target. Three years
ago I was rushed to the hospital. A simple tooth removal
led to numerous health problems.

It began as infection with fluid around the heart.
They barely saved me.

This led to blood clots, pneumonia, high blood
pressure, obesity, high cholesterol and finally
Type II diabetes.

The doctors during the three year period had me
on over 22 medications to treat these. I failed
three stress tests and they said I was morbidly
in trouble. They wanted to do a heart Cath and
operation all through this time period.

I was scared!

I did not want to die!

So, I started researching natural and realistic
health, and alternative methods. I found Dr. Robert
and Shelley Young, The pH Miracle Living Lifestyle and
Diet and several others through the internet. Though
I have not been able to afford your products, I
followed your advice as I could. I used myself as
a guinea pig. If I was going to die, it would happen
either way.

I started using the pH Miracle Plan, and invented my own
form of water aerobics. One that (fat) people like
I used to be, could easily do.

All the water programs I looked into were for those
who were in shape. Did not work for me. It took me
3 months, but I developed program that worked in
all medical areas, and improved all conditions

Well, on June 18, 2007 they did my heart CATH. I was
in the CPU anyway after being in a fire, and they
ganged up on me, and told me it was time. The doctors
were ready for anything, as they were sure I was in
bad shape. Well me and the good Lord fooled them. My
heart CATH was not only perfect, but through my aerobic,
my arteries and vessels were enlarged, and better than
just O.K.

Doctors did not have a clue! I was secretly laughing
at them.

Today, I no longer take any medication. My blood sugar
used to be at 11 on the long term test. It is now a
six, and my blood sugar is better than normal. I use to
test my blood sugar before aerobics, during and after.
And it is very true. Exercise and resistance training
dramatically reduces and stabilizes blood sugar.

I have lost over 100 pounds and have been cleared by
all doctors!

I have still have weight to loose, but I have a new
lease on life!

I have thanked you both before. But once again, thank
you and God bless your work that saves and enriches

James M Sleighter
Health Food Hut Inc
Health and Fitness America Inc
3602 East Country Side Drive
Inverness , Florida 34452


The pH Miracle
The pH Miracle for Weight Loss
The pH Miracle for Diabetes - Type I and II

To become part of our alkaline community go to:

To learn more about the pH Miracle Living Center
or the pH Miracle Living Lifestyle and Diet go to:
More aboutCease To Be Obese!

Toxic Acidic Tap Water and The Perfect Drinking

Posted by luputtenan2

No one "makes" water -- it's made for us by nature.
We're all familiar with the cycle: rain, snow, snow -- melt,
rivers, lakes, oceans, evaporation, condensation, clouds,
rain, snow . . . The cycle is still unchanged. But
what happens to the water during that cycle, at the
hands of man, has changed enormously -- even
catastrophically -- during the last 150 years. That's
why, for optimum health, you have to "make" water - electron
rich alkaline water. Before I tell you how to do this,
here's a quick review of why you should.

Toxic Acidic Chemicals

On the average, drinking water in the United States
currently contains over 2,100 toxic chemicals that
are known to cause cancerous states, cell mutation
through acidic fermentation, and nervous system disorders
created by these toxic acidic chemicals. This is not
particularly surprising considering that there are
close to 100,000 acidic chemicals now in everyday use --
with over 1,000 new ones being added each year.

In fact, according to the EPA, US industries generate
some 79 million pounds of toxic acidic waste each year
that is not disposed of properly - most of it ends up
in our oceans leading to acid rain.

2nd Hand Acidic Water

What is probably more surprising to most people, though,
is the fact that, according to the EPA, 53 million
Americans unknowingly drink acidic tap water that is
polluted by feces, radiation, or other acidic contaminants.
Also according to EPA, some 45 million people drink
water contaminated with the parasite cryptosporidium
that killed more than 100 people in Milwaukee in 1993.
Or that over half of all Americans drink acid water that
has been used at least once before.

To summarize: You have to "make" good electron rich
alkaline water because of acidic chemical residues,
heavy metals, parasites, bacteria, human waste,
agricultural waste, industrial waste, chlorine,
fluoride -- all the insults imposed upon water by man.
"Man" does it, and we -- man by man, woman by woman --
have to undo it. And in doing so, as you'll see,
we can even improve a bit on nature.

There are four steps to making really good water:

1. Purify your water of all acidic impurities.

2. Energize your water with electrons.

3. Make your water wetter by breaking it down
into smaller molecular clusters.

4. Mineralize your water with alkaline mineral salts
Of bicarbonate.

To learn more about creating the perfect drinking
water go to:


Lessons from the Miracle Doctors by Jon Barron
The pH Miracle for Weight Loss by Dr. Robert and
Shelley Young
More aboutToxic Acidic Tap Water and The Perfect Drinking

Exercise and an Alkaline Diet May Reverse the Symptoms of Diabetes

Posted by luputtenan2 on Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Weight training works just as well as running on a
treadmill or biking to help the most important symptom
of type-2 diabetes -- long-term control of blood sugar --
Canadian researchers said on Monday.

