Beating the Common Cold Naturally

Posted by luputtenan2 on Monday, October 31, 2005

The common cold is an acute viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract. The common cold is more common in winter and is a viral infection which means it cannot be cured by antibiotics. It is virtually impossible to avoid the common cold virus, it is highly infectious and is spread through the air via coughing and sneezing and being in contact with objects contaminated with the virus. Catching a cold all depends on how strong your immune system is, if your immune system is strong, symptoms may not even appear or they may just be mild. There are over 200 different strains of the common cold virus that can cause symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, aching, sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes, a fever and headaches. These symptoms typically last between 3 to 7 days.
To protect against the common cold, keep your immune system strong. Avoid stress, get a good night’s sleep, avoid cigarette smoke, include in your diet plenty of whole foods, fruit, vegetables and avoid dairy products, eggs, excessive meat, excessive sugar, saturated fats and alcohol. If you have a cold, firstly rest, drink plenty of water and take vitamin C and Echinacea supplements and suck zinc lozenges. If your nasal passages are congested, use a steam inhalation with added menthol, eucalyptus, pine or cinnamon, this will help to relieve them.
The following supplements may help if you are suffering from a Cold.
Antioxidant complex
Elderberry extract
Garlic tablets
Multivitamins and minerals
Olive leaf extracts
Vitamin C
Zinc lozenges
Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh
Advice for a healthier natural lifewebsite:
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Read This Article if You Are Afraid of Holiday Belly Bulge

Posted by luputtenan2

Every American knows that if we indulge in Holiday Food during Thanks Giving thru New Years that we tend to gain a few pounds and this could mean a few extra inches on our waistlines. Unsightly Holliday Belly Bulge is a common problem of the holiday season, as is complete and utter diet failure. And the use of the word utter is no accident, neither is a successful diet. If you want to remain slim and trim you need to go on your diet now and to make it stick this time you need to tie it into an exercise program.
You can remain thin once you get back to your lean and mean self, but you are probably not going to get their by diet alone, you must incorporate some exercise, whether it is swimming, biking, walking or jogging. You are going to have to make the time. You must start today, because so often those New Years Resolutions are so easily broken. If you are one who keeps your new years promises, then save it for something really good and start your exercise program today.
The best way to start exercising is to start biking or walking and the best way to do that is to start today. Get yourself a really good pair of shoes so you do not hurt your knees or feet and then commit to one to two miles per day for 10-days and then check it, how do you look? Good right? Now add in one or two miles more and do that for 10-days, next try to add a few more miles to your walking as time permits. Then after two months try to jog some or all of it. You will notice you get your workout done sooner and you can either save the time or increase the distance to equal out the time you are allotting. Think on this; think of the new thinner you.
"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;
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Instant Weight Loss Strategies That Anyone Can Use

Posted by luputtenan2 on Sunday, October 30, 2005

You've probably heard it a hundred times before but I will say it again, incidental activity is very important in the process of losing weight as you can burn more calories than relying on dietary means alone.
Fat is burned from the body when cells oxidize to release energy in the form of exercise or movement. When the exercise is done slowly to moderately then the majority of energy is taken from the fat stores.
The loss of fat comes from fat cells all over the body, not from one or more specific area's so spot reduction of a certain area is not possible. The main priority of this article is to show you the quickest and safest way to lose fat from the body.
The key to effective aerobic training that burns off the maximum amount of fat is long-term consistency not intensity. It doesn't matter if you run a mile, jog a mile or walk a mile you will burn exactly the same amount of calories.
The best exercise by far for the purpose of fat-loss is fast walking either indoors on the treadmill or outdoors. What many don't know is that walking produces a greater percentage of fat loss as opposed to jogging or running.
Other aerobic activities are the treadmill, bike, climber or any other training gear found in or out of the gym.
Walk or exercise until you are mildly puffing and hold that rate until the allotted time. If your aerobic activities leave you panting or breathless, your going too hard, your energy is coming from your carbohydrate reserves and not from your fat stores.
Try fast walking for one hour a day every day of the week if you are able.
Here are some of the benefits of Fast Walking.
· Easy to Perform · Most Conventional · All Natural Body Movement · Doesn't Cause Injuries · Can Be Done Anywhere · The Best Minimal Effort Exercise for Fat Loss
Research shows that regular, brisk walking is one of the best exercises we can do for overall fitness. It suits people of all ages and fitness levels, it's easy to get started and there's no complicated technique to learn or equipment to buy.
Walking is an excellent way to get fit because it uses nearly all the muscles and, as you have to carry your body weight, you can get a good workout from it.
It's also safer on the joints and the back than most other forms of exercise because you're not jumping up and down, so the impact is low.
Studies have shown that taking a daily 20-minute walk can reduce the risk of heart attack as much as 50%, it also reduces high blood pressure and helps to burn fat to keep weight under control.
Walking and other weight bearing exercises (Strength training) helps to increase bone mass, which protects against osteoporosis and bone fractures.
In the first two weeks, go for a 20-minute walk every other day and then increase this to 40 minutes. At first try to do five 20-minute walks per week totalling 100 minutes a week.
Once you get used to the regular exercise, increase this to 40 minutes for five times a week.
You can then gradually increase this as you see fit, if you want to walk every day for 40 minutes or even an hour so be it. Remember the more you walk the more fat that will be burned off.
The best pace for fitness training will make you slightly breathless, but you should still be comfortable and be able to carry on a conversation.
As you get fitter, you'll want to stretch a little harder to keep your heart rate up.
Try lengthening your strides, increasing your pace. Keep your shoulders back, your chest lifted and your tummy pulled in when you walk, hold your head up for open, easy breathing.
Practical Tips…
· If your feeling stressed, try counting your steps repeatedly from one to ten as you walk, this helps some people achieve a meditative effect and can be a great tension reliever when practiced over a full 40 minutes.
· Time yourself, measure the distance or increase the gradient to make the workout more challenging. Drink plenty of fluids during and after your walk.
· Make safety your first consideration. Don't walk after dark except in well-lit, busy places. Start the walk slowly, and then gradually increase the pace.
So, go ahead in all other activities try to move, move, move. Try parking the car further away from your destination so you can walk the extra distance, hide all your remote controls so you have to get up and change the channels manually.
These all help burn those extra calories and body fat from your frame.
Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit right now for your 'free' weight loss e-course.
More aboutInstant Weight Loss Strategies That Anyone Can Use

History of the Mediterranean Diet

Posted by luputtenan2 on Saturday, October 29, 2005

Eating Well for Good Health
In recent years, a growing number of men and women in different countries around the world have become increasingly concerned about their health. Because of the fact that many people have become more concerned about their overall health, these men and women have paid closer attention to what they eat on a regular basis. In the final analysis, these men and women are making dietary decisions designed to improve their general health and wellbeing.
As people have become more conscious of their health and diet, a considerable number of these same men and women have become interested in the Mediterranean diet regimen. If you are, in fact, a person who appreciates the interrelationship between diet and health, you may have a definite interest in the history of the Mediterranean diet regimen.
Before you can appropriately understand what the Mediterranean diet is all about, you need to appreciate that it is more of a concept than a specific dining routine. In reality, there is no such thing as a Mediterranean diet common to all of the countries in the Mediterranean region of the world. Rather, the “Mediterranean diet” consists of those food items that people who live in the various nations in the region consume in common.
The Origins of the Mediterranean Diet
The concept of the Mediterranean diet is derived from the eating habits and patterns of the people who populate the countries of Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Tunisia, Lebanon and Morocco. As a result, the Mediterranean diet actually includes a tremendous array of delectable food. In point of fact, if a person elects to adopt the concept of the Mediterranean dining scheme, or if a person elects to follow a Mediterranean diet regimen, he or she will have the ability to enjoy a remarkable assortment of scrumptious fare.
The diet of the peoples that have populated the regions around the Mediterranean Sea actually have remained nearly completely unchanged for well over one thousand years. The history of the region is replete with examples of men and women living longer than similarly situated people who consumed alternate diets. Through the centuries, the people of the Mediterranean Sea region have enjoyed longer lives that people in other parts of the world at the same historical epoch.
At the heart of the Mediterranean diet are foods and beverages that are indigenous to the geographic landmass surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. In short, the development of the Mediterranean dieting and dining pattern initially developed by providence. The people of the region naturally and understandably ate those foods and drank those beverages that readily were available in and around their homes.
The Historical Elements of the Mediterranean Diet Scheme
As mentioned previously, over the centuries, the diet of the peoples of the Mediterranean Sea region has remained essentially unchanged. The Mediterranean diet consists of the bountiful consumption of a number of healthy food items including:
* Fresh fruit
* Fresh vegetables
* Low fat nuts
* Whole grains
* Monounsaturated fat
In a similar vein, the Mediterranean diet utilized by people for generation after generation excludes or limits certain food items that have been deemed harmful in recent scientific studies. These less than desirable food items include:
* Saturated fats
* Red and fatty meat
* Rich dairy products
* Fatty fish
The Historical Effects of the Mediterranean Diet Scheme
As has been alluded to earlier in this article on the history of the Mediterranean diet regimen, the people who inhabit the region have a demonstrably lower rate of heart disease and related ailments that oftentimes have a direct dietary connection. With the advent of scientific studies that have correlated the incidence of health problems with a poor diet, the positive effects of the Mediterranean diet have become self evident.
Research over the course of the past two decades has conclusively demonstrated that the men and women who populate the Mediterranean region are afflicted with heart disease and similar ailments far less often than people in other regions of the world. The experts who have conducted these studies have concluded that there is a strong likelihood that the diet scheme that is common in the Mediterranean region is responsible for maintaining the good health of the people who live in that corner of the globe throughout the past one thousand years.
Conclusion: The Expansive Use of the Historical Mediterranean Diet Scheme
During the past twenty years, a significant number of people in different countries around the world have turned their attention towards finding healthy diet regimens that are low in saturated fat and that include bountiful servings of fresh fruits and vegetable. Consequently, the Mediterranean diet has caught the eye of innumerable people who want to include healthy eating into their overall course of prudent living. In short, the Mediterranean diet encompasses foods and beverages that, when consumed in moderation, can work to lessen the threat of some serious diseases and can aid in creating the necessary foundation for a long, hearty lifetime.
Site Owner & Publisher Ray Darken You can gain much more detail from Ray's sites along with other relevant information at or
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New Depression and Anxiety Info: Choosing Light-Heartedness

