Weight Loss - A Complex Issue - Learn More

Posted by luputtenan2 on Saturday, July 9, 2005

Did you know: As of 2003, the World Health Organization estimated one billion are overweight
Over 40 million Americans are overweight(World Health Organisation), 64% of Americans are overweight (NHANES)
Americans are spending 33 billion dollars a year on weight loss programs, foods and supplements aids (Medical and healthcare guide 1997)
Increased weight is associated with:
Insulin/Glucose Response
Poor Joint Mobility and Flexibility
Sub-optimal Heart Function
Fad Diets:Low Carbohydrate/High Protein Diets:
* increased risk of osteoporosis
* increased risk of cardiovascular disease
* increased risk of kidney disease
* banned by FDA
* raises blood pressure
* stresses the circulatory system
Why Fad diets fail:
Our bodies #1 rule - protect itself
* homeostasis
* ability to thwart efforts
* need to address multiple body systems
Myth- Weight loss is hard
Truth - Accumulation of small and simple adjustments to daily habits, practices make the long-term difference
If weight loss is so easy, why do so many people find it so hard?
Physiologic Resistance
* Glucose/insulin response
* Cortisol
* Decreased Metabolism
* Hunger
Potential risks durinng weight loss
Physiologic stress
Decline in antioxidant status
Psychological challenges
Inverse correlation to anti-oxidant protection Overweight is associated with reduced protectionWeight loss is associated with further reduction in protection
So you want a solution?ExerciseEat RightTRA supplements to address the above issues
A complex problem requires a solution:Address fat storgageBoost thermogenesisControl carbohydrate cravings
Eat rightEat when you are hungry, not when you are bored or nervous!Eat less, more oftenAddress good quality
Participation in regular physical activity (exercise) has multiple health benefits including:
Cardiovascular healthEmotional/stress managementMuscle tone and fitnessBetter sleep, energy, etc.Weight management
For further information contact pk.saunders@virgin.net and ask for powerpoint presentation and links.
www.information.mypharmanex.com see TRA under country: USA
Peter SaundersOsteopathEngnineering Science degree from OxfordPharmanex team of 75 PhD scientists working to provide safe approach to health problems

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