Doing both aerobic and resistance training lowered
blood sugar levels better than either alone, researchers
said -- and both appeared to be safe.

At least 194 million people worldwide have diabetes,
and the World Health Organization expects the number
to rise to more than 300 million by 2025.

Most have type-2 diabetes, caused by a combination of
genetic predisposition, lack of exercise and a diet
rich in acidic foods. (For a list of acidic foods
and drinks that causes diabetes read the pH Miracle
for Diabetes)

Exercise -- the type that makes people breathe a
little heavily -- is known to reduce the risk of
type-2 diabetes and can improve the body's control
of sugar. But there were doubts about the safety
and effectiveness of weight training.

Dr. Ronald Sigal of University of Calgary and
colleagues at the University of Ottawa studied
251 people with type-2 diabetes aged 39 to 70.
None exercised regularly.

They assigned them to one of four groups -- one
that did 45 minutes of aerobic training three times
a week, another doing the same amount of resistance
training, a group that did both, for a total of an
hour and a half of exercise three days a week, and
a fourth group that did no extra exercise.

The exercisers used treadmills or exercise bikes,
or weight machines, at a health club. The volunteers
enjoyed the exercise and stuck with it, Sigal said.

"I think there is a widespread cynicism even among
medical people that people will actually exercise,"
Sigal said in a telephone interview.

They were given a diet to follow that should have
prevented any weight loss, and then their blood
sugar, cholesterol, weight and other vital statistics
were measured.

Blood sugar levels fell with exercise and most
importantly, hemoglobin A1c, which measures the
blood sugar average for the past 3 months, fell
by half a point on average in the people who did
one form of exercise and a full point in those
who did both.

A1c should be between 4 and 6 but the patients
started out with A1c values ranging from 6.6 to 9.9,
Sigal's team wrote in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

A one point drop in A1c is associated with a 15
percent to 20 percent decrease in major cardiovascular
events such as heart attack or stroke and a 37 percent
reduction in complications such as kidney, eyes and
limb damage.

"There were some who brought their A1c into the normal
range," Sigal said. Some also were able to lower their
doses of medications and many lost weight and body fat.

"Imagine an inexpensive pill that could decrease the
hemoglobin A1c value by 1 percentage point, reduce
cardiovascular death by 25 percent, and substantially
improve functional capacity (strength, endurance,
and bone density)," Dr. William Kraus of Duke Medical
School and Dr. Benjamin Levine of the University of
Texas Southwestern Medical Center wrote in a

They said doctors should prescribe exercise to every
diabetes patient.

One of the best forms of low impact exercise for
diabetics is whole body vibration. This type of
exercise is highly effective because it exercises
every cell in the body simultaneously helping
to release acidic wastes products that can lead
to sickness and dis-ease.

In two controlled clinical studies, Dr. Robert O.
Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle
Living Center, has found that a diet rich in
alkaline foods and drinks, exercise, proper rest
and reduced stress will reverse the symptoms of 96%
of Type II diabetics and 83% of Type I diabetics,
showing normal blood sugars and normal A1c's,
without medications. All the participants who
were over-weight lost an average of 1 pound a day.

To learn more about the pH Miracle for Diabetes go to:

The pH Miracle for Diabetes
More aboutExercise and an Alkaline Diet May Reverse the Symptoms of Diabetes

Organic & Natural Skin, Hair & Body Care by the Young's

Posted by luputtenan2 on Tuesday, September 11, 2007

We see natural skin care education as a key
to our strength and viability as a sensitive
skin, hair and body care product company.

We believe consumers should be informed to
enable them to make the best choices about
organic skin care.

We have discovered that knowing what NOT to
put on your face, body and hair is as important
and perhaps more important than what you do.

Since there is so much confusion in the market
place, we have made a list of the most dangerous
and damaging ingredients commonly used in the
face, body and hair care industry.

Some of these ingredients you can not pronounce
unless you are a chemist and many of these are
listed on products using a different name, but
we will continue to update this list to keep
you informed of these damaging, allergenic,
and many times carcinogenic pollutants to your
body and the environment.

Some of these ingredients are more dangerous
then others, but we believe NONE of these
ingredients should be applied to your face,
hair or body under any circumstances and you
should avoid them at all cost.

Young pHorever Skin, Hair and Body Care -
A Revolutionary Skin, Hair and Body care
You Can Trust

Women absorb from skin, hair and body care products
via the skin over 4.35 pounds of the following acidic

1. Imidazolidinyl Urea and Diazolidinyl Urea -
These are the most commonly used preservatives
after the parabens. They are well established
as a primary cause of contact dermatitis
(American Academy of Dermatology). These
ingredients are derived from ANIMAL urine.

2. Methyl, Propyl, Butyl, and Ethyl Paraben -
These are preservatives, or commonly known
used as inhibitors of microbial growth,
which extends the shelf life of products.
Parabens are widely used even though they
are known to be toxic. Parabens have been
known to cause many allergic reactions and
skin rashes. Methyl paraben combines benzoic
acid with the methyl group of chemicals and
is highly toxic.