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, October 28, 2005

Depression and anxiety are the symptoms you develop when you don't deal with your emotions in healthy, appropriate ways. When you learn simple skills for being who you really are and expressing your true emotions, you can actually choose to be authentically lighthearted. You probably didn't learn as a child how to express your natural feelings, because your parents didn't know the importance of emotions. Psychology is still a new science and it's only in the past two decades that people have begun to realize the value of expressing feelings.
It's sad that we are not taught the importance of emotional health as children. We learn calculus and ancient history in high school and college, but we're not given the proper education or role modeling to be emotionally healthy individuals. Far too often we don't learn, until it's much too late, what it takes to have healthy relationships or emotionally healthy families!
You can overcome depression and anxiety, and actually choose to be lighthearted by the way you live your life on a daily basis. Learning to express your true feelings, heal your relationships, and face your difficult issues head on helps you to transcend the effects of the way you were raised and become the person you were meant to be.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to learn the basic skills necessary to make your life meaningful and successful. You simply need a clear understanding of the necessary skills and consistent practice of those skills over time. The truth is that with consistent practice, anyone can learn to be authentic and lighthearted. Often it is simply the lack of knowledge and practical experience that keeps a person stuck in unfulfilling, emotional ruts.
As a psychotherapist, I work with depression and anxiety daily. Much of my time is spent helping people learn to express and release their difficult emotions so that they can get in touch with their true selves and make healthy changes in their lives. Often people don't know who they are or what they need to do in their lives, because their emotions are so balled up inside that they literally can't see the forest for the trees. When they do the emotional healing that is necessary and their emotions are cleared, the changes they need to make in their lives become obvious. They don't need other people's advice, because the truth wells up from deep inside them.
Personal relationships are often people's biggest struggle, because they have an inner vision of the love and harmony that they know is possible, while their every day interactions leave much to be desired. It's such a joy to me to help people find the simple truth that makes such a dynamic difference in their lives!
To me it's very sad that with all of the advances we have made in the field of psychology in the past three decades, that most people still don't have the knowledge and information they need to lead healthy, functioning lives. We, as a culture, have far too much useless information with far too little emphasis on what really matters and what really brings about the joy and meaning and lightheartedness that we are all seeking.
The good news is that depression and anxiety don't have to be a life sentence! You can choose lightheartedness if you are willing to do what it takes to change your habits and your lifestyle. You can achieve joy, fulfillment and true lightheartedness by learning to be authentic and sharing your heart and soul with the people you love!
Copyright © 2005 Kari Joys. All rights reserved.
Author Kari Joys, MS ("Choosing Light-Heartedness, A 33-Day Journey to Overcome Anxiety, Depression and Dysfunctional Family Issues") teaches you how to get in touch with your true self and learn to live lightheartedly. More info at Kari's lovely website Get help today with your depression and anxiety symptoms!
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Diabetes Management Tips

Posted by luputtenan2

Do you or someone you care about have diabetes? This common disease is usually progressive over several years’ time, and it can create many kinds of health problems for those who have it. If you suspect you have symptoms of a diabetic nature, make a list of their type and frequency and let your doctor know right away. Symptoms may include increased thirst and urination, fatigue, and weight loss, among others. The sooner you get a firm diagnosis, the better outcome you are likely to have.
Diabetes results from the body’s reduced ability to make insulin. When this happens, body organs can be affected as the circulation slows, leading to slow wound healing times and loss of feeling in the extremities. Eventually, without treatment, diabetes can progress to organ failure, especially the kidneys and heart, as well as possible blindness, strokes, and other problematic conditions.
If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, ask your doctor about a personal management plan. Read all the information you can find about your condition, and ask your doctor any questions about things you don’t understand. It may be helpful to borrow library books or visit online medical Websites to find out how others cope and what types of possible new cures or treatments are on the horizon.
Your doctor may advise you to change your diet to one that is low in sugar, fat, and salt. He or she may want you to begin a daily exercise program unless you already have one. You might have to do finger sticks for your blood sugar each day, perhaps after eating or at others times, to check blood readings. Depending on the status of your disease, you may have to take pills or give yourself daily injections. When your blood sugar levels get too high or too low, you could experience life-threatening complications.
It may be a good idea to wear a bracelet or necklace identification tag, so that if you should happen to pass out or become dizzy from blood sugar changes, someone will know how to help you. Carrying a small amount of sugar in the form of orange juice or a candy bar might be helpful if you begin to feel light-headed or your levels start to drop. Let coworkers and friends know about your condition so they can take appropriate steps if you experience difficulties from your diabetic condition.
Joining a support group could help to relieve anxieties and put you in touch with others who have been where you are. Their experience and insight can help you to adjust with a new diabetic diagnosis or a significant change in your condition. This could be particularly welcome if you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant, since this may impact the status of your diabetes.
Although diabetes is a complex condition and more needs to be known about its development and progress, there is hope and success for many who struggle with the side effects of this disease. Help is available, so don’t hesitate to ask for and make use of it.
For lots more information on diabetes detection and control, visit The Diabetes Directory at
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Nutrition in a Toxic World is Key to Wellness and Weight Loss

Posted by luputtenan2 on Thursday, October 27, 2005

How often do you really wonder and pay attention to the effect of good, sensible nutrition and the impact that it has on your health? How often do you choose healthy choices in your daily lifestyle, from eating organic to using organic lawn care and household products? Things to make you go hmmmmm….Scratch your head and think about it for awhile. You deserve it; you are worth it!
Everywhere you turn, you are literally surrounded by toxins. Environmentally, toxins are among us from the polluted air, pesticide-grown lawns and trees, contaminated water, toxic household cleaning products, toxic personal hygiene products, not to mention the pesticide and toxic manner of growing the very food that you consume. Have you read a food label lately and been able to pronounce every word and understand what the actual ingredient is? You’ll be shocked to check out the sodium content, fat content and sugar content on the majority of conventional food products. The marketing of conventional food products do not educate the consumer on the content and good nutrition; they just tantalize you to purchase the products. Consumer Beware! Eat Smart!
Let’s take a Basic Nutrition Class together:
Nutrition impacts your health and, therefore, your life. Healthy food choices provide your body with vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and antioxidants without any added toxins. Your muscles, bones, skin, hair, teeth and vital organs are affected by your choices. Degenerative disorders, weakened immune systems, and migraines are just a partial list of healthy issues that have been linked to toxin buildup and nutrient deficient bodies. You are what you eat and what your body absorbs. It’s an intricate process that needs your support by making healthier choices.
Organic produce is best for you because it is full of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants since it was grown without harmful pesticides and it was grown in nutrient-rich soil without any genetically modified seeds.
Natural, Free-Range, Organic or Grass-fed meats and poultry are the right choice when choosing these protein food group items since they were grown without the use of hormones, antibiotics and inhumane conditions. The animals are treated the way nature intended them to be raised. Mad Cow’s disease is not a factor when you eat meats raised in this manner. If you are a fish eater, check the mercury content of the particular fish before consuming this food group.
Bottled Water is the way to go to avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners as part of your liquid intake. Artificial sweeteners in soft drinks, color additives and unnecessary corn syrup are harmful to your health. Certain artificial sweeteners are excitotoxins affecting your brain and central nervous system and may lead to degenerative disorders. Forego the sugar injected, color additive rich Sports Drinks – some even have caffeine as an ingredient. Choose an electrolyte mix without any added ingredients, just the electrolytes.
Processed Foods are mostly devoid of nutrients; therefore, they do not add nutrients to your diet. Most of them are filled with sodium, fat and sugar not to mention MSG, nitrates and color additives. If you have to be a chemist to read the label, then skip it and choose a more wholesome food choice. Nitrates are added to most conventional processed meats and can convert into a carcinogenic element. Again, choose a natural, organic, nitrate-free meat.
Plan ahead and cook meals on weekends and make enough to provide some meals for the week. A little planning goes a long way for coming up with time saving meals and healthy, nutritious meals for you and your family. Homemade chicken soup with natural ingredients provides a chicken meal one day, enough broth to use when making risotto or a soup based meal for another day. Organic lentil pasta meals can be cooked and used again as a quick meal. Crock pots and steamers can be utilized for time-saving meals as well. Juicing is an amazing kitchen gadget to give your body live food, raw enzymes and a wealth of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Daily multi-vitamins, minerals, enzymes, probiotics and antioxidants are an important part of your daily healthy regimen. Check test results when choosing the purest brand of supplements.
Invest in the most important aspect of your life – your health! Hippocrates said, “Let Food Be Thy Medicine”; I say, “Do Not Let Food Be Thy Poison.” Choose wisely because you are worth it!”
Certified Nutritionist and Healthy Lifestyle Coach from Audio Cds available titled, “12 Steps to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle”, "Raising Children in This Toxic World" and "12 Steps for Expectant Moms".Nancy has dedicated her life to helping others find the motivation and discipline to transform their lives into a healthy lifestyle of living. As a motivational speaker and healthy lifestyle coach she is available for seminars, coaching, and nutritional counseling. With over 15 years of corporate experience, she understands and addresses the needs of employees and the role of stress and health in their lives. The seminars are passionate, positive and powerful, producing amazing results in the employees’ lives. She is affiliated with 85Broads, Holistic Moms Organization, Essential Moms and Clayton College of Natural Science. Nancy's approach is a nurturing, holistic, and natural one to heal and restore balance to achieve optimal health.
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Good Nutriton: Five Favorite Breakfasts on the Run

