White Sun on Health – Vegetarian Fast Food

Posted by luputtenan2 on Thursday, December 29, 2005

The first commercial canning factory was established in England in 1813. It was pioneered by a French man by the name of Nicholas Appert in the 18th century. The raw food is packed into a can which is then cooked at high temperature and pressure to get rid of all bacterial spores and fungi so that the food is commercially sterilized. This enables canned food to be shelf stable over a long period. The high temperature kills all bacterial spores but unfortunately it also destroys the texture, natural taste, color and the nutritional values of the food.
Canned food has always been meant for emergencies and convenience and is always perceived as low quality. In the early 1960s, an improvement called the “retort pouches” was introduced in the market. Instead of metallic cans, special plastic laminates are used to hold food products. However, the cooking process for retort pouches is still the same as for cans which results in the same over-processed food products.
Recently there was an invention where there is a modified retort process where the food is not subject to the same high temperature and pressure as in canning process. They are able to cook and preserve almost all types of food products in retort pouches and retort trays without sacrificing quality. Food that is processed according to this technique keep its organoleptic qualities and it tastes close to freshly cooked meals. This modified process won three major awards in Australia in year 2002 and 2003. Today United Kingdom imports 40,000 bags of lamb shank per week from Australia.
In 2003, the largest rice cooperative in Australia, took up a processing license for the technology to produce pre-cooked rice of different flavors for the Australian market. Having ready-meals in the house which are good in quality in terms of nutrition, taste and value for money would be a trend to come and will catch on in the 21st century. When the kids moved out, many elderly people would probably live in apartments with a small kitchen. They will eat out more often and would probably have lost the desire to cook meals. Many live alone and may not find it easy to go out for their daily meals. By just pressing the button on the microwave, food can be served like freshly cooked.
The young generation and those in their mid-20’s to mid-40’s are occupying middle to senior level management positions and spend more time in office than in the kitchen. Many apartments are designed without a kitchen but are replaced by just a microwave oven for reheating. The women of this generation are more assertive and ambitious than their mothers and demand equal rights with men. Many do not know how to cook a good meal. Divorce rates soar and marriage is delayed or even put off altogether and there are many single mothers. Living together without marriage is a norm and same sex couples are rife. This generation would have forgotten how to cook or had not been taught how to cook.
Those born in the late 20th century can be classified the internet generation and is one of the most medicated generations in history with many prescribed anti-depressants and other behavior-altering drugs. Childhood obesity is another health problem due to the proliferation of “junk food” and reduced physical activities except for their movements of their fingers due to computer games, iPod, text messages etc. This generation does not eat proper meals but grew up snacking and this is especially so in the newly developed and developing Asian countries. Fast food outlets are packed with children taking along their parents to have meals there. Just look at the intense advertisements capturing the hearts of the children unlike in the past, the meals were very natural, home-cooked.
With the invention where ready meal products can still maintain its highly nutritious low fat, low sugar, low salt, no artificial additives and yet taste good, they are bound to capture the market and give convenience to millions of people in the modern world. Wide range of varieties can be found even in the frozen food under the vegetarian section. If vegetarian food is processed in the same manner, then it will give convenience to millions of vegetarians worldwide as well as those health conscious people who seldom take meat. White Sun is studying this possibility to provide nutritious vegetarian food using the modified retort process without sacrificing quality.
Man by nature is composed of physical body and mind. The organic body which is of material form needs to rely on material things such as food to nourish its growth whereas the mind requires a serene order in order to live. Confucius said, “The object of the superior man is Truth. Food is not his object.” After the three inches down the throat, there is no more taste but man by nature craves for good taste. In order to encourage vegetarianism, we still have to ensure good taste and nutrition intact without preservative as in the modified retort process to serve as vegetarian fast food.
A vegetarian diet, with its emphasis on pulses, legs of mushrooms and grains to provide essential vitamins, is regarded by many medical experts as much healthier. Medical evidence from around the world suggests that diets rich in animal fats lead to heart disease and cancer. It is also encouraging to note that vegetarians have significantly lower incidences of cancers of the lung, breast, rectum and colon because the diet of a vegetarian is usually higher in fiber.
Dr William Bruce, a researcher at the Ontario Cancer Institute at Toronto’s Princess Margaret Hospital found that people who cut their animal fat intake from 150 mg a day to 50 mg a day (in essence, decreasing their meat consumption) could reduce the presence of detectable cancer-causing (N-nitroso) compounds by 50%. In addition, the addition of bran to the diet and a daily intake of 2 gm of vitamin C per day were also found to reduce the presence of cancer-causing compounds. Vegetarian fast food definitely will help the same at the same time cutting off the bad karma between human and animal.
By Teow Aun Chew
T.A Chew has the opportunity to team up with the awards winning inventor of the modified retort process to produce shelf stable vegetarian food products without the need of refrigeration but yet able to retain its freshness without preservatives. It is with great hope that the venture will take off to a good start to give convenience to vegetarians worldwide soon. Website: http://www.white-sun.com
More aboutWhite Sun on Health – Vegetarian Fast Food

Health Benefits Of Fennel Plant

Posted by luputtenan2

The fennel herb is a versatile vegetable which can not only be eaten cooked or raw but is also a basis for anise, and is one of the ingredients of licorice. The fennel plant also flavors some brandy-based drinks, whilst the fennel leaves are an important culinary herb.
It is not surprising then that fennel and its juice contain some valuable constituents. The nutrients are similar to those in celery, which belongs to the same family, but it is the essential oil that is the basis for its good action on an upset stomach and its stimulating properties. The oil is present in relatively large amounts, from 3-6% of the total weight.
The Greeks called fennel marathon which derived from their word meaning to become slim; later the Emperor Charlemagne ensured that it was grown on all his farms. He and other people in early times, thought fennel gave courage and were good for the eyes. Bedrooms were protected from the evil spirits of the night with fennel in the keyholes. The plant was an essential component of the wreath used above the door on Midsummer Day to keep the witches quiet.
Insects keep away from fennel so the floors were spread with stalks so that the fleas kept their distance. The stalks were cooked as an alternative to asparagus, or put under bread while it was baking to give it an aromatic flavor. With carrot juice, fennel is very good for night blindness or optic weakness. These two plus beet juice make a good remedy for anemia especially the son resulting from excessive menstruation.
Fennel juice forms part of formulae for convalescence and for indigestion. The French use it for migraine and dizziness where good results have been noted. The nutritional analysis of fennel leaves reveals an excellent quantity of iron (2.7mg per 100g), high calcium (109mg per 100g) and a very impressive supply of the following vitamins: carotene (4. 7mg per 100g), folic acid (100 micrograms per 100g) and vitamin C (93.0mg per 100g).
Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on some remedies and natural cure methods by the use of fennel plant.
More aboutHealth Benefits Of Fennel Plant

Usefulness Of Elderberry Juice

Posted by luputtenan2

Elderberry juice supplies vitamin C to assist in the prevention and treatment of colds. Elderberry juice also acts as a demulcent to soothe the chest. It also acts to induce sweating (a property described as sudorific) which has been commonly held to be beneficial in the early stages of a feverish cold. Elderberry juice also has mild laxative and diuretic (the promotion of water loss) properties. For variety, try mixing elderberry juice with apple juice, blackberry juice or rhubarb juice.
The elderberry tree grows wild throughout Europe and has a long history of medicinal applications. In addition to the berries, the bark leaves and root of the tree have all been shown to have active properties. The berries themselves must be allowed to ripen fully before picking as the unripe fruit contains poisonous alkaloids and cyanogenic glycosides. The alkaloids are characterized by their bitterness and are chemically related to quinine, caffeine, nicotine and strychnine.
The cyanogenic glycosides release poisonous hydrocyanic acid. This compound can be lethal to small animals, but in the doses present in the unripe elderberry, tends only to bring tears to the eyes of adults. While it is important to choose only ripe elderberries, the presence of poisons in the unripe fruit should not put you off this useful berry. Think of the well-loved potato. A green or sprouting potato contains the poison solanine (another alkaloid) which should be avoided, but this hasn't stopped millions of people from enjoying the standard untainted version.
In bygone days elderberries were illicitly added to red wine and port to enhance their color. Leading doctors carried out repeated studies to discover that it was only port that had been diluted with elderberry juice that had this anti-neuralgic property. The genuine article had no such value. As a result of their investigation, the physicians of Prague recommended a combination of 30g of elderberry juice and 10g of port wine in the treatment of sciatica and neuralgia.
Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and remedies from different juices like elderberry,carrots, beet etc.
More aboutUsefulness Of Elderberry Juice