3. Petrolatum - Petrolatum is mineral oil
jelly, and mineral oil causes a lot of
problems when used on the skin-it can produce
photosensitivity (i.e., promotes sun damage),
and it tends to interfere with the body's
own natural moisturizing mechanism, leading
to dry skin and chapping, hence creating
what the product is intended to prevent.

4. Propylene Glycol - Propylene Glycol is
a vegetable glycerin mixed with grain alcohol,
which are both "natural". Usually it is a
synthetic petrochemical mix used as a
humectant. Propylene glycol been known to
cause allergic and toxic reactions and alcohols
are drying to the skin and toxic.

5. PVP/VA Copolymer - A petroleum-derived
chemical used in hair sprays, wave sets and
other cosmetics. It can be considered toxic,
since particles may contribute to foreign
bodies in the lungs of sensitive persons.

6. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate - This synthetic
substance is used in shampoos for its
detergent and foam-building abilities.
It causes eye irritations, skin rashes,
hair loss, scalp scurf similar to dandruff,
and allergic reactions. It is frequently
disguised in pseudo-natural cosmetics with
the parenthetic explanation "comes from
coconut". SLS is a detergent that poses
serious health threats. Used in garage
floor cleaners and engine degreasers.
Research indicates that exposure to SLS
can result in eye damage, depression,
labored breathing, diarrhea, severe skin
irritation, and even death! Eyes may not
develop properly if exposed to SLS. SLS
can be transformed into nitrosamines, a
potent class of carcinogens. Your body
can retain SLS for up to five days and
maintain residual levels in the heart,
liver, lungs, and brain.

7. Stearalkonium Chloride - A chemical used
in hair conditioners and creams, which
causes allergic reactions because it is
highly toxic. Stearalkonium chloride was
developed by the fabric industry as a
fabric softener, and is a lot cheaper
and easier to use in hair conditioning
formulas than proteins or herbals, which
do help hair health.

8. Synthetic Colors - The synthetic colors
used to supposedly make a cosmetic "pretty"
should be avoided at all costs, along with
hair dyes. They will be labeled as FD&C or
D&C, followed by a color and a number.
Example: FD&C Red No. 6 / D&C Green No. 6.
Synthetic colors are believed to be
cancer-causing agents. If a cosmetic has
them in it, don't use the cosmetic. FD&C
Yellow 5, Red 40, Blue #1 are synthetic
colors from coal tar that deposits toxins
onto the skin, causing skin irritation.
Absorption can cause depletion of oxygen
in the body and death.

9. Synthetic Fragrances - The synthetic
fragrances used in cosmetics can have
as many as 200 ingredients. There is no
way to know what the chemicals are, since
on the label it will simply say "Fragrance".
Some of the problems caused by these
chemicals are headaches, dizziness, rash,
hyper-pigmentation, violent coughing,
vomiting, skin irritation, and the list
goes on. Advice: Don't buy a cosmetic
that has the word "Fragrance" on the
ingredients label.

10. Triethanolamine (TEA) - Often used
in cosmetics to adjust the pH, and used
with many fatty acids to convert acid to
salt (stearate), which then becomes the
base for a cleanser. TEA causes allergic
reactions including eye problems, dryness
of hair and skin, and could be toxic if
absorbed into the body over a long
period of time.

11. Saccharomyces Magnesium Ferment -
an acid from a yeast which causes
damage to the insulin producing beta
cells and pancreatic cancer.

12. Butylene Glycol - an acid that may
be narcotic and cause asphyxiation.

13. Aqua Biomin Saccharomyces/Magnesium
Ferment - This is a yeast and an acid that
causes diabetes and other topical yeast
infections that can lead to a host of
serious symptoms.

14. DMDM Hydantoin - releases a powerful
acid and neuro toxin formaldehyde which
causes joint pain, skin reactions,
allergies, depression, headaches,
chest pains, ear infections, chronic
fatigue, dizziness, and loss of sleep.
Exposure also irritates the respiratory
system, triggers heart palpitations or
asthma, and aggravates coughs. Other
side effects are a weakened immune
system and cancer.

15. Cocomidopropyl Hydroxysultaine -
has added chemicals in the processing of
the coconut oil which are carcinogenic.

16. Tea lauryl sulfate - is hormone
disrupting chemical that can form cancer-causing
nitrates. This ingredient is restricted in
Europe due to the carcinogenic effects.
Repeated applications can result in liver
and kidney cancer.

17. Lactic Acid - This is a cancer causing
agent. An acid found around all cancerous

18. Alcohol - Alcohol is a free radical and
can cause dryness and flaking of the skin.
Also very drying and are known to cause
allergeric reactions and skin irritation.

19. Hydroquinone - This ingredient is
commonly used in skin whitening products.
It is also commonly used in plastics
manufacturing and is a highly toxic
chemical. This ingredient should not
be used on humans or animals. Hydroquinone
is a well known carcinogen and is known
as a liver, blood, lung and respiratory,
reproductive organ and skin toxicant.