Posted by luputtenan2

Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast gain less weight, are more alert and have healthier hearts. After not eating, for eight to ten hours overnight, our bodies need to be refueled. Breakfast jump starts our metabolism. People who skip breakfast often end up in a mid-morning slump and consume more calories throughout the day.
Living such a busy lifestyle presents a nutritional challenge. Most often, unless we awaken at the crack of dawn, we are usually running out the door, running children out the door, or both. While intellectually we may realize the importance of eating breakfast, sometimes it is that one more thing we just can’t get to.
I have discovered a short cut solution that allows me to eat breakfast while on the run. The following are five of my favorite portable breakfasts:
3. A hard boiled egg, a glass of milk, and a banana.
2. A bran muffin, (make a batch and freeze them ),a glass of milk and fruit.
3. A peanut butter and honey sandwich on whole wheat bread and fruit.
4. A fruit smoothie made with milk and protein powder.
5. A cheese sandwich on rye with lettuce and tomato. (Yes, a cheese sandwich)
Experiment with your favorite foods and create your own breakfast on the run. Be sure to include a fruit or vegetable, a good source of fiber and a protein. Include your fruit with your breakfast or have it as your midmorning snack. Make breakfast a habit. In doing so, not only are you helping your body but teaching your family good eating habits, as well.
Constance Weygandt is an author, speaker and balance mentor. For more information or to sign up for Constance's free recipe newsletter, visit her website at
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The Top 11 Signs that Suggest Omega 3 Fatty Acid Deficiency

Posted by luputtenan2 on Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Do you need Omega 3 fatty acid in your diet? The simple answer is yes. The question of the importance of Omega 3 fatty acids can be clarified by examining the medical evidence regarding the benefits of this essential nutrient.
Omega 3 fatty acids are important building blocks for the cell membranes. Omega 3 fatty acids play a role in the neurological health of the human system. A significantly reduced risk of heart and cardiovascular disease is a well-documented benefit of having the correct balance of Omega 3 in the diet.
Studies undertaken on the lifestyle of the Inuit (Eskimos) prove that Omega 3 plays a critical role in maintaining good health. The Inuit enjoy a diet rich in fish and other marine wildlife, which provide Omega 3 in abundance.
Humans need Omega 3 fatty acids for optimum daily functioning. Research shows that it is critical for nervous system development. Omega 3 also plays a crucial part in managing and preventing disease. This essential nutrient is one of the primary components of the brain, as well as the retina and other nerve tissue. It can affect the signalling of cells.
Scientific studies on Omega 3 prove that it is a necessity. Without Omega 3 in our diets, we find an increase in allergies and arthritis. Other chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer, are all impacted upon when we lack Omega 3 in our diets.
Continued research on this essential nutrient has shown another benefit. We find that with the aid of Omega 3 fish oil, we have a reduced chance of abnormal blood clotting within the blood vessels.
Available evidence on the Omega 3 benefit indicates that Omega 3 fatty acids should be included as part of a healthy lifestyle. Should your diet become unbalanced and your consumption of Omega 3 drop to low, then you may experience several of the following conditions:
1) Fatty food craving
2) Ear wax accumulation
3) Sun-induced headaches
4) Leg cramps caused by walking
5) Tightness across shoulders
6) Brittle fingernails
7) Low moods, irritability
8) Thin/thick cracked heel calluses
9) Poor/slow wound healing
10) Yeast / candida infection
11) Chronic inflammations
12) Dry skin, dandruff
If you find yourself suffering from any of the above conditions, it may be due to an incorrect balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 in your diet. Therefore, it is advisable that you improve your Omega 3 intake by eating more of the foods listed below.
Long chain Omega 3 fatty acids are found in:
• Oily fish and cold-water fish such as mackerel and salmon: these are both excellent sources of the longer chain fatty acid Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA). Small amounts of EPA are also found in eggs.
• Pre-formed docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is found in animal organ meat, such as brains, kidney and liver.
• There are various supplements available to increase Omega 3 fatty acid intakes, based on fish oil or flaxseed oil.
The below are also beneficial and rich in Omega 3:
• Plant oils e.g. soya, rape seed and especially flaxseed oil• Nuts and seeds e.g. walnuts and pumpkin seeds• Dark green leafy vegetables e.g. spinach and broccoli
All these foods are a great source of Omega 3. It is strongly recommended that you always try and increase your Omega 3 intake through a healthy balanced diet, incorporating some of the food groups from above.
If you are trying to obtain a therapeutic dose of Omega 3 to help alleviate a health problem, then supplementation with a high-quality fish oil supplement may be preferable due to the large doses required.
Copyright 2005 David McEvoy
Dave mcevoy is an award winning personal trainer with over 20 years experience; he also runs a high quality health supplement website.
More aboutThe Top 11 Signs that Suggest Omega 3 Fatty Acid Deficiency

What Is The Most Powerful Drug You Can Take?

Posted by luputtenan2

How would you like to take a drug with no side effects that would give you an appropriate balance of "good" and "bad" eicosanoids? First of all you might say what the heck is eicosanoids? I am going to try and explain a little to you about eicosanoids in this article and other articles to come. But for now I will talk just a little bit about this drug we can take without any fancy prescription from your doctor or extra bill to pay your doctor. And something we have all been taught probably all our lives. The drug I am referring to is simply "the food you eat."
There is a formula, however, you must follow. This formula will give you the appropriate balance of "good" and "bad" eicosanoids. This formula will maintain a balance in your body that will allow you to perform at your very best both mentally and physically.
Eicosanoids play an integral role in your health and control virtually every function in the human body. Eicosanoids are hormones and are the most powerful hormones in your body. You do need a balance of "good" and "bad" eicosanoids for optimal health. It is no different than talking about good and bad cholesterol levels. You should realize, however, that eicosanoids are even more important than cholesterol in terms of their impact on your overall health. Most chronic diseases stem from an "imbalance" of eicosanoids, not the fact that you have "bad" and "good" eicosanoids. Imbalance of these hormones is what we need to correct to direct our bodies toward optimal health. And we truly do not need a excellent understanding about these hormones, or how they exist in the body, etc. We only need to know there is a drug we can take daily that will contribute to the production of both the good and the bad eicosanoids we need in our journey toward optimal health and to remain healthy. That drug is simply the food you eat, plus high doses of a pharmaceutical grade Fish Oil."
You need to balance out your fats, carbohydrates and protein at each meal and take high doses of a pharmaceutical grade Fish Oil. At each meal try placing just enough protein in your plate that covers the palm of your hand and equals the thickness of your hand. Then fill the rest of your plate with fruits and vegetables. I recommend using the Fish Oil distributed by ZoneNet Distributors. Do not take high doses of Fish Oil you can purchase in the department stores, it might just make you ill. You need a Fish Oil that has all the contaminants taken out of it, which is exactly what has been done with the OmegaRx Fish Oil distributed by ZoneNet. Work with your private physician to get right dosage of Fish Oil for you. The rest is totally up to you in balancing out your proteins, carbohydrates and fat at every meal. You should feed your body something nutritious every 5 hours. Refuel every 5 hours, except during sleep time of course. I told someone this formula just recently and the first thing they asked me was: "Well what about when a person has to sleep?" I thought, need to sleep at least 7 hours every 24 hour period. And during that time, don't try to eat anything please....
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What Is The Most Powerful Drug You Can Take?

Posted by luputtenan2 on Tuesday, October 25, 2005

How would you like to take a drug with no side effects that would give you an appropriate balance of "good" and "bad" eicosanoids? First of all you might say what the heck is eicosanoids? I am going to try and explain a little to you about eicosanoids in this article and other articles to come. But for now I will talk just a little bit about this drug we can take without any fancy prescription from your doctor or extra bill to pay your doctor. And something we have all been taught probably all our lives. The drug I am referring to is simply "the food you eat."
There is a formula, however, you must follow. This formula will give you the appropriate balance of "good" and "bad" eicosanoids. This formula will maintain a balance in your body that will allow you to perform at your very best both mentally and physically.
Eicosanoids play an integral role in your health and control virtually every function in the human body. Eicosanoids are hormones and are the most powerful hormones in your body. You do need a balance of "good" and "bad" eicosanoids for optimal health. It is no different than talking about good and bad cholesterol levels. You should realize, however, that eicosanoids are even more important than cholesterol in terms of their impact on your overall health. Most chronic diseases stem from an "imbalance" of eicosanoids, not the fact that you have "bad" and "good" eicosanoids. Imbalance of these hormones is what we need to correct to direct our bodies toward optimal health. And we truly do not need a excellent understanding about these hormones, or how they exist in the body, etc. We only need to know there is a drug we can take daily that will contribute to the production of both the good and the bad eicosanoids we need in our journey toward optimal health and to remain healthy. That drug is simply the food you eat, plus high doses of a pharmaceutical grade Fish Oil."
You need to balance out your fats, carbohydrates and protein at each meal and take high doses of a pharmaceutical grade Fish Oil. At each meal try placing just enough protein in your plate that covers the palm of your hand and equals the thickness of your hand. Then fill the rest of your plate with fruits and vegetables. I recommend using the Fish Oil distributed by ZoneNet Distributors. Do not take high doses of Fish Oil you can purchase in the department stores, it might just make you ill. You need a Fish Oil that has all the contaminants taken out of it, which is exactly what has been done with the OmegaRx Fish Oil distributed by ZoneNet. Work with your private physician to get right dosage of Fish Oil for you. The rest is totally up to you in balancing out your proteins, carbohydrates and fat at every meal. You should feed your body something nutritious every 5 hours. Refuel every 5 hours, except during sleep time of course. I told someone this formula just recently and the first thing they asked me was: "Well what about when a person has to sleep?" I thought, need to sleep at least 7 hours every 24 hour period. And during that time, don't try to eat anything please....
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More aboutWhat Is The Most Powerful Drug You Can Take?