Soy Protein Shake and Soy Protein Shakes

Posted by luputtenan2

A soy protein shake is a shake supplement that contains an adequate amount of soy protein which is used by our body to function properly. Studies have shown that soy protein shakes greatly aid in weight loss, and cholesterol stabilization along with many other physical and mental improvements. A soy protein shake can come in powder form, and must be mixed with water, or it can come pre-packaged in ready to drink containers. The benefits of drinking at least one soy protein shake far outweigh the benefits of eating meat or supplementing with whey protein.
Soy protein shakes contain a complete amino acid profile. This means that soy protein shakes contain all the essential amino acids the human body needs to function at an optimal level. Essential amino acids are classified as acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body and therefore must be derived from consuming food. A soy protein shake can ensure that the essential amino acid requirements are met. As Christians, we are expected to take care of our bodies in any way we know how. The bible says in 3 John 1:2 "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth".
A soy protein shake taken on a regular basis has been shown to relieve menopause symptoms, repair connective tissues, facilitate memory improvement, contribute to a healthy prostate and the list goes on. In 1999 the FDA approved the health claims of soy protein and soy protein shakes. This supports the claims being made about soy protein shakes all along. While it is assumed that a soy protein shake is a must for athletes and bodybuilders, it is sometimes misinterpreted as an unnecessary supplement for the general public. That assumption could not be further from the truth.
Soy protein shakes are most commonly used for weight loss. Losing weight is a high priority in the United States and over 3 billion dollars a year is spent on products to shed those unwanted pounds. A soy protein shake is a superior form of protein and facilitates in the improvement of many bodily functions including the raising of ones metabolism, which in turn provides more energy and weight loss. Soy protein shakes are not merely an additional supplement to add to a weight loss program. A soy protein shake will complete the protein chain of essential amino acids within itself, thus requiring a person to not have to rely on meticulously adding up their amino acids from various food sources.
For more information about soy protein shake and soy protein shakes, visit:
More aboutSoy Protein Shake and Soy Protein Shakes

Organic Health Products

Posted by luputtenan2 on Monday, December 26, 2005

Organic health products are growing more popular due to the public’s views on choosing items that are all-natural and considered more beneficial for the body. There is an increase of stores selling more organic health products - some devoting an entire aisle to the items. There is also an increase in the number of health food stores selling an assortment of organic health products.
When shopping for an organic health product, you should know that there is a variety of functions that each item possesses. Some products cleanse the body’s systems, and other items provide nourishment and energy.
When reading a label, some of the key phrases to look for include: 100% Absorbable; 100% Organic and Natural; 100% Non Toxic; 100% Whole Foods; as well as 100% Raw and Active.
Today, the Earth is polluted with many things that can affect the health and well-being of an individual. As if dealing with the deteriorating ozone layer, UV rays and smog isn’t enough, there are other contaminants that can cause an upset in the balance of one’s body.
There are numerous toxins, pesticides, drugs, and other poisons in the world that enter the body and wreak havoc. There are reports that the human body can harbor at least 700 contaminants.
This calls for the elimination or cleansing of these toxins. There are many organic health products that can assist in this goal, including cleansing remedies for the colon, liver, gall bladder, kidney, and blood.
For example, an organic health product to consider is hot cayenne extract, which can unblock the waste material that prevents efficient blood flow.
Vitamins and minerals are a popular form of organic health products sold in stores, as well as over the Internet. For example, there is a product called Living Calcium, prepared from sea vegetables and other green foods - considered one of nature’s best calcium sources.
Some organic health products have been known to boost the immune system. When an item contains spirulina, they will encounter a 100% organic mixture that surpasses the capabilities of many grains, herbs or food.
When you are battling an upset stomach or bloating, taking capsules filled with 100% plant-based digestive enzymes, can easily correct the problem.
The healing properties of some of these organic health products are amazing. There are items that are 100% organic that can strengthen skin, connective tissue, bones, teeth, nails, as well as hair.
Organic health products also offer help when a consumer is in need of relief from nervous tension and insomnia.
Hormonal imbalances in both males and females can also benefit from the use of an organic health product. Menopause, impotence, hot flushes, and PMS are just some of the issues that these products can deal with.
The list goes on and on, when referring to the advantages of choosing an organic health product. This includes pain relief caused by muscle tension and cramps, as well as effective measures taken against fevers, colic, congestion, and the common cold.
Organic health products for greater vitality
All you need to do is visit our website and find organic products and information that you can use to increase your vitality and overall health.
More dieting and general health information and FREE exclusive diet and health magazines, are available on our web site: http://www.net-planet.org
More aboutOrganic Health Products

Diabetic Diets

Posted by luputtenan2

When a person has diabetes, their body does not produce enough insulin to manage the blood sugar levels within the body. This means that a person will have to resort to other measures for controlling their blood sugar levels by following a diabetic diet accompanied with regular exercise.
Other ways to ease the complications of diabetes is to take medication, such as daily injections of insulin or taking a pill, such as glucophage.
The people who are most likely to become diabetic are individuals who are overweight, as well as inactive.
In addition, many develop diabetes because people in their family are susceptible to it due to heredity. It is also the lifestyle of a person that contributes to this occurrence.
Avoiding exercise, eating lots of fats and sugar within your diet, as well as being overweight or obese, are some of the factors surrounding diabetes. It can occur at anytime with signs including frequent urination and excessive thirst.
When someone is diabetic, they are unable to produce or correctly use insulin throughout their body, which is the hormone that is responsible for changing sugar, starches and other food into energy.
One of the ways to follow a diabetic diet is to eat foods from all of the four basic food groups, as well as decrease the consumption of alcohol, fat, and sweets.
You can incorporate a wide variety of nutritious foods into a diabetic diet.
A diabetic’s diet must follow this lifestyle change wherever they may be.
When eating out at a restaurant, there are a few tips to follow when deciphering the types of food items and meals you should look out for or avoid.
When choosing something that will adhere to your diabetic diet, you should avoid foods that are described as being “creamed,” “fried” or “sautéed.” These foods are most likely to contain loads of fat.
Foods that contain a lot of cheese, butter, oil or mayonnaises should be avoided on diabetic diets. If you must taste these foods during your meal, you should order them to arrive as a side item.
Other foods that can stray from diabetic diets include those that are prepared with sweet and sour sauce, as well as teriyaki and barbeque. They contain high amounts of sugar and carbohydrates that should be avoided while on a diabetic diet.
Diabetic diets should count the number of calories from fat as being 30% less than the total number of calories eaten throughout one day.
Diabetic diets should include foods that are low in saturated fats and cholesterol, such as skinless poultry, fresh fruit, and vegetables.
When on a diabetic diet, you should stay away from red meats, eggs, as well as whole-milk dairy products.
Diabetic diets work better when the dairy in your life comes from low-fat or fat-free selections.
10-20% of your daily calories on a diabetic diet should come from proteins in foods, such as lean meat, fish, and low-fat dairy products. The rest of a diabetic diet should consist of carbohydrates coming from whole grains, beans, as well as fresh vegetables and fruit.
Overall, there is no official diabetic diet to follow and it really depends on the individual diabetic.
If you are able to work closely with a dietician, doctor, or nutritionist, you will be able to find a balance within your diabetic diet and exercise routine.
You will find a wide variety of articles and supplements that will be helpful to you at our website.
More dieting and general health information and FREE exclusive diet and health magazines, are available on our web site: http://www.net-planet.org
More aboutDiabetic Diets

ADD - Treatment Through Nutrition

Posted by luputtenan2 on Thursday, December 22, 2005

In previous articles we covered what ADD is and how to diagnose it. In this third instalment we're going to begin a series on how to treat ADD.
ADD can actually be battled from many directions. There are drugs, behavior modification, nutrition, exercise, and a number of other things that can be done to combat ADD in both children and adults.
In this article we are going to choose the natural route first and discuss proper nutrition which can have a huge effect on the behavior of someone suffering from ADD.
One of the main contributing factors to children who suffer from ADD is when their blood sugar level, or glucose level becomes too low. This causes them to become sleepy in class and then ultimately restless because they are bored. Glucose is extremely important in determining a child's attention span. This may sound clichéd but the most important meal of the day is breakfast and glucose should be a part of every child's breakfast. This will ensure that the child's blood sugar level is maintained throughout the day. Kids who skip breakfast tend to have a shorter attention span and a harder time remembering things.
Next is vitamin B. Vitamin B is needed because it helps to release the energy in glucose. Without the proper amount of vitamin B in the diet a child can become aggressive and depressed. There are 12 essential parts to vitamin B so it may be difficult for a child to get all the vitamin B he or she needs just from eating, even though cereal is a good source of vitamin B. To supplement the rest a good multi vitamin capsule will do the trick.
Also very important is iron. Iron aids in transporting oxygen to the blood system and the individual cells, most importantly, brain cells. Not enough iron in the diet results in anaemia, which is very common in children who don't have a balanced diet. Anaemic children, as well as adults, are very tired and don't have the energy to do the things that want to or need to do. Good sources of iron are red meat, tuna, chicken and vegetables like broccoli.
Folic acid is also essential as this helps in the formation of red and white blood cells. Not enough folic acid will also make a child feel tired, irritable and forgetful. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of folic acid.
Zinc is needed to maintain communication between the brain cells and the nerve cells. Zinc deficiencies can cause your child to have difficulty in solving academic problems, which can lead to frustration for the child, therefore bringing on ADD symptoms. Zinc can be found in cereals and peanuts.
Vitamin A is important for the nervous system. Vitamin A also helps to strengthen vision. Many times a child will have problems in school because of impaired eye sight. Vitamin A can help to improve the eye sight which in turn will lessen the child's frustration. Vitamin A can be found in carrots and many orange or yellow fruits like bananas.
Proper nutrition is an essential part of a child's health whether he or she has ADD or not. But in children with ADD, proper nutrition is critical.
In the next article we'll cover other treatments for those suffering from ADD.
Your Independent guide to Attention Deficit Disorder
More aboutADD - Treatment Through Nutrition

