Spiritual Healing- Nothing Special

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, December 2, 2005

Let's be honest. A lot of people think that spiritual healing is a little "woo-woo." Look at it logically, though, and I think you'll agree it's nothing out of the ordinary.
Health is your natural state of being. It's your default setting. As soon as you scrape your knee or cut your finger, you begin healing yourself. Your blood clots, while tenderness and swelling warn you to steer clear of the healing area. It's like a sign outside of a construction site, "Working – Do Not Enter."
Of course, there are often additional things you can do to facilitate healing. If a cut on your arm is very deep, you might bandage it or even sew the severed edges together, so that the healing cells can reach each other. You may apply an antibacterial to protect the area until the skin grows back to provide that protection. Whether you realize it or not, even in these everyday examples, you are cooperating with your spiritual healing.
Without the spirit that lives in you, as you, all the stitches and bandages would be completely pointless. Without consciousness, your skin would not know how to repair a cut, no matter how long you held it together.
Scientists now tell us what spiritual healers have known for a long time: There is no time. We've created the illusion of time to have a certain experience. You heal your leg simultaneous to breaking it: the healing only appears to take six weeks. The cast and ibuprofen and traction are all things we've created to help pass the illusion of time. And if you're tired of how you're passing the time in your own life, you can use spiritual healing to change that.
I'm not bashing "traditional" healing. I'm just saying you have a choice. Since we're here, having a time-bound experience, we don't need to turn our noses up at the "traditional" methods of healing. We just need to know them for what they are – props on the stage of life's play. By tapping into some resources from the field of "alternative" or spiritual healing , we can choose different props (hopefully less expensive or painful) or reduce the time we use our props. As our proficiency grows over weeks, months, or years, we can eliminate many of our props altogether!
We can also aid our body's natural/spiritual healing process by "getting out of the way." You may not realize there's anything spiritual about a good night's sleep and good food, but repeat after me, "Everything is spiritual!" As the saying goes, you are a spiritual being having a human (time-based) experience.
No less a teacher than Thich Nhat Hahn has said that rest is important for the healing of both mind and body. I believe that much of our discomfort during healing actually comes from our restless resistance to the healing process. We try to work or otherwise carry on, as if no healing were going on, when our body wants its maximum healing power.
Whenever we let go and get still, though, we can watch miracles of spiritual healing take place – in our bodies and in our lives.
by: Amy Biddle
Amy Biddle has been a lifetime student and teacher of spiritual principles. Spiritual Healing Secrets is a fast-growing resource for anyone who wants to improve her or himself, or simply to learn practical spiritual principles. Let Amy help you improve your life! Discover the secrets at http://www.spiritual-healing-secrets.com.
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