Easing Tinnitus Naturally

Posted by luputtenan2

The symptoms of tinnitus is typically an unpleasant ringing noise, a buzzing noise, a whistling noise or a hissing sound in one or both ears. The symptoms of tinnitus can disrupt sleep and may interfere with hearing conversations and other sounds. The exact cause of tinnitus is misunderstood, general thought is that it is not actually a sound but it is caused by abnormal blood flow rushing through the vein in the inner ear or damage to the nerve in the inner ear by excessive noise. Sometimes the cause can be associated with side effects from drugs such as quinine and high dosages of aspirin; a build up of wax in the ear can also be another cause. Tinnitus is difficult to treat and the most common treatment by doctors is to use a tinnitus masker or ear plugs to stop further damage from excessive noise.
Some dietary changes may help the tinnitus suffer, cut down on refined sugar and carbohydrates, salt, meat and saturated fats and increase in the diet fruit and vegetables and fibre. Some tinnitus suffers have found relief with acupuncture and it is worth giving it a try. Garlic, the B group vitamins, magnesium and zinc supplements are worth taking because they are vital for nerve health. In trials, extracts of ginkgo biloba was found to help tinnitus in some cases due to improving circulation in the brain.
The following supplements may help if you are suffering from Tinnitus.
B group vitamins (especially B12)
Extract of ginkgo biloba
Multivitamins and minerals
Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh
Advice for a healthier natural life
More aboutEasing Tinnitus Naturally

Delicoious Swordfish

Posted by luputtenan2 on Monday, October 24, 2005

Swordfish are true delicatessen and this easy to make swordfish recipe is no acceptation to this rule. It combines the Swordfish’s fantastically flavoured meat with the freshness of rosemary to create a feast for your taste buds. The recipe can be done by someone who knows nothing about cocking and is suitable for every occasion. It will be a hit if served to your boss at an important dinner but is still easy enough to make a good dinner any day of the week. Another benefit of this swordfish recipe is that it is very low on fat and a good diet if you are trying to lose weight or just watching what you eat.You will need the following to make this dish.
  • 4 ounce swordfish steaks
  • 2 teaspoons rosemary
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (preferable Extra virgin oil)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 5 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup white wine

I also recommend that you get some lemons to use for garnish and to give the finished swordfish a little extra flavour. Start by taking a bowl and pouring the wine into it. Add the garlic and half the rosemary in the wine and stir. Pour the mixture into a baking dish. You then take the swordfish and sprinkle it with salt and pepper before you put them into the baking dish with the wine mixture in it. Let the mixture rest for at least an hour in the refrigerator. You can prepare this the night before or in the morning if you plan to serve this dish on a work day.Preheat the oven for medium heat and take a new bowl and mix the lemon juice, the other half of the rosemary and the olive oil in it.Take out the fish from the refrigerator and remove it from the wine mixture. Let the fish drip of before you grill it. The grill time is usually around 10 minutes.Take the fish out of the oven and take the lemon juice mixture. Pour the mixture onto the grilled swordfish and serve!This recipe results in 4 servings.


By William Berg
This is just one of the many tasty fish recipes out there. Other recommended recipes include Pecan Crusted Tilapia and Crunchy Oven Fried Tilapia
More aboutDelicoious Swordfish

Catfish with Cheese

Posted by luputtenan2

This is a very good recipe. Catfish with cheese has a luxury feel to it without being too expensive or to fat. This said, Catfish with cheese are not a suitable recipe if you are on a diet. This dish is suitable for everything from the Sunday diner with guest to the everyday family dinner. It is a rather easy dish to cock.
You will need the following ingredients to make Catfish with cheese:
  • 8 fillets catfish ( 8 fillets equals about 4 ounce)
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • 1 1/4 cups flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground black pepper
  • 3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 cup melted margarine
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
This recipe gives about 8 servings catfish with cheese.
Making this dish is as I said earlier easy. Start by preheating your oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C. Crack the eggs into a bowl and add the milk to the eggs. Beat the mixture. Take another bowl and mix the pepper, salt, paprika, parmesan and flour in the bowl and stir well. Once you done this it’s time to pan the catfish. Dip the fish filets first in the egg milk mixture and then in the cheese panning. Make sure to cover the entire filet with cheese mixture.
Put the dipped fish on a baking dish and poor melted butter over it. Once you done this you are almost done. Put the baking dish in the oven for 15 minutes and start setting the table.
This is just one of the many tasty fish recipes out there. Other recommended recipes include Blackened Tilapia and another easy tilapia recipe
More aboutCatfish with Cheese

Nutritional Ways to Beat Cystitis

Posted by luputtenan2

Cystitis is an infection or inflammation of the bladder; it tends to be more common in women than men. A half of women will suffer from cystitis at sometime during their life. Women tend to be more affected by cystitis because the urethra in women is much shorter than in men this makes it easy for infection to pass along the urinary tract. Infections are usually triggered by bacteria.
Symptoms of cystitis are an urgency to urinated, a stinging, discomfort or burning whilst urinating, urinating small amounts frequently, persistent urge to urinate, backache or abdominal cramping, passing of cloudy, blood-stained or bad smelling urine and serious infections can cause chills, fever, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
Dietary changes can help with cystitis, avoid sugar and sugary foods, cut down on alcohol consumption, reduce dietary fats and drink plenty of water and cranberry juice. Reoccurring and chronic cases of cystitis have been linked to food allergies; if you suffer regularly from cystitis then it may be wise to visit your doctor or nutritional therapist to see if a food allergy is causing the cystitis. It is also wise to see your doctor if symptoms are recurring, if you are pregnant, fever or shakes occur and if your urine is blood stained or cloudy. Some women have found that acupuncture has been beneficial in easing the symptoms of cystitis.
The following supplements may help if you are suffering from cystitis.
Cranberry juice
Extract of bearberry
Extract of dandelion
Extract of peppermint
Grapefruit seed extract
Multivitamins and minerals
Olive oil extracts
Vitamin A
Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh
Advice for a healthier natural life
More aboutNutritional Ways to Beat Cystitis

Eat the Right Things to Avoid Illness, and Live Longer- A Beginners Guide to Antioxidants