Manage Diabetes the Natural Way

Posted by luputtenan2

Currently, about 20.8 million Americans suffer from some form of diabetes. That's a whopping 7% of the population. Of those 20.8 million people, it's estimated that nearly one-third of them (or 6.2 million) don't even know they have it.
There are two main types of diabetes that most of us should be concerned about: type 1 and type 2. Type one diabetes is generally diagnosed in childhood, and may also be referred to as juvenile diabetes. This form of the disease is due to the body's failure to produce adequate insulin, the hormone that allows glucose to enter our cells and fuel them. About 5 to 10% of Americans who are diagnosed with diabetes have this form of the disease.
Type 2 is much more common. Type 2 diabetes generally results from insulin resistance (where the body fails to utilize insulin properly), combined with relative insulin deficiency. 90 to 95% of Americans who are diagnosed with diabetes have type 2.
Since type 2 diabetes is usually brought about by diet and lifestyle, this is the form of the disease we'll talk most about. Our bodies need insulin to be able to use sugar. Sugar (or glucose) is the basic fuel for our cells, and is carried throughout the body by insulin. In people with diabetes, insulin levels are insufficient, causing glucose to build up in the blood instead of going into cells. This can cause two problems: one, your cells may be starved for energy, and two, over time high blood glucose levels may damage your eyes, kidneys, nerves, or heart.
Now, don't get me wrong: finding out you have type 2 diabetes can be scary and is no laughing matter. However, there is no need to panic. Diabetes is serious, but victims of the disease can live long, healthy, happy lives.
There is new research every day that helps shed some light on how to live with and control diabetes. Especially with type 2, there is a lot you can do to help keep the disease in check. Oral medications can be extremely helpful and offer a good level of convenience. But probably the most important things you can do to keep your diabetes from taking over your life is to watch your diet very carefully, and exercise.
It's a known scientific fact that physical activity can help lower blood sugar, reducing the body's need for insulin. The more exercise you get, the less medication you're likely to need. And the more you can control your diabetes without taking extra medication, the better. If you have diabetes (or even if you don't!), make sure you're exercising regularly. It doesn't have to be ultra-strenuous--a walk will do--but it does have to be consistent.
The other vital factor in controlling your diabetes naturally is with your diet. Diabetics need to keep a close eye on their carbohydrates, sugars, fats, and proteins. If you can maintain a proper balance and keep your blood sugar from spiking, you'll have a much easier time keeping your diabetes in check. Pay close attention to food labels. The meal planning exchange lists available from the American Diabetes Association could prove to be your best friend and will help simplify the whole process.
And of course, getting regular exercise and watching your diet could have a fantastic side effect, and it's something else that will help you control your diabetes: weight loss. Losing just 10% of your body weight could have a major positive impact on your health, so if you have some weight to lose, shoot for 10% for starters.
If you don't have type 2 diabetes, you can do much to prevent it. Try to maintain a healthy weight with proper diet, exercise, and plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. And above all, see your doctor if you have any concerns.
Copyright Troy Francis. Troy writes articles that relate to Overall Health and Fitness. He has been a personal trainer for many years and wants to share his experience. Articles may be republished if resource box stays the same and link is always active. You can see more great articles on Weight Loss, Diet, Exercise, Health and much more by going to: http://www.Exercise-Diet.com/
More aboutManage Diabetes the Natural Way

Quick Guide on Diabetes

Posted by luputtenan2 on Monday, December 19, 2005

The prevalence of diabetes has been steadily increasing world over. Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are above normal.
It is estimated that more than 2000 new cases of diabetes are diagnosed everyday in the United States alone. While symptoms of Type 1 diabetes are usually obvious, Type 2 often shows few or no symptoms. After a meal, food is broken down into a sugar called glucose, which is carried by the blood to cells through out the body. Cells use the hormone insulin, made in the pancreas, to process blood glucose into energy. Diabetics have problems converting food to energy.
People develop type 2 diabetes because the cells in the muscles, liver and fat do not use insulin properly. Eventually, the pancreas cannot make enough insulin to fulfill the body’s needs. As a result, the amount of glucose in the blood increases while the cells are starved of energy. Over the years high blood glucose damages nerves and blood vessels, leading to complication such as heart ailments, blindness, kidney disease, nerve problems, gum infections and amputation.
Rapid increase in population, increased longevity and high ethnic susceptibility to diabetes, coupled with rapid urbanization and deviation from traditional lifestyle continue to trigger diabetes cases. While a lot of work is underway to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes, people at risk should be screened regularly to prevent the ailment. And those who have already been detected with diabetes should aim to keep their sugar level under control.
Managing type 2 diabetes means making a few changes in how you live. The basics:
1. Eat right
2. Manage your weight
3. Be physically active
4. Don’t smoke
5. Keep you blood sugar under control. It can help reduce the risk of diabetes related problems later.
6. Your healthcare provider may prescribe diabetes medicines
Many people have no signs or symptoms. Symptoms may be so mild that you don’t even notice them. Here is what to look for
1. Increased thirst
2. Increased hunger
3. Fatigue
4. Increased urination especially at night
5. Weight loss
6. Blurred vision
7. Sores that do not heal
8. Genital itching or regular episodes of thrush
One in every six people with diabetes will have foot ulcer during their lifetime, each year, four million people worldwide get a foot ulcer. Cost of treating foot problems is enormous. Majority of the patient’s only report after they have infected foot ulcers with systemic complication. It is important to diagnose the problem at the earliest in order cure the foot problem.
Ashely Farrar is a veteran of the alternative medicine industry and has a wealth of knowledge and expertise on the subject of Kidney Stone Treatment. More info: http://www.symptoms-kidney-stones-treatments.com/
More aboutQuick Guide on Diabetes

If Fast Food is a Must, Make the Healthiest Possible Choices

Posted by luputtenan2

I was out recently with some friends and we stopped at a fast food joint. I hate fast food joints, but sometimes everybody else wants to go there, so you just have to make the best of it and find something at least somewhat healthy. If you're forced to eat fast-food, here's a tip to make sure that you're not doing much damage to your body...ALWAYS AVOID the soda and anything deep fried including french fries, hash browns, and anything breaded like chicken nuggets, chicken patties, or breaded fish sandwiches. These are all absolutely soaked in deadly trans fats from the industrial hydrogenated vegetable oils they use to fry all of these items.
Remember, as I've said before, I've seen studies indicating that as little as 1 gram of trans fat per day can have serious degenerative internal effects in your body such as inflammation, clogging and hardening of the arteries, heart disease, various forms of cancer...not to mention packing on the ab flab. That's as little as 1 gram! Consider that a typical fast-food meal of a breaded chicken sandwich (or fish sandwich), along with an order of fries can contain as much as 10 grams of trans fat! Add on a cookie or small piece of pie for dessert (which are usually made with deadly margarine or shortening), and now you're up to about 13 grams of trans fat with that entire meal. If 1 gram a day is slowly killing you, imagine what 13 grams is doing! And that was only one meal that you ate. Some people are consuming 20-30 grams of trans fat per day, and not even realizing what they're doing to themselves internally. Please realize that nobody, I mean NOBODY, is looking out for your health, except for YOU.
Anyway, back to the topic of how to avoid this stuff and eat a reasonably healthy meal on the rare occasion that you're forced to eat fast-food. As for drinks, avoid the sodas...they're nothing but heavily processed high fructose corn syrup which will surely end up as extra belly fat. Water is always the best drink, but if you need something with flavor, try unsweetened or lightly sweetened iced tea. At breakfast, the best choice is an egg, ham, and cheese on an english muffin (not on a croissant, which is full of nasty trans!), or a fruit & nut salad. At lunch or dinner, the best choices are a grilled chicken sandwich, the chili, a grilled chicken salad without croutons (again...croutons = more trans), or even just a plain cheeseburger. The main take-away point from this little fast-food article is that the nastiest stuff at these fast food joints are the sodas and fries, and any other deep fried items.
For any of you that have seen the movie "Super-Size Me", you saw how eating fast food every day absolutely destroyed that guy's health, but did you happen to notice the one guy that was the king of eating big macs (or some kind of burger)? I don't remember what kind of burger it was, but basically this guy has eaten these fast food burgers almost every day of his life for the past 30 years or something like that. Did you notice that he stated that he almost never eats the fries or soda, even though he eats the burgers every day? And he's not necessarily overweight. Now I'm not saying that fast-food burgers made with their refined white bread and low quality beef and cheese are the healthiest thing, but the point is...it's the fries and sodas that are the real health disaster.
Alright, so next time you're out at one of these places, remember these tips and choose smart!
By the way, if you haven't heard yet, McD's is adding a nutrition label to all of their food wrappers beginning in 2006. Remember that as little as one gram of trans may cause some internal harm and now you can actually see how many grams of trans fat you're eating right on the food wrapper. That might change your mind about finishing it!
Visit http://truthaboutabs.com/Training-and-Nutrition-Articles.html to receive your own personalized metabolic rate calculator as well as 5 of my secret hard-body workout routines - both FREE, with no purchase necessary.
Michael Geary is a nationally dual certified personal trainer (NCSF-CPT, AFAA-CPT), and author of "The Truth about Six Pack Abs" ©2004-2005.
More aboutIf Fast Food is a Must, Make the Healthiest Possible Choices