20. Ethyl Acetate - This is a highly toxic
chemical and is used in cosmetics. This
is also used in paint remover products,
including nail polish remover. Do not
put this ingredient on your body,
especially your face.

For more information on the alkalizing
Young pHorever Skin, Hair and Body Care
Products that do not contain ANY harmful
acidic chemicals, go to:

Copyright © 2007 by Robert O. Young, Ph.D.
More aboutOrganic & Natural Skin, Hair & Body Care by the Young's

Black Raspherries Transform Cancerous Cells

Posted by luputtenan2

Researchers at the University of
Pittsburgh found that the pigmentation
chemical in grapes that gives grape
skins their color biologically transforms
human cancerous cells while leaving healthy
cells intact. The compound, an antioxidant
that occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables,
is a type of proanthocyanidin, an antioxidant
common in plants.

Scientists knew that proanthocyanidins had
cancer-fighting properties and decided to focus
on one of the most common types, cyanidin-3-rutinoside
(C-3-R). Although it is abundant in grape skins
and pine bark, scientists used C-3-R purified
from black raspberries and tested it on several
lines of human leukemia cells. They repeated the
test using human lymphoma cells.

At low doses of C-3-R, half of the cancerous cells
in all lines died within 18 hours. When the dose
was more than doubled, all of the cancerous cells
died within 18 hours. Researchers repeated the
experiment several times using different types of
leukemia cells and got similar results.

When treated with C-3-R, cancerous cells produced
peroxides, a type of free radical (hydorgen ions)
that caused them to die. But when C-3-R was used
on normal human blood cells, the production of
peroxides wasn't increased and there appeared to
be no toxic effects.

"Common treatments for leukemia, such as chemotherapy
and radiation, will damage healthy cells and tissues
and can produce unwanted side effects for many years
afterward," said Dr. Xiao-Ming Yin, an associate
professor of pathology at the University of Pittsburg
School of Medicine. "So there is an intensive search
for more targeted therapies for leukemia worldwide.

"If we can reproduce these anticancer effects in
animal studies," Yin said, "this will present a very
promising approach for treating a variety of human
leukemias and, perhaps, lymphomas as well."

According to the National Cancer Institute,
approximately 44,000 new leukemia cases will be
diagnosed this year in the United States, and
about 22,000 people will die from the dis-ease
needlessly. Especially when the most powerful
antioxidant is now available - Glutathione.

Over the past thirty years, researchers have
explored the role of antioxidants in good health
as well as the treatment and prevention of diseases
involving oxidation or fermentation by metabolic

Well known and widely used antioxidants such as
vitamin A, vitamin E and selenium neutralize acid.
They occur naturally in nature, but not in the body.
They must be introduced as part of a balanced diet.

Given the critical role of antioxidants in good health,
it is not surprising that the body itself manufactures
its own natural antioxidants. The most important of
these is glutathione. Because all other antioxidants
depend upon the presence of glutathione to function
properly, scientists call it 'the master antioxidant.'

Glutathione binds to acidic toxins that can cause
cancerous cells, forming a water-soluble complex -
which is ultimately excreted in the urine or bile
as waste.

So rather then eating red grapes, drinking red wine
(the red grapes contain too much sugar making them acid
forming and red wine contains the acid alcohol) or
eating pine bark for their anitoxidant benefits may
I suggest glutathione.(No sugar and No alcohol)

In my opinion one teaspoon or 433 mgs. of glutathione a
day is a great way to prevent excess acidity that can
ferment or spoil body cells (cancerous cells) and help
maintain the alkaline design of your body.

For more information on 'the master antioxidant' go to:

PS In GOURMET Magazine a few months ago there was a very
emotionally disturbing article on the cruel death
of 9 Billion chickens a year!

How many chickens do, just U. S. consumers, eat in
an single year?

Answer: 9 BILLION!! That's Nine, with a "9",
and Billion, with a "B"!!

Chickens are one of my top ten foods never to
eat. Why? Because chickens do not have a urinary
tract system so they are more likely to absorb their
own urine. But, it's the chicken urine that makes
them tender and juicy.

Just another reason to think Alkalarian and give
up eating acidic 'FOUL'!

To become part of our alkaline community go to:

To learn more about pH Miracle Living go to:
More aboutBlack Raspherries Transform Cancerous Cells

Alcohol May Cause Breast and/or Endometrial Cancer

Posted by luputtenan2

Postmenopausal women consuming two or more alcoholic
beverages a day may double their risk of endometrial
cancer, suggests a study led by researchers at the
University of Southern California (USC). The study
will appear in the International Journal of Cancer,
and is now available online.

"This is the first prospective study to report a
significant association between alcohol and
endometrial cancer," says Veronica Wendy Setiawan,
assistant professor of preventive medicine at the
Keck School of Medicine of USC. "Previous studies
have shown that alcohol consumption has been
associated with higher levels of estrogens in
postmenopausal women, which could be the mechanism
by which daily alcohol intake increases one's risk
of endometrial cancer."