Posted by luputtenan2

So what are they and why should you care about them? We shall begin our story with Free Oxidising Radicals. If you have had your mind numbed by beauty product commercials you may have heard of these nasties. (Here comes the science bit) Free radicals are produced when certain molecules react with unstable oxygen molecules during the process of combustion, for example during; smoking, burning of petrol (car exhaust fumes), frying or barbequing food, normal bodily processes and (Oh No) exercise. These free radicals can float around in our bodies damaging healthy cells, and are implicated in; susceptibility to infections, ageing, cancer, heart disease, cataracts and macular degeneration (vision loss common in elderly people), diabetes, Hypertension (high blood pressure), infertility, arthritis, cognitive impairment and stroke.
All is not lost, because these dangerous chemicals can be disarmed by antioxidants which are possibly the most important nutrients that you will ever hear about. Some of the big names are vitamins A, C and E, as well as beta-carotenes (found in red, orange and yellow fruit and vegetables) Selenium (found in Brazil nuts) Zinc, and bioflavonoids (also from fruit and vegetables) as well as many others. If you can balance the number of free radicals entering your body with the number of antioxidants entering your body then it is thought you can help your body avoid the diseases listed above. It is hardly surprising that studies have linked high levels of antioxidants with longer lives, and the absence of chronic diseases.
In studies around the world, high levels of antioxidants were found in people over the age of 100, and elderly people with high cognitive function also had higher levels of antioxidants. Many other research projects have linked low intake of antioxidants with Alzheimer’s, lung cancer, heart attacks, cataracts, the list goes on. A large intake of antioxidants is thought to lead to an enhanced quality of life and a delaying of the processes of ageing.
So now we know how great they are, how can we get our hands on them? Many people boost their intake with supplements, but these are no substitute for a healthy diet, and provide none of the important fibre found in source-foods which will help reduce chances of bowel dysfunction and bowel cancers. The human body is designed to derive its nutrition from plant and animal matter, and there is some uncertainty about how efficiently the body can absorb certain supplements, leading to what nutritionists call ‘expensive urine.’ Many supermarkets and companies sell bargain vitamins and supplements, but often the nutrients come in compounds which are not useful or readily absorbable- you get what you pay for in many cases. I am not dismissing all supplements, but care must be taken in choosing and using them.
Your body is capable of extracting antioxidants from natural whole foods, and this is a safe and healthy way of getting them into your system. To get the full complement of antioxidants you need to have a varied diet- the less foods you are prepared to eat, the fewer nutrients are available to you. To obtain an optimum amount of these life-saving chemicals your diet should consist of; whole grains, nuts, seeds and oily fish (vitamin E, zinc, and others) and brightly colored fruit and vegetables of as many different varieties as possible (for vitamin C, A, beta-carotenes, bioflavinoids and folates). You will be pleased to know that there are also antioxidants in Tea (especially green tea), dark chocolate and red wine (hurrah), although all of these should be used sparingly. The fresher your fruit and vegetables the more antioxidant value, some fruit juices and supermarket vegetables when tested contain almost no vitamin C- it may have been months since the original fruit was harvested. (It is important to note that you may see the word antioxidant on some food packaging, sometimes with an e number attached- you will derive no benefit from consuming these).
Your Antioxidant shopping list:
1. A steamer; lightly steamed vegetables will contain more nutrients than boiled.
2. A juicer; make your own fresh fruit and vegetable antioxidant cocktails. Try Apple, carrot, beetroot and ginger- don’t pull that face, it is delicious!
3. Oily Fish; fresh tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines. (Avoid all hydrogenated fats which will inhibit these beneficial chemicals.)
4. Green stuff; broccoli, cabbage, peas, kiwi, watercress, spinach, limes.
5. Yellow and orange stuff; lemons, golden linseed for essential fats and vitamin E(buy it ready ground or use a clean coffee grinder and make your own to sprinkle on cereal) peppers, mangoes, eggs, swede, turmeric (a ground spice), oranges, pumpkin and squash, sweet potatoes, apricots and peaches, carrots.
6. Red and purple stuff; beetroot, red cabbage, blueberries, ALL BERRIES, blackcurrants, ruby chard, beetroot tops (steam them like spinach), plumbs and prunes, purple sprouting, ruby grapefruit, tomatoes and red peppers.
7. White Stuff; Cauliflower, (rich in vitamins A and C), Brazil nuts for selenium, and a selection of other fresh nuts and seeds- avoid cooked nuts such as peanuts and cashews and other salted nuts- they don’t have the same benefits and are very fatty, and salty.
8. Organic fruit and vegetables have shown in tests to have higher levels of antioxidants- between 10 and 50% higher. Although if you are buying organic produce check the labels- if it is flown in from some far-flung destination it is not fresh despite being organic.
9. Local and seasonal fruit and vegetables will also be fresher and more likely to contain higher concentrations of our favorite chemicals.
Well I hope that you feel armed with knowledge and ready to do battle down the market to get the freshest, healthiest and most colourful shopping. Root out the winter vegetables, roast some beetroot with thyme and olive oil, buy some pumpkin and squash, and catch the freshest apples, straight off the trees.
Until next time,Stay healthy,Vikki.
Do you have any friends and family who could benefit from getting fitter and feeling better? If you do, then treat them to free copy of this newsletter, forward it to them, and get them to e-mail me with a request. E-mail subject: newsletter request. Would you like to bring health into the workplace? Get fitter now offers a corporate package, including yoga classes/courses, Nutrition seminars, conference breaks, Company Wellness days and Healthy Friday a monthly wellness event. Please visit
Vikki Scovell BA(hons) PG DIP is a fully qualified Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach. She is a qualified Nutrition Adviser and runs successful Community Exercise classes. Vikki is a consultant in Healthy Eating and Exercise initiatives to schools in the independent sector and publishes School and General Healthy Living newsletters.
More aboutEat the Right Things to Avoid Illness, and Live Longer- A Beginners Guide to Antioxidants

10 Disciplines of Effective Nutrition

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, October 21, 2005

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.
- Jim Rohn
Realistically, I could write a complete book on discipline… Hey wait, that’s a good idea… Anyway, discipline is such an exciting concept to me, I am so motivated by the thought that with each and everyday we can exact discipline in our lives and one day master the concept entirely. I have always been fairly good at putting my mind to something and eventually getting what I wanted. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I could do this with focus and manifest specifically what I wanted, what I desired at a more expedient rate. And with that said, take it from me, discipline is a virtue, a thing to practice that takes you where you want to go and gets you what you want,’s really that simple. As for nutrition, because there is so much conflicting and misleading information out there, I will try to simplify the disciplinary elements of nutrition and provide the tangibles on how to exact results from plain simple practice. After all, practice makes perfect!
My guess is with the plethora of conflicting advice abound and so ubiquitously present; you’re still mystified, yet still seeking a real solution to your nutritional dilemma, good for you. And again, I'll bet you’re probably still wondering… Does anyone out there even know what the heck they’re talking about? Will the experts, those guru's of gnosh really ever reach a consensus on anything? Is the health and fitness industry only about profit, or is there anybody out there whose integrity and desire to teach the gospel truth about nutrition alive and kicking? These are all good questions and very justifiable, you are not alone my friend. Yes and no is the ambiguous answer or answers, it depends on what side of the fence you are on and who is buttering your bread, unfortunately most people are still looking for the quick fix, the magic bullet, so it does make it quite hard to speak to an audience that doesn’t even ‘show up’, let alone listen. But because you found yourself here, that means you showed up and are listening, therefore this one is for you, those who seek shall find, so without further adieu, here you go…
…You’ve picked up every book and e-book on the subjects of food and nutrition and you’ve perused every web site on the net and now you speculate whether you’ll need a degree in either nutritional biochemistry or food science before you can lose that stubborn abdominal or inner thigh fat.
So what’s the deal? Why so much confusion? Why does one guru suggest that high protein is best for everyone, while another guru suggests high carb and yet another guru suggests high fat? Whew, thats alot of gurus. Anywhoo... What exactly do high protein, high carb, and high fat really mean? And why are other experts, those pesky guru’s telling us that food choices should be based on our "metabolic type," our "blood type," or our "pedigree" or “point of origin”? Such confusion!
Antithetically speaking, one authority declares; “Eat like a Cro-Magnon” and another loudly and proudly utters, “Eat like a Neandertal”, or perhaps you should consume like an ancient Norseman, what gives? But while searching for nutritional Valhalla, most folks just go astray and eat like a Modern American—and end up appearing more like a Sumo than a Samurai.
These days, we have a dissonance of expertise: lots of confusing noise from the pros drowning out the signal of truth. Where is the beacon of clarity?
Confusingly, on the surface it does appear as if today’s nutrition technology is quite advanced. After all, we have at our disposal more nutrition information than ever before. More money is being spent on nutrition research than in any time in history. Every day, impressive strides are being made in the field. Tons of nutrition experts are rising and or being eleated to prominence, fame and fortune. Yet simultaneously and quite sadly, we’re witnessing a steadily increasing rate of obesity, an increase in nutrition-related illness (Diabetes, CVD, and Syndrome X), and an increase in nutrition-related mortality.
A major contributor to the quandary is that much of the information hasn’t reached the people who need it. While another part of the predicament is that even when it does reach those people, they often don’t use it, it’s too much work. And certainly, the dilemma is multi-factorial—there are probably many more reasons than I can list here, like with anything most of the issues are cumulative and not isolated.
So I ask… How much more information do we need?
Strangely, the overwhelmingly curious thing is that many people try to solve the problem by seeking out more information. They know it all and still want more. If there’s one thing of which I am absolutely convinced, it’s that a lack of good nutrition information isn’t what prevents us from reaching our goals or attaining what we desire. We already know everything we need to know. Sometimes the real problem isn’t too little information but too much.
All the fundamental principles you need to achieve good health and optimal body composition are out there already, and have been for years. Unfortunately, with 2500 experts for every fundamental principle and very little money to be made from repeating other people’s ideas, the gurus’ must continually emphasize the small (and often relatively unimportant) differences between their diet/eating plans and the diet/eating plans of all the other experts out there.
In the world of advertising and marketing or profiteering, this is called "differentiation." By highlighting the small distinctions and fleshing out the large similarities between their program and all the others, they’re going to the mat for your next nutritional dollar.
Now…and let me be clear on this, I’m not accusing nutrition experts of quackery, I stand for unity not division! Yes, some programs are pure unadulterated rubbish, mindless drivel. Those are generally quite easy to pick out and are not worth discussion here, or in my opinion anywhere. And the truth is most professionals/experts do know what they are talking about, can get results, and wholeheartedly believe in what they’re doing. Many of the differences between them are theoretical and not practical, and on the fundamentals they generally agree completely.
In fact, many of the mainstream programs out there, if not most of them, will work. To what extent and for how long, quite obviously will vary. As long as a program is internally consistent, follows a few basic nutritional precepts, and as long as you adhere to it consistently, without hesitation, and without mixing principles haphazardly taken from other programs, you’ll get some results. It’s that simple and that hard…as you can see; results depend as much if not more on psychology as on biochemistry or physiology.
But if you’re like most people, you’ll first review all the most often discussed programs before deciding which to follow. And in this assessment, you’ll get confused, lost, and then do the inevitable. That’s right; you’ll revert back to your old, ineffectual nutrition habits.
You see, most commercial weight loss programs work in the short term (initial lean mass loss), they are not effective fat loss programs because they are deprivational by nature, which means the body is starved of a sufficient amount of daily calories to maintain proper function and the first thing that occurs is a loss of muscle tissue; translating to weight loss. But this is not the solution; no it usually is the beginning of the downward spiral of confusion and frustration.
So, let me give you something that is unbiased and unfettered…
I call these applications:
“10 Disciplines of Effective Nutrition”
These definitely are not new or innovative techniques and procedures, nor are they cutting-edge. More blatantly, they are simple, time-tested; no nonsense traditions that you need to apply when subject to an effective ingestion program.
1. The majority of your daily caloric intake should be in whole foods, except workout and post-workout drinks.
2. Always eat a complete (containing all the essential amino acids), lean protein with each meal.
3. Consume either fruits or vegetables with each meal.
4. Eliminate starchy carbohydrates from daily consumption, except morning oatmeal.
5. The majority of your carbohydrate intake should come from fruits and vegetables, with the exception of workout and post-workout drinks & meals and the morning oatmeal.
6. Do away with all simple sugars and nutrient barren carbohydrates (e.g. candy, cake, cookies, pastries and the like).
7. Make certain that 20-30% of your energy intake comes from fat, with your fat intake split equally between saturates (e.g. animal fat), monounsaturated (e.g., olive oil), and polyunsaturated (e.g. flax oil, salmon oil).
8. Drink only non-caloric beverages, the best choices being water and green tea.
9. Imbibe no less than 10, eight ounce glasses of water per day. More if you exercise and you should be exercising.
10. Consume every 2-3 hours, no matter what. You should eat between 5-8 meals per day.
Most people can achieve optimal fitness and a desired healthy body composition using the 10 disciplines alone. In fact, with a good deal of my clients at Synergy Fitness Systems, I spend the first few months just supervising their adherence to these 10 fundamentals. But, if you have explicit needs, or if you’ve reached the ninety-percentile, you may need a bit more individualization and or specific fine-tuning beyond the 10 disciplines, so feel free to call or email me.
Kurt's website as well as his Provo Utah Private Fitness Facility Synergy Fitness Systems, specializes in in providing leading edge exercise and nutrition programs and a super premium supplement line. All of these superior products offer superior results.
More about10 Disciplines of Effective Nutrition