Eat Right For the Holidays

Posted by luputtenan2 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005

With the holiday quickly approaching, I'd like to give you 7 quick tips on getting through the feasting without sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
1) Eat as much vegetables and pumpkin as possible...*before* the turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy. Pumpkins, onions, celery, sweet potatoes, yams, squash, green beans, and fruits such as cranberries and apples are high in fiber and tend to make you fuller faster. The presence of these foods in your gut will also decrease fat absorption from the other more fatty foods, such as the meats and cheeses, so prioritize consumption of these foods, and get them on your plate before the others.
2) Eat slow. Eating slowly allows you to feel full *before* you've eaten more than you actually need. By taking smaller bites, enjoying the conversation around you, and focusing on the meal as just a small spart of the celebration, you'll be more likely to spend 20 minutes on one plate, rather than starting on thirds inside of 15 minutes (you'll thank me when you don't have the post-meal stomach-ache this year!).
3) Choose your pie wisely. You will literally save hundreds of calories by choosing a fiber-rich, lower sugar pumpkin pie over rich, buttery apple, or even worse, pecan pie. The pumpkin pie takes up just as much room in your stomach, which will still satisfy your appetite.
4) Take a walk. The post-meal physical activity will boost your metabolism, and keep those fatty acids circulating in the bloodstream so that they're less likely to get deposited as fat on the waistline, butt and thighs (note: save the backyard football for *before* the meal - you don't want to get tackled with a belly full of turkey).
5) Snack beforehand. Don't fast all day because you know you'll be eating a big meal later on. The last thing your body needs is to be in starvation, fat-storage mode when the feast arrives. Instead, eat a healthy, complex breakfast (like a bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruit), and snack throughout the day on 100-250 calorie meals, like a piece of raw fruit, a handful of nuts, or a small salad. You'll be less likely to overeat at any big meal if you practice this habit.
6) Don't overdo exercise. I know those Thanksgiving day exercise classes and early morning workouts feel great and make you feel less guilty, but just don't overdo it. A 3 hour marathon of lifting, cycling, and running is only going to increase stress on your body and raise the level of fat storage hormones, just before the food goes in. Follow this rule: don't exercise any more than you would on a typical day.
7) Have fun! For those of you on a strict diet-exercise regimen, this is one of those times of year to really enjoy yourself. Everybody needs a break once in a while, and one piece of pumpkin pie, or a tablespoon of gravy, is not going to sabotage your routine and make you fat. As a matter of fact, occasionally indulging yourself is a great way to feel mentally and physically excited about getting back into your routine. So try to follow the simple rules in this article, and at the same time, break loose and have fun!
Happy holidays everybody!
Head trainer Ben Greenfield runs the online training website Pacific Elite Fitness, and holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Sport Science and Exercise Physiology, as well as certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Personal Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Coach (NSCA-CPT & CSCS). For over 6 years, Ben has coached and trained professional, collegiate, and recreational athletes, and helped hundreds of individuals achieve their personal fitness goals. For more information on online personal training and fitness, contact Ben at elite@pacificfit.net.
More aboutEat Right For the Holidays

7 Things You Need to Know Before Purchasing Diabetes Supplies

Posted by luputtenan2 on Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Have you been diagnosed with either type 1 or typ2 diabetes? If you have, you may be wondering where the best place is to purchase the diabetes supplies that you need. With today's technology, the avenues available to you are plentiful. However, you may still have questions as to which place is the best for your particular situation. These tips will help you answer those questions.
1- When you are beginning your search for a diabetic supply source, it is important to know what to look for. While you can purchase the needed supplies from your doctor, online or through a mail order company, some important questions need to be answered before you decide. You will need to know where they are located, what the hours of operation are, how qualified the staff is to answer questions and how they will ship the diabetes supplies to you.
2- First, do not deal with any diabetes supply company that is not based in the United States or in Canada. The reason for this is simple, if the supply company is not in North America, shipping tends to be less dependable and your supplies could be held in customs. Avoid supply sources that are located in South America, Asia or Mexico for these reasons.
3- While you are conducting your search, be sure go check that the companies you are considering have an actual address that isn't a P.O. Box. What you are looking for is that any diabetes supply company you are thinking of purchasing from is a real company, not someone who is, for instance, buying and reselling supplies.
4- Be sure to ask for a telephone number that you can use if something goes wrong with your order. The best option here is to use a company that has a 1-800 number that is answered 24 hours a day. It is also important to test that number before you decide to buy from that company. Don't just take their word that they have the number actually test it. Ask the person who answers the phone some basic questions about a specific diabetes supply; you want to know that they have knowledgeable people answering questions.
5- While you are checking for a knowledgeable staff, ask if they have a pharmacist on staff. If they don't, find out if they have a certified diabetes educator on staff that can answer your questions. This will help to ensure that you are dealing with a reputable firm and not a fly by night company.
6- You also want to know who fills out the insurance or Medicare paperwork. Most larger, well-run diabetes supply companies will offer this service for you as an added benefit. They will know what the insurance companies require to process a claim. If they offer this to you, use the service to your advantage. It is also a good idea to contact your insurance company to verify that they work with a particular diabetes supply source.
7- Shipping is very important when purchasing diabetes supplies. Find out how they ship the products, this information could ensure that you get supplies that are good and that have not gone bad in transit. Insulin, for example needs to be kept cold to stay useable, ask how they ensure this. Ask about shipping charges also, some companies will offer free shipping as an incentive to buy from them. However, if they don't, the shipping can get expensive.
John Mancini has been writing about Diabetes online and offline for a long time. Visit http://diabetes-central.info or http://diabetes-central.net to read more about matters like diabetes and diabetes alternative medicine
More about7 Things You Need to Know Before Purchasing Diabetes Supplies

Impotence in Diabetics

Posted by luputtenan2

More than 50 percent of diabetic men suffer from impotence, and almost all complain bitterly that it has destroyed something that is very important to them. Impotence caused by diabetes can be prevented or reversed in almost all men whose bodies can still make insulin.
Diabetes causes horrendous nerve damage including blindness, deafness, burning foot syndrome, loss of feeling, loss of muscle control, pain and tingling and impotence. The penis is the only gland in the body that has its blood supply shut off all the time. Muscles surrounding the penile artery constrict the artery to prevent blood from flowing to the penis. When a man is excited, his brain sends messages along nerves that cause the nerves to secrete a chemical called nitric oxide theat relaxes the muscles around the arteries to open blood flow to the penis and the balloons in the penis fill with blood and the man has an erection.
More than 90 percent of diabetics who can still make their own insulin can be controlled so that they do not suffer nerve damage. When you eat, your blood sugar level rises. If it rises too high, sugar sticks to cells and causes permanent nerve damage. Doctors can measure how much sugar is stuck on cells with a blood test called HBA1C. To get your HBA1C to a normal range below 6.1, you have to avoid foods that cause a high rise in blood sugar such as those with added sugar, those made from flour such as bakery products and pastas, and fruit juices.
Most cases of nerve damage from diabetes can be reversed by good control of diabetes, but sometimes the damage is permanent. For example once person goes blind from diabetes, he will never get his vision back. However, impotence is often reversible with good control of diabetes.
Men who are impotent from diabetes must be seen every month and each month, the doctor must draw a blood test called HBA1C which measures diabetic control for the last 12 weeks, or another blood test called fructosamine, which measures diabetic control over the last 2 weeks. Every time, the HBA1C is greater than 6.1, the doctor must change the patient's drugs and the patient must change his diet.
All diabetics should get a blood test called C-peptide to tell if their bodies can make insulin. If their C peptide is greater than 1, they should not be placed on insulin and should be started immediately on Glucophage and Actos or Avandia. These drugs lower high blood sugar levels, never cause low blood sugar, and also lower insulin to prevent obesity and heart attacks. Only if blood sugar levels cannot be controlled by diet and these insulin-lowering drugs should doctors prescribe drugs that raise insulin.
Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at http://www.DrMirkin.com
More aboutImpotence in Diabetics

What are the Best Nutritional Products for Health?