According to the National Cancer Institute,
endometrial cancer is the most common cancer of
the female reproductive system. It accounts for
approximately six percent of all cancers in women.

"It's important for women, especially postmenopausal
women, to know and understand the consequences of
high alcohol consumption. It does not affect just
the liver, but alcohol has been associated with breast
cancer and now endometrial cancer," continues Setiawan.

Researchers drew upon data from the Multiethnic Cohort
Study (MEC), an epidemiological study of more than
215,000 people from Los Angeles and Hawaii created
in 1993 by Brian Henderson, M.D., dean of the Keck
School of Medicine of USC, and Laurence Kolonel, M.D., Ph.D.
of the University of Hawaii.

The study followed 41,574 postmenopausal African-American,
Japanese-American, Latina, Native-Hawaiian and White
women in Los Angeles and Hawaii for an average of 8 years.
Data on alcohol intake and endometrial cancer risk factors
were obtained from a baseline questionnaire.

"This discovery is important as it suggests that changes
to certain lifestyle choices may potentially help alter
risk of the disease," says Henderson, the paper's senior
author. "However, these findings are preliminary and must
be investigated further before any recommendations about
alcohol consumption can be made."

The study also found that the association of alcohol
intake and endometrial cancer is stronger among lean
women than among overweight or obese postmenopausal

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research
microbiologist, "alcohol in overweight women is parked
in their fatty tissues to protect the organs that
sustain life. Lean or under weight women do not have
the excess fatty tissues to park the acidic alcohol so
the alcohol is left to break down healthy organs, like
the breasts or reproductive organs or the filter organs
like the liver, lungs and skin."

"Our data suggest that lean women may be more sensitive to
modest elevations in acidic hormone levels resulting from
alcohol drinking than obese women who already have high
levels of estrogen and therefore mask alcohol as an
independent risk factor," concludes Setiawan. "Again,
this is all preliminary and more studies with sufficient
numbers of heavy drinkers are needed to corroborate our

The best advise to protect the alkaline design of
the body fluids and tissues is to abstain from any
acidic drink and especially those that contain the
acid, alcohol.

"Alcohol is a metabolite of acetyl aldehyde and acetyl
aldehyde is a metabolite of sugar which are all acidic
poison to the body," states Dr. Young.

"Cancer is an acidic liquid waste metabolite from the
foods we eat and the energy we consume. The best
protection against these acidic liquid waste products
that can cause breast, brain, liver and endometrial
cancers is to avoid ALL acidic foods and drinks,
especially alcohol," states Dr. Young.

"Next time you have a glass of beer, wine or liquor
think of it as a glass of cancerous liquid waste -
the very poison that breaks down cells leading to
cancerous breasts, brain, liver, or reproductive
organs," suggests Dr. Young.

To learn more about alkaline living, eating and thinking
and the true cause of cancer listen to The pH Miracle
for Cancer.

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The National Institutes of Health and the National
Cancer Institute provided funding for the study.

pH Miracle Living Center

16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California
More aboutAlcohol May Cause Breast and/or Endometrial Cancer

The True Cure for Cancer

Posted by luputtenan2

The following is an incredible cancer
story and testimony of Nick Kairinos
and the truth about cancer.

Dr. Robert O. Young


Dear Friends:

As most of you know, I was diagnosed with an
aggressive form of bladder cancer in 2005.
Until recently, I was working with doctors to
treat this disease. It's now over 2 years
later and I am no better off than I was
when I was first diagnosed!

I recently realized that depending on doctors
will never lead to a cure. I have taken
responsibility for my cancer and I know that

I caused it through poor lifestyle choices
over the last 5 years. Stress and genetics
have played a small role too, but my lifestyle
caused it. Had it not been for poor nutrition,
wallowing in negative emotion, having no faith,
not exercising, and negative thinking, I would not
have cancer today. I have no doubt that this is
true. Cancer (and all other serious disease)
according to Dr. Robert O. Young is not something
that strikes us. It's something we do to

Fortunately, it's also something we can undo...

In late June, I met with my doctors to discuss
the results of my recent tests and biopsy. It
was then that I found out that, despite all
the medical treatment, things had only become
worse. The only option the doctors could provide
was radical surgery that would change my life
completely. I won't go into the graphic details
here, but believe's life altering and
fraught with risks, including elevated risks of
other types of cancer. Riding the tube to Heathrow,
I had a moment of clarity. I knew I had to heal
myself with what nature has provided.

My story - and what I'm doing to cure myself of
cancer - continues on my website, which is still
a work-in-progress...

Please check it out and spread the word about it,
especially to people who have been touched by cancer
and have possibly been sent home to die. The only
true cure for cancer is through natural means -

* proper nutrition

* healthy emotion

* regular exercise

* strong faith, and

* positive thinking.

I have made myself a guinea pig in a scientific
experiment, to prove to the world that this is so.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank
Dr. Robert and Shelley Young for all their research,
sacrifice and hard work and all of you for your
love, kindness, and support over the last couple
of years. I don't know how I would have made it
through the last few years without you. Please
help me get this message out. It's extremely
important to me.