List of High Fiber Foods and Fiber Content

Posted by luputtenan2

A list of high fiber foods helps you know which foods to include in daily meal planning. Obtaining adequate fiber is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. However, too many people do not obtain sufficient fiber each day, which results in poor bowel function and constipation. Whether obtained from the list of high fiber foods or from fiber supplements, the recommended daily fiber consumption should be about 25-30 grams for an adult. The typical adult in the USA averages about 11 grams of fiber per day according to the American Dietetic Association.
The walls of plant cells are the sources of dietary fiber. Here are typical high fiber foods along with the approximate number of grams of fiber they contain. Fiber contents shown below on the list of high fiber foods are for a food quantity of 1/2 cup unless otherwise noted:
• Bananas, 3 grams - medium 8" long
• Beans, 6-10 grams - baked beans, black beans, great northern beans, kidney beans, garbanzos, pinto beans, white beans
• Berries, 4-5 grams - blackberries, raspberries
• Bran Cereals, 5-10 grams - All-Bran, Bran Buds, 100% Bran, Raisin Bran
• Bread, 4-7 grams - 2 slices whole wheat, pumpernickel, seven-grain
• Broccoli, 4-5 grams
• Brussels Sprouts, 2 grams
• Carrots, 3-4 grams
• Dried Figs, 10 grams - 3 figs
• Fruit, 4 grams - medium apple, medium pear
• Green Beans, 2 grams - broad beans, pole beans, snap beans
• Greens, 4-6 grams - beet greens, collards, kale, spinach, turnip greens
• Lentils, 6 grams
• Lima Beans - 4-6 grams
• Peas, 7-9 grams - black-eyed peas, green peas
• Potatoes, 4-5 grams - medium baked Idaho or sweet potato
• Sweet Corn, 5 grams
Using the list of high fiber foods and including more of the foods from the list can help increase daily fiber consumption so important for normal bowel function. Also important is that adequate liquid be present for good bowel function. Each fiber particle will actually absorb liquid in the colon and help facilitate the desired regular movement along in the bowels.
If you make changes to your diet to include more of the foods from the list of high fiber foods and still are not having a daily bowel movement, you may wish to add a fiber supplement. The best fiber supplements are rice bran or psyllium made from ground-up psyllium seeds. Don't expect to notice better bowel movements overnight as it may take several weeks for your body and elimination system to improve. The payoff will be that wastes are eliminated along with the toxins from your system instead of your body reabsorbing them.
Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing
By Olinda Rola
Read more about constipation and fiber supplements easily available online. Olinda Rola is President of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of a website of natural health information and articles.
More aboutList of High Fiber Foods and Fiber Content

How to Become a Bodybuilding Champion – The Art of Eating!

Posted by luputtenan2 on Thursday, October 20, 2005

Improving your performance, conditioning or developing a champion physique in my opinion has just as much or more to do with eating as it does with physical training. You can not get good gas mileage on mediocre fuel. Sooner of later your car will pay the price in the body shop.
I became a champion bodybuilding mainly because of one mindset when it came to food, and that was balance. No matter what my calorie count had to be, at the end of the day I needed to have all the food groups in my body working together. I also needed vitamins and supplements to stay protected from injuries and colds.
Bodybuilding is an odd sport in itself and certain rules for competitive bodybuilding may seem extreme to the normal fitness buff. However, the under lying principles apply no matter where your goals fall. For the champion fitness buff eating is not only a science but an art form. You can exercise harder than anyone, you can have the best genetics, but if you do not eat appropriately and smartly, sooner rather than later your body will pay a price.
When it comes to food, the thing you want is for your foods to work in a synergistic fashion. In other words, you what them the work together and build momentum with each other. Here are some do’s and don’ts with food on the road to becoming a champion.
Banking calories:
If you are on a calorie restriction eating plan, saving your calories will end up storing fat and slowing down your metabolism. People who bank calories suffer more from a mind game than a physical need.
Restricting Good Fats: Be careful in thinking that the less fat you eat the better. Good fats are good fuel resources. Insufficient amounts of fats in your diet may cause cannibalism of the hard earned muscle.
Over Eating:
Monitor your portions of meals. Better to eat often than too much at a sitting.
Late Night Eating:
Keep late night eating to a minimum. Your only exception are foods in the protein category.
Food Synergy:
Food balancing is very important. Make sure you have a good amount of all the food types in your diet. They work better together rather than alone.
Eat Often: Bodybuilding requires a lot of fueling the muscles. When blood sugar dips calories are not burned and muscle cells are hindered in their growth process. Supplying the body with consistent streams of nutrients is a must.
Food Windows:
Within two hours after a workout there is a golden opportunity to replenish your body with food. Your body has been rung out similar to a sponge and it needs nutrients. During this time period your body will continue to burn fat at the level of your workouts if you supply it with good food in moderate portions.
Small Pre Workout Meals:
Use some form of quick energy drink or food for pre workouts.
Minerals and vitamins need to be replenished as much as energy does. Stick with the basic list of vitamins and add a supplement here and there.
Calorie Cycling:
Continue to keep your body off guard by eating different number of calories per day. This keeps your body pushing it’s envelop.
These are just a few helpful hints in helping you become a champion bodybuilder. Each of you are different and require different eating plans. However, do not get too hung up on the details.
START LOSING WEIGHT THE RIGHT WAY FOR GOOD TODAY! click here Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor’s DON’T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.
More aboutHow to Become a Bodybuilding Champion – The Art of Eating!

Natural Help for Asthma

Posted by luputtenan2 on Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Asthma is a long term inflammatory disease that affects the lungs and respiration in which inflammation and spasms of the bronchial passages slows the flow of air to and from the lungs due to increase amounts of mucus, the exact cause of asthma is unknown but it has been linked to an abnormal immune response in which attacks are thought to be brought on by stress, allergies, changes in environmental conditions, viral infections, emotions, exercise, food additives and airborne irritants. Individuals being affected by asthma have risen slowly over the past 20 years and it is thought that environmental pollution is the main cause with exposure to a wide variety of chemicals and typically exposure to cotton dust, flour dust, animal fur and smoke in a working environment. The typical symptoms of asthma are tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing.
As well as using a preventer inhaler to dampen down the symptoms of asthma other methods can be used to help the condition. Try to avoid those elements that trigger an attack, avoid dust, smoke, mould, animal dander, pollen, chemicals and food additives, keep to a vegan type diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, avoid sugar, salt, caffeine, chlorinated tap water, avoid food additives such as sulphites, tartrazine, sodium benzoate, and natural salicylates and increase oily fish in the diet such as salmon, trout, herring, mackerel, sardines and tuna. Suffers of asthma may find it beneficial to also try acupuncture and the set of breathing techniques called Buteyko.
The following supplements may help if you are suffering from asthma.
Multivitamins and minerals
Vitamin C
Evening primrose oil
Borage oil
Fish oil
Flaxseed oil
Hemp seed oil
Vitamin B6
Vitamin E
Red clover
Green tea
Extract of New Zealand green-lipped mussel
Vitamin B12
Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh
Advice for a healthier natural life
More aboutNatural Help for Asthma