Posted by luputtenan2 on Monday, December 12, 2005

The best place to start with the best nutritional products for health is with the 90 essential nutrients. Undoubtedly this will bring about the best health results in the least possible time.
What are the 90 essential nutrients – 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and 2 omega 3 essential fatty acids. They are classed as essential because we must consume them (the body cannot make them) and without them we may suffer one or many nutritional deficiency diseases.
Ideally we should be able to get our nutritional products for health from food and not from a capsule – however plants and other food sources no longer contain the minerals we need to prevent disease and this is because our food is grown in mineral-deficient soil. If the minerals aren’t in the soil, then they’re not in the food and that means that we don’t get them either.
If you’re wondering whether or not this is true just ask any farmer about the (lack of) minerals in the soil and you will get your answer. In fact any farmer raising livestock will definitely add minerals to the feed because they need healthy animals so they can get the best possible price at the market – and to avoid expensive vet bills!
Aside from minerals the second most important nutritional products for health are omega three essential fatty acids (EFA). Most of the dietary fat we consume is actually in the form of omega 6 (which we get mainly from vegetable oils, grains and nuts). To stay healthy we need an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio of about 2:1. In the typical average western diet, this ratio is actually loser to 10:1.
Healthy intakes of omega 3 EFA will reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease (the number one killer of all men and women around the world)and improve the functioning of the immune system and the way the body deals with a number of diseases such as diabetes and inflammation disorders (to name a few).
Recommended nutritional products for health
Ideally you should take all 90 essential nutrients – this will include all 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids and 2 essential fatty acids.
If you want to break this down further into the best nutritional products for health, we would recommend a liquid mineral supplement along with an EFA supplement.
If you suffer a health challenge of any type, you should start with all 90 essential nutrients as well as a digestive enzyme supplement to ensure maximum absorption of the products. Enzymes also help out the immune system by beaking down foreign proteins or allergens that lead to many so called autoimmune diseases.
Copyright http://www.Global-Longevity.com
Paul Newland is a health writer, sports training consultant and martial arts instructor and manages the Global-Longevity.com website. He is the author of numerous health information books and guides, including the Wellness Report, The Ultimate Antioxidant Report, The Selenium Report, The Bird Flu Report, The Ultimate Nutrient Guide and The Essential Fatty Acid Report and The Ultimate Sports Nutrition Guide - available Free (for a limited time) through Global-Longevity.com
More aboutWhat are the Best Nutritional Products for Health?

The Importance of Water for Your Skin and Health

Posted by luputtenan2

Water makes up to 98 percent of our body, and without this life-giving fluid, you and I would not survive. The human body can survive for up to three weeks on water alone. Try surviving without the water and you might make it four to five days. It’s a truly amazing and health sustaining fluid, and it is just water!
What really do we get from water, that our body must have, and can’t live without? It’s the benefit of the fluidity of water, and what it does for our bodies that is the most important part. All of our bodily functions rely on the cells in our bloodstream to supply them the nutrients and minerals that they need to carry out those vital functions. How do our cells achieve that end? They absorb the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients we take in during our digestive process. But they also absorb water, or liquid fluids that are a product in direct water intake or the digestive process, but either way, water must be a part of the formula. Since cells are also made of mostly water or fluid, it’s necessary to keep lots of water coming, and make sure that we include at least 64 ounces in our daily intake.
Ask any health and fitness instructor, and they will tell you that you must consume plenty of water during your exercise routine, weight lifting, and physical activity requires us to take in water or some sort of sports drink. Most of the instructors will recommend just plain water. Why must we keep our bodies so hydrated? In order for the metabolic and muscle burn to occur, there must be plenty of water and plenty of oxygen. Oh, wait a minute, there’s another benefit of water. It contains oxygen, a substance our body cannot get enough of. Water also helps to flush the lactose acid that accumulates in our muscles when we work out, or use the excessively. The lactose acid can build up and cause soreness, stiffness, and muscle pain.
So, if you look at the benefits that water supplies, and you are trying to maintain health and fitness, you can not ignore the fact that water needs to be a part of your daily intake. But how much water do we need to adequately supply our bodies, and help fuel our metabolic processes? The most often recommended quantity is 8 eight ounce glasses each day. Personally, I believe that amount should be closer to 10 eight ounce glasses each day.
What other benefits can water provide, other than the obvious ones of adding fluid to our bodies? Water helps keep our skin healthy and glowing. It helps in the reduction of wrinkling, and aids in our ability to flush fat, toxins, and any other unwanted or foreign substance from our bodies. Flushing our intestines with plenty of water allows us to maintain stable and safe quantities of yeast and bacteria. Plenty of water keeps our thought processes and brain function at optimal levels, and prevents headaches that are caused from not enough hydration. It’s pretty amazing what that one little glass of water can do!
Do you want to have beautiful skin every day for the rest of your life? Visit Skin Care Center for the latest news and information on how to achieve beautiful skin. You will also learn about natural skin care.
More aboutThe Importance of Water for Your Skin and Health

Multi-Vitamin, Health Benefits, and 100% Fruit Juices

Posted by luputtenan2 on Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Keep hydrated
Make sure that you do not become dehydrated. Your body needs a constant intake of water to be healthy. You can be hydrated by drinking plenty of water and other fluids such as herbal teas, multi-vitamin, health benefits and 100% fruit juices. Soups also contain water and count as a liquid. Indication that you are well hydrated is your urine being clear and not yellow, and not feeling thirsty throughout your day. Multi-vitamin, health benefits and 100% fruit juices.
Take a multivitamin per day to get the vitamins and minerals you may not get through your food. B6 is a member of the B vitamin family, and helps in stress reduction. Vitamin B6 converts tryptophan into serotonin, the chemical which makes us feel less stress and more relaxed. B6 also helps lesson pre-menstrual syndrome. Food sources of B6 include tuna, chicken, beef, prunes and bananas. Before taking B6 supplements, consult with your physician as too much B6 can result in irreversible nerve damage. Multi-vitamin, health benefits and 100% fruit juices.
Should be a part of everyone's life as the health benefits are numerous. Get healthy for your wedding day by doing a form of exercise that you enjoy. Many types of exercise will be good for your heart, lungs, muscles and bones, such as working out at a gym, walking, biking, hiking or even gardening. Moving your muscles and remaining active with proper rest periods is beneficial to your overall health. Exercise creates endorphins, chemicals in our brains that act as natural anti depressants. When we exercise we sleep better. Check with your physician before starting any exercise program. Multi-vitamin, health benefits and 100% fruit juices.
By Ken Bissonette and Deidre
Ken and Deidre are successful authors and publishers of Health and Beauty information specified for you. http://www.weddingdresses-gifts-flowers.com and look under Bride Health.
More aboutMulti-Vitamin, Health Benefits, and 100% Fruit Juices

The Art of Espresso

Posted by luputtenan2 on Monday, December 5, 2005

Espresso - The Ultimate Coffee Experience
Espresso comes from the Italian word for express since espresso is made for and served immediately to the customer. Espresso should be sweet with a potent aroma and flavor similar to freshly ground coffee. The crema, which makes up 10-30% of the beverage, should be dark reddish-brown, smooth, and thick. It should drip from filter like warm honey. A perfect espresso is enjoyable straight with no additives and should leave a pleasant and aromatic aftertaste lingering on the palate for several minutes after consumption.
The beauty is that espresso is volatile and difficult. A perfect espresso is more of a concept than an actuality. If it were easy we would develop a machine that can brew a perfect espresso every time. We need to look at the many factors involved in espresso preparation that only a human mind and a passionate heart can begin to understand and control its complexity.
- Without a good espresso blend you cannot have a good espresso. Coffees must be blended to achieve the sweetness, aromatics, and smoothness desired in espresso. The blend must also be fresh. Ideally, espresso should be used within four days of roasting.
- Espresso roasted very dark is a bitter, charcoal tasting brew. People that know how to blend espresso will roast light to preserve the aroma and sugars.
- The grind must be continuously monitored throughout the day to achieve an extraction time of 25-30 seconds. Do not change the pressure you tamp with to compensate for a grind that has become too large or small.
- A good coffee grinder is essential. Many coffee professionals consider a conical hybrid blade to be the best design of grinders because they last longer, and the coffee is not heated during the grinding process. If the burrs become hot the coffee loses its aroma.
- You should grind coffee only on demand. Coffee must be freshly ground to achieve peak flavors. When someone orders an espresso grind only what is necessary for one shot, you should dose properly, tamp, and brew, and discard any espresso grounds that are not used within 30 seconds.
- Distribute the coffee evenly after dosing in the porta- filter before tamping. And tamp the coffee once very evenly with 5 lbs of pressure, then once with 30 lbs of pressure, and polish 720 degrees with 20 lbs of pressure.
- Water should be filtered. Try filling a small glass with water, letting it cool, and tasting it for off flavors. If the water tastes strange you should begin with fresh water.
- The water temperature should be between 92-96C. The choice of the espresso machine is very important to both water temperature and temperature stability. A stable temperature means consistent espresso.
- The goal is to have a dark red espresso take approximately 25-30 seconds to brew with no change in color.
The key to espresso is to realize that it always has further potential. By changing any one of these factors you can improve or diminish its potential. Espresso preparation is an art that demands the precision and dedication of science.
by: Dolce Kalldo
Dolce Kalldo is the proprietor and delegate for Espresso Your Love, which is the premier source for exotic flavored coffee. For more information visit: http://www.espressoyourlove.com
More aboutThe Art of Espresso