All the best,

Nick Kairinos

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More aboutThe True Cure for Cancer

Is "Body Warming" Trashing Your Body?

Posted by luputtenan2 on Sunday, September 9, 2007

The following article appeared in the Toledo Free
Press by Diana Patton on how we create "global
warming" or "Acid Rain" from within the body.

We've all heard of global warming. Its premise is
that the build-up of trash and waste we generate
produces toxic gas that is causing the Earth's
atmosphere to deteriorate — which is literally
heating up the Earth.

What you may not know is that something quite
similar happens when trash and waste build up
in your body. Toxic acidic fluid forms, causing
your body to deteriorate — leaving the body
chronically sick, tired and diseased.

I've coined a new term to describe the phenomenon:
“body warming.”

Dr. Robert O. Young, microbiologist, scientist,
nutritionist and author of “The pH Miracle” and
“The pH Miracle for Weight Loss,” has studied the
human body at the cellular level for more than 25 years.
The premise of Young's work is the human body must
remain in balance in order to thrive. The balance he's
referring to is your pH balance; pH means
“potential for hydrogen.”

Your body is 70 percent water. Young says, to be
in optimal pH balance, the fluid within your body
(your blood) should test at 7.365, to maintain
a healthy alkaline/acid balance.

Think of pH imbalance as your own personal form
of acid rain. But instead of damaging Earth's soil
and lakes and, eventually, the fish, trees and plants
that thrive in them, pH imbalance damages your
internal “environment.” That's why I call it
“body warming.”

If you are too acidic over time, your immune system
becomes severely sluggish. Your endocrine system gets
out of whack. Your vital organs begin to shut down,
and your bones become brittle. If this acidic state
continues, the result is chronic disease, even death.
How do we get to a state of body warming?

- Too much stress and negative thinking. If you are
very stressed and “feed” yourself a steady diet of
negative thoughts, you will eventually produce
massive quantities of acidic trash and waste in your
body. In turn, they produce the toxic “liquid” called

Dr. Young says negative emotions are capable of creating
two to three times more tissue acidity than foods or
liquids we consume. Tissue acidity results in sickness
and disease or dis-ease.

- A reversed way of living and eating. Dr. Young suggests
we are polluting our bodies with too many acid-producing
activities, among them smoking and drinking too much
alcohol. We also produce acid because of our excessive
intake of acid-producing foods, such as dairy products,
sugar, animal protein, processed grains and junk food.
And, finally, Dr. Young says we lack activity and
exercise. Over time, all these factors add up to produce
the toxic liquid called acidity, causing "body warming."

But not all is lost. Just as proponents of "global warming"
“go green,” we can “go green” to counter body warming.
Here are five easy-to-stick-with tips to help you
achieve pH balance and enjoy better health:

1. Change the way you think. List a half-dozen past
experiences that brought you happiness, joy and/or
excitement. When negative thoughts arise, think of
those past experiences. In addition, incorporate
more prayer and/or meditation into your life.

2. Try a simple detoxification plan and increase
activity. By detoxification, I mean temporarily
remove certain foods that cause acid build-up, and
sweat enough to release your body's toxins. For example,
replace pasta or bread with extra broccoli portions
for 10 days. Increase your activity by devoting 30
minutes a day to build up a sweat; try 10 minute
intervals of a brisk walk, jog, a moderate walk or
whole body vibrational exercising.

3. Eat more alkaline fruits: Enjoy lemon in your water, grapefruit in the morning and avocados with your salads.

4. Water rules: Drink your body weight in ounces
(e.g. 130 pounds of weight is 130 ounces of water).
If that's too daunting, start with half your body
weight in ounces and work your way up. And make
sure the water that you are drinking is alkaline.

Test your pH every single morning. Purchase pH
strips at: When you first
wake up in the morning, pull off a strip and test
your first morning urine only. The urine color
should be no lower then 6.8 but ideally above
7.2. To help increase your urine pH and in turn
your tissue pH may I suggest the mineral salts.

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More aboutIs "Body Warming" Trashing Your Body?

The Haas Avocado May Help To Prevent Cancer

Posted by luputtenan2 on Saturday, September 8, 2007

Nutrients taken from avocados are able to thwart
oral cancerous cells, transforming some and
preventing pre-cancerous cells or fermenting cells
from dietary and/or metabolic acids from developing
into actual cancerous cells, according to researchers
at Ohio State University.

Researchers found that extracts from Hass avocados kill
or stop the growth of pre-cancerous cells that lead to
oral cancer. Hass avocados are year-round fruits known
for their distinctive bumpy skin that turns from green
to purplish-black as they ripen.

While there are more than 500 varieties of avocados
grown worldwide, Hass avocados are the most readily
available at supermarkets nationwide. Similar research
has not been conducted on other varieties of avocados.

The findings are published online in the Journal
Seminars in Cancer Biology.