Healthy Fish Recipe

Posted by luputtenan2

Fish is one of the healthiest meats that you can eat, but most people have no idea how to cook these healthy fish recipes. I am not talking about the frozen fish fillets that can be full of sodium or have other non-healthy breading on them; I am talking about fish such as salmon, tune, or mackerel.
Because of the great amount of omega-3 fatty acids these fish contain the American Heath Association recommends that you eat this sort of fish twice a week. These fish can be cooked in an array of ways that will bring a healthy but tasty fish dish to your table.
One great healthy fish recipe is Baked Salmon. This dish is easy to prepare and is sure to please even the meticulous of people at your dinner table.
For this recipe you will need:
  • 1 ounce can of salmon,
  • 8 ounces of tomato sauce,
  • ½ teaspoon of hot sauce,
  • 3 tablespoons of Miracle Whip,
  • 1 sliced tomato,
  • 1 ounce of grated low fat cheddar cheese,
  • 3 tablespoons of cream or milnot,
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder,
  • salt and pepper to taste.
Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Flake the salmon and place it into a medium sized oven pan. In a bowl, mix the tomato sauce, cream, salt, and garlic powder. Pour over the salmon. Place the tomato slices on top in a decorative manner and then scatter the cheese on top. Bake until cheese is melted.
You can try this recipe with either tuna or mackerel as well. Either type of fish will bring a delightful taste to your palate that is sure to become a family favorite. Along with your healthy fish recipe, you can prepare other green vegetables such as fresh green beans, broccoli, or Brussel sprouts. However, if want something quick, just fix a green salad.
No matter which type of fish you choose, your healthy fish recipe will be enjoyed time and time again. You may wish to try adding other vegetables such as onion, green pepper, or even zucchini for a unique and tasty treat.
Anita loves to cook and is one of the authors of and and its seafood section with tons of especially written free recipes and tips.
More aboutHealthy Fish Recipe

The Enemy of Weight Loss

Posted by luputtenan2 on Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Going out for a meal used to be something which happened only on special occasions but these days it's often a several-times-a week occurrence simply because we are too tired to cook.
If eating out is a regular event for you, avoid the temptation to treat it like an invitation to over-indulge. This is part of your regular eating pattern so you need to treat it as such. Eat only as much as you need and no more.
Occasional overeating does no harm but any level of regular overeating is bound to result in you piling on the pounds.
Having said that, you CAN eat healthily in restaurants, so if you eat out a lot, don't despair. Just plan your trip with care and set a firm intention to eat healthily before you go.
Bear in mind that the cheapest restaurant options are normally the most unhealthy. Fast food and lower end restaurants are not noted for their use of low-fat or low-calorie cooking methods or foods. So choose your restaurant with care, somewhere that you know offers a selection of healthier dishes or will prepare foods specially for you on request.
If you have to wait for your meal at the bar, avoid alcoholic drinks which can increase your appetite and lower your resolve, not to mention the empty calories they contain. Avoid fizzy drinks with your meal and ask for water instead. If you drink wine with dinner, a small glass when you go out shouldn't do too much harm in terms of calories.
Restaurants often serve huge amounts and if you know you have a tendency to clean your plate no matter how much is on it, order a small portion or a starter in place of a main course. You can even share a dish with your dinner companion. If you're in the US you can request a doggie bag - but don't try this one in Europe unless you want some very strange looks.
Avoid fried foods and those which are served in creamy or buttery sauces. Wherever possible go for plain grilled (broiled) chicken or fish and ask for any sauce to be served on the side. The same goes for salad where the dressing can turn a healthy dish into a dieter's nightmare.
Forget dessert too if you are trying to lose weight. You just don't need 300 or more extra calories on top of everything you've already eaten.
If you choose an ethnic restaurant take the time before your visit to understand the various cooking methods and ingredients in typical dishes and if you're in doubt about a particular item on the menu ask the waiter for information.
Above all, don't use eating out all the time as an excuse for not losing weight. You are the one ordering the food and no one is forcing you to eat it.
If you really can't resist when you go out, then take the time to plan, prepare and cook food at home so that you don't rely so much on restaurants. Arrange to meet friends for coffee, a sandwich or a movie rather than dinner or organise a more active outing such as a walk, shopping trip or bowling party. You are only limited by your imagination. On business trips, you can use local stores to buy healthy foods to eat in your room for at least part of your stay. The size of your expense account does not have to show up in the size of your waistline.
Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small
Janice Elizabeth is a weight loss coach, slimming club owner and author of "The Diet Exit Plan", an 8 week coaching program for natural permanent weight loss. Request her FREE 15 page report "How to lose weight without dieting - 7 secrets the diet industry doesn't want you to know" at TODAY!
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Dieting, Scams and Losing Weight

Posted by luputtenan2

I've been reading so much stuff on diets and weight loss that I've lost about 15 pounds since I just can't stand to eat anything anymore. Not protein, not carbs, not chocolate, nothing.
And I'm getting very hungry, but for what? It's astonishing how many different diets are being pushed. And then there are the pill, herb, and extract scams. A number of the fad diets are downright dangerous. Use of zero-cal sugar substitutes may not only be extremely dangerous, but there's some evidence that they may cause weight gains.
I just ran into this site set up by the FTC and the Competition Bureau of Canada to give us all a vivid lesson in how some of these scams work and the kind of claims most fraudulent diet sites use. It's well worth taking a look at: and be sure to click on the order link to see the analysis they provide of the type of claims you need to be careful of.
If you're lazy or disinclined to take a look at it, lets look at some of the usual scam tip-off claims. First, you can not lose weight by eating all the high calorie food you want. It sounds too good to be true and it is.
The only - ONLY - way to lose weight is by reducing your caloric intake and/or increasing how much you exercise to burn off the calories you take in.
Now that's annoying, but true. To lose weight you're probably going to have to both diet and exercise more.
Any plan that claims you can lose 3 pounds or more a week is either outright lying or exceptionally dangerous. Survivable, sustainable and healthy weight takes time - and effort. day
Nothing exists which blocks "fat or calorie absorption" and anything that claims to do it is an outright scam.
No weight loss product or system works for everyone. We're all different and we need different approaches.
No product can cause permanent weight loss (unless it kills you of course). Maintaining any weight loss requires a sensible diet and regular exercise.
Patches, gels and creams -- nothing that you apply to your skin has been proven to cause weight loss.
So why do we continue to fall for this kind of thing? It's actually pretty obvious. We all want an easy, fast, no pain solution to all of our problems. Scam artists use this to guarantee that what we lose is our money.
The unfortunate truth is that there is no "magic bullet" for anything. Oh, we want to believe. We want desperately to believe that we can achieve whatever our dream is without any pain or hard work. And that desire is the hook that every con is based on.
Weight loss is no different than getting rich overnight (with no work). No way. Don't be conned, if you want to and need to lose weight there a few simple things you should do. First - see your doctor and develop a reasonable diet that reduces your caloric intake and - with medical approval - start an exercise regimen.
You need to modify your lifestyle and then, to keep the weight off, you need to maintain a healthy diet and a rational exercise plan. We may all wish there were an easier way, but it doesn't exist.
Copyright 2005 Richard Keir
Richard writes on a variety of health and e-business subjects. If you're interested in low carb (be careful with this kind of diet, it may be unsafe), has recipes, articles, news and diet resources. For information and resources in general on diets and dieting visit
More aboutDieting, Scams and Losing Weight

Multivitamins For Your Child

Posted by luputtenan2 on Monday, October 17, 2005

The belief of most parents is that children are eating a fairly healthy diet and if not they give up and throw their hand up in the air. Parents then provide multivitamins. Now that they come in gumballs, gummi candies, cute animals, and cartoon character shapes, children think they are candy and giving vitamins is not a bad thing.
If they are within a child’s reach it is a serious problem because they could be taking them without your knowledge. At any suspicion that your child has taken too many call Poison Control immediately and get them to an emergency facility. Your child could become seriously ill or die from an overdose of a multivitamin with iron in it.
It is vital to keep all manner of medication out of the reach of your children. For the most part children get their vitamins from their diet but if you think they need them generic multivitamins are fine. If your child’s special needs are an allergy to dairy products or that they won’t eat them, the calcium must come from other sources.
Consulting with your child’s pediatrician will benefit your child. Even though your child’s diet may not have been great this week all that is needed is one vitamin a day. If you get too much of one vitamin it could prevent others from being absorbed by the body.
If your child for example gets an excess of calcium it could prevent the absorption of iron and other vitamins. Children’s food choices are not always healthy so you can expect to be giving your child vitamins well into their teens. Before you consider buying vitamins know that opinions vary regarding vitamins with iron for children.
One premise is that, in fact, you be giving vitamins with iron. Vitamins with iron says another school of thought, under no circumstances should be given vitamins with iron. As an infant, it was my experience, that my child was iron deficient.
My child’s doctor put him on iron fortified vitamins and he’s now healthy but always check with your doctor on this. Hemochromatosis is a disease caused by too much iron in the blood. The body can no longer utilize the iron and it is not washed out of the body easily. It may cause very serious health issues and even death.
An important part of your child’s diet is calcium that helps to build strong bones and muscles. Calcium is a mineral. Eating ice cream, cheese, and yogurt as well as drinking milk will usually provide all the calcium your child needs from their diet. There are people who don’t like dairy products and some who are allergic to them.
Helping children get what they need is easy when you give them calcium fortified juices, cereals, and vitamins. Many children get sufficient fluoride from treated tap water and bottled war or using tooth paste. Do not administer fluoride supplements to your child without first checking with his doctor.
Too much fluoride might permanently stain your child’s teeth. This will defeat totally the purpose of treating water and using fluoridated toothpaste. An eyedropper is used to administer liquid infant multivitamins. These drops usually have vitamins A, C, and D as well as added iron in them.
They might contain other vitamins and minerals such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B-12. Vitamins for children are available in chewable forms such as cartoon characters and animals. They now come in gummi candy and gumballs forms.
If your child gives you difficulty with taking his vitamins, try getting him the gumballs or the gummi candy vitamins. Never leave your child unsupervised when s/he is taking his vitamins. My own child is given his vitamins rather than allow him to take them on his own. He might take it or not or he could take way too many.
Although vitamins for children can be a good thing, too much of a good thing could be fatal. It is vital that they are kept out of the reach of children. Giving your child vitamins may offset some of the effects of not always eating right.
Your child’s diet should not be adjusted without discussing it with his pediatrician, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Vitamins with fun shapes are fine but because your child could think they are ‘candy’, they should be in a locked cabinet or kept well out of reach.
Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice for consumers on purchasing a variety of products which includes Vitamin C and Herbal Supplements, and more! His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information.
More aboutMultivitamins For Your Child