A Beginners Guide To Oolong Tea

Posted by luputtenan2

Over the last few years green tea has become very popular and is available in most stores and cafés. It is also used in all kinds of products such as shampoo, face cream, candles and many other daily items. Oolong tea is produced from the same plant, which is called Camellia Sinensis. The difference is that Oolong is a semi-fermented brew whereas green tea is unfermented.
The fermentation process is carried out by a skilled worker who can ferment the tea to many different levels to create different varieties. The leaves are stimulated until the oxidization process reaches the desired level and then cooked to finish the process.
The leaves are further processed after the fermentation to enhance the smell, texture and the flavor. This is done by rolling and rubbing the tea. It it possible to achieve many different levels of tea, and when the processing is over a knowledgeable master of Oolong will check the leaves and give them a grade.
The history of Oolong tells us that it was first produced in Fujian province in China. Some of the finest tea still comes from this area although it is now also produced in many other places including Taiwan, Vietnam and Thailand.
One of the reasons that green tea has become so popular is that there are believed to many health benefits which can be obtained by regular drinking. These benefits are also reported to exist in Oolong and are retained even after the tea is processed. Some of the common benefits claimed are the stimulation of the metabolism and the ability to enhance the digestion.
If you are interested in trying some Oolong then it is recommended to find a quality supplier. There are many sellers on the Internet who can supply good tea and many who can supply not so good tea. The stuff in the local Chinese store tends to be of very low quality and not worth buying. Look for a specialist tea merchant and try a few different ones to find the best quality.
Some of the more popular varieties include Gao Shan, Tie Guan Yin, Vietnamese Golden Buds and Formosa Oolong which comes from Taiwan. Don't be afraid to get stuck in and try a few varieties. I can tell you that a good Oolong is really a great tea so if you are not impressed with what you buy then shop around for another merchant because the good stuff is out there.
by: Rob Jameson
Rob Jameson is a writer and tea lover. For more information please stop by at this web resource for http://www.chineseoolongtea.com.
More aboutA Beginners Guide To Oolong Tea

Avoiding Cholesterol in Foods Won't Lower Your Cholesterol

Posted by luputtenan2 on Sunday, December 4, 2005

If you avoid all foods that contain cholesterol, will your high cholesterol return to normal?
It's not that simple. Your blood cholesterol level is influenced far more by how many calories and how much saturated and partially hydrogenated fat you eat, than by how much cholesterol is in your food. Cholesterol is found only in foods from animals, such as meat, fish, chicken, dairy products and eggs. It is not found in plants. More than 80 percent of the cholesterol in your body is made by your liver. Less than 20 percent comes from the food that you eat. When you eat more cholesterol, your liver makes less.
Your liver makes cholesterol from saturated fats, which are found in most foods but are concentrated in meat, poultry and whole-milk dairy products. The saturated fat is broken down by your liver into acetone units. If you are not taking in too many calories, your liver uses the acetone units for energy, but if you are taking in more calories than your body needs, your liver uses these same acetone units to manufacture cholesterol. That explains why eating two eggs a day does not raise blood cholesterol levels in the average American. They are already taking in so much cholesterol from meat, fish and chicken and diary products, that when they take in more, they absorb less.
The average North American takes in 350 mg per day of cholesterol. If he takes in 26 mg per day, he absorbs 41 percent. When he takes in 188 mg cholesterol per day, he absorbs only 36 percent, and when he takes in 421 mg per day (the equivalent of two eggs), he absorbs only 25 percent. Some people absorb more than five times as much as other people at the same intake. So you lower blood cholesterol levels far more effectively by eating less food, less saturated fat and less partially hydrogenated fats than by avoiding foods that contain cholesterol.
Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at http://www.DrMirkin.com
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Lower Cholesterol with Diet, Not Drugs
More aboutAvoiding Cholesterol in Foods Won't Lower Your Cholesterol

Spiritual Healing- Nothing Special

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, December 2, 2005

Let's be honest. A lot of people think that spiritual healing is a little "woo-woo." Look at it logically, though, and I think you'll agree it's nothing out of the ordinary.
Health is your natural state of being. It's your default setting. As soon as you scrape your knee or cut your finger, you begin healing yourself. Your blood clots, while tenderness and swelling warn you to steer clear of the healing area. It's like a sign outside of a construction site, "Working – Do Not Enter."
Of course, there are often additional things you can do to facilitate healing. If a cut on your arm is very deep, you might bandage it or even sew the severed edges together, so that the healing cells can reach each other. You may apply an antibacterial to protect the area until the skin grows back to provide that protection. Whether you realize it or not, even in these everyday examples, you are cooperating with your spiritual healing.
Without the spirit that lives in you, as you, all the stitches and bandages would be completely pointless. Without consciousness, your skin would not know how to repair a cut, no matter how long you held it together.
Scientists now tell us what spiritual healers have known for a long time: There is no time. We've created the illusion of time to have a certain experience. You heal your leg simultaneous to breaking it: the healing only appears to take six weeks. The cast and ibuprofen and traction are all things we've created to help pass the illusion of time. And if you're tired of how you're passing the time in your own life, you can use spiritual healing to change that.
I'm not bashing "traditional" healing. I'm just saying you have a choice. Since we're here, having a time-bound experience, we don't need to turn our noses up at the "traditional" methods of healing. We just need to know them for what they are – props on the stage of life's play. By tapping into some resources from the field of "alternative" or spiritual healing , we can choose different props (hopefully less expensive or painful) or reduce the time we use our props. As our proficiency grows over weeks, months, or years, we can eliminate many of our props altogether!
We can also aid our body's natural/spiritual healing process by "getting out of the way." You may not realize there's anything spiritual about a good night's sleep and good food, but repeat after me, "Everything is spiritual!" As the saying goes, you are a spiritual being having a human (time-based) experience.
No less a teacher than Thich Nhat Hahn has said that rest is important for the healing of both mind and body. I believe that much of our discomfort during healing actually comes from our restless resistance to the healing process. We try to work or otherwise carry on, as if no healing were going on, when our body wants its maximum healing power.
Whenever we let go and get still, though, we can watch miracles of spiritual healing take place – in our bodies and in our lives.
by: Amy Biddle
Amy Biddle has been a lifetime student and teacher of spiritual principles. Spiritual Healing Secrets is a fast-growing resource for anyone who wants to improve her or himself, or simply to learn practical spiritual principles. Let Amy help you improve your life! Discover the secrets at http://www.spiritual-healing-secrets.com.
This article may be reproduced in its entirety as long as the "About the Author" and links are included.
More aboutSpiritual Healing- Nothing Special

Exercise at Christmas Without the Gym

Posted by luputtenan2

Gyms get pretty deserted around Christmas time. Everyone is so busy with preparations, parties and people visiting that it's hard to fit in getting there, getting changed and going through a routine as regularly as you might the rest of the year.
But don't give up on exercise completely - you'll find it far harder to get back in the swing of things if you do. Make exercise part of the fun and keep yourself ticking over until it's time to get back to the gym in January. Maybe you'll enjoy the alternatives so much you'll never go back!
1. Do less
Just do ten minutes if that's all you can manage. Ten minutes of anything - walking around the house or stair stepping or skipping or rebounding - anything that fits your level of fitness and the equipment you have available at home. You can do it in the morning before your shower and it will energise you for everything you have to get done. If you can fit in 10 minutes later on too, so much the better. You'll keep up your fitness levels and use a few calories which you can probably do with at this time of year.
2. Do a class at home
Fitness videos are great if you don't have much time. There's no getting to the gym - you have everything you need right at home. You can pick them up for next to nothing from charity shops or treat yourself to one or two for Christmas. And it doesn't matter if you don't know the moves or have the latest fitness gear - nobody's watching!
3. Clear Up
No doubt you have to get your home ready for friends and family visiting anyway so make the clear up a workout. Put lots of energy into it! Clear out all that clutter then clean, vacuum and polish everything until it gleams. You'll be ready for guests, keep up your fitness levels and use some calories all at the same time.
4. Active fun
If you have a lot of guests and can't get your usual exercise fix organise some active fun for everyone! You could all go bowling or skating. Or try a game of charades or Twister. If it snows, you can go sledging or organise a snowman building competition. At the very least get them all out for a walk every day whatever the weather. There are sure to be some lights to go and see or a local carol service to attend.
5. Dance the Night Away
Don't be a wallflower. Take every opportunity to dance at parties (it will keep you away from the buffet table too) or just invite your partner to go dancing over the holidays. You'll have fun, get closer and it'll be great exercise. Dancing uses up between 270 and 540 calories an hour depending on the speed.
6. Offer a helping hand
Get active by volunteering your services in your community. You can help serve lunch at a homeless shelter or old people's home. Or just help your neighbours with running errands and snow clearing. You'll get a warm glow from lending a hand as well as from the exercise and feel much better than you do after sitting around all afternoon watching the re-runs of "White Christmas".
7. Escape
And if all else fails, next year book a skiing holiday for your Christmas break instead of staying at home. There's a whole year to save up (and to dodge the rows when you tell your family you're going away next year!) Skiing is fantastic exercise and you'll come back fit, invigorated and without those extra few pounds so many seem to acquire over Christmas.
by: Janice Elizabeth Small
Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small
Janice Elizabeth is a weight loss coach and author of "The Diet Exit Plan". Get her FREE ezine "No More Diets" and 24 page special report "How to have a Great Christmas without piling on the pounds" at http://www.SimplySlimming.com/Christmas TODAY!
More aboutExercise at Christmas Without the Gym