Studies have long associated the consumption of fruits
and vegetables with a reduced risk for various types
of human medically diagnosed cancer. The protective
effect is attributed to the high levels of phytonutrients
or phytochemicals — plant compounds thought to
have health-protecting qualities — that are often
found in dark colored fruits and vegetables.

“As far as we know, this is the first study of avocados
and oral cancer,” says D’Ambrosio. “We think these
phytochemicals either stop the growth of precancerous
cells in the body or they kill the precancerous cells
without affecting normal cells. Our study focuses on
oral cancer, but the findings might have implications
for other types of cancer. These are preliminary
findings, and more research is needed.”

D’Ambrosio, who collaborated with researchers in
Ohio State’s College of Pharmacy, found that
phytochemicals extracted from avocados target
multiple signaling pathways and increase the amount
of reactive oxygen within the cells, leading to
cell transformation in pre-cancerous cell lines.

But the phytochemicals did not harm normal cells!

“These studies suggest that individual and a combination
of phytochemicals from the avocado fruit may offer
an advantageous dietary strategy in cancer prevention,”
says Ding, who is a member of the division of
radiobiology, department of radiology.

Avocados are chock-full of beneficial antioxidants
and phytonutrients, including glutathione, folate,
vitamin E, fiber and unsaturated fats. They are
naturally sodium-free, contain no trans fats and
are low in saturated fat, making them a healthy
addition to any diet, D’Ambrosio says.

“The future is ripe for identifying fruits and
vegetables and individual phytonutrients with
cancer preventing activity,” writes D’Ambrosio
in the journal’s editorial. “As we identify the
molecular mechanisms and targets by which
individual phytonutrients prevent cancer, we may
be able to improve upon nature by formulating
phytonutrient cocktails for specific cancers
and individual susceptibility and risk.”

Other Ohio State researchers involved in the study
are Young-Won Chin in the College of Pharmacy and
A. Douglas Kinghorn in the Comprehensive Cancer

The California Avocado Commission provided the
Hass avocados for the research.

You will find a variety a nutritional supplements
developed by Dr. Robert O. Young using the
Rancho del Sol Haas Avocado. The following
is just a few of the Rancho del Sol Haas Avocados
Dr. Young has developed for the body, skin and hair:


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More aboutThe Haas Avocado May Help To Prevent Cancer

'Fight' versus 'Let It Unfold'

Posted by luputtenan2 on Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Over the last twenty-five years of researching and
teaching the "New Biology" and "The pH Miracle Living
Science, Lifestyle and Diet", I have given great
thought over the process of trying to "merge"
the seemingly divergent "fight" versus the
"let it unfold" postures.

I believe we are creatures of both action on one
end and potential wisdom on the other. The lower
end of consciousness, the body-sense issues, operate
in one "desiring and acquiring" fashion and the
intellect-spirit end of the continuum operates at
a "higher level." Much like a pH scale.

With our body/sense/mind gifts we are bound and
determined to act. That's the fight part. If we
act, however, with discrimination, spirit and wisdom,
we are following the dictates of our conscience.

The wisdom one day will suggest that we are not the
doers. We are simply the instruments--and the locus
of act....not the locus of control.

Thus, we do the fight, we do the action, but we must
do it according to that level of wisdom with which we
have been accorded. Once we use our intellectual-
spiritual gifts as we live, i.e., once we ACT with
such primary human values as love, peace, truth,
right conduct and non-violence as we walk along the
path, we are harmonizing and integrating the gifts
across the full continuum of our human consciousness.

Thus, we are bound to act, say, to roll the bowling
ball down the alley. We are bound to do this act
according to the best of our ability given the context
of "the game" or intention of "the act."

And yet, we know the incredible complexity of the
universe. There are many reasons that that ball
will do what it will do. Once we have acted, we
know that the outcome is in the hands of a "Greater
Energy"....and that energy travels through timber of
the wood, the wax on the alley, the temperature
of the ball, the precision of the pin-setter,
the humidity of the building, the sweat of our hands,
the health and pH of our cells, tissues, organs
and blood, the energy of those in the gallery,
perhaps the position of the moon...and the list
goes on far beyond our ability to calculate.

There is gathering "social" science to suggest that
the list may takes us back many lifetimes of "action"
and "intention" in an evolutionary unfolding.

The long and short is that we can hardly take credit
or blame for the number of pins that we will knock
down. That would be the height of ego or

We do not reach for the fruit of our actions. And if
something that looks like fruit falls into our laps,
our conscience must also dictate how we will distribute
the results.

Thus, we must act, and we must with conscience.
That's the whole "thought-word-deed" admonition.

Our conscience is one of the solid connections
with Divinity.

It sure makes sense to me--at least on some days.

I hope these words are of some help to you.

All of us at the pH Miracle Living Center appreciate
your love, support and energy in sharing the
"New Biology" and "The pH Miracle Living Science,
Lifestyle and Diet" with all of your associates,
friends and loved ones.

In Love and Healing Light.

Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc.