Generic Drugs & Sexual Health

Posted by luputtenan2 on Sunday, October 16, 2005

Generic drugs have illuminated the lives of millions of people worldwide. Their efficacy and cheaper price tag have made them approachable for everyone. The best part about these drugs is their viability and usefulness. They are able to provide the same benefits as compared to their branded version.
All of us are aware of the fact that love and sex are the two important ingredients of a happy marital relationship. Our sexual health is measured by our sexual prowess. To fulfill our sexual fantasies and desires, we need to possess a healthy body devoid of any physical complications. Any sort of ailment can be disastrous to our sex life and a big threat to our intimate personal relationship. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one such ailment which has ruined many a healthy relationships. But thanks to ED drugs, your problems can be taken care of very well.
ED drugs like Kamagra, Silagra and Edegra are proven breakthrough treatments available for ED, often called impotence. These wonder drugs increase the body's ability to achieve and maintain an erection during sexual stimulation. A man must be sexually stimulated to fully derive the benefits of these drugs. These pills are capable of enhancing your sexual health and shower you with sexual pleasures that you’ve never dreamt before.
A generic drug is identical, or bioequivalent to a brand name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use. Although generic drugs are chemically identical to their branded counterparts, they are typically sold at substantial discounts from the branded price.
So, if you are worried about your sexual health and feel shy to disclose your problem and worries related to ED to your near and dear ones then you can visit your doctor and opt for any of the ED generic drugs mentioned above. Believe me; your personal and sexual life will see a transformation for the better.
The author is an amateur writer focusing primarily on health related topics or on the health related research findings. For more information on Generic Viagra visit
About EDgenericpills EDgenericpills is an authentic website advertising for genuine Generic pills. In order to educate people about current Viagra researches, fake Viagra and misleading ED products, is committed to provide visitors with complete information on Generic pills, latest news, personal views, articles and discussion board on Generic pills related topics.
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Beat PMS/PMT Naturally with Nutrition

Posted by luputtenan2 on Friday, October 14, 2005

Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) or pre-menstrual tension (PMT) is common and can affect as many as one in two women. There are four sub-groups of PMS – PMS-A which main symptoms are Anxiety, irritability and insomnia, PMS-C which main symptoms are sugar cravings, increased appetite, headaches and fatigue, PMS-D which main symptoms are Depression, forgetfulness and confusion and PMS-H which main symptoms are fluid retention, weight gain, bloating and breast tenderness. PMS-A
Starting as much as two weeks before a period and slowly getting worst as the period approaches this is the most common group of symptoms.
A deficiency in B vitamins and magnesium means that the liver is less productive at breaking down oestrogen and an excess starts to build up which upsets the brain chemicals which are thought to be the cause of the PMS–A symptoms of anxiety, irritability and insomnia.
To combat PMS-A symptoms:
• Include in the diet foods that are rich in the B vitamins such as whole grains, oats, soy flour, pasta, meat, seafood, nuts, pulses, yeast extract, eggs, green leafy vegetables, poultry, oily fish, dried fruit, beans, liver, bananas, walnuts and avocado.
• Include in the diet foods rich in magnesium such as nuts, green leafy vegetables, egg yolk, peas, whole grain cereals, soy beans, seafood, seaweed products, meat and bananas.
• Constipation can cause the retention of excess oestrogen; avoid constipation by eating a high fibre diet and drinking plenty of fluids. Dietary fibre can be found in whole grain cereals, seeds, nuts, root vegetables, fruits and in supplement form – bran, psyllium seed, linseed and ispaghula husks. Fluids can be taken as mineral water, fruit juices and herbal teas.
• If symptoms are very severe then supplements of B vitamins and magnesium should be taken.
Many women find that a week before their period starts they have a craving for carbohydrates especially chocolate and sweets. These cravings are due to low blood sugar levels thought to be produced by low progesterone and high oestrogen levels.
Consuming chocolates and sweets is a temporary measure, these will raise the blood sugar level which will result in the eliminating the cravings but only for a few hours and then the cravings come back and start all over again. The body releases adrenaline to raise low blood sugar levels, these produce side effects of shaking, pounding heart and sweating.
To combat PMS-C symptoms:
• Eat little and often, six little meals during the day instead of three.
• Avoid alcohol, sweets and chocolates as these will in the long run lower blood sugar levels.
• To keep a more stable blood sugar level and to stop the levels dropping to sharply, eat plenty of high fibre foods such as whole grain cereals, seeds, nuts, root vegetables, fruits and take in supplement form any of the following – bran, psyllium seed, linseed and ispaghula husks.
• Consume large amounts of magnesium food such as nuts, green leafy vegetables, egg yolk, peas, whole grain cereals, soy beans, seafood, seaweed products, meat and bananas.
• To ease the symptoms of a shaking and pounding heart cut down on caffeine beverages such as tea and coffee and other stimulants such as smoking.
• Research has shown that Chromium influence blood sugar levels. Consume foods that are rich in chromium such as mushrooms, egg yolk, cheese, fruit and fruit juices, honey, vegetables, black pepper, thyme, red meat, chicken, shrimps and whole grain cereals.
Often, a few days before a period starts, depression sets in normally followed by anxiety symptoms. The depression is caused by the upset of brain chemicals caused by the low oestrogen levels.
To combat PMS-C symptoms:
• Eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin B6 such as liver, whole grains, meat, oily fish, soy products, nuts especially walnuts, bananas, green leafy vegetables, avocado, egg yolk, wheat bran, wheat germ, kidney, cantaloupe and cabbage.
• Consume plenty of foods rich in vitamin B3 such as liver, lean meat, whole wheat products, oily fish, eggs, roasted peanuts, poultry, avocados, dates, figs and prunes. Foods rich in zinc, magnesium and iron are also beneficial as they help the body excrete lead which has been linked to blocking the effects of oestrogen. Foods rich in zinc are red meat, seafood, whole grains, offal, pulses, eggs, cheese, brewer’s yeast, pumpkin seeds and ground mustard. Foods rich in magnesium are figs, lemons, grapefruit, corn, almonds, nuts, seeds, dark green vegetables, apples, soy beans, seafood, seaweed products, meat and eggs. Foods rich in iron are shellfish, red meats, sardines, wheat germ, wholemeal bread, egg yolk, green vegetables, dried fruit, pork liver, beef kidney, oysters, nuts, beans, asparagus and oatmeal.
• Counselling or psychiatric help may be needed in severe cases of depression and anxiety.
The brain chemicals become affected when oestrogen levels are high and progesterone levels are too low, one of these brain chemicals increases levels of a hormone called aldosterone. Aldosterone controls the amount of water and salt the adrenal glands produce and the amount the kidneys retain.
Bloating and weight gain occurs when the body retains too much salt and water when there is an excess amount of Aldosterone.
• Avoid refined carbohydrates such as whit bread and flour and eat a diet rich in fibre. High fibre foods are whole grain cereals, seeds, nuts, root vegetables, fruits and fibre supplements are bran, psyllium seed, linseed and ispaghula husks.
• Salt encourages water retention so it needs to be cut out, use plenty of herbs instead to give flavour.
• Avoid salty foods such as salted peanuts and crisps.
• Consume large amounts of mineral water. Water in fact acts as a diuretic which increases the amount of urine the kidneys produce thus riding the body of salt and water. It does not increase bloating.
• Mild diuretics such as watermelon, cucumber, camomile, thyme, parley and raspberry leaf tea and herbal diuretics can relive bloating.
• Bloating can also be relived by vitamin B6, foods rich in vitamin B6 are liver, whole grains, meat, oily fish, soy products, nuts especially walnuts, bananas, green leafy vegetables, avocado, egg yolk, wheat bran, wheat germ, kidney, cantaloupe and cabbage.
The following supplements may help if you are suffering from PMS/PMT.
Vitamin B6 – start off with one 40mg tablet after an evening meal, if this is not sufficient try 50mg tablet twice daily in the next menstrual cycle. This still does not help then increase up to 200 mg daily dose in each menstrual cycle. Extra vitamin B6 is needed if the patient is a smoker, on the pill or drinks alcohol regularly.
The tablets should be taken three days before the onset of PMS symptoms and stopped two days into the period. Do not take over 200mg of vitamin B6 daily as side effects may occur.
Vitamin B complex – to be taken daily following the instructions on the pack.
Magnesium - to be taken daily following the instructions on the pack.
Zinc – 30 - 50 mg daily for 3 months then 15 mg daily as maintenance
Evening primrose oil - Evening primrose oil is very good at relieving premenstrual breast pain, Evening primrose oil is available on NHS prescription for the treatment of sore breasts. Take a capsule with or after food.
Vitamin E - to be taken daily following the instructions on the pack. Some women find that vitamin E supplements are helpful, particularly for PMS–D symptoms.
Other therapies a woman suffering from PMS symptoms may want to try are Herbalism, Chinese medicine, Aromatherapy, Homeopathy and acupuncture.
Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh
Advice for a healthier natural life
More aboutBeat PMS/PMT Naturally with Nutrition