To Chose or Excuse

Posted by luputtenan2

One of the best things about being diagnosed with ADD is that you finally have an explanation for many of the challenges you experience in life.
So this is why it's hard for me to get started and follow through! This is why it's hard for me to pay attention in meetings! This is why it's hard for me to get to bed on time!
We must be careful, though, because an explanation is not an excuse.
An excuse can be defined as "a justification used to obtain forgiveness." Excuses don't help us make change or allow us to grow. They provide us with a way out. They provide us with a reason not to improve our lives, and they keep us feeling disappointed, frustrated, and unhappy.
And excuses have the same effect on the people we feed them to, like spouses, bosses, and friends.
When you make a choice, you "select from a number of possible alternatives; you decide." Making choices allows us to take control. We stop being victims of circumstance, and start being responsible people.
When learning to manage your ADD, you must be willing to stop making excuses, and start making choices.
Of course, learning to manage ADD is not simple. It takes time, patience, and practice. Let's look at a practical example:
You have a doctor's appointment, and you usually arrive late. You make the choice to change this behavior.
You make the choice to plan your travel time, it takes you 15 minutes door to door. You make the choice to leave your home 15 minutes before the appointment. However, when you get in the car, you realize that you need gas. You make the choice to stop for gas, and because of that you end up 5 minutes late. You're stressed out and frantic because you really tried to be there on time.
At this point, you can make an excuse: I didn't realize the tank was so low because I didn't use the car last! Or: I did the best I could so it's not my fault I'm late! Or: No matter how hard I try, I just can't get places on time!
The alternative is to make a choice to learn from this experience. I learned that I need to allow myself a little extra time, in case something like this comes up. Or: I learned that I do have the ability to manage my time better, and although I was still late, I really made an improvement.
Choices allow you to move forward. Excuses will keep you stuck in the same place.
Make the choice to increase your self-awareness.
Make the choice to explain your actions, rather than excuse them.
Make the choice to listen to the people who provide loving feedback.
Make the choice to find support.
Make the choice to take action.
Make the choice to acknowledge success.
Make the choice to move forward.
by: ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky
Jennifer Koretsky is a Professional ADD Management Coach who helps adults manage their ADD and move forward in life. She is the Leader of Experience ADDvantages, a popular online membership community that offers information, support, and coaching for adults with ADD. To learn more about Experience ADDvantages, please visit http://www.experienceADDvantages.com.
More aboutTo Chose or Excuse

Making Spanish Paella The Easy Way

Posted by luputtenan2 on Thursday, December 1, 2005

Paella is a saffron-flavored dish made with varying combinations of rice, vegetables, meat, chicken and seafood. Spain and the Catalan languages, paella means frying pan or pot. The traditional paella pan is flat and of large diameter, it can also have handles on each side.
In fact, paella is one of the most versatile dishes to make. Paella also has the advantage of being great to clean out the fridge and use up leftover meats and vegetables. Any combination will eventually be great the secret is in the chemistry. Spanish Paella is a dish that is generally made to feed several people. Moreover, Spanish Paella is quite flavorful the next day as the tastes have had time to mix together and become stronger.
Here are three basic steps to follow to make wonderful Spanish Paellas while leaving you the latitude to be creative and to make the dish their own by customizing it to their taste.
1. Preparing the rice.
Select a type of rice that you are comfortable using. Feel free to experiment but know that Spanish Paella contains a lot of ingredients and if you are unhappy with the end result with a particular type of rice, you might end up with a lot of waste. Basmati, brown or a mix with wild rice can add great taste and texture. Follow the instructions on the package with regards to washing and cooking the rice. Finely chop some onion, garlic and tomato. Heat a saucepan and add olive oil once the saucepan is hot (make sure that the oil does not start smoking. Burnt olive oil is carcinogenic and quite unhealthy). Once the oil is hot, throw in the uncooked rice. Frying uncooked rice gives it a nutty taste. Let the rice fry in the saucepan for a minute or so. Add the chopped onion, garlic and tomato until they soften, mixing constantly. Spice with saffron, salt and pepper. Feel free to experiment. Cumin, Cayenne various fine herbs or even a bit cinnamon or cloves can easily be added for a flavoring of your own. This mixture should not be on the stove for more that three to five minutes. At high heat with constant mixing, none of the ingredients should stick but they should mix well together and soften. Once all the ingredients are combined, remove the saucepan from the burner and mix in some frozen peas. Add enough peas to make a well balanced mixture.
2. Choosing and making the meat.
In a frying pan at high heat, brown some pieces of chicken. Upper thighs, drumsticks, breasts...it's all good. Do not cook the meat completely but brown the outside. Once browned, set the meat aside. Lamb can also add great flavor to your Spanish Paella.
3. Combination of it all
Cover the bottom of the Spanish Paella pan with the uncooked rice mixture. Add the browned chicken pieces on top. Add uncooked shell fish and small fish filets rolled up and fastened with a toothpick or string. Use any type of fish but make sure that its flesh will hold well together. Pour some chicken broth on top (if the broth is warm the cooking time will reduce). Note that you can also add wine for more flavor. Cover the Spanish Paella dish and cook for about 45 minutes at 350 Fahrenheit or until the rice is fully cooked. At this point you can add raw shrimp or mussles and cook uncovered for another five minutes.
In short, the secret to preparing the perfect Spanish Paella is to make it your own!
by: Noel Gomez
Learn how to make Spanish Tapas and Paellas the easy way by visiting my website http://www.spaintapas.com. Each month there is a new free http://www.spaintapas.com and more to review received by newsletter!
More aboutMaking Spanish Paella The Easy Way

Coming In To Sudden Money: How Fun Would That Be?

Posted by luputtenan2

Wouldn’t it be great to start off a new season with a boat load of cash? I mean the amount of cash you could use to pay all debts, put your kids through any college (and grad school), buy the home of your dreams and a vacation home, and still have enough money left over to give generously and then live off the interest.
Probably the best get-rich-quick scheme that has made people into instant millionaires is the lottery, in most U.S. states. Have you wondered what you would do with all that money if you won the lottery? Well, most likely you would pay off all your debts, put some away for the kids to go to college, buy a larger house, buy a second house, buy a few really nice cars, and then live peacefully off the interest. Yes, that would be great, especially the peaceful part. That’s how those lottery winners live their lives, right?
Not according to Susan Bradley, who wrote Sudden Money: Managing a Windfall. Bradley found that lottery winners and others who come into new cash will either keep the money and lose family and friends, lose the money and keep family and friends, or lose both. Very few lottery winners keep the money and keep family and friends.
As I researched lottery winners and their lives post-winning, I found this is true many times. Regardless of whether people kept the money or lost most of it, I was interested in why many do not keep family and friends. For most, it was because people wanted the lottery winner to invest in their business ideas, and the new millionaires refused (and the family or friend dropped them), or the new millionaires invested, and it was a bust (and the millionaire dropped the family or friend). For some, it was because people wanted the winner to support them or give them free stuff.
Janite Lee won $18 million in 1993 in Missouri. She generously gave money to charities, schools, politicians, and education. Eight years after winning, she filed for bankruptcy. She had $700 left.
Billie Bob Harrell won $31 million in 1997 in Texas. He was to receive $1.24 million annually for 25 years. It was great at first. He bought a ranch. He bought homes and cars for himself and family members. He gave generously to his church and to people in need. A lot of people came to him requesting money. But the giving, lending, and spending got out of control. His wife left him a year later, and in 1999 he killed himself.
Sometimes just being a relative of a lottery winner is bad news. In 2004 in Illinois, a teenage girl whose grandfather won the lottery a couple years earlier overdosed on drugs, which she was able to buy because her grandfather supplied the money. Other teens who knew she had a lot of money pressured her to buy the drugs and use them.
Just like when psychologists say that love and hate run closely together, so do sudden wealth and sudden loss. People who come into money quickly, such as lottery winners and people who receive large inheritances, usually make decisions too soon. They put their house on the market and buy a new one right away. They buy several cars, quit their jobs, and invest in ideas that sound great.
So what can a person do to protect themselves when they suddenly find themselves with a lot of money?
The first is to proclaim a moratorium on decision-making. They should put the money into safe investments for the time being and then take some time (say, 3 to 6 months) before taking any action on money decisions. The 3- to 6-month timeframe is a planning stage.
The next thing they need to do is to get organized and focused. They need to list the major life decisions they’ll need to make in the next 5 years. Then they should list their assets and debts, and review their current insurance coverage.
During the 3- to 6-month planning stage, they should write out how they’re going to live during this stage. What will their expenses be? Where will they get their income during this time (and how much)? How long will this planning stage last?
Beyond the planning stage, they need to review their income for the following 12 months and beyond. They should plan out their taxes and what is leftover. They need to plan out what they want their life to look like in the next 5 years. (For example, where will you live? What will you do every day? What will you be involved in? How extravagant will your life become?) They need to ask themselves what future expenses are coming, such as college education, retirement, and really great trips. Plus, they need to plan for how much philanthropy they want to be involved in, for at least the next 5 years.
During the planning stage, a new millionaire will also want to find a financial advisor, accountant, and estate attorney (and perhaps a wealth psychologist). They can ask for referrals and then interview each professional to get a good idea of compatibility.
I know people who play the lottery regularly. I told them if they win to come talk to me and I’ll give them some decision-making advice (without asking for handouts).
In addition, I've read that people who come into sudden money notice their phone ringing a lot more often, as people they don't even know find out about their new money, find their phone number, and start calling asking for investment money and handouts. (This is in addition to the family members and friends who start calling a lot more often.) This would be a good time to either drop the home phone number completely (even if that number has been the home number for years) or get a new home number. Likewise, getting new cell phone numbers would probably be a good idea. (Then only tell select people the new numbers.)
What about those friends and family you might lose if you come into sudden money? You know what? You can’t control other peoples’ responses when you choose not to invest in their business ideas or give them loans or handouts. You have to make the best decisions you can with your new money and let the other chips fall where they may.
I’ve realized that when I’ve gone through difficult times, I’ve found out who my real friends are. The same principle applies to sudden money. If you get it, you will know who your real friends are within one year.
If you ever find yourself the recipient of an influx of cash, keep your head on straight. Don’t go to extremes. Give yourself quarterly reality checks. Expect that you are going to lose some friends and family members. And get advice from several qualified professional people regularly.
© 2005 Borgeson Consulting, Inc.
Glory Borgeson is a business coach and consultant, and the president of Borgeson Consulting, Inc. She specializes in helping small business owners to increase profit and decrease stress. Whether an entrepreneur is at the top of his game like any top athletes you can think of today, or a rookie just starting his business, Glory works with the entire spectrum of entrepreneur. Top athletes have a coach; why not you? Click here for Borgeson Consulting, Inc.
More aboutComing In To Sudden Money: How Fun Would That Be?