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More about'Fight' versus 'Let It Unfold'

A Diabetic's Diet

Posted by luputtenan2 on Monday, September 3, 2007

One of the most important things for a diabetic to do is control his or he diet. While everybody should strive to eat as well as possible, for a diabetic, this is even more critical. In this article, I'm going to cover some basic things that a diabetic should do when planning a diet.

It is extremely important for a diabetic to keep his weight down. So all diets have to be structure to achieve this goal. There are many ways to go about doing this, but probably the easiest is to count calories. The question is, how many calories should a diabetic get per day? To simplify this process, take your ideal body weight, which can be calculated by starting with 100 pounds and adding 5 pounds for every inch over 5 feet. So, if you're 5' 5" tall, your ideal body weight, as a diabetic, should be 125 pounds. Then for every pound in your ideal body weight, you should eat about 15 calories per day. So, a person who's ideal body weight should be 125 pounds, they should be eating about 1875 calories per day.

Aside from watching your calories, a diabetic also has to watch his sugar intake. Many diabetics think this just involves refined sugar products such as donuts, cakes and pies. The truth is, a diabetic has to be careful of any kind of sugar, even natural sugar that is contained in fruits. The reason is because there body doesn't produce enough insulin so even natural sugars can raise the blood sugar level. Everybody is going to be different, but a good rule of thumb is no more than one serving of fruit per day.

The hard part about balancing a diabetic's diet is that carbohydrates need to be limited. However, because of this, it is important to eat foods that have a little higher fat content. The problem with this is that these foods are generally not very good for you. So, in order to compensate for this, it is recommended that a person with diabetes eats foods that contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are much better for you than saturated fats.

The key to a diabetic's diet is counting carbohydrates. A gram of carbohydrate contains about 4 calories. So, if you are on that 1875 calorie diet, you want to each about 50% of those calories in carbohydrates, or about 938 calories. Dividing that by 4, you want to have about 234 grams of carbohydrates in a day. While that may seem like a lot, it's not. One slice of bread alone is 15 grams of carbohydrates. Most foods have carbohydrate information on the package.

By following these few simple tips, it becomes a lot easier to control your diabetes.

To YOUR Health,

Steve Wagner

For natural treatments to a number of ailments including diabetes, visit our website at where you can get a free report on how the drug companies are killing us as well as get a 52 week series on a different ailment and treatment each week.

By S. Wagner
More aboutA Diabetic's Diet

Best Anti Aging Cream Includes Scientific Breakthrough Ingredients

Posted by luputtenan2

Anti aging means you stop, or reverse the aging process. This can be accomplished with the proper anti aging wrinkle creams, and/or proper use of vitamins to relieve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Around midlife, the most sought after concept is to get older without looking older, or to become successful at the anti aging process and look younger every day (that would be a perfect world!)

There are many sensible life style choices that you can make that will help prevent the skin from wrinkling not smoking, not drinking alcohol, wearing protective clothing, wearing sunglasses and using a sun block with a SPF of 15 or better.

Most dermatologists recommend a diet that is high in whole grains, fruit and vegetables for preventing or at least prolonging the appearance of wrinkles in the skin.

By the way, did you know that when the eye sees a wrinkle, it's actually just seeing the shadow created by the wrinkle? That makes me think that the best anti aging cream a person could buy would have an ingredient that refracts light so other people's eyes can't see your wrinkles (and neither can you)!

There are also vitamins that will keep your face looking younger than your years, and you should take a good multivitamin everyday in addition to the following:

Vitamin C: If you really want to have beautiful unlined and unwrinkled skin well into your later adult years, you should be certain that you get at least 500 mg of Vitamin C everyday. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It is also the stuff that develops connective tissue, which keeps the skin more elastic and less prone to wrinkles.

Vitamin C is also important for anti aging skin care as it aids in the formation of collagen. Unfortunately, collagen is touted in most skin care products as the best anti aging cream you can use. I say unfortunately because collagen is manufactured inside the body and is a very BIG molecule - applying it to the outside of the body has no effect because the molecule cannot penetrate the skin.

Vitamin E helps Vitamins A and C more easily absorb. It also provides natural protection from ultraviolet rays.

Selenium: Selenium is a trace mineral but an essential one for maintaining healthy anti aging skin because it consumes free radicals caused by sun damage.

There are natural herbs included in some of the best anti aging creams, but again, you want to be careful what you use. Dermatologist warn that most anti-aging and anti-wrinkle skin care products, even from the most expensive lines, contain irritants and inflammatory ingredients like peppermint, lemon, camphor, menthol, coltsfoot, arnica, and so on. All these ingredients further contribute to forming lines, wrinkles, age-spots and dark circles.

So, be sure to check your anti aging wrinkle creams and make sure they do not include the above named harmful ingredients. And, good luck with your venture back in time.

"Find out How A-List Hollywood Actors, Celebrities, Super-Models And Even...European Royalty... Use A Nobel Prize-Winning Discovery To Keep Their Skin Looking Young, Beautiful, And Age-Free Without Cosmetic Injections Or Plastic Surgery!"

By Evelyn Grazini
More aboutBest Anti Aging Cream Includes Scientific Breakthrough Ingredients