Cardio Queen Syndrome

Posted by luputtenan2

By now you are well aware that increased activity burns calories and fat. Exercise is essential to your health and well being, but could you be taking part in too much of a good thing? The old adage, more is not always better, is a good rule to live by.
When it comes to fat loss, you need to be in tune with your body and learn how to listen to it. The idea behind fat loss is to manipulate the body often. As long as you are a step ahead of your body's actions, you will be on top of the fat loss game.
What exactly does that mean? How do you stay a step ahead of your body? Let's explore this concept a little further.
Megan is an e-client of mine. When she began her fat loss endeavor she started cardio six days a week for forty-five minutes and saw great results in a matter of weeks. Her new cardio program was exhilarating. It pumped her up mentally and physically and gave her a newfound energy she hadn't felt in years.
It wasn't long before she extended her forty-five minute ritual to an entire hour for six days a week. With the extended time, she saw even more results. She was delighted.
Eventually, the daily hour cardio chore was wearing on her. Her changes ceased, she was constantly fatigued, and began to hate cardio with an intense passion.
To combat the plateau, she added yet...more cardio on top of fatigue and hatred for exercise. Her grueling hour sessions turned into an hour and fifteen minutes to even longer, an hour and a half.
Nothing is more aggravating than putting all your time and effort into something that takes you no where.
Her fat loss results stalled dead in their tracks and even seemed to reverse. How could something once so productive now be destroying her weight loss efforts?
What may surprise you is that excess cardio can be counterproductive. Any cardio or weight training session lasting over a continuous hour does more harm than good.
Keep Cardio Productive Cardio is heart healthy and it's a great exercise, but if your goal with cardio is to burn fat, you need to take it with a stride and make it fat burning productive.
I come across many ladies who are quite active. This is all fine and dandy, but when they are active and top that with teaching spinning classes, kickboxing, high energy videos, and general cardio machines, this can be a recipe for disaster, setting your further back than when you started.
Don't go overboard with cardio. Keep it simple, yet effective.
Cardio IntensityCardio intensity is a factor to keep fat burning beneficial. This does not mean to do an all out killer cardio routine that leaves you crawling from the gym in a near death status, but to simply shake things up a bit to force the body to respond.
A good way to master cardio is with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). There are many variations of HIIT and my favorite is the 2/2 ratio.
Example of 2/2 Ratio HIIT
Minutes 1-2 - Warm up
Minutes 3-4 - Low intensity
Minutes 5-6 - High intensity
Minutes 7-8 - Low intensity
Minutes 9-10 - High Intensity
Minutes 11-12 - Low intensity
Minutes 13-14 - High intensity
Minutes 15-16 - Low intensity
Minutes 17-18 - High Intensity
Minutes 19-20 - Low intensity
Minutes 21-22 - Cool down
With HIIT, your body never falls in a rut because you are constantly changing the intensity to prevent cardio adaptation.
Progressive CardioAnother successful cardio tactic to use is Progressive Cardio. Your body can adapt to anything in a short amount of time and Progressive Cardio can stop adaptation before it occurs. Progressive Cardio is simply increasing your cardio each week by either the numbers of day or the amount of time to invite change and prevent staleness, provided you don't overdo it.
Example of Progressive Cardio
Week 1 - 4 times a week for 20 minutes
Week 2 - 4 times a week for 25 minutes
Week 3 - 5 times a week for 25 minutes
Week 4 - 5 times a week for 30 minutes
You will notice how each week is a step advanced from the previous. This is how you make cardio work in your favor to burn fat.
Adopt Weight TrainingHave you even seen someone in the gym doing endless hours of cardio and still look soft and unfit? That is because she is lacking lean muscle, which is built from weight training and excessive cardio burns muscle.
Weight training builds lean muscle mass. The more muscle you add to your frame, the less you need to rely on cardio. Muscle is metabolically active and allows you to burn more calories at rest and at play. Of course, this does not mean to kick cardio to the curve, but having a balance of both in your program will keep things interesting and will give much better body transformation results.
SummaryOnce you understand how you can manipulate cardio, you will be able to master the fat burning game. Realize that you don't need three or four different cardio methods stacked on top of one another. Just use cardio wisely and you will have the advantage. Remember, cardio is a fat loss tool, not the determining factor.
Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988. She embarked on weight training to overcome an eating disorder, Anorexia Nervosa in its early stages. She overcame the eating disorder, received her personal training certificate, competed in many local bodybuilding contests, and qualified for Nationals. Since then she’s went on to write six e-books (weight loss, female bodybuilding, contest preparation, leg training, figure/fitness secrets, and cellulite removal). She writes articles for several fitness websites, as well as her own, www.theelitephysique.com, and also distributes a monthly e-newsletter. She has a very active and lively forum, filled with positive and supportive people with informative content. Karen’s sole goal is to educate others and help them apply that knowledge.
More aboutCardio Queen Syndrome

Hydration in Bodybuilding

Posted by luputtenan2

So many people don’t realize how important it is to keep your body hydrated, especially during work out. Also most of them will work out too much adding to the negative effect dehydration can have. What is really concerning is that in bad conditions like extreme warmth and an excessively long work out with lack of water several incidents like strokes can happen. This should be avoided and it helps more than you’d imagine if you drink enough water.
Water is a big part of our body (55 to 75% of our body weight) and also think about the fact that blood is 90% formed of water. Now just think about it! What can happen if your blood does not have enough water? It’s very simple, it will thicken and the natural flow of it will be damaged. Also, the muscle is formed of 70-80% water.
Many people ask: how can they know how much water to drink during a workout? It is a simple procedure that should be followed. All you have to do is weigh yourself before exercising and you have to have the same weight when the work out is done. If you weigh less then you are dehydrated.
On the other hand drinking too much water will lead to a condition called Hyponatremia. This can also lead in extreme cases to serious accidents like strokes and comas. Too much water is also bad as you can see.
The kidneys are very important in our body when talking about hydration as they regulate the fluids by controlling the flow of urine. Have you ever noticed the difference in color of the urine? If it is excessively clear then you are over hydrated and if it is too dark then you are dehydrated.
Be attentive to the levels of hydration in your work out. As you can see it is very important and as a general rule it will also help you have a better and more productive exercise session.
Tim Santorini has developed a resources guide to everything you need to do with bodybuilding.
Want to know what the professional bodybuilders use? Tim Santorini has discovered it. Visit : http://www.your-bodybuilding.co.uk
More aboutHydration in Bodybuilding

Mandarin Orange Cake

Posted by luputtenan2 on Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Several years ago my wife worked with a very nice lady from Japan. One day she brought a desert for everyone to try, it was the most incredible tasty deserts anyone had ever tried. It was called Mandarin orange cake and here is the recipe:
1 box Butter Recipe Cake mix
3 eggs
1 stick margarine
1 can mandarin orange juice and all
1 small box Instant Vanilla pudding mix. Use 1 cup of milk to prepare pudding.
1 big size Cool Whip
1 big can of crushed pineapple (drain juice)
Heat oven to temperature listed on cake mix box. Mix the cake mix, eggs, margarine and mandarin oranges (juice and all) together until blended. Pour mixture into prepared cake pan. Bake according to the directions on the cake mix box.
For the icing - Prepare the pudding mix according to the directions on the pudding mix box. Stir the pudding, cool whip and drained crushed pineapple together. Ice the cake and store in the refrigerator.
by: David Jones
More recipes are available free at http://www.virtualemedia.com. Also, check out http://www.virtualecatalog.com, http://www.geminimalls.com and http://www.virtualedirectory.com for your shopping convenience.
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